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7, 2021



The Role of the Left Septal Fascicle in

Fascicular Arrhythmias
Clinical Presentation and Laboratory Evaluation

José M. Sanchez, MD,a,* Satoshi Higuchi, MD,b,* Tomos E. Walters, MBBS, PHD,b Vasanth Vedantham, MD, PHD,b
Henry Hsia, MD,b Edward P. Gerstenfeld, MD,b Nitish Badhwar, MBBS,c Mariana Albona, MD,d Mario Njeim, MD,d
Melvin M. Scheinman, MDb


OBJECTIVES This study describes a series of cases best explained by invoking the left septal fascicle (LSF) as a critical
component of the arrhythmia circuit.

BACKGROUND Numerous anatomic studies have shown evidence of the LSF, but its precise role in the onset of
arrhythmia is unclear.

METHODS This paper presents 5 cases that implicated the LSF as a critical component of arrhythmogenesis.

RESULTS The first case had ventricular fibrillation repeatedly documented after a single premature atrial complex,
produced left-sided conduction delay and simultaneous earliest activation of the left anterior fascicle (LAF) and left
posterior fascicle (LPF). The LSF was ablated, resulting in an arrhythmia cure. The second case showed narrow QRS
morphology during fascicular re-entrant tachycardia. The earliest mid-septal diastolic potentials had distal-to-
proximal activation suggesting an LSF as a retrograde common pathway. The third case, with multiple ectopic
Purkinje-related premature complexes exhibited earliest Purkinje potentials in the mid-septum, with subsequent
anterograde activation of the LAF and LPF. Ablation of the LSF eliminated the premature ventricular complexes
(PVCs). The fourth case demonstrated LPF and LAF PVCs. The His-left bundle activation showed earliest potentials at
the proximal insertion of the left bundle during LPF PVCs, as well as a distal-to-proximal activation pattern
during LAF PVC, suggestive of LSF involvement. The fifth case had focal non–re-entrant fascicular beats successfully
ablated over the LSF.

CONCLUSIONS Involvement of the LSF is suspected with presentation of multiform fascicular and narrow
QRS complex ventricular episodes of arrhythmia. Diagnoses and ablation require detailed mapping of the entire
left sided conduction system. (J Am Coll Cardiol EP 2021;7:858–70) © 2021 by the American College of
Cardiology Foundation.

I diopathic fascicular episodes of arrhythmia typi-

cally involve re-entry within the conduction
system in structurally normal hearts. Histologic
analysis of the left ventricular (LV) conduction
3 fascicles: anterior, posterior, and septal (1,2). The
left septal fascicle (LSF) can originate directly from
the left bundle (LB) or from tributaries from the left
anterior fascicle (LAF) and left posterior fascicle
system in humans has shown that it is composed of (LPF) before arborizing into a network that inserts

From the aSection of Cardiac Electrophysiology, Division of Cardiology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora,
Colorado, USA; bSection of Cardiac Electrophysiology, Division of Cardiology, University of California-San Francisco, San Fran-
cisco, California, USA; cSection of Cardiac Electrophysiology, Division of Cardiology, Stanford University Medical Center, San
Francisco, California, USA; and the dSection of Cardiac Electrophysiology, Division of Cardiology, Saint Joseph University, Hotel-
Dieu de France Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon. *Drs. Sanchez and Higuchi contributed equally to this work.
William Stevenson, MD, served as Guest Editor-in-Chief for this paper.
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the Author Center.

Manuscript received September 24, 2020; revised manuscript received November 24, 2020, accepted December 16, 2020.

ISSN 2405-500X/$36.00

JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 7, NO. 7, 2021 Sanchez et al. 859
JULY 2021:858–70 Arrhythmias of the Left Septal Fascicle

into the left mid septum (2). Careful mapping studies involvement. A duodecapolar catheter was ABBREVIATIONS

in humans have defined the trifascicular specialized positioned on the LPF and then on the LAF, AND ACRONYMS

conduction system (3,4). The LSF is characterized by where a stereotypical pattern of pleiomorphic
Abl = ablation catheter ms
a significant reduction in conduction velocity attrib- ventricular beats were observed with atrial
CS = coronary sinus
uted to regional distribution of gap junctions and a extrastimuli (Figure 2). The initial activation
HV = His-ventricular
load mismatch caused by intense branching of Pur- of the LPF following the premature atrial
kinje fibers (5), and conceivably, conduction slowing stimulus (A 2) was proximal-to-distal, with LAF = left anterior fascicle

or blockage may result in a propensity for re-entrant LAF potentials recorded slightly later. The LB = left bundle

fascicular tachycardias involving the LSF (6,7). second ventricular beat after A 2 exhibited LPF = left posterior fascicle

Fascicular tachycardia events that rely on the LSF eccentric activation in both the LPF and the LSF = left septal fascicle

are challenging to identify and, apart from upper LAF. The earliest potential in the LAF was LV = left ventricular
septal fascicular tachycardias, there are rare reports identical in timing to that in the LPF PAC = premature atrial
implicating the role of the septal fascicle (7–11). This (Figure 2A, dotted line). It was hypothesized complex

series presents 5 cases of fascicular episodes of that A2 resulted in a block of the septal PVC = premature ventricular

arrhythmia that are best explained by involvement fascicle as well as an anterograde conduction complex

of the LSF as a critical component of the arrhythmia delay of the LAF and LPF, thereby allowing VF = ventricular fibrillation

circuit. This report emphasizes the importance of sus- subsequent retrograde septal activation. The VH = ventricular-Hisian

pecting the LSF involvement when patients present previously observed clinical VT (Figure 1A) VN = ventricular-nodal

with multiform fascicular beats. In addition, the was then able to be induced. Serial entrain- VT = ventricular tachycardia
importance of careful mapping of the trifascicular ment resulted in progressive fusion thus
system is emphasized. confirming a re-entrant mechanism consistent with
LPF VT (Supplemental Figure 1).
METHODS Linear ablation across the LPF then proceeded, and
a subcutaneous implantable cardiac-defibrillator was
Five cases were collected from April 1, 2018, to inserted. The patient was discharged and subse-
September 1, 2019. These cases were treated at 3 quently presented with an implantable cardiac-
centers: University of California at San Francisco, defibrillator shock. Device interrogation showed an
Stanford University Medical Center, and Saint Joseph episode of PAC-induced VF (Supplemental Figure 2).
University in Beirut, Lebanon. The ablative procedure He returned to the electrophysiology laboratory at
was left to the discretion of the treating physician. which point VT/VF remained inducible following a
Medical records were retrospectively reviewed to single atrial extrastimulus. An ablation procedure was
obtain demographic and clinical data. All patients carried out, extending from the LPF into the mid-
were de-identified. Ethical approval was not septum, targeting the region of the LSF (Figure 3A).
required. Following this procedure, there were no episodes of
spontaneous or atrial extrastimuli-induced VT/VF. A
RESULTS repeated EP study was performed 2 days later without
any further inducible VT/VF. Genetic testing yielded
RE-ENTRANT VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIAS INVOLVING a MYBPC3 variant of uncertain significance, and
THE LSF. C a s e 1 . A 29-year-old man with no signifi- routine device interrogations have noted no episodes
cant medical history presented after an aborted car- of arrhythmia despite frequent PACs over a follow-up
diac arrest. He was also noted to have an episode of of more than 24 months.
ventricular tachycardia (VT) with right bundle and C a s e 2 . A 44-year-old man with recurrent tachy-
superior axis (Figure 1A). Previous evaluation showed cardia was referred for ablation. The tachycardia was
a normal cardiac CMR. He was referred for an EP induced at a cycle length of 450 ms. There was evi-
study at which point spontaneous episodes of ven- dence of ventriculoatrial blockage and an abrupt
tricular fibrillation (VF) were observed (Figure 1B). All change in the QRS width at the same rate (Figure 4A).
episodes were initiated by a premature atrial complex Access to the LV was obtained, and the courses of
(PAC), which resulted in a left bundle branch aberra- LSF, LAF, and LPF were defined. Mapping of the LV
tion, followed by multiform fascicular beats and then septum recorded His-left bundle (LB) potentials as
VT/VF. This sequence was reproducible with a single well as distinct mid-diastolic potentials during sinus
atrial extrastimulus. The QRS pattern, short His- rhythm (Figure 4B). The wide QRS tachycardia was
ventricular (HV) interval of 9 ms, and an eccentric induced, and the earliest diastolic potentials were
pattern of His activation of the subsequent ventricu- observed along the mid-septum with a distal-to-
lar beats were suggestive of left-sided fascicular proximal activation pattern (Figure 4B). A single PVC
860 Sanchez et al. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 7, NO. 7, 2021

Arrhythmias of the Left Septal Fascicle JULY 2021:858–70

F I G U R E 1 Case 1: Surface Electrocardiographic Recordings of the Clinical Arrhythmia

(A) Right-bundle, superior axis wide complex tachycardia suggestive of left posterior fascicular ventricular tachycardia. (B) Spontaneous
initiation of VF preceded by a PAC (arrow). The PAC is immediately followed by aberrant ventricular conduction and several beats of
pleiomorphic VT. PAC ¼ premature atrial complex; VF ¼ ventricular fibrillation.

reliably terminated the tachycardia (Supplemental mutation at c.656G>A (p.Arg219His), as well as MYPN
Figure 3), and critically timed PACs were observed and SCN9A variants of uncertain significance. A pro-
to advance the His deflection but not reset the cainamide infusion challenge was negative for type I
tachycardia (Figure 5A). Similar to the proposed Brugada syndrome, and subsequent multiple ectopic
mechanism of upper septal VT, these findings were Purkinje-related premature contractions (MEPPC)
most suggestive of a re-entrant circuit involving were diagnosed (12). Because of high PVC burden and
retrograde LSF conduction during both narrow QRS LV dysfunction, the patient was referred for ablation.
and wide QRS tachycardia. During attempts to entrain Three PVCs were observed during the EP study and
from upper mid septal regions, catheter manipulation are shown in order of decreasing frequency
apical to the LB terminated the tachycardia. Radio- (Figure 6A). The HV interval was negative during PVC
frequency lesions were placed at this location tar- 1, suggestive of a more distal origin within the Pur-
geting the earliest LSF (Figure 5B), which rendered kinje system (Figure 6B). A duodecapolar catheter was
the tachycardia noninducible. positioned along the ventricular septum. The left-
sided His, LAF, LPF, and LSF were mapped. During
FOCAL PVCs ORIGINATING FROM THE LSF. C a s e 3 . A PVC 1, early Purkinje potentials were recorded along
20-year-old man with syncope, sinus bradycardia the mid-septum following activation of the mid-LSF
with sinus pauses, and frequent multiform PVCs was region with variable anterograde activations of LAF
referred for PVC ablation. CMR imaging results were and LPF (Figure 6B). The earliest Purkinje potential
notable for moderate LV systolic dysfunction and no was recorded at the mid-septum preceding the QRS
delayed gadolinium enhancement. Genetic evalua- onset by 33 ms (Figure 6C). Furthermore, anterograde
tion yielded a pathogenic heterozygous SCN5A activation of the LPF was still observed during variant
JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 7, NO. 7, 2021 Sanchez et al. 861
JULY 2021:858–70 Arrhythmias of the Left Septal Fascicle

F I G U R E 2 Case 1: Intracardiac Recordings of the Clinical Arrhythmia

Intracardiac electrograms at time of the initiation of stereotypic pleiomorphic ventricular beats with programmed atrial extrastimulus. (A) Single atrial extrastimulus
results in an LBB block pattern followed by eccentric activation of the LPF. The local potential at LAF d exhibits the earliest potential in the LAF. Note that the earliest
potentials in both the LAF and LPF were nearly simultaneous (dotted line). (B) Single atrial extrastimulus results in an eccentric activation pattern of the LAF. LAF ¼ left
anterior fascicle; LBB ¼ left bundle branch; LPF ¼ left posterior fascicle.

forms of PVC 1 (Figure 7A). An early fractionated C a s e 4 . A 42-year-old woman was referred for eval-
Purkinje signal was found at the distal mid-septum uation of VT. She was noted to have a high burden of
during PVC 2, suggestive of LSF involvement PVCs believed to originate from both the LAFs and
(Figure 7B). It was hypothesized that the origin of the LPFs. Cardiac evaluation, including exercise stress
PVCs was from the LSF followed by delayed activa- testing and CMR, showed reduced LV systolic func-
tion of the LAF and LPF. Linear ablation across the tion but no myocardial ischemia or delayed gadolin-
LPF and LSF was performed, resulting in the elimi- ium enhancement. Her condition was diagnosed as
nation of all PVCs. The patient was discharged PVC-mediated cardiomyopathy and was treated
home, and ambulatory surveillance monitoring medically, but she continued to experience frequent
showed a significant reduction of PVC burden from episodes of nonsustained VT as well as VT episodes
35% to 5% post-ablation. The patient was subse- lasting up to 4 min.
quently treated with quinidine, which reduced the During an EP study, frequent PVCs were observed
PVC burden to 0%. from the LPF (right bundle, leftward superior axis)
862 Sanchez et al. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 7, NO. 7, 2021

Arrhythmias of the Left Septal Fascicle JULY 2021:858–70

F I G U R E 3 Case 1: Electroanatomical Map and Proposed Arrhythmia Schema

(A) 3-dimensional electroanatomical map depicting the LAF, LPF, and LSF in RAO (left) and left anterior oblique projections (right). Red circles denote ablation lesions
extending from the LPF into the septum empirically targeting the LSF. (B) Proposed schema of a PAC resulting in block in the LSF and relative delay in the LAF and LPF
resulting in LBB block pattern. This is followed by retrograde activation of the LSF and eccentric activation of the LAF and LPF leading to initiation of several beats of
organized fascicular re-entry followed by multiple micro-re-entrant circuits that degenerate into VF. RAO ¼ right anterior oblique; other abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 2.

and LAF (right bundle, rightward inferior axis) septum just apical to the LB showed a distal-to-
(Figure 8A). The coupling intervals of the PVCs varied proximal activation pattern (Figure 8B). The earliest
even among PVCs with the same morphology. Retro- fascicular activation was recorded over the upper
grade aortic access was obtained and used to intro- mid-septal region (Figure 8C), and ablation localized
duce a multipolar mapping catheter positioned over to this region resulted in elimination of all episodes of
the anatomic course of the left-sided His and LB. arrhythmia over a follow-up of 18 months.
During sinus rhythm, proximal-to-distal activation of C a s e 5 . A 19-year-old woman with recurrent palpi-
the His bundle and LB was observed. During LPF tations and presyncope had a high PVC burden with a
PVCs, the earliest activation at the proximal LB with normal echocardiogram and CMR results. She was
retrograde His activation, whereas during the LAF referred for ablation for a dominant PVC of the right
PVCs, a distal-to-proximal activation pattern was bundle, leftward, and superior axis (Figure 9A). The
observed (Figure 8A). The multipolar catheter was PVCs occurred sporadically and were not linked to the
used to delineate the course of the LAF and LPF. An preceding QRS complex. An activation map of the LV
ablation catheter was then inserted into the LV. was created using a duodecapolar catheter during
During ventricular episodes of arrhythmia of either frequent PVCs. Fascicular potentials were recorded
LPF or LAF morphology, recordings from the mid- along the mid-septum during sinus rhythm,
JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 7, NO. 7, 2021 Sanchez et al. 863
JULY 2021:858–70 Arrhythmias of the Left Septal Fascicle

F I G U R E 4 Case 2: Surface and Intracardiac Recordings of the Clinical Arrhythmia

(A) Induction of a tachycardia with an abrupt change in the QRS morphology from narrow to wide. Note that there is a slight decrease in the tachycardia cycle length that
may induce conduction block in the left anterior fascicle. The closed arrows depict dissociated P waves during both the narrow QRS and wide QRS tachycardia. (B)
Ablation catheter positioned along the left ventricular septum where areas of mid-diastolic potentials were recorded during sinus rhythm and a wide QRS tachycardia in
an area localized in the high mid-septal region just apical to the left bundle. Note that the diastolic potentials exhibit a retrograde activation pattern during wide QRS

consistent with anterograde activation of the septal with multiple fascicular forms, especially including
fascicle (Figure 9B). During the clinical PVCs, these narrow complexes at the same rate. We also recognize
mid-septal potentials showed the earliest activation the difficulty of selective entrainment pacing of the
in the middle of the LSF. The earliest local potential LSF due to the capture of the local myocardium,
at the mid-septum preceded the QRS onset by 40 ms catheter stability, and hemodynamic stability but
(Figure 9C). The authors postulated that this repre- emphasize that there is strong evidence for LSF
sented focal firing of the LSF and the retrograde involvement on the bases of evaluating the activation
conduction to the LPF was faster than anterograde sequences of the respective fascicles both in sinus
LSF conduction, showing LPF PVC morphology. rhythm as well as during fascicular tachycardia.
Radiofrequency energy was applied to the LSF, RE-ENTRANT VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIAS INVOLVING
resulting in immediate suppression of the PVC. THE LSF. The induction of fascicular tachycardia from
the atrium is well known, but the finding of PAC-
DISCUSSION induced VF in Case 1 is unique. That patient pre-
sented after an episode of LPF VT and documented
Idiopathic fascicular tachycardia is usually due to re- VF. Genetic testing revealed a variant of uncertain
entry within the left-sided conduction system. significant of the MYBPC3 gene, which is associated
Detailed anatomic studies have delineated the pres- with autosomal dominant hypertrophic cardiomyop-
ence of 3 fascicles in the human heart: the left ante- athy; however, association with episodes of
rior, posterior, and septal fascicles. Different QRS arrhythmia in the structurally normal heart is un-
morphologies of fascicular VTs have been attributed known (13,14). It was hypothesized that the PAC
to involvement of specific fascicles, but the role of the blocks in the LSF and conducts anterograde with
LSF has not been well described. The present study delay into the LAF and LPF producing left bundle
serves to emphasize 3 major points: one should sus- branch conduction delay. This is followed by retro-
pect involvement of the LSF if the patient presents grade activation of the LSF and eccentric, almost
864 Sanchez et al. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 7, NO. 7, 2021

Arrhythmias of the Left Septal Fascicle JULY 2021:858–70

F I G U R E 5 Case 2: Summary and Proposed Arrhythmia Schema

(A) A critically timed PAC during the tachycardia captures the His without resetting the tachycardia. (B) The 3-dimensional electroanatomic map of the LV in the RAO
projection with ablation lesions along the mid-septum (dark red circles) targeting the LSF. (C) The proposed schema showing the circuits of the narrow QRS tachycardia
and wide QRS tachycardia. For a detailed description, see the text. Abbreviations as in Figures 1 to 3.

simultaneous, activation of both the LAF and the LPF, simultaneous activation of the His-right bundle as
with several beats of fascicular re-entry resulting in well as the LAF and LPF, yielding a narrow complex
VF (Figure 3B). Tachycardia cure resulted only after tachycardia similar to that previously described as an
carrying the ablative lesions into the mid-septal area. upper septal pattern (Figure 5C) (10). Cases of narrow
This is, to the best of the present authors’ knowledge, QRS tachycardias also have been explained by the
the first description of fascicular episodes of presence of ventricular-Hisian (VH) or ventricular-
arrhythmia triggered by a PAC. This differs from the nodal (VN) connection (18). Although such a connec-
original description of PVC triggers as well as the tion is possible here, the measurement of the HV
most recent description of PVC triggering pleomor- interval during the tachycardia was shorter than that
phic fascicular episodes of arrhythmia from the distal during sinus rhythm, excluding a VN connection, and
Purkinje system (15–17). the location of successful ablation was not the basal
In Case 2, the tachycardia exhibited a narrow QRS para-Hisian region but rather along the upper mid LV
morphology, and the diastolic potentials during a septum. In addition, multiple VH and VN pathways
wide QRS tachycardia exhibited a distal-to-proximal would have to be invoked in order to explain the
activation in the mid-septal area. The authors observed narrow and wide tachycardia. The circuit in
hypothesized that the LSF inserted into the very this case was explained as involving re-entrant
proximal portion of the LB allowing for episodic near- tachycardia with retrograde activation of the LSF,
JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 7, NO. 7, 2021 Sanchez et al. 865
JULY 2021:858–70 Arrhythmias of the Left Septal Fascicle

F I G U R E 6 Case 3: Surface and Intracardiac Recordings of the Clinical Arrhythmia

(A) A 12 lead-ECG shows 3 types of PVCs. (B) Intracardiac electrograms along the LSF and LPF during PVC 1. Note that there was an eccentric activation along the LSF,
whereas there was an anterograde activation along the LPF. The closed arrows show the His electrograms. (C) Intracardiac electrograms show the earliest local potential
recorded at the LSF during PVC 1. ECG ¼ electrocardiography; other abbreviations as in Figures 1 to 3.

giving rise to either upper septal fascicular beats with preceded the activation of both the LAF and LPF (19).
narrow QRS complexes (10) or a block in the LAF Another paper from a consortium of hospitals in Israel
resulting in wide QRS complexes with right bundle described 4 of 57 patients who underwent ablations of
branch block and LAF block morphologies (Figure 5C). an LPF VT that recurred with an LAF VT morphology
A recent contribution by Zhou et al. (19) described (20). Although the treating physicians did not use
12 patients who initially underwent ablation of an LPF multipolar electrode catheters for mapping, it is of
re-entrant tachycardia and subsequently developed a interest that 3 of the 4 patients underwent successful
fascicular tachycardia with a right axis deviation. The ablation over the proximal septal region, although 1
latter arrhythmia revealed the earliest ventricular patient underwent a serial ablation of the LPF and
activation over the left anterior or left anterograde LAF.
medial LV. The authors found that the earliest po-
tential of the LAF VT was still the earliest potential FOCAL PVCs ORIGINATING FROM THE LEFT SEPTAL
over the LPF and a more proximal ablation was suc- FASCICLE. Case 3 presented with a classic clinical
cessful (19). They proposed a circuit with a different picture of MEPPC. MEPPC is a SCN5A-related cardiac
exit site from the LPF. Because they did not specif- channelopathy characterized by a gain-of-function
ically search for an LSF, there was no way of knowing mutation of the voltage-gated sodium channel
whether, in fact, the retrograde activation of the LSF Na v1.5 protein (12) in SCN5A responsible for a
866 Sanchez et al. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 7, NO. 7, 2021

Arrhythmias of the Left Septal Fascicle JULY 2021:858–70

F I G U R E 7 Case 3: Summary and Proposed Arrhythmia Schema

(A) Intracardiac electrograms along the LPF during variant forms of PVCs 1. Note that presystolic potentials with an anterograde activation pattern can be observed. (B)
During PVC 2, an earlier local potential preceding the QRS onset by 48 ms can be found in the LSF. (C) The proposed explanation of the 3 PVC morphologies. During PVC
1, focal firing from the LSF activated to the LBB in a retrograde fashion followed by subsequent anterograde activation in the LAF and LPF. During PVC 2, conduction
block at the LAF region leads to a left superior axis. In contrast, during PVC 3, conduction block at the LPF region leads to a right inferior axis. Abbreviations as in
Figures 1 to 3.

spectrum of arrhythmia episodes that include car- firing from the LSF and activated in a retrograde
diac conduction disease and sinus node dysfunction. fashion to left bundle branch, followed by subse-
MEPPC is associated with frequent PVCs of the right- quent anterograde activation of the LAF and LPF,
and left-bundle morphology that originated from the with different degrees of conduction block, which
fascicular system, and treatment with hydro- resulted in frequent fascicular PVCs of various mor-
quinidine has been shown to be effective (12). phologies (Figure 7C). Subsequent ablation of the
Although the fascicular involvement in MEPPC has LPF and the LSF resulted in a reduction in PVC
been well described, the present authors are not burden to 5%. The residual PVCs were treated with
aware of any prior studies assessing the pathophys- hydroquinidine therapy. The authors postulated that
iology or response to catheter ablation. In Case 3, it incomplete PVC eradication by ablation was due to
was found that the earliest presystolic potentials the multiplicity of connections from the LSF to the
were along the mid-septal region, followed by the LAF and LPF.
anterograde activation of the LAF and LPF. It was For case 4, the activation pattern of the His-LB
hypothesized that the PVCs originated from a focal potentials during LPF PVCs was unique and best
JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 7, NO. 7, 2021 Sanchez et al. 867
JULY 2021:858–70 Arrhythmias of the Left Septal Fascicle

F I G U R E 8 Case 4: Surface and Intracardiac Recordings of the Clinical Arrhythmia

(A) During sinus rhythm, there is proximal-to-distal activation of the multipolar mapping catheter positioned along the left-sided His and LB; note the presence of a small
atrial electrogram is compatible with recording from the LV summit. During the LPF PVC, the activation of the His and LB has an eccentric pattern with early activation of
the His bundle. During the LAF PVC, the activation sequence reverses with distal-to-proximal activation. (B) During LPF and LAF PVCs, the ablation catheter exhibited a
distal-to-proximal activation when positioned along the proximal mid-septum. Absence of an atrial electrogram on the ablation catheter signal confirms that the catheter
position is just apical to the LB along the mid-septum. (C) 3D electroanatomical map depicts the LAF, LPF, and LSF in RAO projection. Orange circles denote fascicular
potentials. Red circles denote ablation lesions clustered along the proximal mid-septum. (D) The proposed explanation for the 2 PVC morphologies by depicting the
activation pattern of the left-sided His and LB (see details in the text). Abbreviations as in Figures 1 to 3.

explained by an LSF insertion into the LB (Figure 8D). entrant focal fascicular tachycardias, the present case
A distal-to-proximal activation pattern at the mid- was not consistent with the previously described
septum supported retrograde LSF conduction. The findings. The proximal mid-septum is an area known
limited ablation area in the upper mid-septum cured to be prone to activation delays. This is most pro-
both the LAF and LPF PVCs. This finding suggested nounced in the region where the LB divides into the
that the LAF PVCs were also associated with the LSF LAF, LPF, and LSF (3). The present authors postulated
origin and direct LSF insertion into the LAF leading to that focal firing in the LSF would block anterograde
a distal-to-proximal activation in the His-LB LSF conduction but allow for retrograde alternate
recording (Figure 8D). This supports the anatomic activation of the LAF and LPF.
finding of complex fascicular interactions. The This series illustrates circuits that involve retro-
mechanism of the arrhythmia in this case was also grade conduction over the LSF and anterograde acti-
deemed to be focal LSF firing. Although Talib et al. vation of the LAF and LPF. Several important clinical
(21) has described verapamil-insensitive non–re- features should be emphasized (Central Illustration).
868 Sanchez et al. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 7, NO. 7, 2021

Arrhythmias of the Left Septal Fascicle JULY 2021:858–70

F I G U R E 9 Case 5: Surface and Intracardiac Recordings of the Clinical Arrhythmia

(A) Surface 12-lead electrocardiogram of the clinical PVC. (B) An activation map of the LV during the clinical PVC. A duodecapolar catheter is positioned along the mid-
septum where LSF potentials were recorded. During the clinical PVC, the LSF potentials were pre-systolic and followed an eccentric activation pattern suggesting early
activation along the LSF. (C) The earliest local potential at the LSF was targeted with ablation resulting in immediate suppression of the clinical PVC Abbreviations as in
Figures 1 to 3.

First, involvement of the septal fascicle as being part STUDY LIMITATIONS. This study is limited by the
of the circuit should be suspected in a patient who lack of simultaneous recording from all fascicular
presents with multiform fascicular episodes of areas during tachycardia. Sequential recordings may
arrhythmia that each fit a fascicular pattern, especially be limited by either hemodynamic instability and
if accompanied by periods of narrow complex tachy- difficulties in provoking specific QRS forms. Entrain-
cardia at the same rate. EP studies require the use of a ment of the LSF to prove participation in the circuit
multipolar electrode catheter to record the activation was not available in most of our patients due to the
course of the LSF, LAF, and LPF both during sinus catheter stability, which resulted in activation of the
rhythm as well as during tachycardia. While the LAF contiguous myocardium and “bump” termination of
and LPF can be well-delineated during EP studies, the the arrhythmia. Furthermore, intracardiac echocar-
LSF was defined as a sequence of potentials recorded diography was not regularly used in this series.
between the areas of the LAF and LPF. Finally, one Presently, it is appreciated that in some patients, the
should recognize the importance of entrainment “septal” fascicle is a hypothetical construct and may,
mapping of the LSF to prove its involvement (7,11). in fact, represent branches of the LAF and LPF. Even
JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 7, NO. 7, 2021 Sanchez et al. 869
JULY 2021:858–70 Arrhythmias of the Left Septal Fascicle

C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N Features of Left Septal Fascicular Involvement

1. Multiform Fascicular 2. Narrow QRS Complex

Arrhythmias Ventricular Arrhythmia
I V1 V1 I V1
II V2 V2 II V2
Surface V3 III V3 III V3
V4 V4 V4
aVL V5 aVL V5 aVL V5

aVF V6 aVF V6 aVF V6

LPF pattern LAF pattern

Activation LB LB
Pattern RB RB RB



Earliest activation

Sanchez, J.M. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol EP. 2021;7(7):858–70.

(Upper) Clinical features suggestive of the LSF as a critical component of the arrhythmia circuit include the presence of: 1) multiple fascicular episodes of
arrhythmia with an LPF and LAF pattern; and/or 2) a narrow QRS complex ventricular arrhythmia. (Lower) Schemas of the activation pattern in the tri-
fascicular system. Red stars show the earliest activation. LAF ¼ left anterior fascicle; LPF ¼ left posterior fascicle; LSF ¼ left septal fascicle.

so, this would not negate our findings and results of conduction during sinus rhythm and tachycardia.
ablation. Finally, the authors emphasize careful mapping of the
LAF, LPF, and the mid-septum for the LSF in order to
CONCLUSIONS accurately define the arrhythmia circuit and deliver
successful ablative therapy.
Life-threatening fascicular episodes of arrhythmia
may occur in patients without structural heart dis- FUNDING SUPPORT AND AUTHOR DISCLOSURES
ease. This paper presents 5 cases of fascicular epi-
sodes of arrhythmia that are best explained by The authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to
the contents of this paper to disclose.
invoking the LSF as a critical component of the
arrhythmia circuit. High suspicion for the involve-
ment of LSF relied on the presence of multiform ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. José M.
fascicular episodes of arrhythmia (and/or narrow QRS Sanchez, University of Colorado, 12401 East 17th
complex ventricular episodes of arrhythmia) and by Avenue, Mailstop B-132, Aurora, Colorado 80045,
analysis of the activation pattern of fascicular USA. E-mail:
870 Sanchez et al. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 7, NO. 7, 2021

Arrhythmias of the Left Septal Fascicle JULY 2021:858–70


consists of an arborized network of Purkinje fibers along scribes fascicular episodes of arrhythmia that have been
the left ventricular septum that is prone to conduction postulated to involve the LSF. The LSF is characterized by
slowing and tachycardia. Fascicular tachycardias that rely a significant reduction in conduction velocity attributed to
on the LSF are challenging to identify, and in this series, 5 regional distribution of gap junctions and load mismatch
cases are presented of fascicular episodes of arrhythmia caused by intense branching of Purkinje fibers. Presently,
that are best explained by involvement of the LSF as a it is appreciated that the LSF is a hypothetical construct
critical component of the arrhythmia circuit. We empha- and may, in fact, represent branches of the LAF and LPF.
size the importance of multiple fascicular patterns as a Further studies will be required to define the involvement
clue to suspect the LSF and the importance of careful of the septal Purkinje fibers in arrhythmogenesis.
mapping of the trifascicular system.


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