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Article No : o05_o03

Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid

Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications
OLAF DEUTSCHMANN, Institut f€ur Technische Chemie und Polymerchemie, Universit€at
Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe, Germany
HELMUT KN€oZINGER, Department Chemie, Universit€at M€
unchen, M€
KARL KOCHLOEFL, Rosenheim, Germany
THOMAS TUREK, Institut f€ur Chemische Verfahrenstechnik, TU Clausthal,
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany

1. Synthesis Gas and Hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . 551 4.2. Hydroprocessing Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . 560

2. Ammonia Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 5. Environmental Catalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
3. Methanol and Fischer – Tropsch Synthesis 553 5.1. Catalytic Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides
3.1. Methanol Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553 from Stationary Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
3.2. Fischer – Tropsch Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . 555 5.2. Automotive Exhaust Catalysis . . . . . . . . . 564
4. Hydrocarbon Transformations . . . . . . . . . 556 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
4.1. Selective Hydrocarbon Oxidation Reactions 556
4.1.1. Epoxidation of Ethylene and Propene . . . . 556
4.1.2. Ammoxidation of Hydrocarbons . . . . . . . . . 559

1. Synthesis Gas and Hydrogen [17, 18] Syngas is manufactured from coal by coal
gasification (see also ! Hydrogen, 2. Produc-
All fossil fuels, i.e., coal, petroleum, heavy oil, tion, Chap. 1), and from gaseous or liquid hydro-
tar sands, shale oil, and natural gas, but also so- carbons by endothermic steam reforming (SR),
called renewable sources such as biomass, can be Cn Hm þn H2 O!n COþðnþm/2ÞH2
used for the production of synthesis gas (syngas),
a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in exothermic partial oxidation (POX)
various ratios. Syngas is an important raw mate- Cn Hm þðn/2Þ O2 !n COþðm/2ÞH2
rial for many catalytic syntheses in the chemical
industry as described in consecutive sections. and a combination of both, called autothermal
By conversion of CO to CO2 in the water-gas reforming (ATR) [19]. Today, natural gas is the
shift reaction (WGS), and CO2 separation, dominant feedstock for syngas production.
hydrogen can be produced. The H2/CO ratio can be adjusted by reforming
and shift reactions according to the application,
H2 OþCO!H2 þCO2 e.g., 1/1 for oxo synthesis, 2/1 for production of
methanol and DME as well as Fischer – Tropsch
Direct hydrogen production can also be based on (FT) synthesis, 3/1 for methanation. Syngas for
water electrolysis using electricity from nuclear ammonia synthesis (H2/N2 ¼ 3) is manufactured
power, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and oce- by nitrogen addition in a second reforming step
anic sources as well as combustion (power [20].
plants) of any fuel. Due to current changes in A survey on steam reforming is given in [20].
energy resources, a variety of new routes are Nickel is the preferred catalyst but other group
being discussed or are on the way to commer- 8 – 10 metals are active as well, in particular
cialization (see also ! Gas Production, 2. Pro- Co and Fe [21]. The expensive metals Pt, Ru,
cesses and ! Hydrogen, 2. Production), in many and Rh show even higher activities [22]. A
of which heterogeneous catalytic reactions play a variety of industrial catalysts are available, most
significant role. of which are based on Ni/alumina with alkali

 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

DOI: 10.1002/14356007.o05_o03
552 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications Vol. 17

metal promoters, produced in the shape of adjustment of the CO/H2 ratio [18, 31]. Depend-
pellets with large external diameter and high ing on the required CO conversion the reaction
void fraction (rings, cylinders with holes, or is carried out in several stages. The first high-
ceramic foams), and used in tubular reformers temperature shift (HTS) is carried out over
[20]. Present developments focus on compact FeCr catalysts at temperatures between 280 and
reformers, efficient coupling with heat exchan- 350  C. Since the equilibrium at high tempera-
gers, and heat recovery from the reformed gas. ture is unfavorable for complete conversion, a
An alternative technology for syngas genera- second stage, the low-temperature shift (LTS,
tion is exothermic catalytic partial oxidation 180 – 260  C), is added, in which CuZn- or
(CPOX) of hydrocarbons to syngas over metal CuZnAl-based catalysts are used to give a CO
catalysts, in particular Rh. The fuel (natural gas, content of 0.05 – 0.5 vol %. The produced CO2
vaporized liquid hydrocarbons, alcohols), pre- can be removed by scrubbing. Complete CO
mixed with oxygen at an atomic C/O ratio of 1 is removal, e.g., as needed for ammonia synthesis,
fed into a catalytic bed or monolith, in which the can be achieved by subsequent methanation over
fuel is almost completely converted to synthesis Ni catalysts. Since sulfur-containing compounds
gas within few milliseconds at ca. 1000  C (high- such as H2S and carbonyl sulfide (COS) are not
temperature catalysis) [545-547]. The largest removed, separate catalytic treatment is usually
hurdle for widespread application of CPOX necessary, e.g., hydrolysis of COS to H2S or
seems to be safety issues; therefore, membrane oxidation with SO2 (Claus COS conversion) and
[24] and microreactor [25] concepts are under sour gas shift over Mo catalysts [32].
development. The production of syngas and subsequent
Autothermal reforming is a combination of hydrogen is currently also of interest in the area
SR and POX, in which the heat for the reforming of energy-related catalysis such as fuel cells.
reaction is supplied by internal combustion of the While for stationary applications natural gas is
fuel with oxygen. Actually, CPOX can also be the major fuel option, logistic fuels are consid-
considered to be a two-stage process, in which ered as potential feed in mobile applications, for
the oxygen is first used to burn some of the fuel instance, to provide electricity by an auxiliary
and consecutive steam reforming of the major power unit in a vehicle. Logistic fuels can, for
part of the fuel produces the desired syngas [16]. instance, efficiently be converted to syngas in
ATR has already been widely used in chemical compact on-board CPOX reactors; the syngas is
industry, and now is also considered for syngas then fed to a SOFC or a PEMFC; in the latter case
production in new GTL (gas-to-liquid) plants an additional fuel-processing system is needed
[26]. ATR runs either on Ni- or Rh-based cata- for CO removal.
lysts, usually with alumina or magnesium alumi-
na supports to improve thermal stability and
strength at the high operating temperatures. 2. Ammonia Synthesis [1, 33, 10, 34]
Current developments include air-blown ATR,
in which eliminating the need for an oxygen plant In the Haber – Bosch process, ammonia is
is traded off by the compression costs, in partic- synthesized over a promoted iron metal catalysts
ular in GTL with FT. ATR can also be operated from its constituents, nitrogen and hydrogen, at
without catalysts. approximately 400  C and 15 MPa (for more
There are a variety of proposed methods for details see also ! Ammonia, 2. Production Pro-
syngas production from alternative feeds [27] cesses).
such as ethanol or any other biomass-derived
N2 þ3 H2 !2 NH3
fuel. In particular, CPOX and ATR techniques
using noble metal catalysts have been shown to Reactors with capacities up to 1000 t/d are used.
provide high syngas yields when operated at high The reaction toward the target product NH3 is
temperatures and millisecond contact times [23, therefore thermodynamically favored at low
28–30]. temperature and high pressure. This equilibrium
WGS is the most important step in the indus- limitation at practical conditions requires loop
trial production of hydrogen, ammonia, and other operation with recovery of the easily condens-
bulk chemicals utilizing syngas in respect to the able product gas. The feed gases are prepared
Vol. 17 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications 553

from air (nitrogen) and hydrogen via syngas (see In contrast, the adsorption of dihydrogen on
also Section 1). iron is fast and characterized by a high sticking
Besides Fe, only Ru has been found to be a coefficient (ca. 101) and an extremely small
practically useful catalyst, although thousand of activation barrier. This chemisorption is disso-
systems have been tested over the years [34]. ciative and yields covalently bonded H atoms
The most important single application of which have high mobility on the iron surface.
ammonia is the production of artificial fertiliz- Atomic nitrogen was shown to be the most
er. Ammonia is also required in the production stable and predominant chemisorbed species on
of explosives, dyestuffs, plastics, and life- Fe(111) after evacuation [5, 6], and it was
science products. In environmental catalysis, inferred to be an intermediate in the catalytic
ammonia is applied as reducing agent for nitro- reaction. Adsorbed dinitrogen could be excluded
gen oxides emitted in power plants and more as a reactive intermediate. The involvement of
recently also in automotive vehicles (see also adsorbed N atoms in the rate-determining step
Section 5). was also demonstrated by kinetics experiments
The mechanism of ammonia synthesis is one [38]. Other less stable and less abundant surface
of the best known in heterogeneous catalysis, intermediates include NH and NH2 species.
besides CO oxidation on Pt (see ! Heteroge- Based on these results the following sequence
neous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 1. Funda- of elementary steps was formulated (* denotes a
mentals, Chapter 2), the reaction served as surface site):
prototype for the understanding of heteroge-
neous catalysis by elucidation of the molecular N2 þ2* !2 Nads ð1Þ
behavior on the catalytic surface, and represents
one of the few successful examples of bridging H2 þ2* !2 Hads ð2Þ
the materials and pressure gap between surface
science and industrial heterogeneous catalysis. Nads þHads !NHads þ* ð3Þ
Three Nobel prizes in chemistry are closely
related to ammonia synthesis (HABER 1921, NHads þHads !NH2ads þ* ð4Þ
BOSCH 1931, ERTL 2007). Therefore, the mech-
anism of ammonia synthesis is discussed in NH2ads þHads !NH3 þ2* ð5Þ
more detail here.
The adsorption of N2 on iron is slow and is
A schematic potential-energy diagram for the
characterized by a very low sticking coefficient
catalytic cycle is shown in Figure 1. Decompo-
(ca. 106) and high activation energy [33].
sition of N2 is exothermic, whereas the steps
Single-crystal surfaces of iron are reconstructed
involved in successive hydrogenation yielding
upon adsorption of nitrogen. Dinitrogen is dis-
NHx species are endothermic. The addition of the
sociated above 630 K [35] and forms complex
first H atom is the most difficult step.
surface structures. These have been inferred to
The promotion of the iron catalyst with potas-
be surface nitrides with depths of several atomic
sium lowers the activation energy for dissocia-
layers [33]. Their composition is roughly Fe4N.
tive N2 chemisorption [39].
The corresponding bulk compound is thermo-
dynamically unstable under conditions for
which the surface structure is stable. The rate
of dissociative adsorption of dinitrogen is struc- 3. Methanol and Fischer – Tropsch
ture-sensitive, the Fe(111) face being by far the Synthesis
most active, since the activation energy is the
smallest and the rate of adsorption the highest 3.1. Methanol Synthesis [7]
[36]. The same crystal face is also the catalyti-
cally most active. These observations are con- Methanol is one of the most important organic
sistent with the earlier suggestion [37] that chemicals (see also ! Methanol). It is mainly
dinitrogen adsorption is an activated process used as an intermediate for production of form-
and that it is the rate-determining step in the aldehyde, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), acetic
catalytic cycle. acid, amines, and others. Methanol is produced
554 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications Vol. 17

Figure 1. Potential-energy diagram for the sequence of elementary steps of the ammonia synthesis reaction (energies in
kJ mol1) [10]

from synthesis gas according to the following Although methanol synthesis on copper-base
stoichiometry. catalysts has been intensively studied for several
decades, no general agreement about the nature
COþ2 H2 !CH3 OH
of the active sites and the reaction mechanism
It is now generally accepted that this reaction could be achieved. Regarding the active site, it
proceeds by conversion of CO via the water-gas appears that metallic copper in close contact to
shift reaction followed by hydrogenation of car- ZnO is a requirement for an active and selective
bon dioxide [40]. catalyst. This synergy has been explained by
various mechanisms including hydrogen spill-
COþH2 O!H2 þCO2
over from ZnO [41], stabilization of intermedi-
ates on ZnO or the interface between Cu and ZnO
CO2 þ3 H2 !CH3 OH
[42], and spreading of Cu on the ZnO surface
All these reactions are exothermic and equilibri- [43]. The most important intermediates appear to
um-limited. The achievable methanol yield is be formate, methoxy, and formyl species. A
favored by high pressure and low temperature. possible reaction mechanism involves dissocia-
The first process for methanol synthesis, tive adsorption of hydrogen, hydrogenation
operating at about 30 MPa and 300 – 400  C of adsorbed CO to CO2, conversion of atomic
over a Zn/Cr2O3 catalyst, was developed by hydrogen to formate, further addition of hydro-
BASF in Germany in 1923. A substantial im- gen to give H2COO, hydrogenation of this
provement was made by ICI in the 1960s through species to a methoxy species, and finally hydro-
introduction of the more active Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 genation of this group to methanol. Simulations
catalyst, which allowed for synthesis under much suggested that the rate-determining step in this
milder reaction conditions of 50 – 100 bar and sequence is hydrogenation of the H2COO species
200 – 300  C. Today, the vast majority of meth- to the methoxy group [44].
anol plants use this more advanced low-pressure Several empirical and mechanistically based
synthesis. rate equations for methanol synthesis have been
Vol. 17 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications 555

proposed. An example using only statistically ! Coal Liquefaction. The most important reac-
significant and physically meaningful para- tion, which is exothermic with a reaction enthal-
meters is given in [45]. The usual catalyst py of about 150 kJ/mol, can be described by the
geometry comprises pellets of typically five following equation.
millimeters in size. Under the commercial reac-
n COþð2nþ1ÞH2 !Cn H2nþ2 þn H2 O
tion conditions, pore diffusion resistances may
occur [46].
In side reactions, olefins and oxygenates are
In industrial practice, a variety of different
formed, and undesirable CO2 and additional CH4
reactor types for low-pressure methanol synthe-
may be produced via the water-gas shift reaction
sis are used, but generally fixed beds of catalyst
and CO methanation.
operated in the gas phase are employed. One
FTS has a long history starting with FISCHER
possibility for temperature control during the
and TROPSCH reporting the synthesis of liquid
exothermic reaction is a staged catalyst bed with
hydrocarbons from synthesis gas under moder-
interstage cooling through heat exchangers or
ate conditions in 1923 [48]. Within a short
injection of cold synthesis gas. The other fre-
period, this new process was commercialized
quently used possibility for exothermic reactions
and provided, together with coal liquefaction,
is a cooled multitubular reactor with fixed bed of
synthetic fuel on a large scale in Germany
catalyst in each tube. While the multitubular
during World War II. After the era of cheap oil
reactor allows the best temperature control and
began in the 1950s it became evident that FTS
thus the longest catalyst life, the capital costs for
was uneconomical at that time. Only South
adiabatic reactors are lower. Two-phase fluid-
Africa continued production of fuels by FTS
ized-bed reactors and three-phase reactors with
based on coal-derived synthesis gas for political
an additional liquid product phase have also been
reasons. The 1973 oil crisis stimulated new
extensively tested. However, the lack of mechan-
interest in FTS, and Shell started development
ical stability and/or low catalyst effectiveness has
of its middle distillate process. In 1993, the first
until now prevented commercial implementation
plant based on natural gas came into operation in
of these reactor designs.
Malaysia. This gas-to-liquids (GTL) process is
Much effort has also been devoted to over-
currently being realized on industrial scale at
coming the equilibrium-limited methanol con-
several sites. Commissioning of a plant with a
version in a single-pass reactor by removal of
capacity of 70 000 barrels per day built by Sasol
methanol from the reaction mixture. A particu-
and Qatar Petroleum took place in 2006 in
larly interesting system removes methanol by
Qatar. Further large-scale industrial plants in
selective adsorption on a porous adsorbent
Escravos, Nigeria (Sasol Chevron) and Qatar
trickling through a fixed-bed of catalyst [47].
(Shell, Qatar Petroleum) are under construction.
However, this elegant multifunctional reactor
It appears that FTS will play a major role for the
suffers from severe practical mechanical pro-
future production of synfuels based on alterna-
blems. Another approach concentrates on oper-
tive feedstocks (natural gas, coal, biomass).
ation close to the dew point of the product to
FTS has been considered as an ideal polymer-
allow removal of liquid methanol between beds
ization reaction [49]. According to this approach
of catalyst. In this case, highly active catalysts
the distribution of mole fractions xn of products
for operation at very low temperature and high
can be described as a function of the number of
pressure are required.
carbon atoms n in the chain.
A possible future trend is the further proces-
sing of methanol to synthetic fuels via methanol- xn ¼ ð1aÞan1
to-olefins as proposed by Lurgi.
The ideal product composition depends only on
the chain-growth probability a, which is deter-
3.2. Fischer – Tropsch Synthesis [7] mined by the catalyst used. In reality significant
deviations from ideal polymerization behavior
Fischer – Tropsch synthesis (FTS) is the direct are observed. Usually the methane mole fraction
production of hydrocarbon chains from synthesis is higher, while the ethene/ethane mole fractions
gas. Details of the process can also be found in are lower than calculated. Many mechanistic
556 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications Vol. 17

studies on FTS support the carbene mechanism, and a slurry bubble column developed by Sasol.
which starts with the decomposition of CO and Disadvantages of fixed-bed reactors are devel-
involves the insertion of methylene (CH2) spe- opment of a hot spot, low catalyst utilization due
cies into the growing alkyl chain [50]. to pore diffusion, and, especially in case of gas
As FTS catalysts metals like iron, cobalt, and recycle for improved heat removal, high pres-
ruthenium can be used [51]. Due to the high price sure drop. On the other hand, mechanical stress
of ruthenium only iron and cobalt have industrial on catalyst particles, the need for separation of
relevance. A disadvantage of iron catalysts is solid catalyst and liquid products and highly
kinetic inhibition by the co-product water, demanding scaleup are drawbacks of slurry
whereas an advantage is the activity for the bubble column reactors. New trends in FTS
water-gas shift reaction that allows the use of reactors are the use of monolith reactors for
carbon-dioxide-containing or hydrogen-depleted improved gas – liquid mass transfer [61] and
synthesis gas mixtures [52]. Compared to iron, isothermal microstructured reactors.
cobalt catalysts are already active at lower reac-
tion temperatures and have a durability of up to
five years on stream compared to about six 4. Hydrocarbon Transformations
months in the case of iron [53]. On the other
hand cobalt is more expensive than iron. In 4.1. Selective Hydrocarbon Oxidation
addition to the active component different pro- Reactions
moters (Pt, Pd, Ru, Re, K) can be employed [54].
As carrier materials alumina, silica, and titania Selective hydrocarbon oxidation reactions in-
can be utilized. Typical chain-growth probabili- clude several important classes of heteroge-
ties are 0.5 – 0.7 for iron and 0.7 – 0.8 for cobalt neously catalyzed reactions, which find large-
[55]. Currently the development of cobalt cata- scale industrial application for the synthesis of
lysts is aimed at maximizing the chain-growth bulk chemicals. Reviews on the mechanisms of
probability to values of up to 0.95 [56]. Since the selective hydrocarbon oxidation [8], oxidative
product mixtures obtained with these catalyst dehydrogenation of alkanes [62], ammoxidation
cannot directly used and must be further pro- of alkenes, aromatics and alkanes [3], and epoxi-
cessed to achieve the desired fractions (diesel and dation of alkenes [63] are available. Here, some
gasoline fuels), it has been suggested to couple mechanistic aspects of the epoxidation of alkenes
Fischer – Tropsch catalysts with hydrocracking and of the ammoxidation of hydrocarbons are
catalysts in one reactor [57, 58]. discussed.
As liquid products often fill the pore system of
working catalysts, resistances caused by pore
diffusion may occur even with small catalyst 4.1.1. Epoxidation of Ethylene and
particles. Catalyst efficiency is significantly re- Propene [63, 64]
duced at characteristic catalyst dimensions above
100 mm [59]. Furthermore, the higher diffusion The epoxidation of ethylene by dioxygen is
coefficient of hydrogen compared to carbon catalyzed by silver metal and yields ethylene
monoxide increases the H2/CO ratio inside the oxide (! Ethylene Oxide), an important inter-
porous catalyst. This leads to an increase of the mediate for the synthesis of glycols and polyols.
chain-termination probability and thus to a de- Total oxidation of the reactant and the target
crease in chain length of the products [60]. product limit the selectivity of the process.
The development of catalysts with very high Scheme 1 shows the three competing reactions.
chain-growth probabilities resulted in the devel-
opment of the more advanced low-temperature
FTS, in which synthesis gas and liquid products
are present under reaction conditions. Industrial
reactors are operated at typical conditions of 2 –
4 MPa and 220 – 240  C. Two reactor types are
presently applied in low-temperature FTS: a
cooled fixed-bed reactor mainly used by Shell Scheme 1.
Vol. 17 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications 557

The catalyst therefore must be tuned such that

the optimal selectivity for ethylene oxide is
achieved. The active phase consists of large Ag
particles supported on low surface area a-Al2O3
promoted by alkali metal salts. A beneficial
effect is also obtained by adding chlorine-
containing compounds such as vinyl chloride to
the reaction feed. Under reaction conditions this
additive is readily combusted on silver, and
chlorine is adsorbed on the metal surface.
Oxygen can be adsorbed on transition metals Scheme 2.
in general and on silver in particular in three
different states: (1) molecular dioxygen, (2) ad- gen atoms and tend to interact preferentially with
sorbed atomic oxygen, and (3) subsurface atomic hydrogen atoms of the ethylene molecule, thus
oxygen [64]. Molecular oxygen is stable on an leading to total oxidation. This situation is
Ag(111) surface at temperatures below ca. schematically shown in Scheme 3 [63]. There-
220 K. It dissociates at higher temperatures. fore, epoxidation selectivity must decrease with
Oxygen dissociation occurs at high-coordination decreasing oxygen coverage. The fact that vacant
sites, since at least two neighboring metal atoms silver sites exist in the vicinity of an adsorbed
must be available. It has been shown that en- oxygen atom at low coverage (see Scheme 3), is
sembles with a minimum of five silver atoms are also detrimental.
required [65, 66]. Oxygen atoms adsorbed origi- The influence of alkali metal and chlorine
nally on the external silver metal surface may modifiers is complex. The effect of chlorine is
move to subsurface lattice positions. Subsurface twofold: (1) it suppresses vacant silver sites, and
oxygen atoms have been proved to form on (2) it enhances the electron deficiency of silver.
transition metals including Rh, Pd, and Ag The latter effect is due to the ability of chlorine to
[67]. The maximum oxygen coverage on silver also occupy subsurface positions [70] and thus to
surfaces is one oxygen atom per silver atom, adopt the role of subsurface oxygen as illustrated
corresponding to the composition of AgO [64]. in Scheme 4 [63]. These effects improve the
The presence of subsurface oxygen atoms initial selectivity r1/r2 (ri denotes a reaction rate,
reduces the electron density on adjacent silver see Scheme 1). The overall selectivity is also
atoms. Hence, oxygen atoms adsorbed on the reduced by subsequent combustion of the epox-
external surface which share bonds to silver sur- ide (r3 in Scheme 1), particularly at high con-
face atoms with subsurface oxygen atoms become versions. The combustion of the epoxide is in-
highly polarizable. When exposed to ethylene, the duced by the residual acidity of the a-Al2O3
interaction of the surface oxygen atoms with the p support. The presence of alkali metal reduces
electrons of ethylene leads to a flow of electron the density of acid sites and thus has a beneficial
density from the surface oxygen atom to the effect on selectivity by blocking reaction step r3.
positively charged surface silver atom [68]. The The rate-limiting step of the epoxidation
surface oxygen atoms behave chemically as elec- reaction is the dissociative chemisorption of
trophilic oxygen atoms, which preferentially react dioxygen. Alkali metal compounds enhance the
with the part of the reactant molecule having the dissociation rate of dioxygen by reducing the
highest electron density. This situation is most
likely at high oxygen coverages, consistent with
the experimental observation that the epoxidation
selectivity is dramatically enhanced by increasing
oxygen coverage [69]. Scheme 2 illustrates this
scenario [63]. At low oxygen coverages the den-
sity of subsurface oxygen atoms is also reduced so
that the polarizability of oxygen atoms adsorbed
on the external surface is reduced. Consequently,
these oxygen atoms behave as nucleophilic oxy- Scheme 3.
558 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications Vol. 17

peroxide (! Propylene Oxide, Section 4.2). The

reaction of propene with hydrogen peroxide
yields the target product propylene epoxide and
water (Eq. 6).


Scheme 4.
The preferred catalyst for this reaction is titanium
activation barrier, and consequently the alkali silicalite-1 (TS-1) (see ! Heterogeneous Catal-
metal modifier enhances the epoxidation rate as ysis and Solid Catalysts, 2. Development and
its coverage increases [63]. Interestingly, when a Types of Solid Catalysts, Section 2.1.1), in which
chlorine-modified catalyst is promoted by alkali four coordinate Ti4þ plays the decisive role [72].
metal compounds, the reaction rate decreases, Although the exact nature of the reaction inter-
and this is suggestive of an enhancement of the mediate is not known yet, hydrogen peroxide
steady-state concentration of adsorbed chlorine, may coordinate nondissociatively to a Lewis
which leads to site blocking. Therefore, there is a acidic tetrahedral Ti4þ site as shown in Scheme 5.
very subtle interplay between the two additives This induces electron deficiency on the oxygen
which must be carefully controlled to optimize atoms of the peroxides, which is favorable for
conversion and selectivity of the ethylene epoxi- epoxidation. An analogous reaction path has been
dation reaction. proposed for the homogeneous epoxidation of
Details on the catalytic and engineering as- propene by peroxides [63].
pects of ethylene epoxidation can be found in [7, The development of technical processes based
71]. The reaction is carried out in multitubular on hydrogen peroxide and TS-1 catalysts has
reactors in the gas phase, either with air or with recently been reviewed [73]. These HPPO pro-
pure oxygen, at residence times of about 1 s, cesses have been developed further by Degussa
temperatures between 230 and 290  C and pres- and Uhde, as well as by BASF and Dow, and
sures between 1 and 3 MPa. In the earlier air- startup of first production plants is scheduled for
based process, a series of two or three reactors was 2008 [74]. Degussa and Uhde have also investi-
employed. The ethylene conversion in the first gated the gas-phase epoxidation of propene. Due
reactor is kept relatively low (ca. 40%) to main- to the safety risks associated with mixtures of
tain high ethylene oxide selectivity, while the gaseous propene and hydrogen peroxide as well
following reactors are used to increase the overall as the danger of hydrogen peroxide decomposi-
ethylene conversion. Modern ethylene oxide tion during evaporation, new technical concepts
processes use pure oxygen in a single-stage reac- based on microstructured devices had to be
tor in recycling mode. In contrast to air-based
processes, ethylene concentrations are relatively
high (25 – 30 vol %) in order to stay above the
upper flammability limit of the reaction mixture.
The oxygen process gives rise to higher ethylene
oxide yield, smaller equipment size, and smaller
amount of vent gas and is therefore nowadays
preferred over the air-based process.
The epoxidation of propene with dioxygen is
unfavorable because of the enhanced reactivity
of the methyl group for nucleophilic attack.
Activation of the methyl group leads to the allyl
or combustion of the propylene epoxide. Alter-
native oxidants are hydrogen peroxide or hydro- Scheme 5.
Vol. 17 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications 559

developed [15]. High productivities of more than Molybdates and antimonates can be used as
1 kg of propylene oxide per kilogram of catalyst catalysts for this reaction. The active sites are
and hour could be obtained at high propane-to- thought to have bifunctional nature [3, 78, 79]. A
propene oxide selectivity of more than 90 %. If generalized catalytic cycle for alkene ammoxi-
the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide can be dation is shown in Figure 2 [3]. Ammonia is
significantly reduced, the gas-phase process proposed to interact first with the bifunctional
could become interesting alternative to the com- active site generating an ammoxidation site. The
mercial liquid-phase processes. alkene coordinates to this site to form an allylic
intermediate. After several rearrangements and
oxidation steps, the surface intermediate is trans-
4.1.2. Ammoxidation of Hydrocarbons [3,
formed into the nitrile, which subsequently des-
75, 76]
orbs. A reduced surface site is thus formed, which
is restored to its original fully oxidized state by
In ammoxidation, ammonia reacts with a reduc-
lattice oxygen O2, which is provided by adja-
ible organic molecule, most frequently an alkene,
cent reoxidation sites. These sites then dissociate
alkane, or aromatic, in the presence of dioxygen
dioxygen to lattice oxygen. The newly formed
to yield nitriles (e.g., Eq. 7).
lattice oxygen then diffuses to the oxygen-
2 CH2 ¼ CRCH3 þ2 NH3 þ3 O2 !2 CH2 ð7Þ deficient reduced surface site, from where vacan-
¼ CRCNþ6 H2 O cies simultaneously penetrate through the lattice
of the solid to the reoxidation sites. Clearly, these
The ammoxidation of an alkene is a six-electron sites must communicate with each other via a
oxidation that produces an unsaturated nitrile and common solid-state lattice which is capable of
water. The reaction is related to the four-electron facile transport of electron, anion vacancies, and
oxidation of alkenes (Eq. 7) [4] producing un- lattice oxygen [3]. As an example, the proposed
saturated aldehydes and water, and to the two- bifunctional active site of Bi2MoO6 (see ! Het-
electron oxydehydrogenation of alkenes to erogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 2.
dienes and water (Eq. 8) [4]. Development and Types of Solid Catalysts, Sec-
CH2 ¼ CRCH3 þO2 !CH2 ¼ CRCHOþH2 O tion 2.1.1) is schematically illustrated in Figure 3
[9]. The various functionalities were assigned to
2 CH2 ¼ CHCH2 CH2 RþO2 !2 CH2 specific elements and to specific lattice oxygen
¼ CHCH ¼ CHRþ2 H2 O positions. Bridging oxygen atoms Bi–O–Mo are
considered to be responsible for a-hydrogen
Catalysts for these reactions are complex mixed abstraction from the alkene, while oxygen atoms
metal oxides containing variable-valence associated with Mo are responsible for oxygen
elements (see ! Heterogeneous Catalysis and (Mo¼O) and nitrogen (Mo¼NH) insertion into
Solid Catalysts, 2. Development and Types of an allylic intermediate. The oxygen dissociation
Solid Catalysts, Section 2.1.1), the ammoxidation and its reduction to lattice oxygen is assumed to
catalysts typically being the most complex. These occur in the region of high electron density
materials possess redox properties, i.e., they can generated by the two lone pair electron orbitals
readily be reduced by ammonia and reoxidized by of Bi–O–Bi sites. More easily reducible elements
dioxygen present in the gas phase. It is the lattice than Bi are Fe, Ce, U, and Cu, which are com-
oxygen of the catalyst which reacts with ponents of more complex, multicomponent cat-
ammonia and the hydrocarbon, and the reduced alysts (see ! Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid
solid is reoxidized by gas-phase oxygen (Mars – Catalysts, 2. Development and Types of Solid
van Krevelen mechanism [77], see also [8]). Catalysts, Section 2.1.1) [3]. As an illustration of
The most important alkene ammoxidation is the mechanisms of ammoxidation and selective
that of propene to acrylonitrile (Sohio Acryloni- oxidation of propene, Figure 4 shows the pro-
trile Process, Eq. 9; see also ! Acrylonitrile, posed catalytic cycles for the two reactions [80].
Chap. 5) [62] More recently, selective catalytic oxidation
and ammoxidation of alkanes as lower cost alter-
2 CH2 ¼ CHCH3 þ2 NH3 þ3 O2 !2 CH2 ¼ CHCNþ6 H2 O natives to alkenes has attracted considerable
ð9Þ interest [76, 81]. Multicomponent metal oxide
560 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications Vol. 17

Figure 2. Generalized mechanistic cycle for alkene ammoxidation

catalysts have been intensively studied. Promis- (HDN), hydrodeoxygenation (HDO), hydrome-
ing results have been obtained especially with the talation (HDM), hydrogenation, and hydrocrack-
MoV – TeNbO system, both for oxidative dehy- ing, are among the largest industrial processes in
drogenation of ethane to ethylene and for terms of catalyst consumption. Crude petroleum
ammoxidation of propane to acrylonitrile. contains particularly organosulfur and organoni-
trogen compounds, which are most abundant in
heavy petroleum fractions. These contaminants
must be removed for environmental reasons. The
4.2. Hydroprocessing Reactions [2, 11, reactions take place in the presence of H2 at high
12, 82, 83–7] temperatures (ca. 600 – 700 K) and pressures of
500 kPa to 1 MPa. Because of the lower reactiv-
(see also ! Oil Refining, Chap. 4) ity of organonitrogen compounds as compared to
Hydroprocessing treatment, including hydro- organosulfur compounds, the reaction conditions
desulfurization (HDS), hydrodenitrogenation are more severe for HDN than for HDS.
Catalysts for hydroprocessing are highly
dispersed metal sulfides (mainly MoS2, but also
WS2) supported on g-Al2O3. The materials are
promoted by cobalt or nickel, depending on
Although the detailed mechanisms have not
yet been elucidated, significant progress in
understanding the chemistry of the various
hydroprocessing reactions at a molecular level
Figure 3. Schematic representation of the active site of has been made [2, 11, 12, 83, 84]. In the follow-
Bi2MoO6 [14] ing, however, the focus is on reaction networks of
O0 ¼ Oxygen responsible for a-H abstraction; O00 ¼ Oxygen
associated with Mo; responsible for oxygen insertion into the several hydroprocessing reactions with pseudo-
allylic intermediate; f ¼ Proposed center for O2 reduction first-order rate constants for individual reaction
and dissociative chemisorption steps.
Vol. 17 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications 561

Figure 4. Mechanism of selective ammoxidation and oxidation of propene over bismuth molybdate catalysts [80]

The organosulfur compounds in petroleum in- gas and liquid. Alternative reactor designs are
clude sulfides, disulfides, and aromatics (including moving-bed and ebullated-bed reactors with
thiophene, benzothiophene, dibenzothiophene, greater flexibility, e.g., owing to easy replace-
and related compounds). Benzo- and dibenzothio- ment of spent catalyst during operation. Recent-
phene are predominant in heavy fuels. The reaction ly, structured packed columns of monolithic
network for hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothio- catalysts operated in countercurrent mode are
phene, a representative member of organosulfur gaining importance in hydroprocessing research,
contaminants in fuel, is shown in Figure 5 [85]. because higher conversions can be obtained. A
Hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis take place in future trend is the development of processes for
parallel. The latter reaction is essentially irrevers- the treatment of increasingly heavy oils and of
ible and leads to the formation of H2S and biphe- various residues [87].
nyl. At low H2S concentrations in the feed, the
sulfide catalysts are highly selective for hydroge-
nolysis. The selectivity, however, drops sharply as 5. Environmental Catalysis
the H2S concentration in the feed increases.
Hydroprocessing reactions accompanying hy- 5.1. Catalytic Reduction of Nitrogen
drogenation and hydrodesulfurization include Oxides from Stationary Sources [13]
hydrodenitrogenation, whereby organonitrogen
compounds in the feed react with H2 to give NH3 Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas, and others are
and hydrocarbons. As an example, a reaction burnt or gasified for energy conversion. In West-
network for the hydroprocessing of quinoline is ern European countries and Japan measures have
shown in Figure 6 [82]. The supported metal been implemented since 1980 for reducing emis-
sulfide catalysts are much less selective for sions, especially of NOx from power plants. The
nitrogen removal than for sulfur removal. preferred method to remove NOx from exhaust
Hydroprocessing reactions are carried out in gases of power plants, industrial boilers, and gas
different reactor types [86]. The most commonly turbines is based on the so-called selective cata-
used is a fixed-bed reactor operated in the trickle- lytic reduction (SCR) with ammonia in the pres-
flow regime with cocurrent up- or downflow of ence of oxygen. The stoichiometry of the main
562 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications Vol. 17

Figure 5. Reaction network for hydrodesulfurization and hydrogenation of dibenzothiophene catalyzed by sulfided Co – Mo/
Al2O3 at 570 K and 10 MPa [85]
Numbers next to the arrows represent the pseudo-first-order rate constants in units of L/(g of catalyst  s) when the H2S
concentration is very small. Addition of H2S markedly decreases the selectivity for hydrodesulfurization

desired reactions can be described as follows: The standard SCR reaction is most important
4 NOþ4 NH3 þO2 !4 N2 þ6 H2 O ðstandard SCRÞ if NOx originates from high-temperature com-
bustion processes, where very little NO2 is
6 NO2 þ8 NH3 !7 N2 þ12H2 O ðNO2 SCRÞ present. However, in exhaust streams contain-
NOþNO2 þ2 NH3 !2 N2 þ3 H2 O ðfast SCRÞ ing higher amounts of nitrogen dioxide, the fast

Figure 6. Reaction network for hydrogenation and the hydrogenolysis of quinoline catalyzed by sulfided Ni – Mo/g-Al2O3 at
620 K and 3.5 MPa [82]
Numbers next to the arrows represent the pseudo-first-order rate constants in units of L/(g of catalyst  s) when the H2S
concentration is small but sufficient to maintain the catalysts in the sulfided forms
Vol. 17 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications 563

SCR reaction, which proceeds at least ten times honeycomb monolith or plate-type catalysts
faster than the standard SCR reaction, may operating in laminar flow regime. These geome-
become the predominant reaction [88]. tries must be used to minimize the pressure drop
At higher temperatures above ca. 450  C, the over the catalyst bed. Monolithic elements usu-
reducing agent ammonia reacts with oxygen in ally have channel sized of 3 – 7 mm, cross
undesirable parallel reaction to give the pro- sections of 15  15 cm, and lengths of 70 –
ducts N2, N2O, or NO. On the other hand, at 100 cm. Monoliths or packages of plate catalysts
temperatures below 200  C, ammonia and NOx are assembled into standard modules, which are
may form solid deposits of ammonium nitrate then placed in the SCR reactors as layers. These
and nitrite. modules can be easily replaced to introduce fresh
The SCR of nitrogen oxides was first carried or regenerated catalysts.
out with Pt catalysts [89]. Due to the high nitrous SCR reactors can be used in different con-
oxide selectivity of this catalyst, base metal figurations, depending on fuel type, flue gas
catalysts have been developed for NOx reduction. composition, NOx threshold, and other factors.
Vanadia supported on titania (in the anatase The first possibility is the location directly after
form) and promoted with tungsten or molybde- the boiler (high-dust arrangement) where the
num oxide exhibits the best catalytic properties. flue gas usually has the optimal temperature for
While BASF was the first to describe vanadia as the catalytic reaction. On the other hand, dust
active component for SCR [90], TiO2-supported deposition and erosion as well as catalyst deac-
vanadia for treatment of exhaust gases was de- tivation are more pronounced than in other
veloped in Japan [91]. Anatase is the preferred configurations. A second possibility, which is
support for SCR catalysts for two main reasons. common in Japan, uses the SCR reactor after a
Firstly, it is only moderately sulfated under real high-temperature electrostatic precipitator for
exhaust gas conditions, and catalytic activity dust removal (low-dust arrangement). In that
even increases after sulfation [92]. Secondly, case catalyst damage by dust can be prevented.
vanadia is able to spread in thin layers on the On the other hand, ammonium sulfate deposi-
anatase support to give highly active structures tion, which in the high-dust configuration main-
with large surface area. However, the amount of ly takes place on the particulate matter in the gas
vanadia in technical catalysts is limited to only a stream, may become more critical. For this
few weight percent, because it is also catalytical- reason, especially low limits for ammonia slip
ly active for SO2 oxidation. must be met. Finally, the SCR reactor may be
The mechanism of the standard SCR reaction located in the cold part after the flue gas desul-
over vanadia-based catalysts is generally as- furization unit in the so-called tail-end arrange-
sumed to proceed via an Eley – Rideal mecha- ment. To achieve the required reaction temper-
nism involving adsorbed ammonia and gas-phase ature, the exhaust gases must be reheated by
NO. Based on this mechanism, the following rate means of a regenerative heat exchanger and an
equation can be derived that has been successfully additional burner. On the other hand, catalysts
used to model the SCR reaction. with very high activity can be used, since
poisons are absent and SO2 oxidation need not
rNO ¼ k  to be considered.
ð1þKNH3 cNH3 Þ
New promising catalysts for the removal
of nitrogen oxides are iron-exchanged zeolites
Water vapor has an additional inhibiting effect (e.g., MFI, BEA). Although field tests in flue
on the rate of NO removal. In recent studies, it gases of power plants have shown quite strong
was also possible to model and simulate the deactivation, notably by mercury [93], these
transient behavior of SCR catalysts exposed to catalysts appear to be especially suited for
changes in reactant concentration and tempera- ‘‘clean’’ exhaust gases such as in nitric acid
ture [13]. plants. Advantages of iron zeolite catalysts are
As the rate of the SCR reaction under indus- a broader temperature window for operation and
trially relevant conditions is quite high, external the ability to reduce N2O emissions as well.
and intraparticle diffusion resistances play an Uhde has recently developed the EnviNOx
important role, especially for the frequently used process for simultaneous reduction of NOx and
564 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications Vol. 17

N2O, which uses iron zeolite catalysts provided coated with high surface area g-Al2O3. This
by S€
ud-Chemie [94]. washcoat layer additionally contains thermal
stabilizers, for instance, La2O3, as well as the
oxygen-storage component CeO2. Ceria is able to
5.2. Automotive Exhaust Catalysis release oxygen under rich conditions and thus
[95–98] maintain HC and CO abatement and avoid the
emission of H2S. The TWC process exclusively
This section focuses on the catalysis-related occurs within a narrow range of O2 content that
items of automobile emission control. A more is close to stoichiometric combustion conditions,
detailed discussion considering all aspects can be i.e., when the air coefficient l ranges from 0.99 to
found in ! Automobile Exhaust Control. 1.01. To realize these conditions an oxygen
Internal combustion engines in automobiles sensor is used which measures the air coefficient
represent a major source for the emission of NOx, of the exhaust stream and forces the engine
CO, and unburnt hydrocarbons (HC), while die- management system to regulate the air/fuel ratio.
sel engines contribute to the emission of soot as The TWC process involves a complex network of
well. The most appropriate way to minimize numerous elementary reactions [100], whereby
these air pollutants is the modification of the the effectiveness of the catalyst is closely related
combustion process. Aside from these primary to the specific activity of the precious metals
measures, current legislative emission standards and their surface coverage. The transfer of TWC
can only be met by additional, secondary mea- technology to lean-burn gasoline and diesel
sures for exhaust purification by application motors is problematic because of the insufficient
of catalysts. The importance of environmental NOx abatement. This is associated with the lower
catalysis will further increase in future due to the raw emissions of reducing agents as well as the
tightening of emission limits and an increasing high content of O2, which enhances oxidation of
number of automobiles. Already today (ca. HC and CO and thus suppresses NOx reduction.
2008), environmental applications exhibit a Therefore, alternative concepts are required for
worldwide market share of 35 % among all the reduction of NOx under lean-burn conditions.
catalytic processes, and more than 70  106 For this purpose selective catalytic reduction by
automotive catalyst devices are produced per NH3 and NOx storage and reduction catalysts are
year. being considered in the automotive industry.
The catalytic system used for aftertreatment
of the exhaust gas primarily depends on the fuel Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of
(gasoline, diesel, biofuels) and the operating NOx by Ammonia. The SCR procedure is the
conditions. In principle, a distinction is made only technique that selectively converts NOx to
between stoichiometrically operated gasoline N2, even under strongly oxidizing conditions.
engines, lean-operated gasoline engines, and Thus, SCR has been considered as the technology
diesel engines producing different major pollu- of choice for NOx removal in lean-burn engines.
tants, namely, CO/NOx/HC, NOx, and NOx/soot, Indeed, the SCR process covers the relevant
respectively. temperature range of diesel engines and provides
effective NOx abatement. Thus, SCR has ad-
Three-Way Catalyst. The most frequent vanced to a state-of-the-art technology for
type of catalytic converter in automobiles is the heavy-duty vehicles. However, in mobile appli-
three-way catalyst (TWC) for stoichiometrically cations the storage of NH3 is a problem. There-
operated gasoline engines with an annual pro- fore, an aqueous solution of urea (32.5 wt %)
duction of over 60  106 units. TWC systems called AdBlue is currently used. The urea solu-
have been applied in gasoline engines since the tion is sprayed into the tailpipe, where ammonia
1980s and contain Pt/Rh or Pd/Rh in the mass is produced after thermolysis and hydrolysis of
ratio of approximately 5/1 with a total loading of the vaporizing urea – water droplets. Current
precious metals of ca. 1.7 g/L. The TWC simul- research focuses on optimization of the dosing
taneously converts NOx, CO, and HC to N2, CO2, system and the development of vanadia-free
and H2O [95–99]. The catalytic components are catalysts, for instance, by substitution with
supported by a cordierite honeycomb monolith Fe-ZSM5 zeolites [98]. Alternative reducing
Vol. 17 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts, 3. Industrial Applications 565

agents such as hydrocarbons and hydrogen has The preferred method for DPF regeneration is
been discussed as well. the CRT (continuously regenerating trap) tech-
nology involving the initiation of soot oxidation
NOx Storage Reduction Catalysts. NOx by NO2 produced by oxidation of NO on Pt
storage reduction catalysts (NSC) were origi- catalysts, as in NSC and SCR. The Pt catalyst
nally developed for lean spark-ignition engines can be applied in form of a precatalyst, and
and are currently being transferred to diesel coating on the DPF. Furthermore, so-called
passenger cars. The NSC procedure is based on fuel-borne catalysts (FBC), which are organo-
periodic adsorption and reduction of NOx [101]. metallic compounds based on Ce or Fe, e.g.,
The catalysts consist of Pt, Pd, and Rh in the ferrocene, can be added to the fuel [104]. FBCs
mass ratio of approximately 10/5/1 with a total also decrease soot emissions from the engine by
precious metal load of ca. 4 g L1. NSCs con- direct oxidation of soot in the engine. Addition-
tain basic adsorbents like Al2O3 (160 g L1), ally, they are embedded in the soot particles.
CeO2 (98 g L1) and BaCO3 (29 g L1, as BaO
equivalent) [102]. In the lean phase of the engine
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