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Department of Engineering,

College of Engineering and Applied Sciences,

American University of Kuwait,
P. O. Box 3323, Safat, 13034

MATLAB Programming Laboratory

Spring 2022
Project Instructions

1. Create a GUI that calls Simulink in which you are performing an experiment for a course topic.
You can choose one of the following courses or come up with another course choice.
a. ELEG 220
b. ELEG 270
c. ELEG 310
d. ELEG 330
e. ELEG 421
f. STAT 214
g. MATH 213
2. Your GUI should be designed such that the user can input certain parameters (settings) for the
Simulink model, display results extracted from the Simulink model, and plot a graph (there should
be an option of changing the plot color and style).
3. Contact your instructor (by email) to finalize your choice of a course topic. Each group should be
working on a different course topic. Email title should be CPEG 201L Project.
4. You will submit complete project code, and slides showing the project details including
screenshots of the program working and all its features.
5. You will be assessed by presenting the project and demonstrating its functionality (5-10 minutes).
6. All group members must be able to open and run the code individually.
7. If you are asked a question during the presentation, only you are allowed to answer it.
8. If you have another relevant feature/some flexibility you want to add to your project, feel free, but
do not go overboard.

Abeer Imdoukh

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