Final Evaluación - Business

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Business Trends – 1476
Final Evaluation-The Most Successful Business Trends in the
last 2 years

Saldaña Rodríguez, Deisy Giovanna

⮚ Aguilar Inga, Cindy Mareille
⮚ Cava Bazán, Angie Verónica
⮚ Izquierdo Pérez, Katherine Daiana
⮚ Paucar Arenas, Michael Antony
⮚ Ríos Rodriguez, Leyther Stiwar
⮚ Sánchez Cabanillas, Jorge Eduardo

Trujillo – Peru




Artificial intelligence in companies is making its way, although its implementation is still
very scarce. It provides benefits in all its processes, thanks in part to its interrelation with
new technological innovations, such as augmented reality or the Internet of things.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be

understood as the ability of machines to
perform tasks that often require the
involvement of human intelligence. In this
sense, AI has helped reduce the working
day. In this way, a working day from the
70s is now completed by a worker in just
an hour and a half. This is indicated by a
study by the Adecco Group Institute.

The growth of artificial intelligence in companies although its presence is still very incipient,
artificial intelligence is making its way into all business processes. The consulting firm
Gartner highlights in one of its latest reports that in the year 2025 the use of AI will be
widespread and will lead the technological investment of companies. Its importance in
companies and its hegemonic role in the short and medium term is clear.

But in reality, the application of smart technology to the company is not something new. It
has always been carried out, although on different scales, based on the automation of work
processes in factories. The key to its implementation today is teaching those machines to
solve problems and make decisions more or less autonomously. To achieve this, it is based
on four pillars:

 Genetic algorithms. Similar to the sequence of steps with which DNA is formed.
 Artificial neural networks. With connection nodes that simulate the human brain.
 Logic reasoning. Comparable to abstract thought.
 Search for the requested state. Choosing between the different possibilities,
something similar to the decisions that a chess player must evaluate before making
a move.

As is evident, the development of this technology is much more complex than designing a
series of protocols for the movement of a machine in a typical production line. Hence, the
applications for the different industries are also very specific. This slows down its
implementation, because it is not as simple as acquiring a new robot or a production

Due to the importance of its development, the possibilities of use in each sector are the
object of attention by the directors of large corporations. However, there is still no decided
strategy for its implementation in most companies.

The social impact of AI in companies:

The increase in the performance of workers and the productive capacity of companies
seems to be the main benefit of the implementation of artificial intelligence. Teaching
machines to take care of routine processes will help workers make better use of their

time. But the great benefit expected from this technology has to do with the
improvement in the development of business strategies. On the ground, the tasks that
are most related to AI are those of information exchange and the analysis of
unstructured data. To a lesser extent, they will be useful in manual skills or real-time
problem solving.

a) Improvement of the quality of life of workers

As was the case when the robotization of industry began, AI will allow people to
develop less mechanical capabilities. In the long term, it will make emotional factors,
creativity, intuition or imagination more important. In the performance of their tasks,
each worker will feel that they contribute something different from the rest and may
feel more valued.

b) Better knowledge of customers

The implementation of intelligent computer programs will serve to provide better

automated responses to customer demands. They will also be useful to get to know
them better and to design loyalty strategies. This is already being put into practice, for
example, by the latest enterprise resource planning systems, called ERP for short.

c) Better knowledge of the products themselves

The analysis of large amounts of data enabled by AI and its various applications not only
makes it possible to manage a large volume of customers, but also the products offered
to them. Knowing in depth all the details of each item, its storage, distribution and sale
is an essential aid for companies in the 21st century. Artificial intelligence will simplify
all data control and management processes to provide relevant information in real

d) Influence on the labor market

Human resource experts believe that new AI-based technologies are not going to
increase unemployment. What does seem inevitable is that workers will have to update
because some occupations will disappear and others will emerge. That is, the net
number of jobs will remain approximately the same, what will change is the type of
employment. Thus, age and training will be two key aspects to find a job, even more so
than today.

e) Reasoning, understanding and interaction

The three main areas of AI for companies are reasoning, understanding and interaction.
Reasoning is used in applications to extract relevant information from data. The
understanding applies to the interpretation of data that is used, for example, for the
facial recognition of a user using his photograph stored in the cloud. This is already
being applied by the multinational Uber.

Little by little, it is possible to glimpse what the company of the future will be like in the
medium term and how the new intelligent technologies will affect the performance of
its workers. Designing better strategies, standing out from the competition or getting to
know customers and the products themselves better are some of the benefits. Nothing
insignificant will be the impact on the lives of employees and on the reconfiguration of
the labor marke.


A chatbot is software that simulates a

real conversation with a person,
thanks to an interface that is built
with keywords and is based on
repeated interactions between users
and brands on websites, messengers
such as WhatsApp or Telegram, and

There is a wide variety of chatbots,

from simple ones that only answer
general frequently asked questions to more sophisticated ones that learn as people interact
with them. That is, they can be created by means of a series of rules (in the same way as a
decision tree) or with artificial intelligence (AI).

a) Chatbots features: Whether they use artificial intelligence or not, chatbots tend to
have some common characteristics:

⮚ They are available at any time: It doesn't matter what day of the week or what time a
person connects to the website, WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger: the chatbot will
answer the queries for which it was programmed when someone requests it.
⮚ They are configured according to the personality of the brand: The ones that are
programmed with artificial intelligence have more possibilities to personalize and
adapt (as you have more interactions).
⮚ They are immediately identified as chatbots. When a person starts a conversation
and the chatbot is activated, one of the first messages you send, so that there is no
confusion, must clarify that it is a chatbot.
⮚ They have a natural language: Or at least that is the intention. If the chatbot has
artificial intelligence, it will be easier for the conversation to feel more fluid and even
recognize the intention of the phrases it receives from users. If this is not the case,
the programmed messages are created with a specific tone and language that, as we
already mentioned, are in accordance with the brand and the type of clients that
interact with it.
⮚ They are clear and brief when giving instructions or presenting options: This is key,
because a chatbot should make customer service work as agile and simple as
possible, so the messages should not lead to confusion or complicate a few-stage
process, such as making a purchase or consulting information. of a product.

b) Advantages of chatbots:

⮚ You can provide care to an unlimited number of people in different parts of the world
and at all hours.
⮚ They are a good way to show that you are interested in supporting those who
approach your company, and that you are looking for innovative solutions to achieve
⮚ It helps you capture relevant information in a more friendly way in the context of a
⮚ You concentrate customer service efforts, letting the simplest cases be managed with
a chatbot.
⮚ You increase the channels in which people can interact, thus offering more variety for
different profiles and expectations.

Before making any decision about a chatbot, it is worth considering if it is the solution
you need for your project, business or brand.

c) Types of chatbot:

⮚ Simple chatbots: This artificial intelligence software works based on a series of

commands and keywords (previously “prepared”). If the user asks a question without
using that keyword, the "robot" will not be able to understand it and will respond by
inviting another question.
⮚ Smart Chatbots: They are a category of higher level and complexity. Designed in line
with the concepts and philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, it does not work based on
questions or keywords. Live chat responds with suggestions or ideas on the typed
text. It is a step further by offering a wide variety of dialogue streams and providing a
more natural and "human" experience.


Voice search and smart speakers is technology that allows users to perform an Internet
search by asking a question verbally on a smartphone, smart device, or computer instead of
using the traditional method of typing the query into a search box... A query is answered by
a search engine or digital assistant.

Voice search domains today are not limited to basic tasks such as browsing, Q&A, playlist
management or phone calls but also activities such as shopping, email management, of
calendars and many more. Voice search is not just a thing of the future but the present and
statistics show that it is becoming part of everyday life.
The most used voice assistants

•Google Home
•Amazon Echo/Alexa
•Google Assistant
• Siri
• Cortana
• Bixby

Data on searches in voice assistants

Several consultants specialized in technology and strategy such as Gartner or Search Engine
Watch have already brought to light the forecasts about what the future of the voice
assistant in our lives will be.

 By 2020, 50% of all Internet searches will be based on voice.

 According to Gartner, by 2020, 30% of all searches will be performed using a device
without a screen.
 Voice search queries are longer than regular text-based searches and tend to be
three to five words in length, explains Campaign live
 According to Location World, 240% of adults now use mobile voice search at least
once a day.
 20% of adults use mobile voice search at least once a month according to The Web
 20% of searches on a mobile device are based on voice.
 25% of queries on Android devices are voice-based.
 As reported by Citrus bits, 55% of teens use voice search on a daily basis.
 Search Engine Watch reports that voice-based searches using a mobile phone are 3
times more likely to be location-specific.

What is the future of voice assistants?

We are witnessing how voice assistants are going to give a lot to talk about in the coming
years. In fact, we have news that predicts that augmented reality will complement voice
assistants and how this technology will also reach operating rooms to improve operations
and the work of surgeons.


Learn to manage projects and develop products with agile methods in the digital company
In an article published by the American magazine Inc., he talks about the forecasts that Dag
Kittles, the co-founder of Siri, has about the use of smart speakers or smart speakers.


Until now, people haven't used voice devices much because the tasks they can do have
been so limited. For example, most people use voice assistants to look up an address, start
a call, dictate a text, or set an alarm. Kittles says that in the near future you will be able to
interact with more phone apps as well as more devices at home and work. With machine
learning there will be personalization, habits and preferences that will make devices even
more useful.
According to the expert, in the future it will be possible to order pizza or tune a guitar
through an application with a built-in voice assistant.


There are still some questions to be resolved before voice assistants are adopted
everywhere. One of the main concerns is privacy since the device listens to our voice.
Kittles notes that the device would only wake up when it hears the word "wake up," such as
"Hey Siri," "Hey Google," or "Alexa." In short: the devices would not be recording our

The expert acknowledges that the real danger to privacy does not come from the creators
of virtual assistants but from hackers who could break into our devices and use them to spy
on us.


The voice will be essential because it will make many tasks easier for us: we can speak
faster than we write. Voice assistants will appear in many aspects of our lives: cars, work,
home, hotels and restaurants. Kittles says his new version of Bixby will soon be available on
more than a billion Samsung-enabled devices.
Voice assistants are going to be more and more present in our lives. Innovation allows its
application in different habits and scient



The metaverse is a concept of a persistent

online 3D universe that combines multiple
different virtual spaces. You can think of
this as a future version of the Internet.
The metaverse will allow users to work,
meet, play and socialize together in these
3D spaces.

The metaverse does not exist at all, but

some platforms contain elements similar
to those of a metaverse. Video games
currently offer the closest metaverse
experience there is. Developers have
pushed the boundaries of what a game is by organizing in-game events and creating virtual

Although not required, cryptocurrencies can be ideal for a metaverse. They allow to create
a digital economy with different types of utility tokens and virtual collectibles (NFTs). The
metaverse would also benefit from the use of crypto wallets, such as Trust Wallet and Meta
Mask. Furthermore, blockchain technology can provide transparent and trustworthy
governance systems.


The connections between the financial, virtual and physical worlds have become
increasingly linked. The devices we use to manage our lives give us access to almost
anything we want at the touch of a button. The crypto ecosystem has not escaped this
either. NFTs, blockchain games and crypto payments are no longer limited to just crypto
geeks. They are all now readily available as part of a developing metaverse.

What is the definition of a metaverse?

The metaverse is a concept of an online 3D virtual space that connects users in all aspects
of their lives. It would connect multiple platforms, similar to the Internet containing
different websites accessible through a single browser.

The concept was developed in Neal Stephenson's science fiction novel Snow Crash.
However, while the idea of a metaverse was once fiction, it now looks like it could be a
reality in the future.

The metaverse will be powered by augmented reality, with each user controlling a
character or avatar. For example, you can take a mixed reality meeting with an Oculus VR
headset in your virtual office, finish work and relax in a blockchain-based game, then
manage your crypto portfolio and finances all within the metaverse.

Why are video games linked to the metaverse?

Due to the emphasis on 3D virtual reality, video games offer the closest metaverse
experience today. However, this point is not just because they are 3D. Video games now
offer services and features that carry over to other aspects of our lives. The Roblox video
game even hosts virtual events like concerts and meetups. Players no longer just play the
game; they also use it for other activities and parts of their lives in "cyberspace". For
example, in the multiplayer game Fortnite, 12.3 million players participated in Travis Scott's
virtual music tour within the game.

How do cryptocurrencies fit into the metaverse?

The games provide the 3D aspect of the metaverse, but they don't cover everything that is
needed in a virtual world that can cover all aspects of life. Crypto can offer the other key
parts needed, such as digital proof of ownership, transfer of value, governance, and
accessibility. But what exactly do they mean?
If in the future we all work, socialize and even buy virtual items in the metaverse, we would
need a secure way to prove ownership. We should also feel safe transferring these items
and money around the metaverse. Finally, we should also want to play a role in the
decision-making that takes place in the metaverse if this is going to be such a big part of our
The key aspects of blockchain suitable for the metaverse are:

1. Digital proof of ownership:

By owning a wallet with access to your private keys, you can instantly prove ownership of
an activity or an asset on the blockchain. For example, you can display an exact transcript of
your transactions on the blockchain while you're at work to show accountability.

2. Digital collectability:

Just as we can establish who owns something, we can also prove that an item is original
and unique. For a metaverse looking to incorporate more real-life activities, this is

3. Transfer of value:

A metaverse will need a way to securely transfer value that users trust. Game currencies in
multiplayer games are less secure than cryptocurrencies on a blockchain

4. Governance:

The ability to control the rules of your interaction with the metaverse should also be
important to users. In real life, we can have the right to vote in companies and elect leaders
and governments.

5. Accessibility:

The creation of a wallet is open to anyone around the world on public blockchains. Unlike a
bank account, you do not need to pay money or provide any information.

6. Interoperability:

Blockchain technology continuously improves the compatibility between different

platforms. Projects like Polkadot (DOT) and Avalanche (AVAX) allow creating custom
blockchains that can interact with each other.

5. Telecommuting

Telecommuting is an employment arrangement in which the employee works outside of the

employer's office. Often this means working from home or at a location close to home, such as
a coffee shop, library, or co-working space.

When you telecommute, you work outside of an organization's brick-and-mortar location, and
you usually use technology to help you do your job and connect with your employer or

Many industries—including - sales, publishing, customer service, and marketing - offer

telecommuting jobs. Many office jobs and positions in technology (including computer and
software programming) can also be done via telecommuting.

Some medical professionals, including health claims analysts and even some radiologists, have
begun to work from home.

How Telecommuting Works


Rather than traveling to the office, the employee uses telecommunication to keep in touch
with coworkers and employers. These can include telephone, online chat programs, video
meeting platforms, and email. For office workers, technology (such as Slack and Zoom) has
made working from home easier. Access to WiFi can help make communications virtually
seamless. The worker may occasionally enter the office to attend meetings in-person and
touch base with the employer, however, with many options for distance conferencing, there's
sometimes no need to visit the office. Some employees telecommute full-time, while others
may work remotely for part of the week and goin to the office for the remainder of the week.
Pros and Cons of Telecommuting


 Flexibility

 Saves money

 Employee satisfaction


 More possible distractions

 Can be difficult to "unplug"

 Loneliness

Greater flexibility: Telecommuting gives workers greater freedom over their work hours and
work location. It also gives the employee more flexibility to balance work and personal
obligations, such as school pick-up or caring for an ill family member. Less travel time also
usually means there's more time to attend to personal matters.

Saves money: Remote work can save both an employee and employer money. Companies can
save money on everything related to running an office, and employees can save money on
commuting. And if the employer pays for WiFi, phone service, or other utilities related to
telecommuting, then the employee can save money on that, as well.

Employee satisfaction: Full-time remote workers say they're happy in their jobs 22% more
than people who don't work remotely. For employers, this usually translates to higher
retention rates.

More possible distractions: People working from home may become easily distracted by
things like children, pets, other people, or roommates. Working out of a coffee shop or a
similar location can be distracting, as well.

Can be difficult to "unplug": Those working from home may see the lines between work time
and personal time blur, making it more difficult to stop working at the end of the day. They
also run the risk of working during off-hours.

Loneliness: Some people may find working from home to be a bit isolating because they're not
around coworkers. This is especially true for people who live alone.


The main teleworking tools according to the activities to be carried out are:

1. Communications between work teams. Including the replacement of face-to-face meetings

with video meetings. Slack and Microsoft Teams.

2. Video calls and video meetings. Actually, it is part of communications, but it is so important
that we must give it its own section. SKype, Zoom and Google Meets.

3. Task and project management. Covering the efficient management of remote teams. Trello,
Asana, Todoist, Bitrix.

4. Remote management of documents and files. Including telecommuting and concurrent

editing and review of reports, spreadsheets and the like. That also means secure file
synchronization and file backup. Google Docs, Office 365 and Notion.

5. File sync and backup. Again, it could be included in the previous point, but again it is so
important that it deserves a mention of its own. Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft Drive.

Key Takeaways

 Telecommuting involves working outside of a brick-and-mortar office and using

technology to do your job.

 It's also known as teleworking, e-commuting, and working remotely.

 Many types of employers allow telecommuting.

 Some people telecommute full time, while others do only for a percentage of their
work week.


One of the business trends in recent years is the internet of

things, this can be used to achieve the automation of
processes, being executed by various objects in both business
and domestic sectors.

The internet of things can be applied in any opportunity: For

the somatization of homes, because it can help the air
conditioning, lighting and security.


 Ability to connect to the network: this is the main advantage it offers, due to the ability
it has to connect to the Internet, achieving access to everything.

 Example: The connection to the Internet from a television to be able to see the

 Exchange of information quickly and in real time: This refers to the exchange of
information that is done quickly and in real time.

 Example: Being able to alert the police automatically when we see a problem.

 Energy saving: Energy saving, by monitoring and automating processes, managing to

carry out in a more controlled way, thus achieving a lower consumption and achieving
greater savings.

 Example: We find it in the automation of air conditioning in homes and other buildings.

 More sustainable processes: Allows greater savings by promoting better use of

resources, achieving greater sustainability, because they use the resources that will
only be used.

 Communication with the direct environment: The IoT allows direct communication
with the immediate environment.

 Example: We can open and close doors from our cell phone, receive useful information
regardless of our location.

Disadvantages of the Internet of Things

 The information is not encrypted: The information is not so encrypted, achieving as a

consequence that it is easily accessible, thus achieving digital security problems,
achieving that the system is hacked and we have a data theft.

 It requires a previous investment in technology: It requires a previous investment so

that it can work; we need to acquire the devices with the necessary technology so that
they can connect to the Internet.

 Reduction of privacy: When considering the use of objects with IoT technology is the
reduction of privacy, due to the fact that public spaces are opened, this can pose
serious problems.

 Example: When installing the security system, you may run the risk that the
cameras are not used correctly.

 Technological divide: A disadvantage is that it deepens the digital divide, the problem
of choosing which people can access technology and which cannot. This is notorious
when comparing internet access between various countries, urban and rural

 Lack of compatibility: Lack of compatibility between some devices, due to the fact that
IoT systems are not standardized and as a consequence certain device do not work


 The new trends that Business Intelligence brings for this 2022 are innovative, which
allows companies to bet on these new functionalities and data analysis, achieving
more personalized attention to their customers and consumers.

 Achieving a clear road map, because through these technologies the society of an
increasingly connected and informed citizen is being forged, with a key and essential
role of companies, of all sizes and dimensions, in this transformation and seeking more
and more free and open-source solutions.

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