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Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬

Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

‫ جٌوكٌمٌاء البترول‬:‫مواصفات مقرر‬

Course Specification of: Petroleum Geochemistry

General information about the course ‫المعلومات العامة عن المقرر‬

‫اعى انًمشس‬ ‫جٌوكٌمٌاء البترول‬
.1 Course Title
Petroleum Geochemistry
.2 ‫سيض انًمشس وسلًه‬ GEOS 476
Course Code and Number
Credit Hours ‫انغبػبد انًؼزًذح‬
‫انغبػبد انًؼزًذح نهًمشس‬ ‫يحبضشاد‬ ٍ‫ػًه‬ ٍَ‫رًبس‬/‫عًُبس‬ ‫رذسَت‬
.3 Lecture Practical Training
Credit Hours S eminar/ Tutorial
2 1 - - 3
.4 ٍ‫انًغزىي وانفصم انذساع‬ 4th level, 2nd semester
S tudy Level and S emester
)‫انًزطهجبد انغبثمخ انًمشس (إٌ وخذد‬
.5 GEOS323
Pre-requisites (if any)
)‫انًزطهجبد انًصبحجخ (إٌ وخذد‬
.6 -
Co-requisites (if any)
.7 ‫انجشَبيح انزٌ َذسط نه انًمشس‬ Bachelor of Geosciences (Petroleum Geology Track)
Program (s) in which the course is offered

.8 ‫نغخ رذسَظ انًمشس‬ English/Arabic

Language of teaching the course
‫َظبو انذساعخ‬
.9 Academic year of two semesters
Study System
‫يكبٌ رذسَظ انًمشس‬
.10 Faculty of Petroleum and Natural Resources
Location of teaching the course
‫اعى يؼذ(و) يىاصفبد انًمشس‬
.11 Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-Matary
Prepared by

.12 ‫تاريخ اعتماد مجلس الجامعة‬ 2020

Date of Approval

Course Description ‫وصف المقرر‬

‫وصف المقرر ر باإلنجليزية‬ ‫وصف المقرر ر بالعربية‬
This course provides an overview of basic petroleum ‫ٌقدم هذا المقرر لمحة عامة عن أساسٌات الجٌوكٌمٌاء‬
geochemistry fundamentals with strong emphasis on ‫البترولٌة األساسٌة مع تركٌز قوي على تطبٌقات‬
applications to exploration and production. Various ‫ سٌنم مناقشة الجوانب المختلفة لتولٌد‬.‫االستكشاف واإلنتاج‬
aspects of hydrocarbon generation and accumulation are ‫ وٌتبع ذلك محاضرات حول‬،‫الهٌدروكربونات وتراكمها‬
discussed and this is followed with lectures on ‫ ومٌثان طبقة‬،‫ والنمذجة‬،‫ الدالئل‬،‫الطرق الجٌوكٌمٌائٌة‬
geochemical methods, markers, modeling, coal-bed .‫الفحم ودراسات الحالة‬
methane and case studies.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) ‫مخرجات تعلم المقرر‬
After completing the course, the student will be able to: :ٌ‫ثؼذ االَزهبء يٍ دساعخ انًمشس عىف َكىٌ انطبنت لبدسا ػهً أ‬
a1. Show understanding of the processes leading to ‫ َظهش فهى انؼًهُبد انًؤدَخ إنً رىنُذ انجزشول ورشاكًه‬- a1
petroleum generation and accumulation
Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

a2. recognize the methods of source rocks ‫َزؼشف ػهً طشق رمُُى انصخىس انًصذسَخ واعزكشبف‬ – a2
evaluation, petroleum exploration and reserves .‫انجزشول ورمُُى االحزُبطُبد‬
b1. distinguish the unconventional petroleum ‫ًَُض أًَبط رشاكى انُفط غُش انزمهُذَخ‬ – b1
accumulation patterns
b2. Associate geologic environments with petroleum ٍ‫َشثط انجُئبد اندُىنىخُخ ثًُبطك إَزبج انجزشول ف‬ - b2
producing regions of the world ‫انؼبنى‬
c1. Apply technology-based methods to petroleum ‫َطجك األعبنُت انمبئًخ ػهً انزكُىنىخُب العزكشبف‬ - c1
exploration and present results. .‫انُفط ػشض انُزبئح‬
c2. analyses critically and synthesize complex ‫َحهم ثذلخ وَؤنف انًؼهىيبد انًؼمذح يٍ أخم رفغُش‬ - c2
information in order to interpret geological data ‫انجُبَبد اندُىنىخُخ ورطجُمهب ػهً حم انًشبكم‬
and apply them to solving problems pertinent to .‫انًزؼهمخ ثصُبػخ انُفط وانغبص‬
the oil and gas industry.
d1. Collaborate effectively within a .‫َزؼبوٌ ثشكم فؼبل داخم فشَك يزؼذد انزخصصبد‬ - d1
multidisciplinary team.
d2. Acquire entrepreneurial skills to Prepare ٍ‫َكزغت يهبساد انزفغُش إلػذاد انزمبسَش انفُُخ ػ‬ - d2
technical petroleum reports. .‫انجزشول‬

:‫مواءمة مخرجات تعلم المقرر مع مخرجات التعلم للبرنامج‬

Alignment of CILOs (Course Intended Learning Outcomes) to PILOs (Program Intended Learning Outcomes(
‫مخرجات التعلم المقصودة من المقرر‬ ‫مخرجات التعلم المقصودة من البرنامج‬
(Course Intended Learning Outcomes) (Program Intended Learning Outcomes(
)‫(تكتب جميع مخرجات البرنامج كما هي رمزا ونصا‬
a1 Show understanding of the processes leading to Demonstrate knowledge and
petroleum generation and accumulation understanding of geological-specific
A1 theories, paradigms, concepts and
principles, in addition to general
literature and basic science.
a2 recognize the methods of source rocks evaluation, Elucidate/explain fundamental
petroleum exploration and reserves assessments. geological principles and concepts in
A2 theoretical, practical and vocational
situations and the possibility of applying
b1 distinguish the unconventional petroleum An ability to apply disciplinary
accumulation patterns B2 knowledge and skills in solving
geological and environmental problems
logically and professionally
b2 Associate geologic environments with petroleum B2
producing regions of the world
c1 Apply technology-based methods to petroleum An ability to deal with new and
exploration and present results. established technologies with efficiency
C2 to collect and interpret geological data,
recognizing their strengths and
c2 analyses critically and synthesize complex information Employ new and established
in order to interpret geological data and apply them to C3 technologies to exploit earth resources,
solving problems pertinent to the oil and gas industry. recognizing the need for sustainable use
Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

of Earth resources, and value

environmental, indigenous and other
community perspective on geological
d1 Collaborate effectively within a multidisciplinary D1 An ability to function in diverse learning
team. and working environments.
d2 Acquire entrepreneurial skills to Prepare technical Demonstrate the necessary skills of
petroleum reports. D2 practicing responsible and personal
characteristics with discipline, and ability
in making decision

‫يىاءيخ يخشخبد انزؼهى ثبعزشارُدُبد انزؼهُى وانزؼهى وانزمىَى‬

Alignment of CILOs to Teaching and Assessment Strategies

:‫ يىاءيخ يخشخبد رؼهى انًمشس (انًؼبسف وانفهى) ثبعزشارُدُخ انزؼهُى وانزؼهى وانزمىَى‬:‫أوال‬
First: Alignment of Knowledge and Understanding CILOs
‫ انًؼشفخ وانفهى‬/‫يخشخبد انًمشس‬ ‫اعزشارُدُخ انزؼهُى‬ ‫اعزشارُدُخ انزمىَى‬
Knowledge and Understanding CILOs ‫وانزؼهى‬ Assessment
Teaching Strategies Strategies

a1 - Show understanding of the processes leading to Interactive Lectures Examinations,

petroleum generation and accumulation Discussion Assignments,
a2 - recognize the methods of source rocks evaluation, Oral presentations
petroleum exploration and reserves assessments.

:‫ يىاءيخ يخشخبد رؼهى انًمشس (انًهبساد انزهُُخ) ثبعزشارُدُخ انزذسَظ وانزمىَى‬:‫ثبَُب‬

Second: Alignment of Intellectual Skills CILOs
‫ انًهبساد انزهُُخ‬/‫يخشخبد انًمشس‬ ‫اعزشارُدُخ انزؼهُى وانزؼهى‬ ‫اعزشارُدُخ انزمىَى‬
Intellectual Skills CILOs Teaching Strategies Assessment
b1 - distinguish the unconventional petroleum Discussion Essay test,
accumulation patterns Demonstration Assignments,
b2 - Associate geologic environments with petroleum Brain storm Oral presentations.
Problem solving
producing regions of the world

:‫ يىاءيخ يخشخبد رؼهى انًمشس (انًهبساد انًهُُخ وانؼًهُخ) ثبعزشارُدُخ انزذسَظ وانزمىَى‬:‫ثبنثب‬
Third: Alignment of Professional and Practical Skills CILOs
‫ انًهبساد انًهُُخ وانؼًهُخ‬/‫يخشخبد انًمشس‬ ‫اعزشارُدُخ انزؼهُى وانزؼهى‬ ‫اعزشارُدُخ انزمىَى‬
Professional and Practical Skills CILOs Teaching Strategies Assessment
c1- Apply technology-based methods to Self and independent Achievement tests
petroleum exploration and present results. learning Chart Drawing
c2- analyses critically and synthesize complex Tutorials & practical classes, practical exams
case study,
Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

information in order to interpret geological Computer based teaching

data and apply them to solving problems
pertinent to the oil and gas industry.

:‫ يىاءيخ يخشخبد رؼهى انًمشس (انًهبساد انؼبيخ) ثبعزشارُدُخ انزذسَظ وانزمىَى‬:‫ساثؼب‬

Fourth: Alignment of Transferable (General) Skills CILOs
‫يخشخبد انًمشس‬ ‫اعزشارُدُخ انزؼهُى وانزؼهى‬ ‫اعزشارُدُخ انزمىَى‬
Transferable (General) Skills CILOs Teaching Strategies Assessment
d1- Collaborate effectively within a Small group working Achievement tests
multidisciplinary team. Student-led Seminars Team working
d2- Acquire entrepreneurial skills to Prepare Case Study Method
technical petroleum reports.

Course Content ‫يحزىي انًمشس‬

Theoretical Aspect ٌ‫يىضىػبد اندبَت انُظش‬

‫ػذد‬ ‫انغبػبد‬ ‫سيىص‬
‫انشلى‬ ‫ انىحذ اد‬/‫انًىضىػبد انشئُغخ‬ ‫انًىضىػبد انفشػُخ‬ ‫األعبثُغ‬ ‫انفؼهُخ‬ ‫يخشخبد‬
Order Topic List / Units Sub Topics List Number Contact ‫انزؼهى نهًمشس‬
of Weeks Hours (CILOs)
Introduction and Philosophy of Hydrocarbon
1 1 2 a1 a2
review of fundamentals Exploration
Geological and geochemical
Formation of Oil and a1 a2
2 constraints on hydrocarbon 1 2
Gas b1 c2
generation and accumulation
The Carbon Cycle
Factors Influencing Organic
Richness a1 a2
3 Organic Facies Examples of Rich and Lean 2 4 b1 c2
Sediments d1
General Models for Source-
Rock Development
Kerogen Formation a1 a2
4 Kerogen Kerogen Composition 1 2 b1 c2
Kerogen Maturation d2
Compounds Present in Bitumen
and Petroleum
a1 a2
Bitumen, Petroleum, Factors Affecting Composition
5 1 2 b1 c2
and Natural Gas ofBitu1nen and Petroleum
Comparison of Bitumen and
Petroleum Natural Gas
6 Migration Primary Migration 1 2 a1 a2
Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

Secondary Migration b1 c2
Accumulation d1 d2
Effects on Oil and Gas
Composition Significance for
Definition of Source Rock
Principles of Source-Rock
a1 a2
Source-Rock b1 b2
7 Interpretation of Source-Rock 2 4
Evaluation c1 c2
Examples of Source-Rock
Special Considerations About
Burial-History Curves
Calculation of Maturity
Factors Affecting Thermal
Maturity a1 a2
Predicting Thermal
8 Interpretation of TTl Values 2 4 b1 b2
Applications to Hydrocarbon c1 c2
Applications to Exploration
Comparison of Several
Maturity Models
Correlation Parameters
a1 b1
Geochemical Correlation Parameters for
9 1 2 b2 c1
Correlations Gases
c2 d2
Case Studies
Geochemistry in a2 b1
10 exploitation and (reservoir geochemistry) 1 2 b2 c1
development c2 d2
Introduction to coal-
11 1 2 a1 a2
bed methane
‫ػذد األعبثُغ وانغبػبد انفؼهُخ‬
Number of Weeks /and Contact Hours Per Semester 14 28

Practical Aspect (if any) )‫انًىضىػبد انؼًهُخ (إٌ وخذد‬

‫ رذسَجبد‬/ ٍَ‫ انزًبس‬/‫انزدبسة انؼًهُخ‬ ‫ػذد األع بثُغ‬
Number of ‫انفؼهُخ‬ ‫سيىص يخشخبد انزؼهى‬
Order Practical / Exercises/ Tutorials topics Contact Course ILOs
1 Organic Facies 1 2 a1 c2
2 Kerogen Composition 1 2 b1 b2 c2

Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

3 Kerogen Maturation 1 2 b1 b2 c1 c2
4 Interpretation of Source-Rock Data 1 2 b1 b2 c1c2 d2
Examples of Source-Rock Evaluation
5 1 2 b1 b2 c1 c2 d2
Practice Problems
6 Calculation of Maturity 1 2 c2
7 Potential Problems with Maturity Calculations 1 2 b1 c2
Construction of the Geological Model
Qualitative Models of Hydrocarbon Systems 2 4 b1 b2 c1 c2 d2
9 Interpretation of TTl Values 1 2 b1 b2 c1 c2 d2
10 Correlation Parameters -Practice Problems 1 2 c2
11 Quantitative (Volumetric) Models 2 4 b1 b2 c1 c2 d2
‫اخًبنٍ األعبثُغ وانغبػبد انفؼهُخ‬ 13 26
Number of Weeks /and Contact Hours Per Semester

Teaching Strategies ‫اعزشارُدُبد انزؼهُى وانزؼهى‬

 Interactive Lectures
 Discussion
 Demonstration
 Brain storm
 Problem solving
 Case study,
 Computer based teaching
 Small group working

Tasks and Assignments ‫األَشطخ وانزكهُفبد‬

‫انذسخخ‬ ‫أعجىع‬ ‫خشخبد انزؼهى‬

‫و‬ ‫ انىاخت‬/‫انزكهُف‬ ‫َىع انزكهُف‬
)ٍَ‫ رؼبو‬/ٌ‫(فشد‬
‫انًغزحمخ‬ ‫انزُفُز‬ CILOs
No Assignments/ Tasks Mark Week Due (symbols )
1 N/A
Total Score ‫إخًبنٍ انذسخخ‬

Learning Assessment ‫رمُُى انزؼهى‬

ً‫َغجخ انذسخخ إن‬ ‫يخشخبد انزؼهى‬
‫انشلى‬ ‫أَشطخ انزمُُى‬ ‫أعىع انزمُُى‬ ‫انذسخخ‬ ‫انذسخخ انُهبئُخ‬ CILOs (symbols )
No. Week due Proportion of
Assessment Tasks Mark Final
1 Lab Exercises Weekly 10 6.7% b1, b2,c1,c2
2 Assignments Quarter 10 6.7% a1,a2,a3,c1,c2
3 Participation Weekly 10 6.7% a1,a2,c1,c2,d1
Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

4 Quizzes End of a topic 10 6.7% a1,a2,b1,b2,

5 Mid-Term written exam Week 8 20 13.3% a1,a2,b1,b2,
6 Final lab Exam Week 15 20 13.3% b1,b2,c1,c2,d1
7 Final Exam (theoretical) Week 16 70 46.6% all
Total ٍ‫اإلخًبن‬ 150 100.00%

Learning Resources ‫يصبدس انزؼهى‬

Required Textbook(s) )ٍُ‫انًشاخغ انشئُغخ (ال رضَذ ػٍ يشخؼ‬
1. Harry Dembicki.2016. Practical Petroleum Geochemistry for Exploration and Production.
Elsevier Science.
2. D. Satyanarayana.2011. Petroleum Geochemistry. Daya Publishing House.
1. Douglas w. Waples. (1985). Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration. D. REIDEL PUBLISHING
2. Hunt, J. (1996): Petroleum geochemistry and geology. W. H. Freeman and Company (2nd ed.),
San Francisco
3. Tissot, B. P. and Welte, D. H. (1984): Petroleum formation and occurrence . Springer-Verlag
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo (2nd ed.).
Electronic Materials and Web Sites etc. ‫انًصبدس اإلنكزشوَُخ ويىالغ اإلَزشَذ‬

Course Policies:

1 Class Attendance:
- Students are expected to attend classes regularly and promptly.
- The attendance should not be less than 80%.
- If the student has been absent, he is responsible for finding out any missed material by
consulting other students or going to the professor’s office hours.
2 Tardy:
- Attendance and arriving on time for the class are necessary. If the student is late, he will be
prevented from class.
3 Exam Attendance/Punctuality:
- According to the rules the student gets absent in the exam of the course.
4 Assignments & Projects:
- Papers survey or projects should be submitted by the time detriment by the professor.
5 Cheating :
- According to the rules, cheating is a serious offense and will always result in an imposition of a
penalty. The penalties that can be started from the range of canceling the result of the course to
canceling the student’s admission.

Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

6 Plagiarism:
- Plagiarism is a serious offense and will always result in an imposition of a penalty. The penalties
that can be started by making a zero mark for the work.
7 Other policies:
-The student should by a commitment by the rules inside class and university. Therefore, he is
expected to show respect for his classmate, instructors &others.

Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

)‫ ثشَبيح انؼهىو اندُىنىخُخ – ( يغبس خُىنىخُب انجزشول‬:‫ ثشَبيح‬/‫لغى‬

Geoscience program- (Petroleum Geology Track)
)1( ‫ انهغخ اإلَدهُضَخ‬:‫و يمشس‬2020 - 2019 :ٍ‫انؼبو اندبيؼ‬
‫ خُىكًُُبء انجزشول‬:‫خطخ يمشس‬
Course Plan (Syllabus): Petroleum Geochemistry

Information about Faculty Member Responsible for the Course ‫يؼهىيبد ػٍ أعزبر انًمشس‬

‫االعى‬ )‫انغبػبد انًكزجُخ (أعجىػُب‬

Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-Matary
Name Office Hours
‫انًكبٌ وسلى انهبرف‬ ‫انغجذ‬ ‫األحذ‬ ٍُُ‫االث‬ ‫انثالثبء‬ ‫األسثؼبء‬ ‫انخًُظ‬
Location &Telephone No. 770770769
ٍَ‫انجشَذ اإلنكزشو‬

General information about the course ‫يؼهىيبد ػبيخ ػٍ انًمشس‬

‫اعى انًمشس‬ ‫البترول‬ ‫جٌوكٌمٌاء‬
.1 Course Title
Petroleum Geochemistry
.2 ‫سيض انًمشس وسلًه‬ GEOS 476
Course Code and Number
Credit Hours ‫انغبػبد انًؼزًذح‬
.3 ‫انغبػبد انًؼزًذح نهًمشس‬ ‫يحبضشاد‬ ٍ‫ػًه‬ ٍَ‫رًبس‬/‫عًُبس‬ ‫رذسَت‬ Total
Credit Hours Lecture Practical S eminar/ Tutorial Training
2 1 - - 3
.4 ٍ‫انًغزىي وانفصم انذساع‬ 4th level, 2nd semester
Study Level and Semester
.5 ‫انًزطهجبد انغبثمخ نهًمشس‬
Pre -re quisites GEOS323
.6 Co –re quisite )‫انًزطهجبد انًصبحجخ (إٌ وخذد‬ -
.7 ‫انجشَبيح انزٌ َذسط نه انًمشس‬ Bachelor of Geosciences
Program (s) in which the course is offered

.8 ‫نغخ رذسَظ انًمشس‬ English/Arabic

Language of teaching the course

.9 ‫يكبٌ رذسَظ انًمشس‬ Faculty of Petroleum and Natural Resources

Location of teaching the course

Course Description ‫وصف انًمشس‬

This course provides an overview of basic petroleum ‫ٌقدم هذا المقرر لمحة عامة عن أساسٌات الجٌوكٌمٌاء‬
geochemistry fundamentals with strong emphasis on ‫البترولٌة األساسٌة مع تركٌز قوي على تطبٌقات االستكشاف‬
applications to exploration and production. Various ‫ سٌنم مناقشة الجوانب المختلفة لتولٌد‬.‫واإلنتاج‬
aspects of hydrocarbon generation and accumulation ‫ وٌتبع ذلك محاضرات حول الطرق‬،‫الهٌدروكربونات وتراكمها‬
are discussed and this is followed with lectures on ‫ ومٌثان طبقة الفحم‬،‫ والنمذجة‬،‫ الدالئل‬،‫الجٌوكٌمٌائٌة‬
geochemical methods, markers, modeling, coal-bed .‫ودراسات الحالة‬
methane and case studies.

Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) ‫مخرجات تعلم المقرر‬

After completing the course, the student will be able to: :ٌ‫ثؼذ االَزهبء يٍ دساعخ انًمشس عىف َكىٌ انطبنت لبدسا ػهً أ‬
a1. understand the processes leading to petroleum ‫َظهش فهى انؼًهُبد انًؤدَخ إنً رىنُذ انجزشول ورشاكًه‬
generation and accumulation
a2. recognize the methods of source rocks evaluation, ‫َزؼشف ػهً طشق رمُُى انصخىس انًصذسَخ واعزكشبف انجزشول‬
petroleum exploration and reserves assessments. .‫ورمُُى االحزُبطُبد‬
b1. distinguish the unconventional petroleum ‫ًَُض أًَبط رشاكى انُفط غُش انزمهُذَخ‬
accumulation patterns
b2. Associate geologic environments with petroleum ‫َشثط انجُئبد اندُىنىخُخ ثًُبطك إَزبج انجزشول فٍ انؼبنى‬
producing regions of the world
c1. Apply technology-based methods to petroleum ‫َطجك األعبنُت انمبئًخ ػهً انزكُىنىخُب العزكشبف انُفط ػشض‬
exploration and communicate results. .‫انُزبئح‬
c2. analyses critically and synthesize complex ‫َحهم ثذلخ وَؤنف انًؼهىيبد انًؼمذح يٍ أخم رفغُش انجُبَبد‬
information in order to interpret geological data and ‫ان دُىنىخُخ ورطجُمهب ػهً حم انًشبكم انًزؼهمخ ثصُبػخ انُفط‬
apply them to solving problems pertinent to the oil and .‫وانغبص‬
gas industry.
d1. Collaborate effectively within a multidisciplinary .‫َزؼبوٌ ثشكم فؼبل داخم فشَك يزؼذد انزخصصبد‬
d2. Acquire entrepreneurial skills to Prepare technical .‫َكزغت يهبساد انزفغُش إلػذاد انزمبسَش انفُُخ ػٍ انجزشول‬
petroleum reports.

Course Content ‫يحزىي انًمشس‬

Theoretical Aspect ‫خطخ رُفُز انًىضىػبد انُظشَخ‬
‫انىحذاد‬ ‫انغبػبد‬
‫انشلى‬ ‫انًىضىػبد انزفصُهُخ‬ ‫األعجىع‬
)‫(انًىضىػبد انشئُغخ‬ ‫انفؼهُخ‬
Order Sub Topics Week Due
Con. H
Introduction and
1 Philosophy of Hydrocarbon Exploration Week 1 2
review of fundamentals
Formation of Oil and Geological and geochemical constraints on
2 Week 2 2
Gas hydrocarbon generation and accumulation
The Carbon Cycle
Factors Influencing Organic Richness
3 Organic Facies Examples of Rich and Lean Sediments Week 3-4 4
General Models for Source-Rock
Kerogen Formation
4 Kerogen Kerogen Composition Week 5 2
Kerogen Maturation
Bitumen, Petroleum, Compounds Present in Bitumen and
5 Week 6 2
and Natural Gas Petroleum
Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

Factors Affecting Composition ofBitu1nen

and Petroleum
Comparison of Bitumen and Petroleum
Natural Gas
Primary Migration
Secondary Migration
6 Migration Accumulation Week 7 2
Effects on Oil and Gas Composition
Significance for Exploration
7 Mid Term Exam Week 8 2
Definition of Source Rock
Source-Rock Principles of Source-Rock Evaluation
8 Week 9-10 4
Evaluation Interpretation of Source-Rock Data
Examples of Source-Rock Evaluation
Special Considerations About Burial-
History Curves
Calculation of Maturity
Predicting Thermal Factors Affecting Thermal Maturity
9 Week 11-12 4
Maturity Interpretation of TTl Values
Applications to Hydrocarbon Preservation
Applications to Exploration
Comparison of Several Maturity Models
Correlation Parameters
10 Correlation Parameters for Gases Week 13 2
Case Studies
Geochemistry in
11 exploitation and (reservoir geochemistry) Week 14 2
Introduction to coal-
12 Week 15 2
bed methane
13 Final Exam Week 16 2
‫ػذد األعبثُغ وانغبػبد انفؼهُخ‬
Number of Weeks /and Contact Hours Per Semester
16 32

Practical / Training/ Tutorials/ Exercises Aspects ٍ‫خطخ رُفُز يىضىػبد اندبَت انؼًه‬

‫انشلى‬ ٍَ‫ انزًبس‬/ ‫ انًهبو‬/ٍ‫يىضىػبد انؼًه‬ ‫األعجىع‬ ‫انغبػبد انفؼهُخ‬

Order Practical/ Tutorials/ Exercises Aspects Week Due Cont. H

1 Organic Facies Wee k1 2

2 Kerogen Composition Week 2 2
3 Kerogen Maturation Week 3 2
4 Interpretation of Source-Rock Data Week 4 2
5 Examples of Source-Rock Evaluation Week 5 2
Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

Practice Problems
6 Calculation of Maturity Week 6 2
7 Lab exam Week 7
8 Potential Problems with Maturity Calculations Week 8 2
Construction of the Geological Model
Qualitative Models of Hydrocarbon Systems Week 01- 9 4
10 Interpretation of TTl Values 11
Week 2
11 Correlation Parameters -Practice Problems Week 12 2
12 Quantitative (Volumetric) Models Week 01- 01 4
13 Final Lab Exam Week 15 2
‫اخًبنٍ األعبثُغ وانغبػبد انفؼهُخ‬
Number of Weeks /and Contact Hours Per Semester
15 30

Teaching Strategies ‫اعزشارُدُبد انزؼهُى وانزؼهى‬

 Interactive Lectures
 Discussion
 Demonstration
 Brain storm
 Problem solving
 Case study,
 Computer based teaching
 Small group working
 Student-led Seminars

Tasks and Assignments ‫األَشطخ وانزكهُفبد‬

‫و‬ ‫ انىاخت‬/‫انزكهُف‬ ‫َىع انزكهُف‬ ‫انذسخخ انًغزحمخ‬ ‫أعجىع انزُفُز‬

Assignments )ٍَ‫ رؼبو‬/ٌ‫(فشد‬ Mark Week Due

Total Score ‫إخًبنٍ انذسخخ‬ 15/150

10/ 100

Learning Assessment ‫رمىَى انزؼهى‬

‫و‬ ‫أعبنُت انزمىَى‬ ‫يىػذ(أعجىع) انزمىَى‬ ‫انذسخخ‬ %ٍ‫انىصٌ انُغج‬

Proportion of Final
No Assessment Method Week Due Mark
1 Lab Exercises Weekly 10 6.7%
2 Assignments Quarter 10 6.7%
3 Participation Weekly 10 6.7%
4 Quizzes End of a topic 10 6.7%
Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

5 Mid-Term written exam Week 8 20 13.3%

6 Final lab Exam Week 15 20 13.3%
7 Final Exam (theoretical) Week 16 70 46.6%
Total ‫انًدًىع‬ 150 100.00%

Learning Resources ‫يصبدس انزؼهى‬

Required Textbook(s) )ٍُ‫انًشاخغ انشئُغخ (ال رضَذ ػٍ يشخؼ‬
3. Harry Dembicki.2016. Practical Petroleum Geochemistry for Exploration and Production.
Elsevier Science.
4. D. Satyanarayana.2011. Petroleum Geochemistry. Daya Publishing House.
4. Douglas w. Waples. (1985). Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration. D. REIDEL PUBLISHING
5. Hunt, J. (1996): Petroleum geochemistry and geology. W. H. Freeman and Company (2nd ed.),
San Francisco
6. Tissot, B. P. and Welte, D. H. (1984): Petroleum formation and occurrence . Springer-Verlag
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo (2nd ed.).
Electronic Materials and Web Sites etc. ‫انًصبدس اإلنكزشوَُخ ويىالغ اإلَزشَذ‬

Course Policies:

1 Class Attendance:
- Students are expected to attend classes regularly and promptly.
- The attendance should not be less than 80%.
- If the student has been absent, he is responsible for finding out any missed material by
consulting other students or going to the professor’s office hours.
2 Tardy:
- Attendance and arriving on time for the class are necessary. If the student is late, he will be
prevented from class.
3 Exam Attendance/Punctuality:
- According to the rules the student gets absent in the exam of the course.
4 Assignments & Projects:
- Papers survey or projects should be submitted by the time detriment by the professor.
5 Cheating :
- According to the rules, cheating is a serious offense and will always result in an imposition of a
penalty. The penalties that can be started from the range of canceling the result of the course to
canceling the student’s admission.
6 Plagiarism:
- Plagiarism is a serious offense and will always result in an imposition of a penalty. The penalties
Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas
Re public of Yemen ‫الجمهورٌـــة الٌمنــــٌة‬
Ministry of Highe r Education & Scientific ً‫وزارة التعلٌـم العـالــً والبحث العلم‬
Re se arch
Sana'a University ‫ج ــــــــــــــامعة ص ــــــــــــــــ نعاء‬
Faculty of Petrole um & Natural Resources ‫كلٌة البترول والموارد الطبٌعٌة‬

that can be started by making a zero mark for the work.

7 Other policies:
-The student should by a commitment by the rules inside class and university. Therefore, he is
expected to show respect for his classmate, instructors &others.

Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Dean of the Development
Assoc.Prof. Adel Al- Assoc.Prof. Adel Al-M atary Assoc.Prof. Bassim & Quality Assurance Center
M atary AlKhirbash Assoc.Prof. Huda Al-Emad

Rector of Sana’a University

Prof. Dr. Al Qaseem M ohammed Abas

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