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Topic: Pollution and Degradation of Freshwater Systems

Delegation: Israel

Pollution and Degradation of Freshwater Systems

Pollution and degradation of freshwater systems has been an issue the world has
vigorously combated for years. Despite these efforts, new technological developments have
threatened the progress society has made. While this issue mainly affects developing countries
caused by the lack of infrastructure, the problem is still in vital need of a solution. In the past,
society hasn’t understood the gravity of this issue and how it impacts lives. This ignorance has
caused people to leave a lasting negative impact on the environment. For example, pesticides
often travel through runoff into watersheds, where the chemicals can affect the wildlife; one
example is eutrophication which can devastate freshwater ecosystems(background guide). Not to
mention the effects it has on humans. According to the World Health Organization, some
829,000 people are estimated to die each year from dysentery as a result of unsafe drinking
water, sanitation, and hand hygiene.

Israel has faced several water pollution issues in the last few years, not to mention they
have been going through a major drought. Now new flame retardants have appeared in
freshwater systems all over Israel in high concentrations, and though it has not caused any major
damage yet, Israeli officials fear that soon it will begin to take a toll on people’s health (Rinat,
2020). Israel in addition, had problems with contaminated wells and water contaminated with
saline. Besides that, Israel's water is mostly uncontaminated and safe to drink. Israel had to shut
down almost 200 government-owned wells in 2014 due mainly to nitrate, chloride, and bacteria
pollution, leading to an increase in cost for water (Fanack Water, 2015). In addition, Israel
developed a group to help their water economy. The Water Authority works together with the
Water Authority Council forum to regulate water resources and to provide long- and short-term
water requirements for the State of Israel.( [2]Israel currently leads the world
in alternative water technology. The state is in the process of developing the resources (land,
energy, water network) necessary to provide the majority of potable water from desalination and
the majority of agricultural water from effluent.The government works with the private sector to
finance desalination projects by appointing private companies to construct and operate the
desalination plants according to Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) schemes (Fig. 8).

Pollution and degradation of freshwater systems has been an issue the world has
vigorously combated for years. In the past, society hasn’t understood the gravity of this issue and
how it impacts lives. This ignorance has caused people to leave a lasting negative impact on the
environment. In Israel, pollution of freshwater systems is a concerning issue the country is faced
with. Israel has been in a drought for four consecutive years and most recently has been
struggling to keep their limited water sources clean. “The increase in demand for water for
domestic uses, caused by population growth and the rising standard of living, together with the
need to supply water pursuant to international undertakings have led to over-utilization of its
renewable water sources,” says the Israel Ministry of Foreign affairs, “In recent years however,
the situation has developed into a crisis so severe that it is feared that by the next summer it may
be difficult to adequately supply municipal and household water requirements. The deficit has
also led to the qualitative deterioration of potable aquifer water resources that have, in part,
become either of brackish quality or otherwise become polluted.” Israel currently leads the
world in alternative water technology such as water purification and recycling, as well as in
desalination. In fact, roughly 93% of Israel’s wastewater is now purified (COHEN, Jerusalem
Post). For Israel, however, these issues remain very minimal due to the urgent and helpful efforts
from privately owned corporations. Currently, Israel leads the world in alternative water
technology such as water purification and recycling, as well as in desalination plants. With
cooperation from private entities, the Israeli government has been able to invest a total of $5
billion into the building of these plants.. The desalination plants have proven very successful in
purifying water for the Israeli people, however the costs of these plants is not sustainable. In
order to relieve the cost of the infrastructure, this delegation suggests the formation of a coalition
that works to gain funding for these desalination plants with the goal of making it a widely used
system across the globe. The coalition would receive funding in the form of donations and
potentially money from tax payer dollars, however this is still open to debate. This delegation is
hopeful that this body will work collaboratively and effectively to come up with the best solution
to this issue.


FreshMUN 2022: Pollution and Degradation of Freshwater Systems

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