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Web based Library Management System for Harambee University Using PHP,
HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL

JAN 2022
Harambee University
This is to confirm that the project report entitled “web based Library Management System for
Harambee University
“of computer science in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Science in computer science an original work carried out by all group members
Student Team Approval
Student Name Student Signature
1. Alemu Abebe ________________
2. Lema ________________

Advisor and department head Approval

Advisor Name Advisor Signature
Reshad G ___________________
Department Head Name Department Head Signature
Reshad G ____________________

Examiner Name Examiner Signature

1.___________________________ ________________
2.____________________________ _________________
3.____________________________ _________________

We take this occasion to thank God, almighty for blessing us with his grace and taking our
endeavor to a successful culmination. We extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to our esteemed
guide, Reshad Gendoo, for providing us with the right guidance and advice at the crucial
junctures and for showing us the right way. We also take this opportunity to express a deep sense
of Gratitude Harambee University Holeta Campus Librarians. We would like to thank group
members and our friends and family for the support and encouragement they have given us
during the course of our work
Table of Contents
Figure ........................................................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter One .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Harambee University Library management department............................................................. 1
1.1.2 Introduction and Background of the Research/Modification Project. ........................................ 1
1.2 Statement of the problem .................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Objectives of the project..................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 General objective ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2 Specific objective ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Significance of the project .................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Beneficiaries of the project ................................................................................................................. 4
1.6 Methodology....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.6.1 Data collection methodology ....................................................................................................... 4
1.6.2 System development Methodology............................................................................................. 5
1.7Development Environment and programming tool ............................................................................ 5
1.8 Scope of the project ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.9 Risks, Assumptions and Constraints ................................................................................................... 6
1.9.1 Assumptions and Constraints ...................................................................................................... 6
1.9.2 Risks ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter Two .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Requirement Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 8
2. Description of Existing System .............................................................................................................. 8
2.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Major functions of the existing System .............................................................................................. 8
2.3 Reports generated in the existing system: ......................................................................................... 9
2.4 Forms and Documents used in Existing System.................................................................................. 9
2.11 Non Functional requirements ......................................................................................................... 13
2.12 USER CHARACTERSTICS ................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter Three ............................................................................................................................................. 15
System Design ............................................................................................................................................. 15
3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 System use case model ..................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.2 Essential Modeling Use – Case................................................................................................... 16
3.5 Sequence Diagram ............................................................................................................................ 20
3.6 Activity Diagram ................................................................................................................................ 21
3.7 Class Diagrams .................................................................................................................................. 25
Harambe University Library management system User Login interface .................................................... 29
Recommendation.................................................................................................................................... 39
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 40
References .............................................................................................................................................. 41
This project is aimed at developing a Web based Library Management System for managing
the library system of Harambee university HOLETA CAMPUS who use a paper based system
to manage Library of the college. The purpose of this project is to change manual based (paper
based) Library management system of any University/college/school to automated system. This
system can be used to store the details of the books, student, update the book information based
on the user details. It uses a client-server model with a connected database to allow multiple
users (workers of Library Board and college staff) to be connected. This allows for later
expansion while still supporting the targeted University. An automated Library Management
System helps to minimize the errors while recording the books and book users.
Definition, Acronyms, Abbreviations
 Browser: A software application used to locate and display web pages.
 Database: A database that stores data. It is a collection of interrelated data that contains
information relevant to enterprise.
 MYSQL: Most widely used query language for creating database.
 Internet: Worldwide networks of computers from where anyone can take information.
 Homepage: The first page when you go to a worldwide website on internet.
 HTML: It is a computer language specifying the content & formats of web document .
 It allows additional text to include codes that define fonts, layouts, graphics & hypertext.
 PHP: It is called Hypertext Pre-Processor.
 Webpage: pages of information placed on network that may contain text, graphics, images,
moving pictures, sound files & other type of electronic information.
 Website: Collection of files called webpage, which can contain text & images.
 DBMS: A collection of computer program that allow storage, modification, extraction of
information from database.
 SQL: It is a standard interactive & programming language for getting information &
updating database.

TABLE 1:-ASSUMPTION AND CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................................................... 6

TABLE:-RISKS ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
TABLE 3:-COST ESTIMATION ...................................................................................................................................... 7
TABLE 2:-USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR LOGIN .......................................................................................................... 18
TABLE 3:-USECASE DESCRIPTION FOR NEW REGISTRATION ..................................................................................... 19
TABL3 4:-USE CASE DESCRIPTION ADD BOOK ........................................................................................................... 19
FIG 1.1 NEW ARRIVAL BOOK REGISTRATION FORM ..................................................................................................... 9
FIG 3.1 LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USE CASE ................................................................................................ 17
FIG3.2 SEQUENCE DIAGRAM OF LIBRARY MANAGEMENT ISSUE BOOK .................................................................... 21
FIG3.3 SEQUENCE DIAGRAM OF LIBRARY MANAGEMENT ISSUE BOOK ..................................................................... 21
FIG 3.4 CHECK OUT BOOK ACTIVITY DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................ 22
FIG 3.5 ISSUE BOOK ACTIVITY DIAGRAM .................................................................................................................. 24
FIG 3.6 BOOK RETURN ACTIVITY DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................... 24
FIG.3.6 CLASS DIAGRAM .......................................................................................................................................... 27
FIG 3.8 STATE CHART DIAGRAM .............................................................................................................................. 28
FIG 3.9 COLLABORATION DIAGRAM ......................................................................................................................... 28
FIG.3.9 LOGIN INTERFACE OF LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ............................................................................... 29
Chapter One
1.1 Background
Harambee University began operations in in Adama Town, with a capital of 1,300,000 Eth.
Birr, a total number of 154 evening program students, and five part time faculty staff. The
Adama branch campus was begun three months later with Accounting, Law and Marketing
Management being the fields of study. This new “learning community” was housed in just one
rented block that consisted of a single administrative office and a few classrooms; by the end
of the year 2004/2005 academic year, total enrolment at the two locations was about 250
students in the five diploma programs of study.

The objectives of the university are:

 Research and development on the academic purpose
 Adoption, production, and maintenance in the field of technologies.
 achievement of independence pertaining to training
The University with its well-qualified and experienced local and expatriate academic staff
is actively engaged in the training activities and capacity building in line with its authorities
and responsibilities. Furthermore, the university is providing necessary academic
leadership, guidance and relevant information resources to other companies.

1.1.1 Harambee University Library management department

Harambee University Library management department are central to the work of the college.
Library is one of the essential elements in order to accelerate and improve teaching and
learning process of a one university. To confirm this teaching and learning activity, Harambee
University Library management department provides the basic facility and material need to
help and strengthen the work of the University.

1.1.2 Introduction and Background of the Research/Modification Project.

Computer plays an important role in our daily life. Anything we want we can get only in one
mouse click. Speed, reliability and accuracy of the computer make it a powerful tool for
different purposes. The project that we have taken is also in this category which is used in
our/library users daily life whenever we want to read some books we can easily get them on
internet. Theproject “web based Library Management System” which mainly focuses on basic
operations in a library like adding new member, new books, and updating new information,
searching books and members and facility to issue and return books. Using this web
application user can make the booking of books online and can look for the book either it is
available in library or not.

1.2 Statement of the problem

In an attempt to find facts and discover realistic problems and opportunities for improving the existing
Library process, this project team identified the following problems: -

 It is difficult to update information without rewriting the full file. Because Data is
stored in hard copy form.
 Data is not secured. Due to this, some secret information is opened for unauthorized
users or agents.
 Lack of relevant information on time, speed I.e., due to low speed of processing data
and due to lose of paper work.
 Lack of immediate retrievals.
 Low processing speed and error.
 Data is stored repeatedly in different files -The same information is stored in many
copies repeatedly in different forms.
 Less credible information generated by the reports – The information presented on the
report are inconsistent meaning the information are gathered by referring to different
documents which are stored in manual or paper form. Therefore, as time goes, the
information on the paper may get lost. So, the information is not as such trustworthy.
 Manual handling of data is expensive as compared to automated system. In general,
cost in terms of time is very high.
To get a clear picture of the activities under the library management department and to identify
the problems, we have described the tasks in each activity as follows:-

Monitory of Available Library information

The Available library information we mean the transaction made through the books available
in the library is under the control of the administration of library man while receiving and
providing books by the guarantee of approval.
Monitory of available books has to be done on a periodic basis to know the exact amount of
books in the library.

There are several things that has to be taken in to consideration while making book requisition.
For instance, requisition can be made by any student but, it has to be issued by the responsible
person by having verification and passing through the necessary steps in approval the
request. .

Books information
Books are recorded based on book id, book name, price, author and they are visible for the
responsible person as well as the top manager who is assigned.

Report generation
Activities undertaken by the book management department are reported in a periodic manner to
the manager of the Library.
 New arrival books.
 Books Taken by the readers.
 Number of readers

1.3 Objectives of the project

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective of this project is to “design the Digital Library Management System that
handles activities efficiently and effectively for the Harambee University Library management
department which follows manual approach”.

1.3.2 Specific objective

To achieve the aforementioned general objective, the project will address the following
specific objectives.

 To provide the available book information to the concerned person.

 To Record list of books available in library, in hand of students, teachers and other
 To request Books available in library for daily use/read.
 To display book requested for daily/weekly use by students, teachers, and other user of
books and worker of a library can approve their request.
 Keeping information about various books.
 Handle different report like, new arrival books, books in a hand of readers/users, and
books available in library.
 To provide strategic summary report for decision making regarding about the status of
book users.

1.4 Significance of the project

Manual processing of the Library management transaction is very cumbersome, time
consuming and results in resource wastage. Technology creates many options to facilitate these
activities of Library users and workers need. The human resource activities should be done in
short period of time in order to satisfy the workforce and even to fasten the request of
functional work units. Therefore the automation of Library management system is mandatory.
This will:

 Provides periodic and on time report generation.

 Facilitates the activities of the department by supporting ease and on time update on a
budget ledger.
 Lay ground to automate other activities not covered in this project scope.
 Maintains adequate history information to support transaction analysis.
 Allows the top management to follow up the day to day activities of the department.
 Reduces errors caused by manual processing of transaction.

1.5 Beneficiaries of the project

The activities undertaken by the library management department involve many employees and
transactions which need precise information processing. Developing a new automated system
will make all activities easy and the concerned bodies can easily access the information in the
department as per their access level. The main beneficiaries of the project are the workers in
the Library management department and all communities Harambee University which need a
service from the department as well as the controlling mechanism also will be safe.

1.6 Methodology
1.6.1 Data collection methodology

This project uses the following methodologies for various tasks: -

For existing system study: -
 Interview
 On job observation
 Review of relevant documents
We use this technique because our subject matter experts are few in number and in addition to
this these methods are not time consuming as compared to other techniques, so using these
method enables us to acquire rich and reliable information.

1.6.2 System development Methodology

UML (Unified modeling Language) used in object oriented software development approach
and traditional software development tools will be used
 For requirement analysis and design:-
 Object oriented analysis and design techniques (Context diagram, use case diagram,
sequence diagram, activity diagram, collaboration diagram and class diagram)
Object orient analysis and design is chosen due to:
 Ease of maintenance
 Facilities of code reusability
 Encapsulation (i.e. information hiding and separation of data from
procedures by using objects)
 Adaptability to new developments. Etc.

1.7Development Environment and programming tool

By considering the experience of the project team, we selected the following tools:

 HTML, CSS and JavaScript for front end design and coding
 Visio for Modeling
 PHP for server side script and
 MYSQL server for database
 Text-Editor Sublime

1.8 Scope of the project

HarambeeUniversity has different department which are working together to accomplish the
organizational goal. From these departments our project focuses only on the activities
undertaken by the Library Management Department. It focuses on the activity of Book
requisition, report generation of books, and books available in the library and to create a
system working online networked environments. So that the concerned bodies can visualize the
work done in the department as per their access level and Implementation of the new system
and testing. The main focus of this project is on the activities that are carried out in the Library
management system section.
1.9 Risks, Assumptions and Constraints

1.9.1 Assumptions and Constraints

Assumptions and constraint Description

1.constraint Time and material resources.

2.assumption Current facilities can be improved.

Table 1:-Assumption and Constraints

1.9.2 Risks
Risk analysis enables the team to anticipate what might go wrong in the project. The potential
consequence of assessing risks can include the following outcomes:

risks Description

risk To attain expected benefits from the project

To estimate accurate project cost estimates
To estimate accurate project duration

1.10 Project Organization
Project Owners Harambee University Holeta Campus
Project Manager Alemu Abebe

Database Manager
Analyst and Designer
Quality Assurance Officer .
1.11 Estimating project cost

S/no Item description Qty Unit Total price

1 Computer Desktop 1 17254 20,000
2 Msoffice full package 1 200 200
4 CAT5e-Ethernet- 1Roll 5000 500
5 Network Switch /24 port 1 2000 2000
6 Notepad++ 1 500 500
7 Windows server 2 1000 2000
8 SQL Server software 2 1000 2000
Total Price 27,200
Table 3:-Cost estimation
Chapter Two

Requirement Analysis
2. Description of Existing System

2.1. Introduction

Income management system which performs the following tasks:- provides lounge service for
both the students and staff of the college and also shop and animal husbandry.

2.2 Major functions of the existing System

 Book Requisition: This function is performed by the library users to receive book from
 Reception of book: by having checking on the specification and quantities of the listed
book the Library manager receives the New arrival book.
 Book withdrawal: This function performed by the library manager based on reader’s
book requisition.
 Report: the librarian can generate report of taken books with listing book id, quantity and
with appropriate member/library user information.
 Return book: the library user i.e. students and university members can return a book that
they received this before based on their return book dead line.
The process of this existing system is performed by the following sequence: first books are
requested by the library users so as to have books in a library, the request passes to the
librarian, after having seen the availability of book the library manager approved the request
and issue book to the requester.
Based on the specification and need the one who is assigned as a user can receive the book.
And if book is not available in a library a librarian rejects the request.
2.3 Reports generated in the existing system:
The existing system generates report for every day, month, yearly to College management
manually in their report they will include the number of books in hand of members, quantity,
price and also the total number of books in the library.

2.4 Forms and Documents used in Existing System

Form is a business document that contains some pre-defined data and may include some area
where additional data are to be filled in. An instance of form is typically based on one database
The Library management has different Forms which used for Book requisition, book reception,
purchase requisition, book description and control form and report.
HarambeeuniversityHoleta Campus

New arrival book registration Form

No Book category Measurement Quantity Author Description

1. Purchased by
Name _____________________



2. Received By



Fig 1.1 New arrival book registration form

2.5 Business Rules
The business rule of the existing system is every transaction should be performed correctly in
terms of time, specification and priority.
2.5.1 Book Requisition: This function is performed by the Member/library user by checking
the listed books in a library i.e. available books in a library. The user of library view new
arrival books, and other books available in a library and a librarian check the condition of
books and a requester information in order to respond a request.
2.5.2Reception of purchased Books: by having checking on the specification and quantities
of the listed book the library manager receives the purchased books.
2.5.3 Book withdrawal: books are requested from different library members by listing down
the book id, book name and member information unless book withdrawn request is rejected.
2.5.4Book reception: this is the way that members can receive books from the library by cross
check book id, quantity while receiving the book otherwise no one can take responsibility
rather than the librarian.
2.5.5 Report available books: the librarian can generate report of available books with listing
book id, quantity and with their appropriate unit price and total money on time to the manager.
2.6 Actors in the existing system

 Librarian: Mainly responsible for adding and modifying books, book items, and users.
The Librarian can also issue, reserve, and return book items.
 Member: All members can search the catalog, as well as check-out, reserve, renew,
and return a book.
 System: Mainly responsible for sending notifications for overdue books, canceled
reservations, etc.
2.7 Problems of the existing system
In the existing system all the transaction of books are done manually, So taking more time for a
transaction like borrowing a book or returning a book and also for searching of books. Another
major disadvantage is that to preparing the list of books borrowed and the available books in
the library will take more time, currently it is doing as a one day process for verifying all
Library management system is a project which aims in developing a computerized system to
maintain all the daily work of library. The “Library Management System” mainly focuses on
basic operations in a library like adding new member, new books, and updating new
information, searching books and members and facility to borrow and return books. This
project has many features which are generally not available in normal library management
systems like facility of user login and a facility of teachers login. The user is able to generate
different kinds of reports like lists of students registered, list of books, issue and return reports.
“Library Management System” is designed to help users maintain and organize library.
It is used by librarian to manage the library using a computerized system where he/she can
record various transactions like issue of books, return of books, addition of new books,
addition of new students etc. Proposed system is an automated Library Management System. It
also has a facility of admin login through which the admin can monitor the whole system.
Using this system student can login system online and after logging in their accounts can see
list of books issued and its issue date and return date. Through our software user can add
members, add books, search members, search books, update information, edit information,
borrow and return books in quick time. Using library management system, students can also
request the librarian to add new books by filling the book request form. Using this system
librarian can generate various reports such as student report, issue report, teacher report and
book report. Books and student maintenance modules are also included in this system, which
would keep track of the students using the library and a detailed description about the

Overall this project of ours is being developed to help the students as well as staff of library to
maintain the library in the best way possible and also reduce the human efforts. With this
computerized system there will be no loss of book record or member record which generally
happens when a non-computerized. All these modules are able to help librarian to manage the
library with more convenience and in a more efficient way as compared to library systems,
which are not computerized.

2.8 Practices to be preserved from the existing system

The existing system will preserved their machines like duplication, photocopy and binding
machines by cleaning once in a week.

2.9 Options analysis and the proposed new system

The proposed system will replace the manual operations involved in the recording system. An
automated system will take care of all recording operations.

2.10 Functional requirements

These are inherent functionalities that the system is purposely expected to perform to achieve
the goals for the development. Basically this is what the system will do
These includes
 Data storage the system provides data storage capabilities. This enhanced by database
management system that is capable maintaining the storage requirements.
 Retrieval of data it should be easier to retrieve data from the database through
procedures designed to ensure efficiency.
 Registration processing registration should be done promptly and without delay or
 Register
 Description: First the user will have to register/sign up. There are two different
type of users.
 The library manager/head : The manager have to provide details about the name
of library ,address, phone number, email id.
 Regular person/student : The user have to provide details about his/her name of
address, phone number, email id.

 Sign up
 Input: Detail about the user as mentioned in the description.
 Output: Confirmation of registration status and a membership number and
password will be generated and mailed to the user.
 Processing: All details will be checked and if any error are found then an error
message is displayed else a membership number and password will be
 Login
 Input: Enter the membership number and password provided.
 Output: User will be able to use the features of software.
 Manage books by user.
 Books issued.
 Description : List of books will be displaced along with data of return
 Search
 Input: Enter the name of author's name of the books to be issued.
 Output: List of books related to the keyword.
 Issues book
 State: Searched the book user wants to issues.
 Input : click the book user wants.
 Output : conformation for book issue and apology for failure in issue.
 Processing : if selected book is available then book will be issued else error will
be displayed.
 Renew book
 State : Book is issued and is about to reach the date of return.
 Input : Select the book to be renewed.
 Output : conformation message.
 Processing : If the issued book is already reserved by another user then error
message willbe send and if not then conformation message will be displayed.
 Return
 Input ; Return the book to the library.
 Output : The issued list will be updated and the returned book will be listed out.
 Reserve book
 Input ; Enter the details of the book.
 Output : Book successfully reserved.
 Description : If a book is issued by someone then the user can reserve it ,so that
later theuser can issue it.
 Fine
 Input : check for the fines.
 Output : Details about fines on different books issued by the user.

Processing : The fine will be calculated, if it crossed the date of return and the
user did not renewed if then fine will be applied by Rs 10 per day. R.3 Manage
book by librarian
 Update details of books
 Add books
 Input : Enter the details of the books such as names ,author ,edition, quantity.
 Output : confirmation of addition.
 Remove books
 Input : Enter the name of the book and quantity of books.
 Output : Update the list of the books available.

2.11 Non Functional requirements

These are functionalities that are generally implied and factored in as characteristics of a good
system. They are not part of the system requirement
 Should be reliable and efficient.
 easy to maintain
 Ensure security of the stored information

 Usability Requirement
 The system shall allow the users to access the system from the phone using
android application. The system uses a android application as an interface. Since
all users are familiar with the general usage of mobile app, no special training is
required. The system is user friendly which makes the system easy.
 Availability Requirement
 The system is available 100% for the user and is used 24 hrs a day and 365 days
a year. The system shall be operational 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
 Efficiency Requirement
 Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) - Even if the system fails, the system will be
recovered back up within an hour or less.
 Accuracy
 The system should accurately provide real time information taking into
consideration various concurrency issues. The system shall provide 100%
access reliability.
 Performance Requirement
 The information is refreshed depending upon whether some updates have
occurred or not in the application. The system shall respond to the member in
not less than two seconds from the time of the request submittal. The system
shall be allowed to take more time when doing large processing jobs. Responses
to view information shall take no longer than 5 seconds to appear on the screen.
 Reliability Requirement
 The system has to be 100% reliable due to the importance of data and the
damages that can be caused by incorrect or incomplete data. The system will
run 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
We have 3 levels of users:

 User module: In the user module, user will check the availability of the books.
 Issue book
 Reserve book
 Return book
 Fine details
 Library module:
 Add new book
 Remove book
 Update details of book
 Administration module:
The following are the sub module in the administration module:
 Register user
 Entry book details
 Book issue
Chapter Three

System Design

3.1 Introduction
Object oriented analysis describes the system from the actor point of view and serves as
the Communication language between the client (owner of the system) and the developer. The
purpose of the analysis is to understand what will be built. This is similar to requirement
gathering, the purpose of which to determine what your users want to have built. The main
difference is that the focus of requirement gathering is on understanding your user and their
potential usage of the system, whereas the focus of analysis shifts to understanding the system
itself. In this chapter we have included an object oriented system analysis tools like system
use case model, sequence diagram, activity diagram, class model and user interface prototype.

3.2 System use case model

A system use case model is composed of use case diagram and the accompanying documentation
describing the use case, actors and associations. A system use case model constitutes a sequence of
actions that provide a measurable value to an actor. The main difference between an essential use
case and a system use case is a high level of implementation decision is included in the system use
3.3 Essential Modeling

Use – Case Model

3.3.1 Actors

Actor is something external to the system and interacts with the system. Actor may be a human
being, device or some other software system.
For Computerized Library management system;We have three main actors in our system:

 Librarian: Mainly responsible for adding and modifying books, book items, and users.
The Librarian can also issue, reserve, and return book items.
 Member: All members can search the catalog, as well as check-out, reserve, renew,
and return a book.
 System: Mainly responsible for sending notifications for overdue books, canceled
reservations, etc.

Here are the top use cases of the Library Management System:

 Add/Remove/Edit book: To add, remove or modify a book or book item.

 Search catalog: To search books by title, author, subject or publication date.
 Register new account/cancel membership: To add a new member or cancel the
membership of an existing member.
 Check-out book: To borrow a book from the library.
 Reserve book: To reserve a book which is not currently available.
 Renew a book: To borrow an already checked-out book.
 Return a book: To return a book to the library which was issued to a member.

3.3.2 Essential Modeling Use – Case

A use-case represents sequence of actions performed by the system that yields an observable
result of value for a particular actor. Use-case represents a functional requirement of a system.
For Computerized Library management system, we can find the following use-cases;
 UC01 Login
 UC02 Register User
 UC03 Send Book Request
 UC04 Request book
 UC05 Receive book Request
 UC06 With draw book
 UC07 Receive book
 UC8 Approve
 UC9 View Library Transaction
Fig 3.1 Library Management System Use case
3.4 Use-Case Specification: Login

Use Case Name Login

Description A registered user can log in and, upon verification, can initiate subsequent actions.
Actors Manager, Purchaser, Seller, Store Manager and cashier
Precondition User has an account with the system
Post condition The user is considered authenticated and is viewing the main page from which
additional actions can be initiated.
Basic Course of 1. Initiated when a registered user chooses to Lo-gin.
action: 2. The system prompts for username and password.
3. The registered user enters a username and password and submits them.
4. The system authenticates the use_ name and password combination.
5. The system authorizes the registered user according to the role(s) to which the
registered user has been assigned.
6. The system displays the main page and awaits subsequent action.
7. Use Case ends.
Alternative course of Invalid Username/Password
1. The system displays the Authentication Failed message.
2. Account Locked
3. The system displays the <appropriate message>.
4. Authentication Service Unavailable
5. The system displays a Service Unavailable message and does not permit any
further attempts to lo-gin.
6. Use Case ends.

Table 2:-Use case description for login

Use Case Name Register New account

Description Add new User detail information to the database.
Actors Manager, Purchaser, Sellers, Store Manager and cashier
Precondition User must be valid.
Post condition Users will be Registered by the Manager.
Basic Course of action:
1. Initiated when a registered user chooses to add new User
2. The system prompts for User details information
3. The registered Manager enters user information and register them
4. The system generates password and user Name for a new User.
5. Use Case ends.

Alternative course of action A. If the User lost his password and User Name
A.1 New password and User Name will created by the manager.
A.2 Use Case ends.

table 3:-Usecase description for New Registration

Use Case Name Add Book

Description It is the way that the Librarian registers a book.
Actors Librarian
Precondition Librarian must sure that book is not registered.
Post condition Store man must check the requested book before respond.
Basic Course of action: 1. The librarian must fill the item information.
2. The sellers must send the request to the store man correctly
3. Use Case ends.

Alternative course of action A. If the request is not correct

A.1 The store man will reject the request and order sellers to request correctly.
A.2 End Use case
Table3 4:-use case description add book
3.5 Sequence Diagram
Sequence diagrams are used to model the logic of usage scenarios or the description of the
potential way the system used. Sequence diagrams are a great way to validate and flesh out the
logic of use case scenarios and to document the design of the system.
Fig3.2 Sequence Diagram of Library management issue book

Fig3.3 Sequence Diagram of Library management issue book

3.6 Activity Diagram

UML activity diagrams are used to document the logic of single operation or method, single
use case, or the flow of logic of a business process. Activity diagrams are the object oriented
equivalent of flow charts and data flow diagrams (DFD) from structured system development.
Check-out a book: Any library member or librarian can perform this activity. Here are the set of
steps to check-out a book:

Fig 3.4 Check out Book activity diagram

Fig 3.5 Issue Book activity diagram

Fig 3.6 Book Return Activity Diagram

3.7 Class Diagrams

A class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies among
classes in the Unified Model Language (UML).
In this context, a class defines the methods and variables in an object, which is a specific
entity in a program or unit of code representing that entity. Class diagrams are useful in all
forms of object-oriented programming.

Here are the main classes of our Library Management System:

 Library: The central part of the organization for which this software has been
designed. It has attributes like ‘Name’ to distinguish it from any other libraries and
‘Address’ to describe its location.

 Book: The basic building block of the system. Every book will have ISBN, Title,
Subject, Publishers, etc.

 Book Item: Any book can have multiple copies, each copy will be considered a
book item in our system. Each book item will have a unique barcode.

 Account: We will have two types of accounts in the system, one will be a general
member, and the other will be a librarian.

 Library Card: Each library user will be issued a library card, which will be used to
identify users while issuing or returning books.

 Book Reservation: Responsible for managing reservations against book items.

 Bookending: Manage the checking-out of book items.

 Catalog: Catalogs contain list of books sorted on certain criteria. Our system will
support searching through four catalogs: Title, Author, Subject, and Publish-date.

 Fine: This class will be responsible for calculating and collecting fines from library

 Author: This class will encapsulate a book author.

 Rack: Books will be placed on racks. Each rack will be identified by a rack number
and will have a location identifier to describe the physical location of the rack in the

 Notification: This class will take care of sending notifications to library members.
Fig.3.6 Class Diagram

Fig 3.7 class diagram of Library Management system

Fig 3.8 State Chart Diagram

Fig 3.9 Collaboration Diagram

Harambe University Library management system User Login interface

Fig.3.9 Login interface of Library management system

<title>HRBU LMS</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/styleIndex.css">
<div class="container">
$activity = $_REQUEST['activity'];

if($activity == 'forgetpwd'){
<form method="POST" class="loginPage">
<div class="formInput">
<input type="email" name="regEmail" required
autofocus placeholder="Your Registered Email">
<div class="formInput">
<input type="password" name="npwd" required
autofocus placeholder="New Password">
<div class="formInput">
<input type="password" name="cpwd" required
autofocus placeholder="Confirm New Password" >
<input type="submit" name="savePwdBtn"
value="Save" class="btnSavePwd">
<br >
<a class="backLink" href="index.php">Back</a>



<form method="POST" class="loginPage">

<div class="formInput">
<input type="text" name="username" required
autofocus placeholder="Username" >
<div class="formInput">
<input type="password" name="pwd" required
autofocus placeholder="password" >
<input type="submit" name="login" value="Log
In" class="btnLogin">
<br >
<a class="forgetPwd"
href="index.php?activity=forgetpwd">Forget Password?</a>

<div class="errorMsg"><?php echo $errorMsg; ?></div>
$username = $_SESSION['username'];

if($_REQUEST['$activity'] == 'logout'){
$username = null;
$username ="";

$_SESSION['username'] = null;
$_SESSION['username'] ="";


header("location: ../Index.php");

<title>HRBU LMS ADMIN PANEL</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/styleHome.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/styleUpdate.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/styleAddValue.css">
<div class="containerHome">
<div class="headSection">

<?php include("headSection.php"); ?>


<div class="navSection">
<div class="welcomeTitle"><?php echo "Welcome : ".$username; ?></div>
<div class="tooltip">Contact Us
<span class="tooltiptext">
<b>Address:</b> Harambe University Holeta Campus <br>
<b>Phone:</b> 09-12484594

<div class="logoutLink"><a href="home.php?activity=logout">Logout</a></div>


<div class="leftSection">

<?php include("leftSection.php");?>



<div class="contentSection">


$activity = $_REQUEST['activity'];
if($activity) {
if($activity == 'addMember'){

if($activity == 'dashboard'){

if($activity == 'issueBooks'){

if($activity == 'returnBooks'){

if($activity == 'issueBooksHisory'){

if($activity == 'returnBooksHisory'){

if($activity == 'search'){

if($activity == 'allRegisteredStudent'){

if($activity == 'addBook'){

if($activity == 'listAllBooks'){

if($activity == 'bookDetails'){
if($activity == 'memberDetails'){

if($activity == 'updateBook'){

$errorMsg = "Field can't be Empty...";

elseif($searchList == 'Member'){

$searchField = $_REQUEST['searchField'];


$query = "SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName,Mobile,Email,Course

FROM Members Where FirstName LIKE '%$searchField%' || LastName LIKE
$returnD = mysqli_query($con,$query);
$returnD1 = mysqli_query($con,$query);
$result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($returnD);

$errorMsg = "Invalid Customer Name...";

$errorMsg = "Field can't be Empty...";



//CODE T0 ADD BOOK.. No error..

$query = "Select Max(bookId) From books";

$returnD = mysqli_query($con,$query);
$result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($returnD);
$maxRows = $result['Max(bookId)'];
$lastRow = $maxRows = 1001;
$lastRow = $maxRows + 1 ;


$bookId = $_REQUEST['bookId'];
$bookName = $_REQUEST['bookName'];
$authorName = $_REQUEST['authorName'];
$bookPrice = $_REQUEST['bookPrice'];
$bookPublisher = $_REQUEST['bookPublisher'];

if(!empty($bookId) && !empty($bookName) && !empty($authorName)){


$query = "Insert Into books(bookId,title,author,price,publisher,available)

$errorMsg = "Book Sucessfully Added.";

$query = "Select Max(bookId) From books";

$returnD = mysqli_query($con,$query);
$result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($returnD);
$maxRows = $result['Max(bookId)'];
$lastRow = $maxRows = 1001;
$lastRow = $maxRows + 1 ;
$errorMsg = "Table is Empty.";

$errorMsg = "Please! Enter in Empty Field.";


// CODE TO ADD MEMBER.. No error..

$query = "Select Max(Id) From members";

$returnD = mysqli_query($con,$query);
$result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($returnD);
$maxRows = $result['Max(Id)'];
$lastRow = $maxRows = 1;
$lastRow = $maxRows + 1 ;


$memberId = $_REQUEST['memberId'];
$firstName = $_REQUEST['firstName'];
$lastName = $_REQUEST['lastName'];
$position = $_REQUEST['position'];
//$rollNo = $_REQUEST['rollNo'];
$mobile = $_REQUEST['mobile'];
$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
$course = $_REQUEST['course'];

if(!empty($memberId) && !empty($firstName) && !empty($lastName) &&



$query = "Insert Into

$errorMsg = "Member Sucessfully Added.";

$query = "Select Max(Id) From members";

$returnD = mysqli_query($query);
$result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($returnD);
$maxRows = $result['Max(Id)'];
$lastRow = $maxRows = 1;
$lastRow = $maxRows + 1 ;

$errorMsg = "Table is Empty.";

$errorMsg = "Please! Enter in Empty Field.";


<div class="errorMsg"><?php echo $errorMsg; ?></div>



<div class="rightSection">

<?php include("rightSection.php");?>


We believe that our system will solve the cumbersome library transaction system in Harambee
university library. So that it will used to manage the entire process where librarian, students use
during service search books, generate reports and other book transactions. Finally we will
recommend that the system can be upgraded by the professional as wanted for improving the
work environment.
This website provides a computerized version of library management system, which will
benefit the students, as well as the staff of the library.
It makes entire process online where student can search books; staff can generate reports and
do book transactions. It also has a facility for student login where student can login and can see
status of books issued as well request for book or give some suggestions. It has a facility of
teacher’s login where teachers can add lectures notes and also give necessary suggestion to
library and also add info about workshops or events happening in our college or nearby college
in the online notice board. There is a future scope of this facility that many more features such
as online lectures video tutorials can be added by teachers as well as online assignments
submission facility, a feature Of group chat where students can discuss various issues of
engineering can be added to this project thus making it more interactive more user friendly and
project which fulfills each users need in the best way possible.
[1] E.W. Dijkstra,The structure of the T.H.E Multiprogramming system, Communications of
the ACM, 18(8), pp. 453-457,1968.
[2] D. Parnas, On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules, CACM, 15(12),
pp. 1053-1058, 1972.

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