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Supervisor: PhD Ho Trung Thanh

Mr Nguyen Van Tuyen


Number Name Student ID

1 Nguyen Song Hieu K174060700
2 Le Thi Bao Tram K174060724
3 Pham Thanh Tu K174060728
4 Le Thi Thanh Van K174060729

Ho Chi Minh, 30th April 2019

CHAPTER 1: GENERAL VIEW OF PROJECT ................................................................ 1
1.1. General purposes ...................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Objective and scope of our research ......................................................................... 1
1.2.1. Objective of the research ................................................................................... 1
1.2.2. Scope of the research ......................................................................................... 2
1.2.3. Researching Instruments ................................................................................... 2
1.2.4. Researching target ............................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER 2: FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE ............................................................. 4
2.1. Data and Data Warehouse ........................................................................................ 4
2.1.1. What is Data? .................................................................................................... 4
2.1.2. What is Data Warehouse? ................................................................................. 4
2.1.3. Structure of Data Warehouse............................................................................. 5
2.1.4. Data retention levels .......................................................................................... 6
2.2. Data Warehouse building tools ................................................................................ 8
2.3. General process of building Data Warehouse according to Bottom-up method ...... 8
2.4 BI Systems ................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.1 What is BI? ......................................................................................................... 9
2.4.2 The importance of BI........................................................................................ 10
ANALYTICS..................................................................................................................... 12
3.1. Business process survey ......................................................................................... 12
3.2. Analysis Requirements ........................................................................................... 14
3.2.1. Evaluate the performance of the manufacturing process of the organization
through productivity, punctuality and quality ........................................................... 14
3.2.2. Analysis, forecasting planning for production ................................................ 15
3.2.3. Analyzing manufacturing cost, location cost .................................................. 16
DATA INTO DATA WAREHOUSE ............................................................................... 17
4.1. Design of the Data Warehouse ............................................................................... 17
4.1.1. Structure Description ....................................................................................... 17
4.1.2. Description of the fields for each table............................................................ 17
4.1.3. Diagram ........................................................................................................... 30
4.2. Common ETL processes ......................................................................................... 31
4.2.1. Dimension Table’s ETL Process ..................................................................... 31
4.2.2. Fact Table’s ETL Process ................................................................................ 37
CHAPTER 5: INITIALIZATION OF THE ANALYZE PROCESS ................................ 42
5.1. Data analysis with SSAS technology ..................................................................... 42
5.1.1. Using SSAS ..................................................................................................... 42
5.1.2. KPIs building ................................................................................................... 51 Scrap Rate KPI ............................................................................................. 51 Product Manufacturing Cost KPI ................................................................. 53
5.1.3. Analysis with SSAS ........................................................................................ 55
5.2. Data analysis with the Pivot Table tool in Microsoft Excel ................................... 56
5.2.1. Using Pivot Table ................................................................................................ 57
5.2.2. Data analysis with the Pivot Table .................................................................. 60
5.3. Data analysis with MDX ........................................................................................ 62
5.3.1. Product manufacturing cost by year ................................................................ 63
5.3.2. Scrapped rate of product every year ................................................................ 64
5.3.3. Inventory transaction of product on transaction type ...................................... 65
CHAPTER 6: DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION .......................................... 67
6.1. Data analysis with Power BI .................................................................................. 67
6.2. Data analysis with Tableau ..................................................................................... 68
6.2.1. Evaluation Production Planning ...................................................................... 68
6.2.2 Forecasting........................................................................................................ 74
CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSION .......................................................................................... 80
7.1. Results .................................................................................................................... 80
7.2. Restrictions of the project ....................................................................................... 80
7.3. Development ........................................................................................................... 80
CHAPTER 8. REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 81
Figure 1: AdventureWorks 2008 OLTP Schema ................................................................ 3
Figure 2: BPMN of the production process ....................................................................... 12
Figure 3: Product Dimension Table description ................................................................ 18
Figure 4: Location Dimension Table description .............................................................. 19
Figure 5: Scrap Reason Dimension Table description ...................................................... 20
Figure 6: Transaction Type Dimension Table description ................................................ 21
Figure 7: Time Dimension Table description .................................................................... 22
Figure 8: Vendor Dimension Table description ................................................................ 23
Figure 9: Special Offer Dimension Table description ....................................................... 24
Figure 10: Ship Method Dimension Table description ..................................................... 24
Figure 11: Sales Territory Dimension Table description .................................................. 25
Figure 12: Product Manufacture Fact Table description ................................................... 25
Figure 13: Work Order Fact Table description ................................................................. 26
Figure 14: Inventory Transaction Fact Table description ................................................. 27
Figure 15: Product Inventory Fact Table description ........................................................ 28
Figure 16: Bill Of Materials Fact Table description ......................................................... 29
Figure 17: Purchase Order Fact Table description ............................................................ 29
Figure 18 Sales Order Fact Table description ................................................................... 30
Figure 19: Special Offer - Product Fact Table description ............................................... 30
Figure 20: Data Warehouse SQL Server Database Diagram ............................................ 31
Figure 21: SQL command creating Dim_Location table .................................................. 32
Figure 22: SSIS result of Dim_Location table .................................................................. 32
Figure 23: Dim_Location populated ................................................................................. 32
Figure 24: Dim_Product dimensions ................................................................................. 33
Figure 25: Product table Data Dictionary (1) .................................................................... 34
Figure 26: Product table Data Dictionary (2) .................................................................... 34
Figure 27: Product description SQL query ........................................................................ 34
Figure 28: Product table Data Dictionary (3) .................................................................... 35
Figure 29: Dim_Product result (1) .................................................................................... 35
Figure 30: Dim_Product result (2) .................................................................................... 35
Figure 31: Dim_Transaction_Type populated................................................................... 36
Figure 32: Dim_Time creating T-SQL .............................................................................. 37
Figure 33: Dim_Time populated ....................................................................................... 37
Figure 34: Product by date table result .............................................................................. 38
Figure 35: TransactionHistory and Transaction HistoryArchive JOIN result .................. 38
Figure 36: TransactionHistory and Transaction HistoryArchive JOIN result modified ... 38
Figure 37: Fact_Inventory_Transaction final result .......................................................... 39
Figure 38: Fact_Inventory_Transaction SSIS sort ............................................................ 39
Figure 39: Fact BOM SQL Code ....................................................................................... 40
Figure 40: Fact BOM Result ............................................................................................. 40
Figure 41: Fact BOM ETL Process ................................................................................... 41
Figure 42: Create Data Source for SSAS (1)..................................................................... 42
Figure 43: Create Data Source for SSAS (2)..................................................................... 43
Figure 44: Create Data Source View for SSAS (1) ........................................................... 44
Figure 45: Create Data Source View for SSAS (2) ........................................................... 45
Figure 46: Create Data Source View for SSAS (3) ........................................................... 46
Figure 47: Create CUBE for SSAS (1).............................................................................. 47
Figure 48: Create CUBE for SSAS (2).............................................................................. 48
Figure 49: Create CUBE for SSAS (3).............................................................................. 49
Figure 50: Diagram result after creating CUBE ................................................................ 49
Figure 51: Drag properties from the dimensional table .................................................... 50
Figure 52: Create a multi-dimensionnal database (1) ....................................................... 50
Figure 53: Create a multi-dimensionnal database (2) ....................................................... 51
Figure 54: Create Scrap Rate calculation .......................................................................... 52
Figure 55: Scrapped Rate KPI Goal Expression ............................................................... 52
Figure 56: Scrapped Rate KPI Status Expression ............................................................. 53
Figure 57: Scrapped Rate KPI Trend Expression.............................................................. 53
Figure 58: Result in Excel of Scrap Rate KPI ................................................................... 53
Figure 59: Product Manufacturing Cost KPI Goal Expression ......................................... 54
Figure 60: Product Manufacturing Cost KPI Status Expression ....................................... 54
Figure 61: Product Manufacturing Cost KPI Trend Expression ....................................... 54
Figure 62: Result in Excel of Product Manufacturing Cost KPI ....................................... 55
Figure 63: Scrap rate by product subcategory ................................................................... 55
Figure 64: Order Quantity on Product color by Year ....................................................... 56
Figure 65: Product quantity by location name .................................................................. 56
Figure 66: Creating Excel Pivot Table (1) ........................................................................ 57
Figure 67: Creating Excel Pivot Table (2) ........................................................................ 58
Figure 68: Creating Excel Pivot Table (3) ........................................................................ 58
Figure 69: Creating Excel Pivot Table (4) ........................................................................ 59
Figure 70: Creating Excel Pivot Table (5) ........................................................................ 60
Figure 71: Creating Excel Pivot Table (6) ........................................................................ 60
Figure 72: Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Table (1) ....................................................... 61
Figure 73: Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Table (2) ....................................................... 61
Figure 74: Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Table (3) ....................................................... 62
Figure 75: Data Analysis with SQL Server MDX (1) ....................................................... 62
Figure 76: Data Analysis with SQL Server MDX (2) ....................................................... 63
Figure 77: Product manufacturing cost by year MDX Query ........................................... 64
Figure 78: Scrapped rate of product every year MDX Query ........................................... 65
Figure 79: Inventory transaction of product on transaction type MDX Query ................. 66
Figure 80: Manufacturing Cost Report Dashboard - Power BI......................................... 67
Figure 81: Cost and Schedule in Plan and Reality ............................................................ 70
Figure 82: Quantity Product in Inventory ......................................................................... 71
Figure 83: Product Quantity in Inventory and PO............................................................. 72
Figure 84: Product Quantity in Inventory and SO............................................................. 72
Figure 85: Product Quantity in Inventory and SO by product subcategory ...................... 73
Figure 86: Quantity Product in PO/SO/Inventory ............................................................. 75
Figure 87: Sales Line, Purchase Line, Production Line by Years ..................................... 76
Figure 88: Producted Quantity by Year............................................................................. 77
Figure 89: Sale Product Quantity of Category by Quarter ............................................... 78
Figure 90: Sale Product Quantity of Category by Month ................................................ 78
Figure 91: Sale Product Quantity of Sub_category by Month .......................................... 79
Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business


1.1. General purposes
- From the dawn of man, the production of goods and services is a crucial
activity for the economy to exist and thrive. The standard of living or the
consumption standard of the people depends, in the ultimate analysis, on the
volume and variety of products. In fact, if we want to measure how efficient
the performance of an enterprise, we have to take a very good look at its
production process. The more quality product or service the company can
produce, the better its selling ability, and eventually, the greater its success.

- Production is one of the most critical functions of any manufacturing

organization. This process represents the set of activities through which the
product is made and delivered according to the customer’s demands.

- Along with the development of the economy system, the development of

technology is undeniably faster. Technology helps making every aspect of our
lives simplier and easier. In production process, specifically data analyzing
technology create such a massive leap in performance of the enterprise that
implementing it.

- Recognizing that importance, our team of researcher wanted to perform

production process analysis using BI methods. Thereby helping the
production process to be more optimized, efficient.

1.2. Objective and scope of our research

1.2.1. Objective of the research
- Business processes in Production operation of an enterprise.

- Microsoft SQL Server database system.

- Tableau Business Intelligence solution.

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

- Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools and Business Intelligence tools.

1.2.2. Scope of the research

- Production operation analysis and evaluation.

- Analysis, Planning and report production result

1.2.3. Researching Instruments

- Microsoft SQL Server 2017 and 2014.

- Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools:

• Microsoft SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS) .

• Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Service (SSAS) .

• Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS).

- Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 and Microsoft Visual Studio Business

Intelligence Tools.

- Microsoft Power BI Desktop Free Edition.

- Tableau Desktop Professional Edition license for student.

- Data oriented programming languages:

• SQL/ T-SQL Programming language.

• MDX Query in Analysis Services.

1.2.4. Researching target

- Company: A fictitious, multinational manufacturing company called
Adventure Works Cycles.

- Product and services providing: Bicycle and Components

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

- Database: Adventure Works Database – a Microsoft product sample for an

online transaction processing database highlighting SQL Server features.

- OLTP Database version: 2014

- Sample Data Warehouse version: 2014

Figure 1: AdventureWorks 2008 OLTP Schema

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business


2.1. Data and Data Warehouse
2.1.1. What is Data?
- As technology advances and changes, numerous phrases have been used over
the years to describe data and how we use and analyze it, including structured
and unstructured data, massive volumes of data is now called Big Data, while
older phrases, like data integrity or data mining are still widely used today.
The following 10 data-related definitions will help you to better understand
the data and its role in information technology

2.1.2. What is Data Warehouse?

- According to the definition, a data warehouse (DW) is a data bank system
separate from an operative data handling system, in which data from different,
sometimes even very heterogeneous sources, is compressed and archived for
the long term analytics and reporting purposes. Many companies carry over
historical data periodically from data handling systems into such a data
warehouse to prepare them for access at a later date as well as strategic
analysis in the context of business intelligence (BI). Thus, operative data
becomes dispositive data:

- Operative data: Operating data refers to transaction orientated information

that arises in companies from day to day and is generated from administrative
and accounting systems. Some of these typical data sources include operating
data handling systems like product management systems, enterprise resource
planning (ERP), information or ordering systems, and, of course, accounting

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

- Dispositive data: If operating data is brought together (aggregated) in a central

location, saved for the long term, and prepared for analysis, it can then be
referred to as a dispositive data.

- A DW offers analysts a comprehensive view of heterogeneous data files and

makes it possible to gather operational figures in the context of online
analytical processing (OLAP). As a central point for all relevant company
files, the DW serves the purpose of company internal knowledge
management. It’s usually the case that users are just granted reading access.
A DW functions as a database for dating mining methods and is the basis of
all considerations in the area of performance management and the strategic
company direction.

2.1.3. Structure of Data Warehouse

- The process of managing and evaluating a DW is known as data warehousing
and involves the following phases:

• Data acquisition and data integration

• Data repository

• Data evaluation and analysis

- The phases of data warehousing are reflected in the typical structure, the so-
called reference architecture of data warehouse systems. Of course, the system
architecture of a DW changes depending on the specific product and provider.
Fundamentally they orientate themselves around a technical structure based
on a modular model, made up of three levels:

• Data collection

• Data repository

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

• Data provision

- In addition, there is also a central control component; a data warehouse

manager that assigns specific administrative functions to every level of the
DW. The individual components of a data warehouse do not necessarily have
to come from one provider as the respective services can also be rendered by
different software products or individual solutions.

2.1.4. Data retention levels

- Central to DW is the data retention level. This involves the so-called core data
warehouse. Extracted files are stored in the DW mostly in the form of multi-
dimensional matrices, known as star and snowflake schemas, in the long-term
archives for future analyses. Only rarely will these refer to the entire database
of the DW. In order to facilitate an efficient analysis, it’s normal practice to
create data segments of the entire portfolio, so-called data marts.

- A data mart is a smaller copy of a division of a database that is usually

implemented as non-persistent intermediary storage. From time to time it is
also the case that so-called independent data marts are used that hold a
separate data extract on a long-term basis and the information stored inside a
data mart is often related to a single functional enterprise department.

- A star schema is a type of Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), i.e., a graphical

representation of the table structure of a database that illustrates the various
entities as well as their relationship to one another. The star schema serves,
essentially, as a visualization of multidimensional file structures.

- Each star schema is made up of a table of facts as well as multiple dimension

tables that then group themselves in a star shape around the table of facts.

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

- The facts table contains so-called facts: the performance and result figures of
the company that need to be continuously held onto (e.g. Work order), and
facts in fact tables are additive, which means it can be calculated in order to
achieve higher result that the original data record simply cannot provide.

- The dimension table contains attributes with which the data from the facts
table can be described from. It refers to a collection of reference information
relating to the saved events within the table of facts.

- In a star schema, the facts table is simply connected with all dimension tables
via foreign key relationships. Connections between individual dimension
tables are established.

- In this specific project, we will be using Dimensional Model to build our data
mart in order to store data for further analytics purposes. The Dimensional
Model is the fundamental for the Bottom-up Data Warehouse building method
developed by Ralph Kimball, because this specific methodology can solve
two major and critical problem of a Data Warehouse.

- For a data warehouse to be used at its best, the user must be able to recognize
and familiarize with the new system fast, which means that the data warehouse
must be easy to understand, and the Bottom-up methodology is designed
primarily for this kind of requirement. The second and most crucial in any
information systems is that every data warehouse developed must be
optimized for querying speed, imagine that your company and the rival
company is in an intense competive situation and even one single decision
made is significantly affect the whole result, so the querying process from
your data warehouse must be faster than the enemy for you to take an upper

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

hand. As you may have guessed, the Bottom-up methodology is designed

based on this requirement of a data warehouse.

- In the Bottom-up methodology, each Data Mart must be created first, and then
all created Data Mart will be integrated to become one entity, which is the
Data Warehouse. So what are we going to do exactly in this project is that we
will be building the data mart for the production process based on the OLTP
database of the Adventure Works databased provided by Microsoft.

2.2. Data Warehouse building tools

- In this project, we use the SQL Server Database Management System to build
Data Warehouse. SQL Server components are related to Data Warehouse and
BI. SQL Server Components are the main components where data is stored,

• Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine: Storing and querying

relational data for Data Warehouse.

• Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS): Store and query data
in Cube format for Data Warehouse.

• Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS): Do ETL tasks, to

transform and load data to the Data Warehouse.

2.3. General process of building Data Warehouse according to Bottom-up

- Step 1: Determine which business process we are going to build the Data Mart

- Step 2: Determine and analyze the requirements assessment to find the

information needed for each reporting objectives and determine data sources.

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

- Step 3: Specify the fact grains measure in every fact table.

- Step 4: Recognize and build dimensions, dimension tables

- Step 5: Recognize fact data and build fact tables based on answering the
objectives from step 2. Every data record in this design have to be appropriate
with the fact grains measure as stated at step 3.

- Step 6: Figure out all relationship the fact tables have with each individual
dimension table.

- Step 7: Transforming and normalizing data types and data keys. Dealing with
null, random and noise values.

- Step 8: Choosing ETL tools and transfer data from data sources into Data
Mart, in this case we will be using SSIS provided by Microsoft.

- Step 9: Build multidimensional data blocks with different topic directions. In

this step we will use the SSAS tool to build OLAP Database and
multidimensional data blocks.

- Step 10: Build reports as required initially with data from Data Warehouse.
Use the BI and SSRS tools to extract data to process or generate reports for
users to view. When extracting data from Cubes we use the MDX language to

2.4 BI Systems
2.4.1 What is BI?
- BI stands for Business Intelligence, which combines products and
technologies and methods to organize the main information that governs in a
reasonable way to improve profitability and performance of an organization.
In a wider manner, BI is business information and business analytics for key

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

business processes, which leads to decisions and actions, thereby improving

business performance. BI Includes business information and analysis:

• Used within the scope of process key operations;

• Support decisions and actions;

• Orientations to improve business performance.

2.4.2 The importance of BI

- There are many important reasons that even small and midsize businesses will
want to invest in BI to gain a competitive advantage. Let’s take a look at six
of the most important:

• BI turns data into usable information. Raw data doesn’t tell us what to
do in business all on its own. BI systems allow for comprehensive
analysis of data to identify important trends that can be used to modify
or implement strategic plans and to understand the interconnections
between different functions and facets of your business.

• BI improves the visibility of core business components. BI makes it

easier to see each component part of your business, including those that
are often overlooked. Consequently, you can more easily identify
components that need improvement and to make changes.

• BI improves your ROI (Return on Investment) and the ability to achieve

business goals. BI analysis allows you to understand how best to
allocate enterprise’s resources to meet your stated goals. This allows
you to increase your ROI by ensuring that resources are deployed
strategically to achieve fixed goals, and it helps to prevent “mission
drift” or “mission creep” where outcomes no longer align to goals.

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

• BI improves your understanding of consumer behavior. BI analysis

allows you to track global, regional, and local consumption patterns to
better understand current trends. This, in turn, allows you to develop
and deliver products and services that anticipate market needs.

• BI improves your marketing and sales intelligence. By keeping track of

data about your clients and customers, BI allows you to understand how
they interact with your organization at a deeper level so you can identify
solutions to consumer issues and better reach your customers with
targeted messages to increase sales.

• BI improves productivity. BI makes the process of analyzing and

interpreting data faster and more efficient, giving you the power to
understand business data as quickly as it comes in, and it allows you to
generate reports within a mouse click. This gives you and your
employees more time to devote to running your business rather than
analyzing it.

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business


3.1. Business process survey

Figure 2: BPMN of the production process

- The production process (manufacture) involves the actual creation process of

the products within the organization. Whereas the production process is
concerned with acquiring needed materials internally (by making them), the
procurement process is concerned with obtaining needed materials externally
(by buying them).

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

- The process begins with a request for production that is typically triggered by
another process such as fulfillment process, which needs to complete a
customer purchase order (make-to-order strategy), or by material planning,
which has determined that the company needs to increase inventory levels
(make-to-stock strategy).

- The request is then authorized by the production for production by the

production supervisor. The next step is to release the order for production so
that the materials needed to produce the bikes are issued from storage. Very
often, production involves the use of external systems, such as plant data
collection (PDC) systems, that utilize data from the ERP system to execute
production on the shop floor.

- In such cases, data about the order are transmitted to the external system. After
the finished goods have been produced, the actual production is confirmed in
the system, signaling that the steps required to manufacture the materials have
been completed. The materials are then moved to storage, and the system
reports that they are now available for consumption by other processes (e.g.,
fulfillment). In addition, several activities are performed periodically during
the process, including overhead allocation, work in process determination, and
order settlement.

- Documents in a Production Process:

• Planned order: is a formal request for production that indicates what

materials are needed, how many units are needed, and when they are

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

• Production order: is created in the authorize production step, represents

an actual commitment to producing a specific quantity of materials by
a certain date.

• Goods issue (for materials that needed produce)

• Goods receipt (for finished goods)

- Master data in Production Process:

• Bill of materials (BOM): identifies the components that are necessary

to produce a material. Indiscreet and repetitive manufacturing, the
BOM is a complete list of all the materials, both raw materials and
semi-finished goods, that are needed to produce a specified quantity of
the material.

• Work center: is a location where value-added work needed to produce

material is carried out. It is where specific operations, such as drilling,
assembly, and painting, are conducted.

• Work order routing: as a list of operations that a company must

perform to produce a product

• Inventory warehouse: Store goods after finished manufacturing.

3.2. Analysis Requirements

3.2.1. Evaluate the performance of the manufacturing process of the
organization through productivity, punctuality and quality
- The enhancement of productivity in the field of manufacturing production is
of very great importance to an organization’s ability to compete and make
profits over time. An organization that fails to efficiently utilize its resources
in creating value for its customers will not survive in the competitive business

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

environment of today. Key performance indicators are found to affect the

productivity of manufacturing organizations. The quality control aspects e.g.
error-free manufacturing process according to the specification.

- A manufacturing KPI or metric is a well-defined measurement to monitor,

analyze, and optimize production processes regarding their quantity, quality
as well as different cost aspects. They give manufacturers valuable business
insights to meet their organizational goals.

- Scrap rate can be used as a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) to measure the
quality of the production output in a specific manufacturing process. In a
production site, a certain amount of scrap is inevitable; it is a natural
consequence of the manufacturing process but should be detected early in the
manufacturing flow.

- Scrap rate = (Total Scrapped Product Quantity / Total Product Ordered) *


3.2.2. Analysis, forecasting planning for production

- As we stated about the importance of a business's manufacturing operations.
Proper production planning can bring about many benefits such as saving
material costs, quickly meeting the market demands,... By analyzing data,
product information, scheduling. In the near future, we can plan the
production process of the enterprise accordingly.

- Production forecasting means to estimate the future demands for goods

production and services. It also estimates the resources which are required to
produce those goods and services. These resources include human resources,
chronological resourses, financial and material resources. So, production

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

forecasting means to estimate “the 6M's of management” in business


- The production manager first estimates the future market or demand for the
company goods and services. Then he estimates the Men (human resources),
Money (financial resources), Materials, Machines, and Methods, which will
be required to produce those goods and services. In this part, our group will
focus on the main materials needed to produce finished products of the
Adventure Works company.

3.2.3. Analyzing manufacturing cost, location cost

- In the production process, let temporarily set aside other resources and focus
on the manufacturing cost and the location cost of the production process.

- A single product of the Adventure Works is produced through many

sequences of works. Each sequence will be initiated in a single manufacturing
location specified in the work of that specific sequence.

- Each location of Adventure Works cost money to produce products. To

calculate the location cost and manufacturing cost of products. We can use the
following equation:

- Product production cost = Total manufacturing hours needed to complete the

sequence * The cost per hour of the manufacturing location.

- By using the equation, we can calculate the cost of manufacturing process of

each product, at each location and by any time variables we wanted to. With
the result, we can analyze and evaluate the efficiency of the manufacturing
process of the company. Eventually, proposing solutions to deal with the
costing problems.

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business


4.1. Design of the Data Warehouse
4.1.1. Structure Description
- The data warehouse contains aggregate information about products, locations,
scrap reasons, transaction type, time,…

- Production data is stored over time serving analytical and statistical

requirements related to:

• Evaluation of performance in manufacturing

• Analysis, forecasting planning for production

• Analyzing the movement of goods in and out of the inventory

warehouse and the efficiency of the warehouse system.

- We also using Sales and Purchasing data to support our production process

4.1.2. Description of the fields for each table

Product Dimension Table: Dim_Product

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

Figure 3: Product Dimension Table description

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

- Product dimension is the center most dimension of our production process

data warehouse. It contains data about all the product and many dimensions
of product (category, subcategory,..).

- Product Type:

• Raw materials (not salable, purchased)

• Semi-finished goods (not salable, manufactured in-house)

• Trading goods (salable, purchased)

• Finished goods (salable, manufactured in-house)

- Product sell start date and sell end date: These two attribute indicating the date
a specific product is started to be on the market by Adventure Works, and the
end date is the date that the product is no longer sold by Adventure Works

Location Dimension Table: Dim_Location

Figure 4: Location Dimension Table description

- This table is created from Production. Location table in AventureWorks

database. Location dimension contains data about the work order routing and

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

also the storage location for the products associate with each specific work
order routes, so it appears in both ProductInventory and WorkOrderRouting.

- Location dimension contains the Location_Key, which works as an identicator

for the location records in the table. Availability and Cost_Rate are also

Scrap Reason Dimension Table: Dim_Scrap_Reason

Figure 5: Scrap Reason Dimension Table description

- This table is created from Production.ScrapReason table in AventureWorks

database. It lists all the reasons for damage that may occur during the
production of a specific product. There are 16 scrap reasons and each reason
in this table have two descriptive attributes called Reason_Name and

Transaction Type Dimension Table: Dim_Transaction_Type

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

Figure 6: Transaction Type Dimension Table description

- These types indicate where do the goods come from and where it being
exported out to, which will tell us about which direction of goods each
transaction was meant to go.

- But when we created the Inventory Transaction fact table, there are some
records which do not have any transaction, so the Transaction Type attribute
of these records are null, and according to our knowledge about data
warehouse design, we have to deal with these null value, so we created a new
transaction type coded “N”, meaning “No transaction” for these records.

- Finally, this table now have 4 record according to 4 types of transaction in

Inventory Transaction fact table:

• “W” stands for Work Order

• “P” stands for Purchase Order

• “S” stands for Sales Order

• “N” stands for No Transaction

Time Dimension Table: Dim_Time

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Figure 7: Time Dimension Table description

- Time dimension as known as Date dimension, this dimension is a special

dimension, it always must have to exist in any Multidimensional Model, also
it is a crucial dimension for a data warehouse, in orde for us to do reporting
and visualization for business intelligence.

- The smallest grain value of this table is Date (e.g. 20200502).

- The range of value of Time dimension table is from year 2010 to year 2014

Vendor Dimension table: Dim_Vendor

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Figure 8: Vendor Dimension Table description

Special Offer Dimension table: Dim_Special_Offer

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Figure 9: Special Offer Dimension Table description

Ship Method Dimension table: Dim_Ship_Method

Figure 10: Ship Method Dimension Table description

Sales Territory Dimension table: Dim_Sales_Territory

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Figure 11: Sales Territory Dimension Table description

Product Manufacture Fact table: Fact_Product_Manufacture

Figure 12: Product Manufacture Fact Table description

- This table contains transaction data related to product manufacturing. Fact

grain: one product manufacture under one work order request to produce
Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

specific product one location belong to one operation sequence; has planned
manufacturing start date and planned manufacturing end date; has actual start
date and actual end date; has number of manufacturing hours used; has
estimated manufacturing cost; has actual manufacturing cost; has date and
time the record was last updated.

Work Order Fact Table: Fact_Work_Order

Figure 13: Work Order Fact Table description

- This table contains event information related to manufacturing work orders.

Fact grain: one work order produces specific product; with work order start
date, work order end date, work order due date; has product quantity to build,
quantity that finished inspection, quantity that failed inspection, reason for
inspection failure and date and time the record was last updated.

Inventory Transaction Fact Table: Fact_Inventory_Transaction

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Figure 14: Inventory Transaction Fact Table description

- This fact table is created with references from Dim_Product table and
Dim_Transaction_Type, and some records reference from Fact_Work_Order
(because there are transactions from Work Order).

- As we stated in the Dim_Transaction_Type table, this fact table contains

inventory transactions from 2010 to 2014 of Adventure Works OLTP
database, each record in this table represent a transaction from either Work
Order, Purchase Order or Sales order, the time, the product, the quantity of
the product and the Actual Cost involved.

- This table works as a snapshot for each product in every single date from the
Dim_Date table, which means every record in this table represent a transaction
of a product in a specific day.

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- We have 504 products, multiply it for 1826 date we get from Dim_Time table,
then we have more than 900000 lines of transaction, but after checking the
result later, we found out that the transactions have not being recorded until
2011, so we drop every line from 2010 from the table, and now we have only
about 838209 records contain transaction data of every product from 2011 to

- The Fact_Inventory_Transaction table later will be analyzed for our

requirement of reporting the movements of goods in the system.

- Originally we want to convert each record in this table into transaction types
such as In movement and Out movement, but we cannot figure out what
movement exactly are from Work Order, so we kept transaction types as
default (W, P,S and N for No Transaction)

Product Inventory Fact Table: Fact_Product_Inventory

Figure 15: Product Inventory Fact Table description

Bill Of Materials Fact Table: Fact_Bill_Of_Materials

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Figure 16: Bill Of Materials Fact Table description

Purchase Order Fact Table: Fact_Purchase_Order

Figure 17: Purchase Order Fact Table description

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Sales Order Fact Table: Fact_Sales_Order

Figure 18 Sales Order Fact Table description

Special Offer - Product Fact Table: Fact_Special_Offer_Product

Figure 19: Special Offer - Product Fact Table description

4.1.3. Diagram

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Figure 20: Data Warehouse SQL Server Database Diagram

4.2. Common ETL processes

4.2.1. Dimension Table’s ETL Process
- This is an example for the ETL process of the Dim_Location table, every
dimension table remaining were created in the same way:

• Step 1: Create new Integration Services Project in Visual Studio

• Step 2: New SSIS Package > Data Flow Task > Double click on Data
Flow Task > OLE DB Source from SSIS Toolbox > Double click on
OLE DB Source > Select source database > Data access mode select
SQL command

• Step 3: Enter SQL command:

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Figure 21: SQL command creating Dim_Location table

• Step 4: Drag Slowly Changing Dimension from the toolbox out, choose
the destination and check input, output table integrity

• Step 5: Run the package

Figure 22: SSIS result of Dim_Location table

• Final result:

Figure 23: Dim_Location populated

- ETL process of the Dim_Product table

• The product dimension table is the most important table for our
production process. Because we are creating this data mart with the star

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schema method so we want the product dimension table to have as

many dimension as possible

• The result coming out is so good, there are some dimension which we
were able to stuff them in this dimension table and these are the way
we deal with null values:

 Product Color: We replaced null value with “No color”

 Finished Goods Flag and Make Flag: We combine the

Finished Goods Flag and Make Flag record to Product_Type
attribute, indicating type of product (Finished Goods, Semi-
Finished Goods,…)

 Unit Measure: Every product have the size and weight

measures, and we reference them from Production.UnitMeasure
table, we replaced the original Unit_Measure_Code (short
string) with Unit_Measure (whole string) for the clarity of the
data, but some product does not have any measure, so for the
figures we replaced all the null attributes with “0”, and for the
unit measures we replaced null with “No measure”.

Figure 24: Dim_Product dimensions

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Figure 25: Product table Data Dictionary (1)

 Product Line, Product Class and Product Style: Originally,

records in Production.Product table have Product_Line, Class
and Style were noted by a single character, we want those value
to be whole strings, so we created tables called “temp Product
Line”, “temp Product Class” and “temp Product Style” to stored
these full text description and the code themselves. In the ETL
process we use T-SQL to replace these single character with the
full string values. For any null record, we replaced them with
“Other” in post.

Figure 26: Product table Data Dictionary (2)

 Product Model: Originally in Production.Product table, the

Product Model was noted with ID, so we connect Product table
with the Product Model table to replace the ID with the whole
string value for our product dimension table, and we also
replaced null value with “Other”

Figure 27: Product description SQL query

 Product Description: The product description was connected

with the ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture table, so we
have to reference it based on Product Model and Product Culture
(we limited our data mart to use only English as the primary
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language). With the original product descriptions provided by the

Production.ProductDescription table, we created a new
description called “Other product” for any record that does not
have Description.

Figure 28: Product table Data Dictionary (3)

 Product Category and Product Subcategory: The product

table already have the product subcategory ID, we just have to
replace these ID with the name of the subcategory from the
Production.ProductSubcategory table. For the Product Category,
we have to reference it from the Production.ProductCategory
table using the ProductSubcategoryID we already have. With the
original product categories provided by the Production.
ProductCategory and Production.ProductSubcategory tables we
created new category and subcategory called “Other” for any
record that does not have Category and/ or Subcategory

Figure 29: Dim_Product result (1)

Figure 30: Dim_Product result (2)

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- ETL process of the Dim_Transaction_Type table

• This table is a dimension table that we figured out manually in the

process of the fact tables planning, so we decided to build and populate
this table manually using SSMS, also this table is so small that if we
using SSIS, it will be a waste of our value time and effort.

• Dim_Transaction_Type table was populated with 4 record:

Figure 31: Dim_Transaction_Type populated

- ETL process of the Dim_Time table

• This table is a very special table, this table is crucial for everything we
are doing in this project, without this, nothing could have been done
efficiently. Originally, we figured out 2 methods to build and populate
this table. The first one is by using Analytics Project in Microsoft
Visual Studio, but this method did not work correctly for us, so we
decided to deal with this table manually by using a special T-SQL query
provided by our teacher Pham Van Tuyen to generate a time dimension
table which contains values from January 1st 2010 to December 31st
2014 (this is the time limit provided by Adventure Works database):

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Figure 32: Dim_Time creating T-SQL

• The result:

Figure 33: Dim_Time populated

• Also, the result came our quite good and we were happy by it, but as
we have done for all other date attribute, we have changed the data type
of the Date_Key attribute (primary key) of this table to nvarchar(8) in
the table design interface.

4.2.2. Fact Table’s ETL Process

ETL Fact_Inventory_Transaction

- This table were created by specify every transaction of each product in every
single day in the Dim_Time table. As we stated in the previous section, the
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table now contains over 800000 records of product multiplied by date, so now
we begin the ETL process of this table to populate it with transaction data.

Figure 34: Product by date table result

- We used two tables available in the Adventure Works OLTP database, the
Production.TransactionHistory and Production.TransactionHistoryArchive
because we want to get all the data provided for the most accurate analytic

- Then we “JOIN-ed” these two tables together using T-SQL and now we have
a data table about all the transactions ever recorded in the system:

Figure 35: TransactionHistory and Transaction HistoryArchive JOIN result

- As you can see, the table name and the date was not exactly modified, so we
modified them and the result came out with a beautiful and a cleaner look:

Figure 36: TransactionHistory and Transaction HistoryArchive JOIN result modified

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- Then we “JOIN-ed” this table with the “Product x Date” we created before,
and now we have the complete transaction table with data from 2011 to 2014.

Figure 37: Fact_Inventory_Transaction final result

- There are some records having Transaction_ID and Reference_Order_Key as

null because there was no transaction that day for that specific product. Some
records also have Transaction_Type_Key valued as “N” because as we
specified in Dim_Transaction_Type table, which means there are no
transaction that day. We also change the null values of the
Transaction_Quantity and Actual_Cost to “0”.

- Then we use SSIS to populate the table, we also used Sort to sort the record
by Product and then by Date.

Figure 38: Fact_Inventory_Transaction SSIS sort

ETL Fact_Bill_Of_Materials

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Figure 39: Fact BOM SQL Code

- In this table, we use the same method of ETL as before. We also changed the
Componen_Unit into full string instead of just Code like the original table
from Adventure Works.

- We delete every BOM record that contain End Date.

Figure 40: Fact BOM Result

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Figure 41: Fact BOM ETL Process

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5.1. Data analysis with SSAS technology
5.1.1. Using SSAS
- Step 1: Launch Visual Studio -> Choose File/New Project -> Select Business
Intelligence => Analysis => Analysis Services Multidimensional and Data
Mining Project. Set Project’s name and browse place to save.

- Step 2: Create Data Source

Figure 42: Create Data Source for SSAS (1)

- Choose data source. After clicking OK. Visual Studio will prompt you to enter
information to authenticate database access. You can enter the User Name and
Password you created in SQL server. Here we use the default account mode
of SQL Server so select Radio Button Use the service account.

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Figure 43: Create Data Source for SSAS (2)

- The dialog box will then appear so you can change the name of the Data
source. You can also check the connection string. Finally, click Finish to
finish creating the Data source step for SSAS.

- Step 3: Create Data Source View Right-click Data Source Views, then select
New Data Source View.

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Figure 44: Create Data Source View for SSAS (1)

- Select the Data Source created in Step 2. Then click Next.

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Figure 45: Create Data Source View for SSAS (2)

- Select the dimension tables and event tables you want to analyze. After
selecting, click Next. Then, Visual Studio displays a dialog box that allows
you to change the name of Data Source View. Finally, click Finish to finish
46 the step of creating the Data Source View to create a view that combines
the dimension tables and event tables.

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Figure 46: Create Data Source View for SSAS (3)

- Step 4: Create Cube Right click on Cubes select New Cube to create new

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Figure 47: Create CUBE for SSAS (1)

- Cube Wizard dialog box created for you to choose how to create Cube. Here
we use the method Use existing tables (Use existing tables). Then click Next.

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Figure 48: Create CUBE for SSAS (2)

- Select the Fact table you want to analyze. Then click Next.

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Figure 49: Create CUBE for SSAS (3)

- Select the dimension table you want to analyze. Click Next and Finish.

- Result:

Figure 50: Diagram result after creating CUBE

- Step 5: Drag properties from the dimensional table

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Figure 51: Drag properties from the dimensional table

- Similar to the remaining dimension tables

- Step 6: Right-click on “Group1-Production-SSAS” to select “Process” to

create a multi-dimensional database in the analysis service

Figure 52: Create a multi-dimensionnal database (1)

- Then choose Run and result:

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Figure 53: Create a multi-dimensionnal database (2)

5.1.2. KPIs building Scrap Rate KPI
- Step 1: Create Calculation

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Figure 54: Create Scrap Rate calculation

- Create scrap rate calculation with Expression: [Measures].[Scrapped

Quantity]/[Measures].[Order Quantity - Fact Work Order]

- Step 2: Create KPI

• Name: ScrapRateKPI

• Value Expression: [Measures].[ScrappedRate]

• Goal Expression:

Figure 55: Scrapped Rate KPI Goal Expression

• Status Expression:

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Figure 56: Scrapped Rate KPI Status Expression

• Trend Expression:

Figure 57: Scrapped Rate KPI Trend Expression

- Step 3: After setting KPI, click tab browser, choose Excel symbol to Analysis on

Figure 58: Result in Excel of Scrap Rate KPI Product Manufacturing Cost KPI

- Similar to section step 2, we have ProductManufacturingCostKPI

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

- Step 2: Create KPI

• Name: ProductManufacturingCostKPI

• Value Expression: [Measures].[Actual Cost - Fact Product


• Goal Expression:

Figure 59: Product Manufacturing Cost KPI Goal Expression

• Status Expression:

Figure 60: Product Manufacturing Cost KPI Status Expression

• Trend Expression:

Figure 61: Product Manufacturing Cost KPI Trend Expression

- Step 3: After setting KPI, click tab browser, choose Excel symbol to Analysis on

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Figure 62: Result in Excel of Product Manufacturing Cost KPI

5.1.3. Analysis with SSAS

- Using the Browser function, drag and drop the dimension table and the event
table to display the data.

- Scrap rate by product subcategory:

Figure 63: Scrap rate by product subcategory

- Order quantity by product color and year

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Figure 64: Order Quantity on Product color by Year

- Product quantity by location name

Figure 65: Product quantity by location name

5.2. Data analysis with the Pivot Table tool in Microsoft Excel

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Pivot tables are one of Excel’s most powerful features. A pivot table allows you
to extract the significance from a large, detailed data set. Pivot Table has great
flexibility and can be adjusted quickly according to the need to display the results
we want. Based on the Pivot Table, we can use the Pivot Chart to model more
specific data using charts.

5.2.1. Using Pivot Table

- To use the Pivot Table to connect SQL server Analysis, you must create a
Cube block. We use Microsoft Excel 2016. We will show you how to connect
data from SQL server Analysis to Pivot Table to analyze and create reports.

- Step 1: Open Microsoft Excel 2016. Select Data from the Menu, select From
Other Sources and select the connection type From Analysis Services

Figure 66: Creating Excel Pivot Table (1)

- Step 2: After selecting the connection type, Excel will display a Form for you
to select the Database Server to connect. Here we enter the "." In server name
to connect to Database Local, then select Next.

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Figure 67: Creating Excel Pivot Table (2)

- Step 3: In this step, Excel will display a Combobox for you to select the data
block you want to analyze. In this case, we choose to analyze Sales data block,
select Next

Figure 68: Creating Excel Pivot Table (3)

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- Step 4: In this step, Excel wants you to save the connection string. Here I leave
the default, if you want to change the address, click Browse ... to change the
path for it. You can also add a description in the Description section. Then,
select Finish.

Figure 69: Creating Excel Pivot Table (4)

- Step 5: Excel asks you to check the Pivot Tale Report format or you want to
format it and select the data display area

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Figure 70: Creating Excel Pivot Table (5)

- Step 6: After importing the data into the Pivot Table for analysis, we have

Figure 71: Creating Excel Pivot Table (6)

5.2.2. Data analysis with the Pivot Table

- Difference of Planned cost and actual cost

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Figure 72: Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Table (1)

- Cost Rate by Location

Figure 73: Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Table (2)

- Product quantity by product Category

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Figure 74: Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Table (3)

5.3. Data analysis with MDX

- Step 1: Connect with SQL Server, Server Type: Analysis Service, then click

Figure 75: Data Analysis with SQL Server MDX (1)

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- Step 2: Select the Databases to analyze. When you conduct SSAS database
using Visual Studio, the database will create a Cube database in SQL Server
Analysis mode for you to analyze in MDX language.

Figure 76: Data Analysis with SQL Server MDX (2)

- Step 3: Perform data analysis using MDX language.

5.3.1. Product manufacturing cost by year

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Figure 77: Product manufacturing cost by year MDX Query

- Looking at the result in picture above, there is manufacturing cost of locations

by year. As mentioned before, there are 14 locations that can be product
inventory and manufacturing locations. We can see that the location used to
store the product has no cost, such as location name: Finished Goods Storage,
Miscellaneous Storage, Paint Storage. The remaining loactions are places to
produce products, which cost each year and the total cost of the year. Example
location: Debur and Polish, Final Assembly, Frame Forming, Frame

5.3.2. Scrapped rate of product every year

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Figure 78: Scrapped rate of product every year MDX Query

- There are 504 products divided into 4 categories: raw materials (not salable,
purchase), semi-finished goods (not salable, in-house), trading goods (salable,
purchase), finished goods (salable, in-house). The results in the picture above
have products with no scrap rates, those products are of categories trading
goods and raw materials because they are not manufactured but purchased.
The remaining 2 types of products, finished goods and semi-finished goods,
are manufactured, so there is a scrapped rate. We can see BB Ball Bearing
product has scrap rate by year: 2011 (~3.68), 2012 (~2.09), 2013 (2.13), 2014

5.3.3. Inventory transaction of product on transaction type

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Figure 79: Inventory transaction of product on transaction type MDX Query

- The above MDX statement results in the listing of transactions for the
products. As mentioned before, there are 3 Transaction Types:
• Work Order

• Purchase Order

• Sales Order

- Each result row represents a product purchased, sold, or manufactured in

specific quantities

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6.1. Data analysis with Power BI

Figure 80: Manufacturing Cost Report Dashboard - Power BI

- The dashboard includes charts: Total cost, Manufacturing Cost by Product

Type, Finished Rate by Product, Scrapped Rate by Product Type,
Manufacture Location Cost, Top 5 scrap reason, Top 10 Product with hightest
manufacturing cost, Product with hightest scrapped rate. Looking at the
dashboard, you can see:
• Summary of the cost figures over the years: 2011(324,375.00), 2012
(810,436.00), 2013 (1,456,982.25), 2014 (895,816.25).

• Manufacturing Cost by Product Type have the highest cost in 2013

(both Finished Goods and Semi-Finished Good). This proves that 2013
produced a lot, which can be assumed that the number of orders also
increased significantly compared to other years.

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• Accordingly, we see a lot of scrapped rate in 2013. It can also be said

that because of high production in 2013, the scrapped rate is also high.

• There are five most common reasons: Paint process failed, Trim length
too long, Thermoform temperature too low, Drill size too small, Wheel

• There are 7 locations used to produce: Frame Forming, Frame Welding,

Debur and Polish, Paint, Specialized Paint, Subassembly, Final
Assembly. The dashboard shows the Subassembly location with the
highest cost all years. Frame Forming location has the second highest
cost in 2011 and 2012, and the third highest cost in 2013 and 2014. In
addition, Final Assembly locations has the third highest cost in 2011
and 2012, and the second highest cost in 2013 and 2014. In the fourth
position there is Frame Welding. The remaining locations are low or

• The last is the product with the highest cost and most scrapped rate.

- Recommend Solutions:
• Improve location efficiency to reduce production time or consider
flexibly using alternative locations with lower costs while ensuring

• Proposing remedies for common scrapped reasons.

• Find ways to reduce the costs of high-cost products.

• Find ways to increase product completion rates.

6.2. Data analysis with Tableau

6.2.1. Evaluation Production Planning

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- Production planning is an important state in Production Process, it affects the

production process as a whole, from material managing, cost managing and
product managing for the whole enterprise. Production Planning also indicate
how are we going to do the production process. A good Production Planning
performance will improve Production Process dramatically, it helps the
company save resources. In contract, a bad production planning eventually
leads to a lack of punctuality production process which cause big problems
for the organization.
- There are many variable we could consider when evaluating the production
planning process, but for this paper specifically, our research team using 2
• Accuracy
• Punctuality
- According to the report, we can determine whether the planned cost of
resources was used in the reality or not. This is extremely important because
if the actual performance does not meet the planned resources, every

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

following stage could be delayed, eventually late the whole production

process. Negatively affect all company resouces.

Figure 81: Cost and Schedule in Plan and Reality

- This figure express the time, the cost planned and in reality of the company
from the Adventure Works Production Data Warehouse that we built. We can
realize that every actual cost completely matched the planned cost.
- This result ensure that every following stage can be execute on time, and on
schedule. The actual production date always have to be planned ahead. The
accuracy goal is achieved.

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Figure 82: Quantity Product in Inventory

- Another variable for evaluate the efficiency of the production planning

process is “Punctuality”. Punctuality is a standrd that required the process to
be puncture. This has the same meaning as the availability standard of product
inventoty. This ensure the product quantity is always ready to be used in the
production process. It helps the production process could be executed anytime
the company want and does not have to create any addition procurement
proposal to fulfill the materials needed.
- In the anylyzing process of this standard, we using these two terminologies:
• Reorder Point: Is the point that the product need to be procured, to
ensure the readiness of the product.
• Safety stock quantity: Is the safe level of quantity of product in the
inventory. This is the figure that ensure the readiness of the product to
be the input of the production process, fulfillment process.

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- As we can see in the table above, the product quantity always above the
reorder point and safety stock level.

Figure 83: Product Quantity in Inventory and PO

Figure 84: Product Quantity in Inventory and SO

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- For every record that the figure above that lower than the Reorder Point will
immediately be procured and/ or manufactured to balance out the inventory.

Figure 85: Product Quantity in Inventory and SO by product subcategory

- In the analytics above, we can see a detailed process of determine the

minimum quantity of products.
- Every subcategory of products has it own different level of minimum quantity.
This ensure the stored quantity of product always ready for other transactions.
The punctuality standard achieved.
- With the information above, we can conclude that the production planning of
this company is “fine” in a way, and is detailed to every figure. Again, this

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

really support the production process, make sure it runs smoothly and sticks
to the plan, limits mistakes and errors to the smallest number.

6.2.2 Forecasting
- In the production process, the trigger of every manufacturing activities is
configured based on two different process, make-to-stock and make-to-order.
The planning stage of the production process is not only helps pushing up the
performance of the make-to-order process, makes it more efficient, it also
makes the execution stage of the production process happens smoothly, avoid
accidental risks.
- In the make-to-stock process, if you have a detailed production plan, it will
undoubtedly ensure the readiness of your stock.
- In order for us to make a good production plan, we have to consider all the
necessary transactional data in the past and other parameters to forecast
accurately, limits risks to minimum level. The data have to be actual data,
detailed and drilled down to the smallest level, ensure the accuracy and the
reliability of the forecasting result.
- We did run analysis on the transactional data of the procurement process,
production process and fulfillment process to derive the information needed
to evaluate the production planning process in the past and also predict the
production process demands in the future.

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Figure 86: Quantity Product in PO/SO/Inventory

- We can have some information in the figure above:

• Finished goods are Bikes and other related Components.
• Semi-Finished goods cannot be sold and is not stored in the inventory
• Raw material is the most procured and stored type of product.
• Trading goods are accessories, clothing, components.
• Components could be manufactured when they are Finished Goods or
purchased when they are Trading Goods.
• Trading Goods can also be sold and be used as component to
manufacture the finished products.

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Figure 87: Sales Line, Purchase Line, Production Line by Years

- Next figure, we can recorgnize that in the time before Q1 2013, the production
process had the largest number, as in two figures above, we can say that in
this period, the most focused products are bikes and other related components.
Other reselling products like trading goods are not really the strength of the
company in this specific period.
- However, after Q1 2013, there is a dramatic change in the figure, it is a burst
in the reselling department while the production department is decreased
- This indicates the shifting in the business goals, they no longer focus so much
on the manufactured products and shifted their focus to other trading goods.
- In addition, when looking at the Sales Line, we can easily see that in some last
period of time from 2011 to 2014 of the data, the sales line tends to shifting
to the purchase line.

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- From here, the process of forecasting future trend can help we realize the
changes in the way of doing business in the company, for instance, the number
of manufacturing products has the trend to go down very clearly.

Figure 88: Producted Quantity by Year

- In the assumption above, we focusing on analyzing the quantity of product

manufactured chronologically, and realized that there is a obvious decrease in
the number of manufactured products. Gradually, the quantity of product in
production order tends to be fluctuate in middle years and tends to decrease
dramatically in the last year.

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Figure 89: Sale Product Quantity of Category by Quarter

Figure 90: Sale Product Quantity of Category by Month

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- If we analyze deeper in the sales activities, in more detailed product, we

recorgnize that our prediction is right, when the quantity of sold manufactured
product tends to go down in some periods and the quantity of sold trading
goods is increased and stay steady through time.

Figure 91: Sale Product Quantity of Sub_category by Month

- In conclusion, the manufacturing process of the company has the trend to

decrease in the future while the selling of trading goods tends to go up
- From the conclusion, we came up with the solution that we will have to
analyze more detail and query every single product to see whether the product
has the tend to be lowering, to limit the procurement or the production process
of that specific product to avoid abundant. Besides, any product has the tend
to rise in sales quantity will be increased in the procurement and production

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

7.1. Results
- Understand the meaning of implementing BI reports.
• Documenting how to analyze source data, ETL.
• Know how to use the SQL Data Tools toolkit to create BI reports.
• Build a BI reporting system to support administration.
• Increase the ability to self-study and research a problem.
• Improved ability to read English book.

7.2. Restrictions of the project

- This is a new approach to the group so it is difficult in the way of project
development. In addition, the implementation time is quite short when there
is a lot of expected work in the development of the project, so the project is
only limited to the extent of creating general management reports with the
objects, yet intervene deeply in data analysis.
- Finding the source data to use in the topic is quite difficult and the data is still
small, so the results of the reports cannot show its significance.

7.3. Development
- Examine more practical needs from customers to have specific requirements,
accumulate knowledge to develop, support ERP projects that need to use BI
reports at work.
- Further processing and intervention in the research of source data and ETL
for better data quality and more reliable results.
- Extend interactive features in reports and nested reports.

Design data warehouse and analyze production data in business

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- [5] - Ho Trung Thanh - Data warehouse analysis in Business


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