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Issei was an introvert and he developed a strong interest in literature, he did very well in school but it was

when he was in first grade. Seven years old that he experience his first cannibalistic desire. He saw a
classmate’s thigh and the desire to consume flesh only grew form there. When he grew up he attended
college and completed a master’s degree in English. And one night he broke into a young woman’s
apartment after following her home. His intention was to cannibalize her without killing her but she woke
up and knocked him to the ground. The police were called and issei was charged with rape but the
charges were dropped because his father paid a settlement to the victim.

In 1977, he moved to France to pursue phd in literature at the sarbonne university. He began to solicit
prostitutes every night and made attempts to shoot them but he claimed his fingers froze and he couldn’t
pull the trigger and the more he failed the more hungry he became. While he was in school he met Renee
Hartevelt who was a dutch student that was in his classes and renee and issei were friends.

On June 11, 1981, He invited renee to dinner at his apartment under the excuse of translating poetry for
an assignment. While she was reading issei was standing behind her with a rifle and he ended up shooting
her in the neck and killing her. He claims that at this point he fainted due to shock and shortly woke up
after. Issei then woke up and wanted to fulfill his dream, wanted to fulfill this fantasy he had. So he
attempted to eat renee but he could not bite through her skin so he ended up leaving the apartment and
going out to buy a butcher knife. He decided that he felt that renee was beautiful that she was smart and
he wanted to absorb her beauty and her energy because he always felt unattractive and because of his
health conditions so he wanted to absorb her energy by eating her. He cut off renee’s body parts and
consumed them. He also was taking pictures of her body throughout the process. As it started to stink, he
decided to dump the remains in the lake and he was caught in the act and arrested by the French police.
Issei’s father hired a lawyer for his defense and he was held in prison for two years. He was foung legally
insane and unfit to stand trial by the French court system. He was ordered to be held indefinitely in a
mental institution. Issei visited by an author interviewed him about his own crime and got his story
published in japan through his book. The French court system deported issei to japan where he was
committed to another mental institution in Tokyo. He was examined by psychologists that declared him
saying and found that his sexual perversion was sole motivation for the murder. Because the charges were
dropped due to the French court system finding him insane and all of their documents were sealed and not
released to Japanese authorities. Issei could not be legally detained in japan so he checked himself out of
the hospital and has remained free to this day.

Issei is free and walking around, he became like a minor celebrity in japan. He should really be in prison
and he shouldn’t be able to be out in public because that seems very dangerous. His crime and what he
did was very wrong and disgusting. It is unfair to the victim and her family that she didn’t get justice she
deserve. And he even proud of his crime and making money out of it. I cannot believe that it happened,
one family suffered because of what he did. And I think, that the criminal justice system there is so unfair.

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