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Diploma in

The Psychology
of Organisations
Starter Pack
Module 1

Lesson 1: Exploring the field of organisational psychology

Lesson 2: A changing world of work: evolution of organisational psychology
Lesson 3: The psychology of employees
Lesson 4: Unhealthy and unhappy workplaces
Lesson 5: Finding the right employee: talent attraction
Lesson 6: Making rocket fuel and managing performance
Lesson 7: Moving the chess pieces and managing talent
Lesson 8: Coaching for performance

Module 2

Lesson 1: Teaming up: an intro to groups in the workplace

The Psychology Lesson 2: Collaboration and Conflict

of Organisations Lesson 3: Identity at work: the need to belong

Lesson 4: A workplace of difference

Course Outline Lesson 5: Leadership: steering the ship

Lesson 6: An effective captain
Lesson 7: Snakes in suits: sociopaths of organisations
Each module consists of:
8 lessons Lesson 8: Team building basics
8 post-lesson quizzes
Module 3
4 weekly assignments
1 module assignment Lesson 1: Power and Hierarchy
Lesson 2: Making the parts fit
Lesson 3: The way we do things around here
As an extra, you are able to purchase
the toolkit: Lesson 4: Shifting sands and managing change

Webinar slides Lesson 5: I am not a robot

Summary Notes Lesson 6: Work-life balance, flexibility and new working practices
Exciting bonus lessons Lesson 7: Unpacking the layers
Lesson 8: The Learning Organisation

Module 4

Lesson 1: The employee experience and why it matters

Lesson 2: The fine line: ethics in organisations
Lesson 3: HR of the future: new jobs, new skills
Lesson 4: Pop psychology and its place in business
Lesson 5: We never saw it coming: the impact of COVID on
organisational behaviour
Lesson 6: We can’t find the box, never mind think out of it: Innovation
in organisations

Lesson 7: Positive psychology at work

Lesson 8: Hot topics and trends in the workplaces of today
Interested in understanding what makes people
tick at work? Some interesting things to consider:

Everybody needs a pat on the back

The need for acknowledgement and recognition is universal. Every

employee, no matter how big or small their role is in an organisation
needs to know their contribution is valued and that they are doing
a good job. When employees are recognised for the work and effort
that they have put in, productivity increases, and motivation levels
go up. Next time someone in your workplace seems a bit insecure or
The Psychology unhappy, try simply telling them ‘job well done’ or ‘thank you’ and
see what happens.
of Organisations
Most of the time, employees leave
managers and not companies

There are many reasons why people change jobs, but the truth is,
you cannot get a new job unless you apply for one. Research has
found that most often, when someone makes the choice to submit
their resume for something new, it is because, in that moment,
they feel they need to get away from their current boss. (Gallup
Comprehensive study, 2015 ‘The State of the American Manager’).
So, if you notice a wave of exits from a particular team or area,
try analysing who the leader is and what kind of leadership style
they have.

Check out the Shaw Academy Leadership and Management Course!

Nobody really leaves ‘home’ at the front

door of the company building

The idea that people can separate who they are professionally
from who they are personally has become outdated and has been
proven false. The employee is a whole person, and companies now
understand that being able to integrate their work lives with home
lives, and not have to try keep them walled off from each other,
actually helps employees cope better with the stresses of both
work and family life. Organisations that offer some form of support
to employees as people (whether it be an employee assistance
programme, child care support, flexible working hours, improved
family leave polices etc.) actually enable employees to juggle
all kinds of responsibilities and ultimately maintain higher levels
of performance.

Happy Learning!

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