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WBL Journal #1

Instructions: Respond to each of the following questions with a complete sentence. You may receive if
a 100 if your answers show effort and quality. Please answer each prompt with at least one complete

Part 1: Explain your experience with job-hunting this summer for Work Based Learning. Explain the
struggles and successes you faced and how you believe they contributed to your current situation. If you
already had a job, explain why you stayed at this job for your WBL experience and how you plan to grow
at your current job over the course of the semester.
- While job searching for Work Based Learning I was looking into physical therapy. It was very
difficult because of Covid, because most of the physical therapy places were not accepting
interns. The places that were accepting interns never emailed or called me back. Once I had
decided to get a regular job so I could get my ours my family and I had gotten Covid a week apart
and I could not plan any interviews. Once my family and I were negative and our quarantine was
done I applied to places close to me and also places I had heard other people worked at, so I
knew what I could expect from it. I ended up applying and getting hired at Dunkin Donuts.

Part 2: What are your expectations for Work Based Learning this semester? What do you hope to
achieve from your placement? How do you believe your time in the WBL program will help you to grow
- I expect for Work Based Learning to be straight forward and low maintenance on the school side
of things. I think that having my first job will be great and that it will help me learn what it is like
to work with other people as well as customers. I think WBL will help me grow professionally by
one, giving me experience with teamwork, time management, planning, as well as allowing me
to add a new job (basically my only one) to my resume. I hope to achieve a better understanding
of how the real world is like and have a little taste of the stress of having a job, especially with
school happening simultaneously.

Part 3: List three soft skills you would like to improve this semester? How do you plan to implement
these skills at your place of work?
- Conflict Resolution; This could be implemented if there is a customer who has received a drink
or food that they have not liked, a service that was not ideal or any other conflict. My job had
trained me on ways to resolve the conflict in a safe way.
- Adaptability; This has to do with the change of people I am going to be around, the change in my
schedule, maybe having to do something different at work (take orders, window, making drinks,
making food, stocking, etc.)
- Social Skills; I will obviously have to communicate with people at my jobs, whether it is a
coworker or a customer. Having a positive attitude and being able to get along with others by
listening, being cooperative, and having positive nonverbal and verbal communication can help
keep the day running smooth.

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