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National Chiao Tung University Department of Civil Engineering

Fall Semester 2006 Instructor: Cheng-Chih Chen

Mechanics of Materials
Exam 3
1. An aluminum bar of solid circular cross section is twisted by torques T acting at
the ends. The dimensions and shear modulus of elasticity are L =1.2 m, d = 30
mm, and G = 30 GPa. (a) Determine the torsional stiffness of the bar. (b) If the
angle of twist of the bar is 5 degrees, what is the maximum shear stress? What is
the maximum shear strain (in radians)? What is the shear stress at a distance of
10 mm from the center of the cross section? (25%)
Solution: (a) K=1988 N-m, (b) 32.7 MPa, (c) 21.8 MPa.
2. A solid circular bar ABCD with fixed supports at ends A and D is acted upon by
torques To and 2To at the locations shown in the figure. (a) Determine the
reactive torques at points A and D. (b) Determine the maximum angle of twist of
the bar. (Hint: use method of superposition.) (25%)
Solution: (a) at point A=(3/2)To , at point B=(3/2)To , (b) (3ToL)/(5GIp)
3. A cantilever circular bar of length L is subjected to a distributed torque of
intensity t per unit distance. The intensity varies linearly from t =0 at the free end
to a maximum value t = to at the support. Assume that shear modulus of elasticity
is G and polar moment of inertia of the cross section is IP. (a) Determine the
angle of twist φ between the ends of the bar. (b) Derive a formula for the strain
energy. (25%)
Solution: (a) φ =(toL2)/(6GIp), (b) U=(to2L3)/(40GIp)
4. A circular bar AB of length L is fixed against rotation at the ends and loaded by a
distributed torque of constant intensity t per unit distance over the left half span.
Solve the reactions at A and B. Assume that shear modulus of elasticity is G and
polar moment of inertia of the cross section is IP. (25%)
Solution: TA=(3tL)/8, TB=(tL)/8

Problem 1
Problem 2

L/2 L/2

Problem 3 Problem 4

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