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WITHOUT PREJUDICE The Executive Officer Electoral Matters Committee, 8-6-2011 Parliament House, Spring Street, East Melbourne, Vic 3002 Email c/o Ref; SUBMISSION Supplement 2

Sir/Madam, I provide this supplement 3 because of the importance to candidates and elections, and for this also quoted correspondence below regarding Working With Children.


What this is about is that the application has been given an extension of more then 2-months, but for what?
p1 8-6-2011 Submission Supplement 3 Re elections INSPECTOR-RIKATI & How to lawfully avoid voting A book on CD about ELECTORAL AND CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS B&W Book ISBN 978-0-9751760-3-0, Book-Colour ISBN 978-0-9751760-9-2, on CD ISBN 978-0-9751760-4-7 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, by fax 0011 -61-3-94577209 or E-mail See also








2 It should be considered that I have never been charges and neither convicted of any crimes then one has to ask if Working With Children is going to take 3-months and who knows how much longer by further extensions then what is really the purpose of the system? Can you call it a system at all? Surely, if the time delay is of such magnitude then there must be something terrible wrong with the system? Can you expect anyone having to wait 5-weeks let alone 3-months or more to have a non-criminal record checked? Lets be clear about it this system is supposed to protect children and not to frustrate applicants but in my view it simply doesnt seem to be working as there is no system in place that ensures that applications are smoothly processed without being banked up for months on end. How many more extensions will there be for the application and for what purpose is the extension as surely it isnt any permission for the applicant to work with children? How can anyone in their right mind then expect people to comply with this system that proves not even to be workable from making an application? How indeed could one expect any candidate to nominated within a short period of a few days when this candidate may have to wait for three months or more for a simply application to be dealt with? In my view, unless the system can be turning over an application within a week, where no criminal record can be located, the system simply isnt working and should not be used as such to be relied upon. This is not about some hardened criminal having an arm length list of convictions that needs to be dealt with but where an application was made and I had not a single criminal conviction in my life and yet after more then 5 weeks an extension is needed, for what I may ask? Are they asleep in the offices and for this cant handle the job? Are there that many applications that the workload is beyond their capability to deal with and so the system is bound to be fracturing? It might be all very well to put up all kinds of system but if the proper processes required are not functioning then the system for it is a total failure and should be cancelled until someone competent can deal with it in a timely fashion that applications are quickly dealt with. It is essential that this is appropriately considered because one this system is implemented, say for candidates in an election, then it may cause many persons to be unduly robbed of being a candidate and that would then undermine our democratic process. Therefore, what should be clear is that the system clearly isnt up to scratch and any kind of Working With Children requirements never should be placed as a requirement upon a candidate. If the successful candidate was to be involved with children then and only then it may be applied but not as now has been proven already by me that they cannot even manage to deal speedily with an application of a person without criminal record. I am exposing what is wrong with just an application and this so before anyone get it in his head to think about candidates having to obtain approval for Working With Children then the better be a better more competent process in place, as to deny children the benefit of assistance merely due to the absurd delay s to process an application is unwarranted and unjustified and may be an incentive for people to just disregard the who system altogether. This submission-supplement 3 is not intended and neither must be perceived to include all relevant matters/details and neither refers to matters as to any priority.



( . 45 . Awaiting your response,

Our name is our motto!)

G. H. Schorel-Hlavka

p2 8-6-2011 Submission Supplement 3 Re elections INSPECTOR-RIKATI & How to lawfully avoid voting A book on CD about ELECTORAL AND CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS B&W Book ISBN 978-0-9751760-3-0, Book-Colour ISBN 978-0-9751760-9-2, on CD ISBN 978-0-9751760-4-7 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, by fax 0011 -61-3-94577209 or E-mail See also

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