Motivate! 2 End-Of-Year Exam Extra: Units 1-9

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2 End-of-year Exam Extra Units 1–9

Name: __________________________________________________ Result: __/100


1 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1 My brother’s son is my ______________ .

2 You wear ______________ on your feet when you go hiking.
3 An ______________ film like Toy Story does not have real people in it. They make it by drawing
millions of pictures and using computers.
4 A ______________ is a TV programme. It is a drama about everyday life and is on TV every day
or every week.
5 ______________ is an adjective of feeling. It is positive and describes when you feel happy
because something good has happened.
6 An ______________ is a natural disaster when the floor shakes and buildings fall down.
7 ______________ is a character adjective. It is negative and describes when you behave in a
horrible way to people.
8 The ______________ is the part of a computer or laptop where you type words.
9 A ______________ is a type of doctor who does operations.
10 A health problem when your ear hurts is called ______________ .
11 A ______________ is an instrument with strings which you hold under your chin.
12 A ______________ is a container which is made of glass. You can put jam in it.
13 A ______________ is an animal which lives in the sea and is very intelligent.
Score __/13

2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb in the correct tense.

1 Ben often ______________ in the mountains at weekends. He loves long, difficult walks.
2 The plane ______________ in Paris. Then the passengers left the plane and walked into the
Arrivals hall.
3 Paul ______________ the heavy box and put it on top of the wardrobe. He’s so strong.
4 How much do you ______________ every week in your job?
5 When are you going to ______________ married?
6 Amy always ______________ when she’s playing cards. She’s so dishonest! You can’t trust her!
7 ______________ your dice then move your counter.
Score __/7


3 Write sentences in the correct tense.

1 Simon / carry / his backpack / to school / every day .

2 We / not watch / TV / right now .
3 The children / play / outside at the moment .
4 He usually / get up / at half past seven .
3 Henry / not enjoy / the film / yesterday .
6 They / sit / in the park / when I walked past .
7 Yesterday, / I / run / to school / then / I / go / into class .
8 While we / camp / in France / last summer, / we / meet / Dan and Jane .
Score __/8

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4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1 Mary is going ______________ (phone) Sue later. She’ll ______________ (tell) her about the
2 They’ll ______________(help) Eddie to organise the party but they won’t ______________ (stay)
3 If I ______________ (see) Jenny later I ______________ (ask) her about her driving test.
4 They are ______________ (have) lunch with Jo at one o’clock tomorrow. She isn’t going
______________ (come) shopping with us later.
5 You should ______________ (do) your homework every day, and you shouldn’t ______________
(hand) it in late.
6 Sarah won’t ______________ (get) a job in the summer but she will ______________ (go) away.
7 You mustn’t ______________ (wear) boots inside because they’ll ______________ (destroy) the
8 Fiona isn’t going ______________ (fly) home. She’s ______________ (take) the train.
Score __/8

5 Write sentences using the comparative and the superlative form of the adjectives.

1 Peter / be / old / than his brother / but / I / be / the old / boy in my class .
2 Patrick / be / the funny boy / in my class / so / he / be / the popular .
3 Louise / be / slim / than her sister / but / her sister / be / the tall / in the house .
4 Brighton be / small / than London / and / Chester / be / small / than Brighton .
5 Jim / have / the expensive / webcam in the shop . My webcam / be / cheap / than his .
6 Your laptop be / good / than mine . It / be / the good / laptop in the shop.
Score __/3

6 Complete the sentences with some, any, much or many.

1 The fridge is empty. Jenny hasn’t got ______________ milk. But it’s OK. I’ve got ______________
milk in my house.
2 I haven’t got ______________ money. In fact, I’ve only got £2. And we haven’t got
______________ time to get to the bank. It closes in five minutes!
3 There are ______________ Chinese students in my school. In fact, there are five of them.
However, there aren’t ______________ Japanese students. They left a month ago.
Score __/3

7 Read the answers and write the questions.

1 What time / you / usually / have breakfast / every morning ?

Oh, at eight.
2 she / ever / live / in London ?
No, she hasn’t.
3 What / you / do / yesterday evening at seven ?
Oh, watching TV.
4 Which film / they / see / tonight ?
They’re going to see Up.
5 Dan and Paul / ever / eat / a snake ?
Yes, they have.
6 When / she / arrive / at the bus station ?

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At three.
7 What / they / watch / on TV / right now ?
A documentary.
8 Where / you / go / later this evening ?
I’m going out.
Score __/8


8 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

The zoo vet

If you like animals you’ll love Manish Pandey’s job. He’s a vet at Chester Zoo, the largest zoo in
England, and one of the biggest in the world. In his job, Manish must look after some incredible
wild animals, including spiders with broken legs and giraffes with sore throats.

On a typical day, Manish gets to work at eight o’clock, and has a meeting with the zoo hospital
team before he goes to see the animals. He visits sick animals and talks to the zookeepers. He
often checks an animal’s eyes or teeth because that’s a good way to find out if they are ill. He’ll
also do operations in the morning if any animals have an injury.

Manish grew up India and always wanted to be a vet. He came to England to train and worked in
South Africa before he got his present job. He doesn’t earn much money in his job because
zoos don’t make a lot of money, but he really enjoys his work. Being a vet in a zoo isn’t more
difficult than looking after dogs and cats but it’s more interesting because you learn something
new every day. All animals are different so when an animal that Manish hasn’t met before gets ill
he enjoys trying to discover what the problem is.

1 In his job, Manish looks after ____ .

a) only insects and spiders b) all types of animals c) only large wild animals
2 The first thing Manish usually does in the morning is ____ .
a) check out the sick animals b) meet the people he works with c) talk to the zookeepers
3 Manish comes from ____ .
a) India b) England c) South Africa
4 Manish got his first job in ____ .
a) South Africa b) India c) England
5 Manish likes his job because ____ .
a) the money is good b) the animals are interesting c) it’s more difficult than other
Score __/10

9 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 What’s special about Chester Zoo?

2 What is a good way of finding out if an animal is sick?
3 What was Manish’s ambition when he was a small boy?
4 Where did Manish learn to be a vet?
5 Why does Manish think that looking after wild animals is more interesting than looking after dogs
and cats?

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Score __/10


10 You are on holiday in Thailand and you are going to write an email to a friend telling him / her
about your holiday. Write about 100 words. Include this information:

- where you are writing from

- where you went yesterday and where you’re going to morrow
- when you’re coming home and when you’ll see your friend again.

Connect your ideas with and, but and because, and too and also. Check the spelling and
punctuation of your email.

Score __/10


11 Listen and circle the correct answers.

1 Jason usually stays ____ in the summer.

a) with his aunt b) at his grandmother’s place c) at his sister’s house
2 Jason usually ____ when he’s on holiday.
a) goes camping b) cooks lunches c) goes surfing
3 Jason says he’s going to ____ in Thailand.
a) ride a horse b) visit the jungle c) go climbing
4 Claire thinks Jason’s trip will be ____ .
a) expensive b) exciting c) dangerous
5 Jason is going to ____ on this summer’s holiday.
a) take some photos b) read Claire’s blog c) send a postcard
Score __/5

12 Listen again and answer the questions.

1 Where does Jason usually go on holiday to in the summer?

2 Why isn’t Jason going there this summer?
3 Name three things that Jason is going to do in Thailand.
4 Why can’t Jason take photos?

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5 Why isn’t Claire going on holiday?
Score __/5

Motivate! 2 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013


13 Ask and answer questions about your holidays.


a) Ask Student B about his / her holidays and complete the table below with the correct

STUDENT B Where / go? What / do? Who / go with?

on a typical
summer holiday

last summer

next summer

b) Now answer Student B’s questions about your holidays using the information in the table

STUDENT A Where / go? What / do? Who / go with?

on a typical summer holiday the beach - swim in the sea my family

- read books on the beach

last summer the mountains - go camping my school

- climb the mountains

next summer the forest - hike in the forest my family

- collect fruit

Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

Motivate! 2 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013


13 Ask and answer questions about your holidays.


a) Answer Student A’s questions about your holidays using the information in the table below.

STUDENT B Where / go? What / do? Who / go with?

on a typical the mountains - stay at a small hotel my cousins

summer holiday
- walk in the mountains

last summer the forest - go camping my friends

- ride our bikes

next summer the beach - go windsurfing my family

- play games on the beach

b) Now ask Student A about his / her holidays and complete the table below with the correct

STUDENT A Where / go? What / do? Who / go with?

on a typical
summer holiday

last summer

next summer

Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

Motivate! 2 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013

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