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Module 5: Activity No.

Experiment No. 5:


Student No. 20190113178


Explain in details the working principle of a platform balance. Use diagrams if it


A platform balance is a device that uses a platform or solid foundation to measure the
weight of an object, as
well as a sequence of
levers and balances to
compute the overall mass.
The majority of the time,
this equipment is
employed to weigh
objects that are extremely
heavy, bulky, or inconvenient.

A platform balance is a laboratory apparatus which is used for weighing objects. The
balance has two platforms either mounted on or suspended from a cross-arm, and
weights are placed on one platform until they balance the object being weighed.

The fundamental principle that distinguishes a balance from a scale is the creation of a
counteracting force that can be compared to the unknown mass. The weighing pan is
connected to an electromagnetic coil, which conducts electricity. The platform balance
is a form of equal-arm balance in which two flat platforms are attached to the top side of
the beam, one at each end. Such a balance has a rider, or weight, mounted on a bar
that has a calibrated scale, is parallel to the beam, and connects the supports of the two


 Idswater, & By. (2020, June 16). What is the use a platform balance? What
is the use a platform balance? – Retrieved April 4, 2022, from
 Infoplease. (n.d.). Balance: Infoplease. Retrieved April 4, 2022, from

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