Esteam Conversion Factors

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Conversion Factors used in Esteam™

kPa to psia
divide by 6.894757292
inHgA to psia
multiply by 0.49118
inHgA to mmHgA
multiply by 25.4
inHgA to Mbar
multiply by 33.86389
Inh2o to Psia
divide by 27.680671
Mmhga to psia
divide by 51.715073
Celsius to Farenheight
multiply by 9 / 5 and then add 32
Kelvin to Farenheight
multiply by 9.0 / 5.0 and then subtract 459.67
kJ/kg to Btu/lbm
divide by 2.3260
kJ/(kg-°K) to Btu/lbm-°R
divide by 4.1868
m^3/kg to ft^3/lb
divide by 0.06242796
Kg to lb
divide by 0.4535924
divide by 3.785312
Meters to Feet
divide by 0.3048
kW to Btu/hr
multiply by 3412.0
J to Btu
divide by 1055.1

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