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School: No 1 Frumusita Secondary School

Teacher: Gabriela Tsilakidis
Date: March 14th, 2022
Grade: 7th
No of students: 22
Topic: Self-control / ‘’ Anne Frank- The Diary of a Young Girl ‘’
Module: 6- Incredible journeys
Unit: 6a- Travel
Type of lesson: mixed (Reading, Listening, Writing)

General competences:
1. Receive oral messages in routine exchanges
2. Oral communication in routine exchanges
3. Receive written messages in routine exchanges
4. Write messages in routine exchanges.

Specific competences:
1.1. Identifying key information from a recorded material when referred to different events,
especially illustrated
1.2. Identifying the general meaning of clearly articulated oral messages
2.2. Taking part in short verbal exchanges with support from the interlocutor
3.2. Select information from texts focused on real-life situations.
4. Harmer, J.- The Practice of English Language Teaching, Longman, Third Edition,
completely revised and updated, 2001, Chapter 4: Describing teachers, The roles of a
teacher , pg.58
Stages of lesson

1. Warm-up (5 min)
Interaction: T-Ss
Teacher’s role: Controller
Teacher greets the students and asked them how their previous day was. She also asks
them whether they like travelling and what their favourite country is.

2. Engage (7 min)
Interaction: T- Ss
Teacher’s role: Prompter
Teacher writes a word (“Germany”) on the blackboard and invites students to come up
with ideas, words, phrases or collocations related to that word. Students may work
individually or in pairs. Then, they have to make sentences using their words.

3. Pre-listening (3 min)
Interaction: T-Ss
Teacher’s role: Organiser
Teacher tells the students that they’re going to watch a short video about Anne Frank, the
Jewish girl who lived for two years in the annex of her father’s factory, hidden form the

4. Listening (7 min)
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss- Ss
Teacher’s role: Observer/Resource
Teacher plays the video as many times as it needs for better understanding of the
material. Teacher tells students to listen to the recorded material carefully and write down
3 names, 3 numbers and 3 places that occur in the video. They can work in pairs and after
that, they share their results with the class.

5. Speaking (10 min)

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss
Teacher’s role: Resource/Observer/Prompter
Teacher writes some wh-questions on the blackboard about the video they watched. They
need to answer the questions in groups. Each group has a spokesperson who will share
his group’s opinions and thoughts with the whole class. Teacher acts as resource,
observer and prompter. (e.g.‘’ Where and when was Anne Frank born ?‘’; ‘’What was
her sister’s name?‘’; ‘’What country did they have to move to ?‘’; ‘’How many people
were there in the annex ?‘’; ‘’Who did Anne fall in love with ?‘’;‘’Why did Anne and
Margot have to switch to separate schools ?‘’;‘’ What did Anne receive on her 13th
birthday ?‘’; ‘’ What did she write about in her diary?‘’)
6. Writing (10 min)
Interaction: T-Ss
Teacher’s role: Resource/Observer
Teacher invites students to use the answers they gave in the previous activity for writing
down a summary of Anne Frank’s short and tragic life.

7. Homework (3 min)
Interaction: T-Ss
Teacher congratulates the students on their contribution and some of them get good
marks. For the next time, they have to imagine if Anne Frank had survived the war, what
it would have become of her. They have to write their composition in no more than 100-
150 words.

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