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Nama : Yohanes P.


Kelas : Teknik Informatika/C

MK : Bhs.Inggris TI

Nim : 20155201107

1. About Computer

jen : good morning sem..

sem: Good morning jen,can you help me?

Jen : yeah..with pleasure

by the way what can i do for you?

Sem : I want to you ask your advice,abaut wahat computers are suitable for the

Informatics study program.

Jen : I think ,a computer that is suitable for informatics programs is a computer

that already operates windows 10 and the brand is Acer.

sem : why must need computer acer windows 10?

Jen : because the computer is very good at processing application programs need

Now in processing the date day want to create,whice is not owned by

a windows 7 operating computer.

Sem : okey jen..thanks for your suggest.its very helpful

Jen : you’re welcome

2. About cupboard

Jen : hay..yoel good morning

Yoel : hay..jen good morning too

Jen : sem, do you think that our work files and documents are best stored where

they don't fall apart?

Yoel : I think you need a cupboard for that.Because I think cupbord can be used

for storage of files and work documents which is very ideal, because it

consists of many grid boxes, each of which can be used and is very safe.

Jen : okey.jen thanks for you sugest its very importent.

Yoel : You’re welcome.

3.About disc drive

Jen : hi..yoel do you know about disc drive computer equipment?

Yoel : disc drive is a piece of hardware that is used to store data on a computer.All data on
the computer, be it documents, images, system data, OS,applications, will be stored on this

Jen : so the disc drive works for devices or storage media in a computer.butbesides from
storage, what are the advantages of a disc drive?

.important documents and data and store them in many places including Disc drive.This is
done to prevent the loss of important files, especially for those who work on computers

Jen : okey..Yoel thanks for you explain

Yoel : You’re Welcome

4. About Drawer

Yoel : jen..Good morning

Jen : Yoel Good morning too..

Yoel : I'm having trouble dealing with my financial problems at the shop, do you have any
good suggestions for me

Jen : I think you need a cash drawer that has the main function as a store of cash from
transactions between sellers and buyers. So you can find out the process of going in and out
of money from the results of sales transactions in your store every day.

Yoel : thank you jen..i think it really helps sales in my shop, especially in dealing with
financial problems

Jen : You’re welcome.

5. About Filling Cabinet

Yoel : Hey..jen jen your workspace is so messy don't you tidy it up?

Jen : yeah yoel.I know that but i have too many documents so i find it hard to tidy
everything up,do you have any good ideas to solve this problem?

Yoel : sure..I think you must have Felling Cabinet because The first function of this filing
cabinet is to store various important documents. This filing cabinet can help you keep your
documents from being messy or scattered in various places, keeping them neatly organized
and keeping them from getting damaged in the closet.

Jen : okey.yoel thanks for you explain. I hope that with the felling cabinet my work space will
be even more tidy

Yoel : You’re welcome..

6. About Keyboard

Jen : Hey..

Yoel : Hey jen...

Jen : What do you think is the most important part of computer equipment in processing
data and carrying out commands on a computer?

Yoel : I think the keyboard is the most important because in this device there are lots of
buttons that have certain functions in running the computer according to the data processing
commands desired by the user.

Jen : yeah.. That's right, I think the keyboard is very important because it is also a device
that can connect other work devices on the laptop, for example installing a flash, mouse, or
infocus.okey thsnks for you oppenion.

Yoel : You’re Welcome

7. About Monitor

Yoel : Hey jen good morning...

Jen : Hey Yoel..good mornig too

Yoel : jen I have a task about the function of computer equipment and I am confused by the
very wide function of the monitor, can you explain specifically the function of the monitor?

Jen : I think Monitor is computer hardware that serves to display the results of the computer
process in the form of text, images, or video visually.In this case the monitor acts as an output
device that makes up a computer and a computer cannot be used if the monitor does not exist.
That is the reason why the monitor is considered very important in a computer.

Yoel : thanks jen, this way I can know the main function of the monitor device, especially in
displaying images that are processed on the computer visually

Jen : You’re Welcome

8. About Mouse

Yoel : Good afternoon jen..

Jen : Good afternoon too,Yoel

Yoel : jen why do you look confused today..?

Jen : I want to do my assignment, but the problem is now my laptop cursor is error. So do
you have any solution to solve my problem?

Yoel : because the mouse can replace the role of the cursor, especially in activities that we
cannot avoid in the computer world. Starting from selecting files, folders, even words in a
writing program such as Microsoft Word. By using the mouse we can make choices as

Jen : okey yoel..thank you for your suggestion it was very helpful.

9.About Mousemat

Yoel : hey..Jen good morning

Jen : Hey..Yoel Good morning

Yoel : Jen, I see that you have difficulty controlling the cursor on your laptop. Are you not
interested in buying Mousemat me?

Jen : I also feel that way, I think I really need a Mousemat to make it easier for me to use the
mouse, especially in operating the computer. Can I order a package?

Yoel : okey.. I will provide. Thank you for your order

Jen : You’re Welcome

11. About Laptop

Jen : Hey...Yoel good morning

Yoel : Hey..Jen good morning

Jen : Can I ask a little of your opinion, about the difference between computers and laptops
for students?

Yoel : The advantages of laptops include portability, small and simple design so that they can
be used anywhere. Laptops are more practical and easier to use, because all the equipment is
already assembled in one small device. So to start using it just press the power button. The
laptop screen is also smaller so it's easy to carry.

Yoel : yes I think so too, thank you for the answer to your opinion about laptops and

Jen :’re welcome

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