Transpo Recognized

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1 .o '

• t• • , ..... ·~·,' ' • ,.t •• • , ., ', •' , ,,., 1 • • ~ , " , , • • •• •1 ... 1 .. ,, • i.. 1, , ,, , ;, ... , • • ~ • • n.- • • ,

• • •

1.1 Problem:

• •

• • l• ..... l J I ,. .. • · Ans. transportation ~ The application of technology and
... engin~erlng
• scientific principles to the planning,
' functional design, operation and
.. management of facilities for any mode of
• "'
) . transportation in order to provide for the
• safe, rapid, comfortable, convenient,
' economical and environmentally
compatible. movement of. people and
' •
• •

' .
~a) transportation engineering
b) traf fice engineering
c) highway engineering

cl) none of the above

1.2 Problem: ·
• •
- •
Ans. traffic. .A phase of transportatíon engineering
' \ I

engineering which deals with the planning, geometric
design and traffic operations of roads,
• • •
.. · streets and highways, their networks,
terminals, abutting lands and

relationships with other modes of .
I. •

· ~ a)
. . '
traffic engineering I

• • . '
' I

b) environmental engineering ,
c) highway engineering
d) geotechnical engineering
. "'

• J.3 Problem:
. \

Ans. comprehensive The traditional transportation planning
planning process.
. process is often referred as
.. -

I ~a) comprehensive planning process

b) coordinated planning process
e) continuing planning process
' d) · all of the above ,
. \

• •

T-2 \

·..-.- Bu,rlnee:rtuu:. •1•.ra,»•:IN»:r""ta,tl.o:u B:n ,rl·n ee:r1ln.u:

\ J
I 4. , • ,r 1 •• •I. . • , .,'"" • , • ·-· • ,, • , , , , • .

i l.

• 1.6 Problem: •

1.4 Problem: r \

f Ans. drl,,rs, ,,hicks The characteristia <i traf1ic flows on tbè

• It is an on going process which seek to and .roa4W¡ay,ia1lf highway system arœ the results of complex
AJL.¡. transportation \ interactioos bentee~ the following basic ·
planning proc,ss assess the short and long range .
trallSporatation. problems of a region and elements. . .
to develop, evaluate, select and implement

plans and strategies for · solving these ~a) drivers, vehicles aD<1 roadway itself
problems. This is based on the interaction

b) drivers, traffic enforcer, traffic signals

I between two basic , systems, the c) drivers, road condition, traffic enforcer
transportation system (origins, d) none of the above · •
destinations, volume of people and goods) I

• •
and the activity system (land uses, . . ~

population, social and economic activities) 1.7 Probtem:

within which transporatation system

· · operates. Ans. perception, The perception of and reaction to, cues

' identl.fcatlon tmotion· and stimuli encountered by the driver of a
' ~a) transportation planning process and reaction or l'olition vehicle involves the following distinct
b) evaluation process actions. •
e) monitoring process '

. d) analysis process üra) perception, identification, emotion and

reaction or volition.
• •
· b) perception, emotion,' reaction •

c) perception, identification, reaction
I d) none of the above
1.5 Problem:
It describes the relationships between
Ans. travel demand
.modeling trip ..making a1~d the regions pattern ~f ' . •

· 1.8 Problem:

population, land use and ec~nom1c

activities. It attempts to quantify the
• ' I f , I

Ans. · trip generation, trip

amount of travel on the iransporatíon The four bmiç phases of the traditional
system in terms of the activities which distribution, mo• choice, ' approach to tfavel demand modeling
. create that demand. trafficassignment ·
"'a) trip generation, trip distribution, mode
~a) travel demand modeling ·

. choice, traf fic assignment .,

b) population demand modeling I b) population control; traffic control, model

e) traffic demand modeling' evaluation, economic evaluation
• •
• d) none of the above _
' c) traífic assignment, population generation,

transportation 'system and continuing
planning process
d) none of the above

' \
• • . •

i ' ' ....

T-4 .
-- - • ' ' ,· .1 • T.rn,:n..-po:r"tftit:lo:u JR1~•trlnee:rl:ug:
. . ....•poria:t1o~~,
· ,rl:neerl:nsr
· \.
I • \' \

' I ' .

" .
1.9 Problem: •• 1.12 Problem: ,
• \ ' . •
The period of time from. when the driver Ans. stopping sight The sum of the, braking distance and the
. 'Ans. ¡,,ree~ia alld . · recognizes an object or a laazard on the · distance perception and reaction distance, .
reaction túu roadway to the time the driver actually

\ ~a) stopping sight distance I

applies the brakes. \ b) non passing sight distance

e) passing sight distance

.. Ir a) perception and reaction time • d) · none of the above
b) percèption time I •

e) réaction time ,

, ' d) none of the .above

., "
' 1.13 Problem:

.. Ans. Detection and The amount of time required for a driver

1.1 O Prp¡blemi . ' · . recognition time to detect and recognize that an object or ·
hazard ~ being approached.
An,5. braking distance The distance needed to bring the vehicle
to a complete stop after the brakes bave I
· ~ a) Detection and recognition time
• been applied • ¡ •• '
b) Decision and response intiation time
e) Perception time ·

' •
~a) braking distance • d) Perception and reaction time
, b) perception distance
,e) reaction distance

' .
' d) none of the above

· 1.14 Problem:

... A11s. tfecision and The amount of time for the .driver to

1º11 Pròblem: •

response initiation time , decide on the proper maneuver to be
I • • •

taken and to initiate the required action •
Ans. passing sight The shortest distance sutricient for a
· distane, '
' vehicle to turn out of a traffic. lane, pass B' a) Decision and response initiation. time
. )
another vehicle, and then turn back to the b) detection and recognition time
same lane safely and comfortably without e) perception and reaction time
l ·interfering with the overtaken vehicle or
an incoming vehicle traveling at the · ·
d) perception time
de~ign speed should it come into view
.. •• •
after the passing maneuver is started. •

} .
1.15 Problem:
\ • •
~a) passing sight distance

' b) non-passing sight distance Ans. maneuver time The time requìredto accomplish a vehicle
• e) stopping sight distance maneuver •.
d) none of the above
Bira) maneuver time
b) perception and reaction time

c) overtaking time
· d) detection and recognition time

I I • '

T-6 T-7
. •

P)[*isa,:o.apo:r=t&,tl.o:n. Bucrt:neerl:ug: "Jl'A1 e.,n •po::r~ 'ti.on JHl:n.g:l:n ee:r:l:n..a;r: •

' •' .:,,. I ..

1.16 Problem.· · · 1.19 Problem: •

Ans. tkcision sight Distance required for a driver to detect an Ans. non-passing ' The length between .a vehicle as it enters a
distane, unexpected object, in formation source sight distance crest curve (vertical parabolic) and the
(trafrac si1P.1BI) or hazard in the roadway •

farthest distance visible to a driver to the
and to recognize the hazard, select an .top of the object. lt is typicaUy wumed

appropriate speed and path, and~ initiate I
that the height or eye is at 3.75 rt. above
and complete the required safety the roadway surface and the farthest
maneuver. distance visible is at an elevation of 6
inches above the roadway •
~a) Decision sight distance
b) sight distance I
a) sight distance
e) passing sight distance · '
Qiò) non-passing sight distance
d) non-passign sight distance '
/ e) passing sight distance
I d) none of the above

.. \ 1.17 Problem: .
1.20 Problem:
Ans. all of the above When a vebicle(·~ova in a circular path it
is pulled radially outwar~ by .a centrirugal . Ans. tntersection An area where two or more roads come
force. This force outwardis balanced by a together. ·
. feree due to the side friction factor "I" ,
and the gravity force produced by the ~a) intersection
rate or super elevation ",... of the curve. b) channel ' .
The side friction factor is also known as: c) skyway ,
d) freeway \

a) lateral ratio I , •
• b) comerìng ratio
e). unbalanœd centrifugal ratio ' • •
' .
~ d) all of the above I
1.21 Problem:

• •
Ans. legs of the
' •
' The roads approachìng the intersectiQn
intersection are called: -
1.18 P1-oblem: .
I •
ß"" a) legs of the intersection
Ans. sight distance The distance at which a driver can see an b) channel
object lying in the roadway ahead. .It e) flare .
should equal or exceed the stopping sight d) frog

distance. · ·
, •

. \ . '
~a) sight distance , · I •

b) non passing sight distance I

I •
e) perception distance
d) none of the above



I 1•
. ....,.. \


'J' IJ
T:r.a,:n.apo:r"ta.,tl.où E:n.g:l:raee:rl10a: TPa,u •~:r"ta.:tl.o:n. B:n.11:...,ee.rt:ua:
• ~ ·' ...... .._ ... ~ •• , ...... , ._, ••• , •••• -- ~-&~ ••• ~.' • • ••• • ' •••• , .... , ··- .... ' ..


, 1.22 Problem: · 1.25. Problem:

Ans. capacity lu the design or auxiliary lanes, the Ans. stalk, kinematic, The geometric design of streets and
number or cars that need to be stored . dynamics
highways is based on the characteristics
.. during peak hours is known M: . of the vehicle that are expected to used
them, which are as f()llows. ·
~a) capacity
b) volume ~a) static,kinematic, dynamics

c) platoons , b) weight of vehicles, speed and model
d) none of the above • •
c) speed, type of engine, and size of vehicle
d) none of the above
.• • '
) 1.23 Problem:
1.26. Problem:
Ans. all of the above I
The following maneuvers are assume to · Ans. functional
!he identification of streets and highways
occur at an intersection for a stop control classification m terms of the degree to which the
l ' on a minor road. • competing and conflicting functions <>f
I • \

movement and access are to be served .
• •
a) the driver stops and crosses the major
road . 1rWa) functional classification
• b) the driver and turns left and in front of a b) mobility
vehicle approaching from the right c) geometric design
c) the driver stops and turns right' and in d) traffic '

. front of a vehicle approaching from the • '

~ d) all of the above 1.27 Problem: • .~

Ans. trafficvolume
The number of vehicles that pass a point
on a highway during a specified time
1.24 Problem: I interval.

Ans. flared iiuersection An intersection with auxiliary lanes is ~a) traffic volume
often called. · · b) platoon
c) fleet
~a) flared intersection d) none of the above
b), channel
\. c) lane drops •
d) lane shifts 1.28 Problem:

I Arts. A verage Annual The average 24 hour traffic volume at a

Daily Traffic (AADT) specified location over a full year (365
- \

!@ra) Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)

Í b) Average Annual Weekly Traffic(AA W'I)

e) Average DaiJy Traffic (ADT)
• d) Average Weekly Traffic (A WT)

• , I

• r-n
'11.*I0,10.•po.r't&,'tl.':»Il B:ng:l:ueeI l:ug:
' . .
' . '
. ~


1.29 Problem: 1.33 Problem: '

• . The average 24 hour . traffic volume Ans. peak bour. factor The relationship between hourly volume
· Ans. Average Annual occuring 0D weekdays at a . specific
Weekly Traffic (AAWT)
aod the maximum 15 minute rate of ßow
~ation over a full year. within the hour • defined as: I

~a) Average Annual Weekly Traffic(AAWT) ß> a) peak hour factor ·

• b) Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) b) unifœ 01 traffic factor
e). Average Weekly Traffic (AWT) e) time mean speed
, · d) Average Daily Traffic (ADT) d) space mean speed

1.30 Problem:
.• • • 1.34 Problem:
Ans. Average DilUy , .
Basically an
estímate of AADT based on a
• •

In design, peak hourly volumes are

Traff~ (ADT),
time period less than a full year. sometimes esñmated from daily voBumes
DDHV = AADT x K x D •
from the following equations.
9'¡) ~verage Daily Traffic (APT)
/ b) Average Weekly Traffic (AWT)

c) Average Annual Weekly Traffic(AA WT) ~a) DDHV = AADT x K x D I

d) Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)

' e) K = DDHV x AADT x D • (


• •

1.31 Problem: DDHV = directional design hour volume
. (vehicles/ hour)
An estimate of AAWT based on a period AADT = average annual daily traffic
Ans.' Average Weekly . '
· Traffic (AWT) less than a year. (vehicles/day)
K »proportion of daily traffic occuring in
t&a) Average Weekly Traffic (AWn .

b) Average Annual Weekly Traffic(AAWT) • the peak hour ·

D = proportion of peak how- traffic traveling

• e) Average Daily Traffic (AA'D ·
d) Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)
, in_ the peak direction of travel.

.l.35 Problem: .-
1.32 Problem:

Traffic volumes · for periods of time less Ans. time mean s~ed The average speed of all vehicles passing a.
Ans. equivalent hourly point on the highway over a given time
than one hour (typically measured in 15 \

rates of flow period •

•. minute increments) are expressed as:
~a) time mean speed
~a) equivalent hourly rates of flow b) space mean speed ·
b) 15 minute rate of flow e) average daily speed
• e) quarterly rates of flow I

d) average weekly speed
d) NOTA •


. "

' •
T-12 •
' T-13
T.rn,:u.epo:r1;.a,-c;:1.o:n E:0..:.:1:n,eerl :u u: •


1.36 Problemr» 1~9 Problem: . .
. ' ·' ' Peak hour factor is expressed in the ·The time mean speed (ft/sec. or mph) is
equation: expressed in the equation:
Ans. PHF• V1, e-) PHF- .Vh Ans. µ, = L(dlt) '
4V1s a - 4V15 O-a) µt = "'IJ,dlt) r
n n .

V15 ' . Lid
b) PHF= 4Vh .• b) µt = t¡ L
• • I
4Vh . I,¡n
c) PHF= c) µt = d
· 4V 15 I -'

cl) µ, =Üit¡ n
cl) PHF= ..!'.h._ I


· where: •

' where: µ,=time mean speed infttsec. ~r mpu
PHF = peak hour factor d = distance traversed infeet or in miles ,
Vh = hourly volume · n = number of travel times observed
• •
V¡5 = max. lô-minuie rate of vehicle t¡ = t[àvel time of ith vehicle (sec or hour)
flow within the hour.

1.40 Problem:

1.37 Problem: • • Space mean speed (ft/sec or mph) is '

Ans. space mean speed

The àverage speed obtained by measuring

· expressed in the equation: -
I thé instantaneous speeds or all vehicles on Ans. Ü' ) nd

a section or roadway•

a µs=""··

. '
O-a) space mean speed
• b) µ8=~

• b).time mean speed ' c) µ =L.@ •

c) average daily speed • s t¡ •

' '
I' ,·'d/.
. '.

• cl) average weekly speed ' cl) µs = L dn t¡ ,
where: : ·
- •
µs = space mean speed (fps or mph)
I • '
. d = distance traversed infeet or mile
1.38 Problem: n = no. of travel times observed
t¡ = travel time ofith vehiclè (sec. or hours} , ·
Ans.· Gro.wth factor A method or trip distribution · involving ,
=-·· nuthod the use of existing volumes or ·interzonal
• traffic to measure friction prior to •

' expanding the volume between two points

' '

1.41 Problem:

in pr~rtion to an inter-actance factor. Ans. density The hourly volume ot trame divided by
• '
th~ average speed is known as:
a) Growth factor method '
b) possible capacity method ' a) density
e) gravity method b) volume
d} Desire line method e) basic capacity
, '
d) delay rate

• •


, .
r"tft:tl.on wo:u,r-1:uee:a l»tr 7 , ,.-.,..i. '11--- ,.- ·-·~·., ·--'lt.· ,~. • . . . ·~ . . . '

... • •

. 1.46 Problem: .
1.42 Problem: .

. A term commonly used as a guide in Ans. collector street A street which serves internal trame
Ans. 85th percentile ,alue · movements within an area and connects .,
determining upper speed limits: .

' this area with major arterials. .

• I a) 8Sth percentile value

a) collector street -
b) 15th percentile value • b) local street
e) two quadrant value . . c) cross street •
d) growth factor value
d) interchange

__..:..-------------------:----~· •

' .

' ,
1.43 Problem: '
1.47 Problem:
• r
The term used to designate the maximum
Ans. basic capacity number of paswnger cars that can pass a Ans. Advance green A method of signal timing wbose·purpose
given point per hour under · the mo~t is to first clear the vehicles. desiring to I

nearly ideal roadway and traffic turn left at an intersection.

' , \

conditioos: a) Advance green

b) space time diagram method·
a) buie capacity e) band width method
b) posm1>1e capacity· •
d) corridor method

e) density •

d) volmne '
. ..

1.48 Problem: ·
1.44 Problem: Ans. simple progression A signal system in which the faces which

A term use to determine tlie difference control ·a given street will be · green
Ans. delay rati · between tbt observed speed and the .. according to a time schedule which will
standar.d speed· for a, particular type of
• permã continuous operation of vehicles as
• is ~ible along the street. .
roacL ~
. a) simple progression
a) delay rate b) scramble system
b) buie capacity.nite

e) simultaneous progression
e) advance rate d) 15th percentile system
d) percentile value
' •

1.49 Problem:
1.45 Problem: .

· A diamond highway interchange in which Ans. traffk assignlMnt The allocation of traffic ßows among
Ans. bridge rotary . the intersecting conflicts are changed to routes available.
eaving confticts. '
a) traffic assignment
a) . ~e rotar)' b) desire line method
• •
b) clover leaf interchange c) scramble system

c) directional interc~nge d) advance green
... cl) partial clover leaf mterchange • •

' .
\ .

, J 1'-17
T-16 ,
a,n.apo.r'ta;-t1o:n E:neclu ee:rl:ug:
=-.~.. """'. ..• . ., ' .. .

1.50 Problem: 1.54 Problem :

. .

Ans. spacing or · The distance between vehicles in a trafíte Ans. Brown out The complete applicat.ion or base coat
space headway stream. · ,· ¡ .

plaster is called a: ,
j I
· ß>a) spacing or space headway a) base screed ·
b) bay

b) base bead
e) bumper to bumper e) brownout

• d) NOTA d) basecoat

r , I

.. 1.51 Problem:
• 1.55 Problem :
r Ans. headway or The time between successive vehicles as Ans. Banksman A man who is assìstìng a crane driver by
ti111t h,adway they pass a. reference point along the signaling to him when he is to raise, lower
. roadway. or swing his load.
r I

~a) headway or time headway

I b) time mean speed I a) Crane Operator
• b) Banksman
e) time interview ;
e) Signal Man
' d) CraneMan •\

· 1.52 Problem: •

1.56 Problem : . '
Ans. Asphalt What do you called a dark brown to black ,

cementitious materials in which the Ans. Hardness The penetration test on asphalt cement is
, , predominating constituents are bituments used to determine its.
which occur, in nature or are obtained in

petroleum processing ? • a) density · · I •

b) elasticity
a) cement rock ,

c) hardness I
b) talus. d) time of set

.e) asphalt I

d) slag \

• • •
1.57 Problem r ,•
' •
1.53 Problem : Ans. · Road net

The system of roads available within a
Ans. Base coat A plaster coat or coats applied prior to particular locality or area is known as:

application of the finish coat is known as: I •

a) tack coat · b) road net
I b) flash coat e) railway
c) scrath coat · · d) interchange
d) base coat

I •
I ( •

T-18 T·19
"' ra,:n.-:po:rta,-tl.ou En.u:luee:rlJD,r

1.58 Problem:

1.61 Problem :
Of the following, the statement that is Ans. All ·q¡ the abo,, A complete set of highway plans will
. . correct with respect to transverse joints in consist of the following comi,onent parts: •

pavement is: •
a) The tide page and general layout sheet
Ans. Expansion joint allows a) expansion joint allows for both • and the typical section sheet.
for both expansion and expansion and contraction · b) The road plan and profile and the

contraetum r b) contraction joint allows for both detailéd cross-section sheets.

expansion and contraction c) The details of drainage structures,
• e) warping joint allows for both expansion reínforcìng of pavement and similar
and contraction

d) warping joint allows for both ' d) all of the above
contraction and warping

1.62 Problem:
1.59 Problem :

. Ans. Minimize or prevent Compaction of the subgrade of a road
Ans. Flexible pavement A pavement that has a wearing surface of setüement ofpavement pavement is important in order
. to: .
bituminous material such as asphalt and

its strength depends upon the. bearing ;
a) allow proper drainage
capacity of subgrade is known as: b) mìnimize or prevent settlement of

a) flexible pavement c) prevent expansion of soil '
b) rigid pavement \ ' 'd) insure. uniformity of subgrade
e) macadam pavement
, '
' d) asphalt pavement ' •

• •'
1.63 Problem :
.. . 1.60 Problem: ' '

Cracks in concrete pavements due to
temperature expansions can be prevented
Ans. Soil making up of the The stability of the road embankment is. or minimbe by:
road embankment. dependent on the shearing resistance of • •

the: Ans. Providing expansion a) continuous pouring of concrete

Joints and stctional b) proper preparation of subgrade
• •
a) compaction of the road embankment pollring ofconcrete I
c) providing expansion joints and sectional
b) proper watering oí the road ' 'I
pouring of concrete
embankment I I
• d) insuring proper consistency and strength
e) soil making up of the road embankment of concrete mixture
d) none of the above

: . ..
• •

• •


T-20 \

T:ran.•po:rta,tl.o:n E:ng:l:uee:rt:uu:
• \
1.64 Problem : '

1.67 Problem : \

Ans. Centrifugal foret Curves on highways m.ust be super

elevated in order to counteract the effect Ans. Tack coat The single initial application of
of: bituminous material to an existing
bituminous, Portland cement concrete, or
a) the acceleration of gravity block surf ace or base is called: ,
b) the coefficient of friction between tires a) prime coat
and pavements •
b) tack coat
c) centrifu~alforce •' '
• c) · ~tcoat
d) all of the above· I

' d) overcoat

~. •


1.65 Problem : • 1~68 Problem .:

• '


Seal coat A very thin surface treatment of Ans. All of the above Asphalt.cement is usually tested for:
bituminous material which is applied as a a) viscosity
final step in the construction of certain b) distillation
bituminous wearillg surfaces of roads is c) penetration '
callèè¡I: , d) all of the above •

a) prime coat .

' b) tack coat
e) · seal coat •
1.69 CE Board Nov.1990
d) overcoat • •
Ans. road bed The graded portion of a highway within

top and side slopes, prepared as a

foundation for the pavement structures
; 1.66 Problem : and shoulders is called:
Ans. Prime coat The · single application of . liquid a) roadway '

bituminous material to. a previously. b) subgrade

prepared and untreated road base, such
e) rood bed
as earth, gravel, stab.ilized soil, ~r water d) all of the above
bound macadam .base courses is called is:

a) prime coat 1.70 Problem:

b) tack coat
c) seal coat Ans. contact pressure The ratio of the load of wheel to the
d) overcoat I
contact area or area of imprint as used in
the design of pavement is known as:

a) contact pressure
' • b) modulus of subgrade

' e) ìnflation pressure
, d) tire pressure


T-22 , T-23
• ra.:n.•po:r-ta,"t1o:n E:nu:1:nee:r1:n.u:
• '


• 1.71 Problem: · 1.75 Problem:

' I

Ans. rigidity factor The ratio of contact pressure to tire Ans. wearing The crossing of two or more traffic
pressure as used· in pavement design is streams traveling in the same general
known as: direction along a significant path of
\ highway without the aid of traffic signal is
a) rigidity factor ., known as:
b) inflation • f


• c) modulus of subgrade a) weaving

d) relative stiffness b) signalized intersection
I •

c) multilane highway segment

1.72 Problem:

Ans. plasticity index The numerical difrerence between the
liquid limit and thé. plastic limit is called. 1.76 Problem:·
a) plasticity index • Ans. plastic limit Shows the percentages of water at· which '
\ b) liquidity index \ the soil changes from plastic to semi-so•;d
c) consistency index state. lt is the water content expressed as
d) grain size index • a percentage of tbe weight of oven dry soil
at the boundary between plastic and semi­

( solid states of consistency •
1.73 Problem: \

a) · plastic limit
b) liquid limit ,.
Ans. subgrade, sub-base, Different layers . of a highway pavement •

e) shrinkage limit
base course & wearing course consists of: I
d) plasticity index
a) subgrade, sub-base, base course and •

wearing course
b) subgrade, sub-base, wearing. course
e) subgrade, base course, weanng course , 1.77 Problem:
d) subgrade, sub-base, base course (
A-.:::-ßrainsize distribution In order to idensity and classify different
. and. Attérbtrg limits soils, properties of soil which are known
1.14· Problem: t
as index peopertíes should be determined,
. the index properties generally used are:
Ans. sub-grade The soil base over which the other layers '
a) Grain size distribution arad Atterberg
of the pavement are constructed. lÎillits \
a) sub-grade ·
b) Liquidity index and plasticity index
c) plasticity index and shrinkage limit
b) sub-base
• d) shrinkage limit and liquidity index
' e) base course ·' •
d) wearing course

• •

I ,
• •

• T-25 ,
. •
•••i•a,n.-.por.-a.,-t:1.0:n E:uu:l:uee:rlng: • 'I ·r a::n.apo:rta.:t1o:u EIIg:l:raee::rl:u u: '

• •

1.78 Problem: (
1.82 Problem:
' . '

Ans. liquid limit · ••

When a sample seìl-water changes Ans. shear box test and . The most common shear tests to
from vhcous to plastic stage, the moisture unconfined conipression test determine the shear strength of soil in the
... content ca1•sing this change is called. \
laboratory. ,

a) liquid limit \
a) shear box test and unconfined
b) plastic limit . compression test
c) shrinkage limit •
b) tri-axial test
d) plasticity limit ; c) compaction test \

d) crushing test

1.79 Problem: I I

, 1.83 Problem:
Ans. shrinkage limit The moisture content beyond which any
reduction in the moisture content will not Ans. unconfineâ The load per unit at which an unconfined

cause further decrease .in volume is called. compression test cylindrical specimen of soil will fail in a
simple compression test at a constant rate
a) shrinkage limit of strain; •
b) plastic limit •

c) liquid limit • a) unconfined compression test

, d) plasticity index J b) calif omia bearing ratio
_c) compaction test ,

d) shear box test ,
1.80 Problem: .

Ans. liquidity index. The ratio expressed as a percentage of the \ I

natural water content of a soil minus its 1.84 Problem:


plastic limit to its plasticity index is called.

Ans. · California The. ratio of the force per unit area
a) liquidity index Bearing Ratio required to penetrate a soil mass with a
' b) plasticity index I
standard circular pìston at the rate of
c) consistency index 1.25 mm/minute to that required for
d) shrinkage index • I I corresponding penetration of a standard
matéria l.

a) California Bearing Ratio
· 1.81 Problemr. b) relative compaction

' .
Ans. shear test, bearing The following tests are conducted to e) penetration ratio •

• d) sub-grade modulus '

tests, penetratum tests determine the strength properties of soil •
a) shear tests, bearing tests, penetration tests '
I •
b) california bearing test, cohesion test
c) compaction test, sub grade reaction test
d) crashing test, sub grade reaction test
\ '

, •
• •

T-26 T-27
~:ra,:u•po:rta, t1o:n. • I

; •

.. 1.85 Problem: I
1.89 Problem:
Ans. crushing test, The following tests are conducted in the ' Ans. resistance California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test on
abrasion test and laboratory to determine the properties of to ~n,tratlon soil measures the

unpact test aggregates.
• •

a) crushing test, abrasion test and impact \

a) resistance to penetration I

test b) shearing resistance

b) shear test, compaction test c) compressive strength on undisturbed

c) penetration test, bearing test '

r soil samples
d) sub grade reaction test, shear test d) consistençy of soil
' •
• '


1.86 Problem: 1~90 Problem:


Ans. Bitumen A complex organic material occuring

naturally or can be prepared artificially
Ans, c_lays Which of the different types or oil has
highest liquid limit values.
by ·fractional distillation of crude
• - petroleum at . successively higher I a) clays
temperatures. b) sand I

a) Bitumen · e) sìlt · •

b) Tar · d) gravel • •

c) Emulsion
d) penetrating oil •,

. J .91 . Problem: •

1.87 Problem: Ans. poor It a soil has· higher values or liquid and
Bitumen grade is usually expressed as plastic limit, then it indicates that the soil
Ans. penetration value •
• JS:
80/100, what is the meaning of number 80
a) penetration value a) poor ,

b) bitumen value b) good

e)· peréent weight of bitumen e) average
d) california bearing ratio ,_, d) very good

1.88 Problem: · 1.92 Problem:

Viscous liquid obtained when natural .
Ans. Tar Ans. Grain siu
organic materials such as wood, or coal • · Th, sieve analysw of soil for coarse
• •
are destructively distilled in the absence distribution grained particles and sedimentation
of air. analysis for soil fines is called:
a) Tar •
a) Grain size distribution .
b) Bitumen I
I b) Att.erbergs limit
e) Emulsion c) shear test •

d) penetrating oil • d) compact test r


• .....

·-· • o.:n•po:r"tft:tl.o:u Eiag:l:uee:rl:011:
'I*:z1a,xa•po:r"t.,a,-&1ou Eu1rluee.rlug:

1.97 Problem: ..
I 1.93 Problem: · •
Ans. Water Bound A road made of coarse aggregate
Ans. abrassion The grinding action or and impact ~ tires Macadam Road mechanically interlocked by rolling and
on road aggregates is called: bonded together with screening dust is
called: \
a) abrassíon
b) penettation ·• • a) Water bound Macadam Road
b) Flexible pavement
.. (

e) crushing ,
d) shearing
c) Rigid pavement
d.) Bituminous pavement •


1.94 Problem: 1.98 Problem:
Ans. impact The fratture of stone by repeated falling Ans. Tack coat An application of hot bitumen material
or a hammer on it gives its resistance to: - '
given to the old surface to provide
adhesion to the old and new road surf aces
a) impact ' is called:
b) penetration •

e) crushing
a) Tack coat

d) sheaping
b) prime coat
c) seal coat
cl) asphalt coat

1.95 Problem:

. .
1.99 Problem:
Ans. · crushing The strength test for aggregates used in a . '

mixture of pavement materials is Ans. Prime coat A layer of stone chippings coat laid over a
measured by its resistance to. hot to make the surface water-proof is '
a) crushing •
a) Prime coat
• b)· shearing .
b) tack coat
c) compact
d.) penetration
• c) asphalt coat

d) seal coat

1.96 Problem:
·J .JOO Problem:

Ans. flexible paveJM,ats Classification or pavements according to Ans. seal coat A very thin surface applied over a
and rigid pavements their structural behavior bituminous pavement, to make it
impervious is called: t
a) flexible pavements and rigid pavements
b) Macadam pavement, concrete pavement
a) seal coat

b) tack coat
e) Asphalt and concrete pavements • I

d) bituminous concrete and water bound e) asphalt coat

.. d) prime coat
Macadam road . t
• ..


T-30 ' T-31
. .
'I':r a,:n•po:rta.."tl.o:n En.u:lu eert:ua:· • • rn,nmpo:.r.......,"tl.on .Eug:lueei lu,r •
, .

1.101 Problem: I f
• 1.105 Problem:

' •

Ans. surfact dnsslng The application or one or two layers of A pavement which depends on its flexural
1 •
bituminous material over a prepared base strength.
each layer covered with an application or
cover material and rolled is called: ' a) rigid pavement ·
b) flexible pavement ,
a) surface dressing e) asphalt pavement '

b) feathering ( d) Macadam pavement ·

e) harrowing

• I
d) coating

1.106 Probl~m:
1.102 Problem: Ans. sub grad, •
The layer or natur~I soil over which· the
' pavement of a road is laid l1 called.
Ans. pavement The layered structure placed over a soil \

sub-grade for forming a road is calìed: a) sub grade

b) wearing course
a) pavement e) sub base
b) sub base d) œse •

e) wearing course '

d) surface course
• • •

1.107 Problem: · I

1.103 Problem: Ans. wearing course The layer in a road pavement which
• • provides resistance to wear and tear due
Ans. flexible pavement

A pavement which has negligible flexural to· trame is called. .
strength is called: . • '
a) wearing course . ·
a) flexible pavement b) sub grade
b) rigid pavement · e) . sub base
c) Macadam pavement d) lllse
d) Cement Concrete pavement

1.108 Problem:
1.104 Problem: •

Ans. sub bast , . The part or the road structure which is

Ans. flexible pavement A pavement which depends on the i immediately above the subgrade and
bearing strength òf its sub-grade and sub· composed or stone- boulders or superior
base. · , soil is called:

- • •

a) sub base I

' a) flexible pavement
b) rigid pavement b) lllse
e) Macadam pavement c) sub grade . \

, d) Cement Concrete pavement d) wearing course •

/ •

\ '
T-32 T-33
, • '
. .. ' •
"'I;i•a,u..po:r"tft:tl.o:u B:uscl:u eerl:nt1: ;a ra,:n.•po:rtu..-t1o~ -..-:e...:.a-111:l:uee~l:uu: I

- - - - . .. . . . ~ ~- ., _... ~ .. . . .. ..

. '
1.109 Problem: •
' 1.113 Problem:
I • •
• •
Ans. base The top surface of a road structure is Ans. Regulatory or Trafrte signs which are used to inform
termed as: . , Mandatory signs road users certain rules and reguìatìons
• I

i which bave to be observed for safe and

a)~ · ' free flow ol traffic.

b) sub base \ \

e) sub grade •
/' a) Regulatory or mandatory signs
d) wearing course .,/ b) · Warning or cautionary signs

c) Infonnatory and guiding signs
d) none of the aboye

1.11 O Problem: 7

. .
Ans. · sub-grade
The layer of the pavement which finally •

carries the load from the road is: J

1.114 Problem:
' .. t

a) sub-grade . Ans. Warning or • Traffic signs which are used to caution

b) sub-base Cautionary signs the drivers about certain hazardous •
• e) wearing surface ' • conditions ahead. These warn the driver
d) base course so that be can take the desired precaution .

a) Warning or cautionary signs
b) Regulatory or mandatory signs

1.111 Problem: •
c) Infòrmatory and guiding signs
d) none of the above
Ans. base The component or the road structure
which receives the traffiC. load and •

transfers it to the subgrade •
. . • l

I •

a)~ •\ 1.115 Problem:

b) wearing course •
, c) sub-grade Ans. Informatory Tra frte sìgns which are provided for route
d) sub-base · and guiding signs identification, direction to travellers and
- such other information a traveller
' requires in order to reach bis· I

. , destination. ' .
1.112 Problem: I • •

• •
a) Inf ormatory and guiding signs
Ans. Grade separat~d A ftyover is an example of: b) Warning or cautionary signs I

intersection ' c) Regulatory or mandatory signs •

a) Grade separated intersectiou d) none of the above

b) At grade intersection ,

• ,. ,

c) Interchange ·
.. d) Traffic island

, •


I '
• • L
• •

T-34 I · T-35

Tra,:n.•po.:r"ta.."t1ou titu,rluee.r1:n,r I


1.116 Problem: 1.119 Problem:

Ans. primary signal . Traffic signals which are located on the Stopping or go signal will be given to a
· left band side of the road as near the stop particular stream each time. Thus, in
line as pouible is called: ' each cycle, different. streams will have
different times for being given green/red,
• • I

a) · primary signal I
based on the volume. The number or such..

b) secondary signal \

operations in a cycle containing red·
e) tel tiary signal • yellow-green is known as a:
d) flashing signals
• a) phase
•• b) cycle ,
e) period
1.117 Problem: cl) oscillation

Ans. secondary signal. An additional traffic signal which is •

placed on the departure side of the

, r • •

intersection on the right side is called: •• 1.120 Problem: ·
• ' .. a) secondary signal Ans. Fixed• TlllN Signals Type of road signals which are set to·
b) primary signal repeat a cycle of sequence and phase or·
e) tertiary signal I
, the cycle at regular time intervals. These .,
\ ,

d) flashing signals \ signals are designed for peak tìme traffic
• \

requirements. However, they cause delay

, during offpeak hours.

1.118 PIY>blem: a) Fixed Time Signals

. b) Manual Signals
Ans•. Çyck The normal sequence or traffic signal is e) Traffic actuated signals
red, yellow-green-yellow-red and so on. • d) Flashing signals
,ollowin1· are the indications given by • •

coloun of signal: , ••

•• '
Red Ve'-icles must stop •
I 1.121 Problem:
Yellow Lights about to cban1e . .
Green Vehicles can proceed Ans. Trtif/k Actuated

Type or road signals which are designed

• . Signals so that the phase and cycle can be

rrlie time lapsed from the beginning of changed according to traffic demand. A

gett_in1 red to a particular side to the I I
• •
policeman observes the now of trafric and

beginnin1 of 1etting next red to the same operates these signals suitably. These

side is called: •
signals are very expensive .
·. . .
. \

• ¡ a) cycle · .. a) Traffic actuated signals
b) phase . b) Manual Signals

e) period e) Fixed Time Signals
<O osciJJalion cl) Flashing signals

• •

\ {

. .. .
, •
.. , • •
.. •
T-36 ,

T:ra,:u•po.rta,-tl.o:u E:n.,rl:ueer:l:nu: ,. "'.ran•po:r~-tl.o:... En.g:lneerl:011:

• I

• I
1.122 Problem: I

1.125 Problem:

Ans. Flashing signals Type of road signals which are installed ~ Ans. traffic volume The number or vehicles crossing a given
' on main roads and cross roads. A red • · cross-section. or the road during unit time
• signal is provided on the cross road to is called: ,
\ warn the driver to stop and proceed. A • I

yellow signal installed on the main raod


a) traffic volume ; •
warns the driver to slow down. b) traf fic density
c) average daily traffic
a) Flashing signals cl) none of the above
I b) Manual Signals I

e) Fixed Time Signals \


d) Traffic actuated signals \

.. \
1.126 Problem:

. . 1

, , Ans. Spot speed The instantaneous speed of any vehicle at

1.123 Problem: I I

any specified point •


' Ans. traffic volume The traffic which measures ' the a) Spot speed
study proportion or different types of traffic and b) Running speed I

establish relative importance of roads is • c) Journey speed
called: • d) Average speed

• a) '
traffic volume study -: I

b) speed and delay study '

e) road parking study I \

f •
1.127 Problem:
d) origin and destination study •

Ans. Journey speed · This is the average speed of the vehicle

I • • ' · · over a distance when delays are taken into
' . '
1.124 Problem: I . . '
' •
a) Journey speed
Ans. intersection When two roads cross each other, the b) Running speed
crossiag is called: c) Spot speed

d) Average speed
a) intersection - •
b) junction I

e) interchange • I •

d) flyover \ 1.128 Problem: I

I •
Ans. fixed delays , The delays due to signals, stop signs and

railroad crossing are classified as:
' /

• ' •
, ' •
a) fixed delays

b) operational delay

e) speed delay •
d) none of the above
• •

' I
... '

' •

T-38 \
I • T-39
T.ra,:u..po:r'ta.i-&1ou Eng:lnee:r1'D.U.: . '

. ,. .
. . I

' ,
1.129 Problem:

. .,
1.133 Problem:
Ans. Operational delay Delays due to congrestion or trame lack or
capacity, pedestrians, parking and Ans. o-verpass 'When the major highway is taken above ·

unparking vehicles • by raising its profile above the general

' ground level by embankment and an ,
a) Operational dela>: , I

overbrìdge across another highway, it is

b) fixed delay atlled .
c) speed delay .,

I t \ •
d) none of the above a) overpass
b)' underpass
• • e) flyover
.. •
d) interchanges
J 1.130 Problem: · •

• • • '
I ,

Ans. speed and delay The amount, duration and causesof delay
study in the traffic stream as well as to find the
time spent to travel along a. particular 1.134 Problem:. ' '
route is determined by a study called:
Ans. 1 unâerpas« 'When the major highway is taken by
I ., . a) speed and delay study depressing it below the ground level to '

b) spot speed study · , cross another road by means of an under
e) traffic volume study · bridge, it is known as:
d) traffic densi ty study
.. . .,
a) underpass · ,

. ' b) overpass
•• c) flyover

1.131 Problem: d) interchanges

Ans, Grade separated Major roads cross each other at different ,. ' l. f

I ntersection elevations are known as: '


a) Grade separated intersection

b) at grade intersection
, i.135 Problem: ·
e) directional interchanges ..
d) diamond interchanges

Ans. elover letif· The figure shown is a type of freeway

interchanges known as:

·~-----~-------- •

• 1.132 Problem: •

' a) clover leaf
/~n~. A.t grade Major roads that 'cross each other at the b) partial clover leaf ·

intersection same elevations are known as; e) diamond interchanges •
' d) trumpet interchanges
a) At grade intersection . .
b) grade separated intersection I
e) rotary interchange
d) clover leaf interchange _ J

t I

., •

• .. . , \

I ,

• '
• I 1'-41
• '

'1':a. an..po:rta,"tl.o:n •
B:uert:nee• 1:x:111:

\ '
l • 1.136 Problem: 1.140 Problem:

Ans.I I
tor trumpet
The figure shown is a type of free Ans. flyover with The figure shown is a type of freeway
" interchanges known as: round-about interchanges known as: I


a) t or trumJ)ef I •
a) flyover with round-about
b) partial clover leaf b) y-interchange
c) diamond interchanges c) directional •
d) trumpet interchanges ... cl) trumpet interchanges

\ I

' . '
! '
1.137 Problem: 1.141 Problem:

,, Ans. partial cloverleaf The figure shown is a type of reeway Ans. directional · The figure shown is a type of freeway
'r interchanges known as: •
interchanges known as: . •
' .· •
a) partial cloverleaf a) directional I I
b) clover leaf b) y-interchange
c) diamond interchanges ' c) flyover with round-about .
d) trumpet interchanges ' I
d) trumpet interchanges •


1.138 Problem: 1.142 Problem:
.. ,
' .
Ans. Diamond The figure shown is a type qf freeway Ans. Multileg The figure shown is a trpe of grade
.. . interchanges known as: intersection intersection known as:
a) diamond a) multileg intersection ..
b) clover leaf I b) rotary intersection ¡

c) partial cloverleaf c) · channelized

d) trumpet interchanges d) flared

1.139 Problem: . •

• •
1.143 Problem:
Ans. y-interchange The figure shown is a type òf freeway Ans. Rotary . The figure shown is a type of grade

interchanges known as: .
intersection (roundabout)

intersection known as: 1

a) y-interchange a) rotary intersection (roundabout)
b) directional b) multileg intersection ..
c) flyover with round-about c) channelized •

' d) trumpet interchanges d) flared '

- \

' ..
\ . > •


T-42 ' , T43

~ •1'.ra..:n9por"ta,'tl.o:.i Ex1g;l:ueerl.n,r '

1.144 Problem: '. . 1.148 Problem: • I

• •• •
· Ans. Unchanneliz.ed The figure shown is a type of 4-leg Ans. · Uneha11Mllud T I The , figure shown is a . type of 3-leg
intersection known as: intersection known as:
' '
a) Unchannelized · a) Unchannelized T
b) Flared b) Flared- T
c) channelized c)1 Unchannelized Y , '
. '
• d) Multileg intersection ••
• d) Y with turning roadways


.A , I

1.145 Problem: • • 1.149 Problem:

.. I

Ans, Channelized The figure shown is a type of 4-leg . Ans. Fland T The ligure shown is a type or )·leg
intersection known as: intersectionknoftas: ~,

a) channelized - a) Flared T

J. ( b) Flared I '
b) Unchannelized T
e) Unchannelized • e) Unchannelized Y
d) Multileg intersection · d) Y with turning roadways
, •
• '
'' I

1.146 Problem: 1.150 Problem:

Ans. Flared The figure shown is a type of 4-leg Ans. T wlda tumlng ' The ligure shown ìs a type of 3-leg
· intersection known as: roadwa,s intersection known as:

a) Flared , a) T with turning roadways
b) channelized b) Unchannelized T I
I e) Unchannelized e) Unchannelized Y .·

---·==--~--ï~------= '
Ji i\ . d) Multileg intersection d) Y with turning roadways
---1-f- -----=
t t ----

. t ¡( . ·, • '

I "

1.147 Problem: 1.151 Problem:

1 '
I '
Ans. Uncnannelizeâ Y The figure shown is a type of 3-leg Ans. Y widl mming •
The figure shO\VD is a 'type of 3°1ég

intersection known as: roadwap intersection known as:

' •

a) Unchannelized Y a) Y with turning roadways

b) Flared T . •

• b) lJnchannelized T
e) Unchannelized T •
e) Unchannelized Y
-- .
d) Y with turning roadways d) T with turning roadways , .
.. I



-, I I
• •
• • '
T-44 I


•111 a.u •por._:tl.o:n E:u,rtnee:rt:u,r I .r.u;n.•po:r't:a..~l.o:u E:nu:luee:rl:uu:
• • • • ' • • ~ • ' • i • , •, - • ' ' ' • ' - •

• o I I

1.152 Problem: ' · 1.155 Problem: I

/ Ans. traffic density The number of vehicles occupying a unit

, Ans. possible capacity The maximum number or vehicles that
length or lane of roadway at a given
can pass a given point on a lane or
instant,usually expressed as vehicle per km
roadway during one hour under
prevailing roadway and traffic conditions. a) traffic density
b) traffic volume •
a) possible capacity e) traffic capacity
b) traffic density cl) basic capacity I

e) volume of traffic I

d) average daily traffic •

• 1.156 Problem:
' '
' Ans. traffic volume The product of traffic density and traffic
· 1.153 Problem: speed is called. .
Ans. traffic volume The number of vehicles moving in a a) traffic volume •

I specified direction on a given lane or b) traffic capacity

roadway that pass a given point or cross­ c) basic 'capacity •

section during specified ~nit of time. I '

d) possible capacity

a) traffic volume •
b) traffic density 1.157 Problem: ·
I ,c) traffic capacity '

d) basic capacity · Ans. traffic capacity The maximum number of vehicles in a

lane or a road that can pass a given point
in unit time, usually an hour, vehicle per
hour per Jane.
1.154 Problem:
' a) traf fic capacity
Ans. practical capacity The maximum number or vehicles that b) traffic volume '
can pass a given· point on a lane or c) · traffic density
roadway during one hour without traffic d) basic capacity

den$ity · being so great as to cause
unreasonable delay, hazard or restictions •

to the drivers freedom to maneuver under 1.158 Problem:

• '
the prevailing roadway and traffic •
conditions. ·. · . Ans. basic capacity The maximum number of passenger cars
• that can pass a given point on a lane or r

a) practical capacity ' ,

roadway during one hour under the most
b) possible capacity nearly ideal and traffic conditions which I

c) traffic density can possibly be attained.

d) average daily traffic r

' a) basic capacity , .
b) traffic capacity
I •
c) possible capacity
- ..
d) practical capacity

~ . ' I

' '
T-46 I
T.r~xa.•po:r~tl.oxa Exa.a:l:u eerl:u,r •

~~~-~-1 I , .. •• /' '• .. • \, • • ' I •

• •

• I \
1.159 CE Board May 19i78 1.163 Problem:
, . .
Ans. Trumpet intersection A highway intersection particularly Ans. Suw crossing When two 'roads at the same elevation
~dopted to toll road connecting where !he ' · cross each other at an acute angle, the
}, toll can be collected from both ingoing intersection is called. -
• • •
and outbound traffic at tite stem or the
interchange. a) skew crossing . ·
b) square crossing •
a) Trumpet intersecuon e) acute crossing •

b) multileg intersection d) chanellized crossing

e) rotary intersection •

• • d) Orthotropic bridge •

T • or Trumpet
1.164 Problem: •

I• . . ( .
·1.160 CE Board May 1978 •

Ans. Diamond hiterchangt A type or interchange which provides for

, I f I

transfer of trame from one road to.

Ans. Bitunilnous lt is flexible pavement made of 38 mm to another crossJng it. but with a . reduced
Concrete Pavement , . SO mm bituminous concrete surface, 38 . speed is known as: ·
mm to 75 mm bìtuminous concrete ...__ •
surface, and sand or crushed gravel sub· a) Diamond interchange
. , . '.......p;;:::>---.__ b) trumpet interchange

e) rotary flyover
a) Bituminous Concrete Pavement d) directional inteichange
b) Trumpet intersection Clamond fnt«changea
e) rotary intersection
d) Orthotropic bridge . •

1.165 Problem:
. '

Ans. clover leaf A type òf interchange which is sometimes
I 1.161 Problem: '

called a high speed inter~hange is known

Ans. Regulatory or No parking is a traffic si_gn classified under as

mandatory signs a) clover leaf .
a) Regulatory or mandatory signs b) diamond mterchange
' b) informatory signs e) trumpet
e) warning or cautionary signs d) y-type interchange
d) warning or mandatory signs •

• 1.1·66 Problem:
No Parking 1.162 Problem: '
' . .

. Am. informato? .signs Par.king sign is a traffic sign classified

Ans. Regulatory or Speed limit i, a traffic sign classified Under
mandatory signs
. under

a)· Regulatory or mandatory signs a) Informatory signs · ·

b) Informatory signs b) Regulatory or mandatory signs
s PE E O e)
I • •
Warning or cautionary signs

e) warning or cautionary signs

ao d) Warning or mandatory signs

cl) warning ·or mandatory signs ••

\ .'
• I • •

• •
• •
T-48 \
• T-49
• • • I '
'I'I a.:D.8porta,"&l.0I1 .-.-.................. .,e. ••_por'ta,"&l.o:u B:ng:liiee:rl:u,r
I \
1.161 Problem: 1.171 Problem:
\ '

• Ans. End of freeway i1 a traff"IC sign cla~ifted .11 • overtaking is not A continuous center line marking along
under. rmltttd in that portion curve of a roadway indicates.
,· \
, o/the road
a) inf onnatory and guiding signs \ a) 'overtaking is not permitted in that portion
b) regulatory or mandatory signs of the road
e) warning Œ cautionary signs b) thèr there is a curve ahead
d) . warning and regulatory signs c) slippery road ahead
d) go slow, curve ahead

• •

End of freeway 1.168 Problem: •

• • 1.172 Problem: ,

Ans. Wormatory and One way is a traffic sign cla~ified. under.
pidlng signs Ans. to separate the stream A broken line marking at the center for a
a) informatory and guiding signs ,,¡ traffic moving in opposite two lane road is marked on the pavement­

b) regulatory and mandatory signs direction for the purpose is

e) warning or cautionary signs · • \

d) warning or regulatory signs •
a) to separate the stream of traffic moving
• •
in opposite direction ~
b) no overtaking is allowed
e) no crossing is allowed
. '
,1.169 Problem: d) overtaking is allowed

Ans. Delineators .. They are light reflecting device mounted
• ·'
on posts at the side of the roadway in
\ series to guide the driver along the proper 1.173
, Problem:
• • .

alignment. ' Ans. · white
J •
What color is used i11 marking (the
• • pavements for turn markings?
a) Delíneators
. .
' b) reflectors I
a) white
, I e) raised bars •
b) yellow I

d) guide rails c) black

d) orange

• I

1.170 Problem:

1.174 Problem: ~
Ans. the continuous lint A continuous white line which is marked '

must be crosstd on the pavement indicates that. Ans. yellow What color is used to designate the
. .
centerline of two highways to delineate
a) the continuous line must be crossed · •
the separation of traffic'flows.
b) stop lines , •

·. a) yellow
e) lane lines b) white
d) -it can be crossed with or without care e) black
' d) red I


. I

• /
, T-51
'I'ra:u~:r"ta,"tl.on Rn,rln«z e:rtu,r ra~n.apor'tft,tl.oII ,lfQ:ug:lnee:rln,r . '
-~-~ . ' ... ' ' .~ . . . . . . . . .....


, 1.175 'Problem:
1.179 Problem:

Markings indicating where vehicles Ans. rear end collision The symbol shown for ar, accident report
An~ stop tines
should stop at a trame control device are indicates:
caßed: l
a) rear end collision ,
' a) stop, lines ,.....t•· =· I

b) personal injury
b) kerbs ' e), fatal accident ••

e) traffic signals d) out of control

d) spot lines

1.180 Problem:
• 1.176 Problem: \ •
, Ans. motor vehicl« The given symbol of a traffic accident
. ' The lines, patterns, drawn on the pave­ backing \ report shown indicates: .
Ans. road markings I

ment for guidance o.r road users are called

• I
a) motor vehicle backing
a) road markings • b) motor vehicle moving ahead
• b) delineators e) pedestrian
• •

e) traffic lines • cl) rear end collision

d) island • • •

, 1.181 Problem: •

1.177 Problem: I

Ans. fixed object The given symbol of a traffic. accident

The given collision diagram and symbols report shown indicates •..
• Ans .. out of .control .
involved ·¡n vehicular accidents as shown
I e
· indicates. a) fixed object

a b) parked vehicle
e) sideswipe
~ o o,. a) out of control
b) fatal accident d) fatal accident

e) personal injury
d) property damage only •

1.182 Problem: · ,.
' .
1.178 Problem: '
Ans. side swip«. The given symbol of a traffic accident
report shown indicates
i\ ns. parked vehicle· ·The figure shown is a collision diagram
and symbols which is used to indicate: =--
,·-:=a r a) side swipe
b) fatal accident

a) parked vehicle e). personal injury
d) property damage only
b) fixed object .
' e) property damage •

d) side swipe
. . • .
, . •

, •

• ,

I T-53

-~""" ..... - ..... ,,,.,.~ .......,.,


1.183 Problem: '

\ \
1º187 CE Board May 1979

Ans. fatal accident The given symbol of a traffic accident Ans. Califarnia Beming This test is used to determine the relative
report shown indicates.
I •
· Ratio Test resistance of the subgrade materials and
is the ratio of the resistance to penetration

a) fatal accident I
developed by a subgrade soil to that
b) side swipe developed by a specimen of standard

e) pedestrial crushed-rock base materials:
d) near and collision
' a) California Bearing Ratio Test • • '
' ...
b) Plate bearing test • •

• '
c) Triaxial compression test
1.184 Problem: •
d) Stabilometer test
. Ans. PrOJ#rly damage The given symbol of a traffic accident •

only report shown indicates I

1.188 CE Board Nov.1987
a) property damage only
b) rear and collision Ans. all of these Poor compaction in the subgrade of a
e) personal injury road pavement will result in:

cl) pedestrian J a) · all of these
' •
' b) settlement of pavement
. ,
c) cracking of pavement .
, .•
1.185 Problem: d) uneven road level
l. •

• Ans. motor vehicle I

The given symbol of a traffic accident •

moving ahead report shown indicates. I

1.189 CE Board Nov.1988


a) motor vehicle moving ahead ' The expansion of concrete pavement slab
Ans. increase in
b) motor vehicle backing
temperature is the increase in length of the slab due to:
e) pedestrian .
d) rea, end collision ' a) increase in temperature
. b) increase in water.content
c) decrease in temperature
d) none of lhe above
• I

I 1.186 Problem:
Ans. pedestrian The given symbol of a traffic accident . --------------------------~-
' \

report shown indicates. - 1.190 CE Board Nov.1988

a) pedestrian Ans. soll making up of The stability of the road embankment is
· b) motor vehicle backing the rofd embankment dependent on the shearing distance of the:
c) motor vehicle moving ahead •

a) soil rnaking up of the road embankment

\ • •
d) rear end collision 1 •
b) compaction of the road embankment -
' ....
c) proper watering of the raod embankment
\ d) none of the above ·
, .
• •
T-54 ' 'T-55

Tra:n•po:r.-.O:t1ou E:u.g:II1 ee:rl..n.a: r...-....-&1.0:u,,- • •

' • ' O '' ' I ' ~I ' I • ' • f • '

• I
1.191 CE Board Nov.1988 1.194 CE Board Nov.1988 ·

Ans. AU of the above Asphalt cement is usually tested for:
Ans. All of the above A complete set of highway plans will

consist ol the following component parts: s a) Viscosity
b) Distillation
a) the .title page and general layout sheet •

• e) Penetration
and the typical section sheet • d) all of the above
b) the road plan and profile and the detailed
. .
cross-section sheets
e) The details of· drainage structures, , . .
reinforcing of pavement and similar I a
1 95 · ' CE Board Nov.
. 1989
structures; structural plan and the
quantity summary sheets Ans. Non, of the abov« The porosity of aggregates used in
/ d) All of the above highway construction is generally
measured by the

a) Cohesion
;J.192 CE Board Nov. 1988
b) Absorption ..
, c) Adhesion
d) None of the above
A11s. centrifugal force Curves on highways must be super­
elevated inorder to counteract the effect •

of: ,
• •

1.196 CE Board Nov.1989
a) centrifugal force '
b) the acce Jeration of gravity Ans. AU of tht abov, · The characteristics of an ideal aggregate
e) the coefficient of friction between tires for bituminous constructïon are as follows
and pavements
d) all of the above . . a) Strength and toughness characteristics
' b) Good crushing and low porosity
characteristics I

1.193 CE Board May 1989 e) Hydrophobic and particle size and
gr adatíon characteristics
d)· All of the above
Ans. the acceleration •
' Curves on highways must be super­
of gravity elevated inorder to counteract the effect •

.. r . '\

of: · '

1.197 Problem:
a) the acceleration of gravity •

b) gravitational force Ans. turnout A curved track which is used to 'connect

• 'e) friction between tires and pavement one tract with another· is known as:
d) centrifugal force , •
. , '
, . I a) turnout I

• b) switch

e) frog
d) throw •

• • •

T-56 ; •

' ' :, • "t', •• .- ' • •i,> "' ~ • • ..._,., ¡ • •• • ' "\ ,- • .. I • ~· • 't • • • • • ' •

1.198 Problem: 1.202 Problem:

Ans. heel of switch The point of 'the curved portion or the Ans. stub switch A type of switch where both switch rails
turnout with the main Une rails is called: are both main-live rails is known as:
, ,
a) heel of switch '
· b) toe of switch a) stub switch
• \

e) throw of switch b) split switch '

d) frog I
I Sw1'fC/'I ,Ol?f
c) tw nout switch
rhrow o/ ,,.-i/ch,

• cl) frog switch

. 1.199 Problem:
• '---~----------------------~--·

• •
1.203 Problem:
Aos. throw of switch The distance through which the toe of Ans. splitswitch A type of switch using one main-line rail
switch moves to accomplish

the turnout is and one turnout as switch rails is known
called: •
a) throw of switch GuordroQ ' I a) split switch
b) heel of switch \
- b) stub switch
c) toe of switch
,-,,,,., lii frog Will{}ro,~
• e
s: 1A (sw,tc/1 point
'l.. c) turnout switch ' •
d) frog (Guord,a,1
d) frog switch

• •
1.200 Problem: 1.204 Problem:

Ans. two of switch •

The frèe ends of the switch rails of a A11s. . rigid f rt,g . A type of frog where both wing rails are
turnout is called: rigidly fas tened to the main part of the .
frog with proper clearance for wheel
a) toe of switch flanges is known as:
b) heel of switch .

e) frog

a) rigid frog I

• d) throw of switch '

b) spring frog '

• c) turnout frog
d) split frog

1.201 Problem: • •

. . 1.205 Problem: · •
Ans. · frog number The ratio of the heel length to heel spread (

is known as:
a) frog number Ans. all of the above The different type of sections of rails are
b) cross over
c) switch angle a) flat footed
d) plit angle b) bull headed

c) double headed I

d) all of the above

• •
, \

, .

• •
\ •
. '

T-58 \

• • •

• T:ra:.1•po:r.-.a,-&1.ou IO:ug:l:u ee:rt:011:

--- • • 'S , .' , • • ,• • I

• ..
1.206 Problem: 1.209 Problem: ,
~ I
Ans. · spring frog A type of frogwhere the wing rail on the Ans. ltump switching· A well-designed yatd will make use of
main track is securely fastened to the · gravity for switching operations so as to
main patt of the frog so that tlìe main avoid high-speed starts or long pushing of

ßangeway is·always open but the wing raU cars with locomotive. An ·errective gravity
on the turnout track is held against the • type of .switching used in most large
frog point by· a spring to afford ,I
terminals is called:
continuous be a ring for the wheels on the
main track is known as: a) hump switching
b) retarders
a) spring frog e) split switching
b) rigid frog · · d) stub switching
c) spit frog , •

cl) bearing frog

' •
• 1.210 Problem:
1.207 Problem:
Ans. tractive capacity · The maximum horsepower that can be
Ans. sidetracks They are used to provide for meeting or . . developed through rail friction is known
passing trains and to permit cars to be left • M!
alongside depot loading platforms, ware •

houses and factories. a) tractive capacity

b) boiler horsepower
. .
a) sidetracks e) friction horsepower
b) switching d) rated horsepower •

. . e) yards •

. d) crossing \ .

• •
1.211 Problem:
1.208 Problem: '

Ans. bask speed The maximum speed at which rail friction

Ans. yards It provide shops and facilities for I is just equal to the tractive effort that the
maintenance and repair of locomotives engine can exert at· the driving wheels
' and cars, housing for idle locomotives; ignoring engine losses is known as:
storage tracks for temporary idle cars,
• .and facilities for receiving and a) basìc speed
dispatching of passenger and freight • b) tractive speed
trains. e) frictíonal speed

d) rated speed
a) yards •

b) station
e) terminals ..
d) cross over stations • .

• j
I •
• • •

• \

T-60 T-61

10&,a,llroad. · B:u-rtneerlxa.u:: po:r:t,,r •
- ~-=---- I ,_..- ••- ~ •• • ~ -- • •'" ,, .. -. • • ' , '

{ 1.212 Problem: • 1.216 Problem:
Ans. diesel tngin,, Three primary parts of a diesel-electric Ans. switch expamsion A special type or joint used at the end or
generator & fraction motor ' locomoñve. -, joint long welded rails to permit expansion or
• •
• construction of rail ends •

a) diesel engine, generator and fraction
. motor a) switch expansion joint
b) diesel engine, gears, and motors b) staggered joint
c) diesel engine, driving axle and generator c) insulated joint
d) diesel engine, generator and compressor d) supported joint



1.213 Problem: • I
1.217 Problem: •


Ans, inner faces of Gauge ùr a railway track is the horizontal Ans. fish plates It is used to connect the ends of rails in a
. rails at the top distance between. railroad track. .

' a) inner faces of rails at the top a) fish plates

b) center to center of rails ' b) track fittings •
e) inner faces of rails at their bottom c) fish bolt
' d) outer faces of rails at top • ••
d) dog spike •

1.214 Problem: • 1.218 Problem:


Ans. suponeâ and Types of joints provided in track Ans. spikes It is used to fix the rails ot· a railroad
suspentled joints according to location of sleepers. •
' track to the wooden sleepers.
. .

a) supported and suspended joints a) .spikes

• b) staggered and square joints · ' b) spring key
e) insulated and switch joints ' e) screws
d) staggered and supported joints d) elastic clip

1.215 Problem: 1.219 Problem:

Ans. staggered and ·· Types or joints provided in track Ans. sleeper density The number of sleepers used per rail
o •
. square Joints according to their position in track. length on a railroad track is known as:
. .
i • •

• · a) staggered and square joints a) sleeper density

' b) supported and suspended joints b) ballasts '

e) insulated and switch joints c) chairs
.. d) staggered and insulated joints d) points I


.. - •

• ,

T-62 T-63 .,

r n.•por"ta,•l.o:u H:n,rlnee:a: l:u,r

=-___.:::::::__ -- ' • •

1.220 Problem: 1.224 Problem:

, :.
Ans. sleeptrs . . · The members laid transversely under the Ans. they requirt /tw Wooden sleepers are•
prefYered and widely
rails for supporting and flxing them at the fastenings used on railway tracks because. .,
gauge distance apart are known as: ..
' • a) they require few fastenings

a) sleepers b) they will not crack under loads I

b) pandrol clip e) easy to maintain gauge ..

e) chairs j
d) maintenance cost is slow
d) ballasts I

,, '
\ •
, •
1.225 Problem:
1.221 Problem: ,

Ans. insulated joint The type or joint used in electric track is
Ans. turnout A combination of points and crossing by called ~
operation of which a train is diverted to ,l • •

' I

another track is known as: a) insulated joint

b) staggered joint •

' a) turnout -· ' e) suspended joint
b) sleepers
• •
d) supported joint
• '
\ e) frog
d) switch
1.226 Problem;

• .?. I

.. 1.222 Problem: · Ans. ji8h bolts The rash 'plates are ñxed to the rails by
means of: .
' Ans. suspendedjoint The raìljoìutìn which the ends are jointed I

' ' ' . •

' between two sleepers is called '~ . •
a) fish bolts
• b) screws

a) suspended joint e) round spike
b) supported joint • d) dog spike ..
e) staggered joint I

cl) sq•~re joint •


1.227 Problem:
1.223 Problem: . Ans. elastic fas~ning M~ern fittings used on high speed tracks

\ and which absorbs vibrations is called: .

Ans. rail screws The fitting that is used to fix the rail and
bearing plate to the wooden sleepers a) elastic fastening

known as: . b) ballast
a) rail screws •
• e) sleepers
b) dog spike ' d) keys

.• e) round spike ,

d) bolts '

• •
• I \

• ,
T-64 • . ., .
Tra,I19por'ta,'tl.010 IO:n,rloee~a: • r.ra.:r1mpor'ta,'&l.ou Ena-· tu eert:na:
. I •

1.228 Problem: 1.232 Problem:

Ans. plat, sleepers The sleepers which consist or two Ans. 1xpr,sswa1 A divided artertsl highway for through
rectangular plates connected by a tie bar trame with full or partial control of
is called . access and generally with grade
• •
l separa~ion at intersections.
a) plate sleeper \

b) pot sleeper a) expressway

e) joint sleeper b) skyway
d) ballast sleeper e) freeway
. d) highway

1.229· Problem: \

Ans. ballast A layer of broken stone or gravel packed 1.233 Problem:
below and around the sleeper is called
Ans. freeway An expressway with full control access. •

a) ballast
b) fish plate a) freeway ·. •
e) gusset plate b) skyway
cl) sub-grade • e) highway
d) overpass

·1.230 Problem: .

Ans. right of way A general term denoting land, property or 1.234 Problem:
interest acquired or reserved for highway \ .
purposes, Ans. capacity The maximum number of vehicles which
• ,
a)· right of ·way has a reasonable expectation of passing
b) control of access , over a given section of a lane or a
e) real estate ' roadway in one direction or in both
d) riparian rights directìons for a two-lane or a three lane

highway during a given time period under
• • •
prevailing roadway and traffic
1.231 Problem:
• a) capacity
Ans. highway A general term denoting a public way for b) density
purposes or vehicular travel, including the e) service volume
... entire area within the right or way. ' d) ~ traffic volume
I \

a) highway ..

b) expressway
• e) freeway
d) skyway,

Tra,:n.mpo:r"ta:tl.o:n E:u ,riu ee:rl:ue:
- • ., • • • • • • • • , t • ,._ • • • • • ., • • .., - • • .... • • •
~ ..

1.235 Problem: 1.239 Problem:
• \

Ans. current traffic The volume of traffic that would use a Ans. design spe~d The max. speed that can be maintained
' '

new or improved highway if it were open over a specified section of the highway
to trafñc, · , . when conditions are so favorable that thé I

. . •
design features of the highway governs•
a) current traffic '.
b) normal traffic , a) designspeed
c) generated traffic b) running speed
d) development traf fic c) average speed
. d) ADT speed
. , '

1.236 Problem: .
I • '
1.240 Problem:
Ans. · normal traffic The increase in traffic volume due to •
• •
growth general increase in number and usage of Ans. 'sernee ,olunN The maximum volume that can be carried ·
motor vehicles. •
I at any selected level of service is reffred to
a) normal traffic growth
b) generated traffic a) service volume
c) development traffic b) design hour volume
d) current traffic c) average daily traffic
• •

1.237 Problem:
' • · 1.241 Problem:
Ans. generated traffic It consists of motor vehicle trips other ' ,

than public transit that would not have Ans. access connection Any roadway by means of which vehicles
been made if tite new facility had not been enter or leave a highway.

a) access connection
a) generated traffic '
b) approach roadway
b) development traffic . . c) auxiliary lane
c) normal traffic d) crossing ,
d) current traffic •

' 1.242 Problem:

1.238 Problem:
Ans. approach roadway A róadway leading toward and f~rming
Ans. traffic projection Future traffic divided by current traffic is part of an intersection. I

factor known as:

a) approach roadway
a) traffic projection factor
b) auxiliary lane
b) daily traffic factor e) crossing
e) design hour volume factor d) freeway ·
d) ADT factor


T-68 •

'1['raa,JC1mpó:rta,'tl.o:u Ene;l:n.eerl:u,r ..r.ra,u91PO:r .... ;tl.on Rn a;l:u ee:rlu sr

~ . . ' ' -~ . . .

I •

, 1.243 Problem: 1.247 Problem: I

Ans. arterial highway A general term denoting a highway Ans. Border The area between the roadway or outer
primarily for -hrough trame usually on a roadway if frontage roads are included
continuous route. · and the right of way line, utilized for
a) arterial highway sidewalks, drainage, public utilities,
( b) approach roadway landscaping and as an insulation strip
c) freeway •
between the pavement and the property
d) skyway ,. ' development fronting the highway

' a) Border

b) shoulder

Problem: e) right of way strip
d) sight line easements
Ans. Auxilliary lane The portion of the roadway adjoining the
traveled way for parking, speed change,
, or for other purposes supplementary to

through movement. / 1.248 Problem:
a) Auxilliary lane , Ans. Channelized
\ An· at-grade intersection in which there is

b) approach roadway • •
intersection division or regulation of conflicting
e) channelized interseetion movements into definite paths of travel by '

d) crossing the use of pavement markings, raised

islands, or other suitable means to
facili tate the sare and orderly movement
1.245 Problem: : of vehicles and pedestrian. ....

Ans. average spot · I The arithmetic mean of the ßpeeds Qf all a) Channelized intersection
speed • trame or component \thereof at a specìñe b) interchange
J)OÎ.llt.. ' Four leg channeliz'!d type
c) intersection roadway
ir,tersections d) highway or grade separation
a) Average spot speed
b) Jowney speed

e) running speed
d) average speed 1.249 Problem:

I Ans. design vehicle A vehicle, the dimensions and minimum
1.246. Problem: . '
turning radius of which are larger than
almost all vehicles in its class, selected for
Ans. belt highway An arterial highway for carrying traffic the purpose. of establishing geometric
partially or entir~ly around . an urban design controls for that class of vehicles.
area or portion thereof. · \

a) design vehicle
a) belt highway b) passenger car
b) . auxilliary highway '
e) single unit track
e) expressway d) semi-tailer
d) skyway
• •

Ill8:po:rta,t1o:ra Enta ln.eeI Ing:
..... .
. . . . .., . ~/' ........ -. ....- ..

1.254 Problem:
1.250 Problem: •

Ans. diamond An interchange with ~ single one-way

Ans. clover leaf · An interchange with inner loops and · ramp in each quadrant of a shape and
outer connections. , position to provide easy exit from and
entrance to the major highway and to
a) clover leaf · confine necessary left turns at grade to
b) trumpet ' •

the .minor highway or crossroad.

c) diamond interchange
d) rotary interchange
- a) diamond interchange
b) directional interchange
c) clover leaf ..
Cloveneaf 1.251 Problem: , d) trumpet
Dtamond Interchanges

Ans. crossing An intersection with four ·approach •

roadways. 1.255 Problem:
, ., I

. .
a) crossing
b) channelized intersectìon
Ans. interchange or inter connecting roadways in
A system
conjunction with one or more highway
c) flared intersection separations providing for the inter change
d) directional interchange or traffic between two or more
. intersecting highways, usually without at
_,.;_------------------~--------~ grade crossing of through and major
• • 1.252 Problem: turning movements.

A local street open at one end only and a) interchange

Ans. cul-de-sac street ·b) multíleg intersection
with special provision for turning around.
c) channelized intersection
d) rotary intersection
a) cul-de-sac street
b) approach roadway
e) auxilliary street
d) dead-end street 1.256 Problem:

• Ans. Flared An at-grade intersection in which the

1.253 Problem: intersection number of trame lanes or the pavement
· width exceeds the normal number of lanes
A local street open at one end only or the normal width of the approach
Ans. Dead-end street roadlVays. ·
without special provision for turning '
around. . I I
- --- - - ..... -1-· ¡- - -- =-- - -----
=-::--::-:::-..._ a) Flared intersection
a) Dead-end street -
--c=..::.,-=.-.... ----,-·
.::..:.: ï
1I --- -----
J.)) unchannelized intersection
'"'-. I I e) channelized intersection
b) cul-de-sac street , 1' d) multileg intersection
e) auxilliary street Flared Typca
d) emergency street

• I
T-72 I

Tra,:u..por't.ft,"t1oxi E:nu:t:neerl:rafr

1.257 Problem: 1.261 Problem:
\ .

Ans. directional , An interchange with one or more highway • An area within a roadway or between
. interchange separations and direct connections for the . roadways from which vehicular traffic is
' major turning movements. intended to be excluded.
a) island
a) directional interchange I
b) median
b) diamond interchange e) outer separation

e) trumpet d) undercrossing
d) clover-leaf
• •


1.262 Problem: .
1.258 Problem:
Ans. median A portion of a divided highway separating

Ans. Expressway A divided arterial highway for through the traveled ways for traffic opposite
traffic with full or partial control of directions.
, access and generally with grade
separations at intersections. a) median

b) island
í:l) Expressway •
c) cul-de-sac •

b) freeway t
d) nose

e) skyway
d) overpass
' . •

1.263 Problem: ..

1.259 Problem: Ans. local street A street or road primarily for access to
I or road residence, business or other abutting
I Ans, freeway An expressway with full control of access. property.
a) freeway
a) local street or road
b) skyway b) access road •
c) overpass ...
e) city streets
d) interchange •
d) municipal streets or road

1.260 Problem: 1.264 Problem:


Ans. highways A erossíng two highways at different Ans. multipte

• An intersection with five or more
separanons levels one carried over the other on a intersection approach roadways. ·
a) highway separations a) multiple intersection
b) intersection roadway . . .:.,. .•'.{ b) partial clover leaf
. ·.:-:.·: ,r,..
• •• ¡•

• e) interchange •
. . .. .
.: •• .,,,, J,.;
e) clover leaf
d) multiple intersection . . . .... . .. .........
. .. .
d) diamond interchange
I •

. ..: .:. ":,:,~

• •••• fi.
·.. ·., . ...' .
. •: I .....
T-74 • T-75
• ,¡

"I:ra,n.-po:rta.~1o~ E:n.g:1:rt ee:rl.:n.a: I rau•po:r-c:.a,•:10:n

-=---=--==--------=-• • • ·, o •, , , , 1"l.._ ,· , , I , lt I • • ' , ,• • ,

1.265 Problem: ' 1.269 Problem:

Ans. nose

The end of an island or neutral area at th Ans. parkway An arterial highway for non commercial
junction of two intersecting pavements. ' trame, with full or .partíal control of
I access and usually located within a park
a) nose or a ribbon of park like development.
b) cul-de-sac
e) median •
a) parkway
d) island intesection '
b) free way

e) expressway •

• d) skyway
1.266 Problem:

\ Ans. over all speed The speed over a specified section o 1.270 Problem:
highway, all traffic or component thereof .
is the summation of distances divided b Ans. rotary An at-grade intersection operating with
the summation of travel time. • •
intersection one-way traffic counterclockwise around

a central area, circular or elliptical in
' a) over all speed shape, or sufficient size. to produce
• design speed
b) weaving maneuvers in lieu of direct

e) running speed· crossìng between the various movements.
d) trip speed

a) rotary intersection .
b) multileg intersection
e) channelized intersection
1.267 Problem: \
d) unchannelized intersection

Anse> radial highway An arterial highway leading to or from a
urban center. '

1.271 Problem:

a) radial high way

-. b) expressway Ans. running speed The speed · over a specified section of
' e) freeway highway, being the distance divided by

d) skyway • '
running time. The average for all traffic
, ' or component thereof is the summation of
distances divided by the summation of

running times.
• •
1.268 Problem:
a) running speed
Ans. ramp An intersection roadway at a highwa I
b) design speed ·
separation usually on a grade. e) average speed

d) optimum speed
a) ramp
b) median
e) traveled way
d) interchange
- T-77
T-11. \

"I':z•a,IU9POr'ta,"t1on En,rl:nee:rlu,r

1.272 Problem: 1.275 Problem:

Ans. trip sp,ed The speed for a trip over a specified Ans. separale An intersection roadway which is

• route, being the distance divided bJ turning lane physically separated from other lanes by
, elapsed time. The average for all trame islands or other neutral area.
or component thereof, is the summatioa
of distances divided by the summation of a) separate turning lane
' elapsed times. b) ramp
\ c) multileg intersection
a) trip speed d) island .
b) running speed .. ... . . . . .
• • ...... -# • .,.._.,.----- .... ""'"--.._,........
, - .....
e) design speed ·
d) over· all speed
1.276 Problem:

. Ans. traffic lane The portion of t..he traveled way for the

1.273 Problem: movement of a single line of vehicles .

Ans. through street Every highway or portion thereof at the a) traf fic lane
entraces to which vehicular traffic from •
b) traveled way •

intersecting highways is required by law c) terminal

' I

to stop before entering or crossing the • ' d) speed change lane

same and where stop signs are erected.

a) through street
b) speed change street

1.277 Problem:
e) traffic lane
d) traveled way Ans. turning angle The 'angle through which a vehicle is
requiredto travel to make a turn.

. . a) turning angle '
1.274 Problems C.
b) travelling angle '

\ e) angle of maneuver
Ans. Highway •
That branch of civil engineering whicla d) angle of perception •

tnglneering deals in the location, design, construction, •

maintenance, economics, financing,

planning and programming of roads.

1.278 Problem:
• a) Highway engineering •

b) transportation engineering Ans, underpass A grade separation in which the highway

c) Pedology under consideration passes under the
d) Traffic engineering intersecting road or railway.

a) underpass
b) overpass
c) skyway
d) overcrossing
T-78 •
•'-'ll•~r"ta,"tl.o:u •

~I'r a.n.•po:rta,-t:1.on E:n.g:l:caee:rl:n e:

1.279 Problem: 1.282 Problem: \

The portion of the roadway contiguous
Ans. geometric and Highway design is divided into two
Ans. shoulder structural design distinct groups, namely :
with the traveled way for accomodation of I

stopped vehicles, for emergency use and I

a) geometric and structural design
for lateral support of base and surface b) preliminary and geometric design
course. e) geometric and construction design
, cl) structural and construction •
a) shoulder •

b) median lane
e) pedestrian lane
d) parking lane 1.283 Problem:·

Ans. traffic density, Data required for an intelligent geometric

charaeter of traffic and design · . · .
1.280 Problem: design speed •

a) traffic density, character of traffic and

The crossing of traffic streams moving in design speed
Ans. weaving
the same general direction, accomplished b) type of vehicle, speed and life of vehicles
by merging and diverging. e) volume of traffic, prop. of pavements,
type of vehicles
' a) weaving d) none of the above
b) crossmoving
e) crossover
d) termìnal crossing
1..284 Problem:

Ans. 6% For Phil. National roads, the maximum
1.281 Problem: grade permítted on curves.
a) 6%
Data required for an i11telligent structural
Ans. max. expected wheel b) 4%
load, vol. of traffic soil design of highway. e) 5%
classification, mini field d) 7%
compaction, & modulus of a) max. expect.ed wheel load, vol. of traffic, •

subgrade reaction soil classification, mini field compaction

and modulus of subgrade reaction.
b) flexural strength of pavement, crushing 1.285 Problem:
strength of base. coarse, average daily
traffic.. Ans. l km For Phil. National roads, where tangents
' or curves of less than one degree, a 7% ..
... e) bearing strength of subgrade, poisson
ratio of soil, tensile strength of concret grade are permitted-tor distances of not
' pavement, coe ff. of friction between tires exceeding.
and pavement. ' a) 1 km
s) None of the above b) 21cm

e) 5'km
• I
d) 0.5 km

T-80 ..
"I ·i· a.:n •po:r-ta:tl.o:.:i En e;:tn eer ln li: raDAlpor'ta:tl.ora B:ue-·lraee:rt:u,r
y •

~.• a
• •

· 1.286 Problem: · J .289 Problem:

. )
Ans. lane line of Indicate the typical application of Ans. channelizing Une . Indicate the typical application or a
multûan« highway longitudinal broken white line ln advance of obstruction longitudinal. double solid white line as
pavement markings. pavement markings.

a) lane line of multilane highway a) channelizing line in advance of

b) pavement edge marking obsbUction
• e) edges of reversible traffic lanes b) two lane two way roadway, overtaking
d) to discourage use of shoulders as a traf and passing permitted
lane e) pavement edge marking
d) lane line of multi lane highway
• I

• ' 1.287 Problem: ,,, .

1.290· Problem:
Ans. two lane two way Indicate the typical application of
roadway, owertaking and longitudinal broken yellow line as Ans. edges of reversible Indicate the typical application of a
• passing permitted. pavement markings. markings longitudinal double broken yellow lines
pavement markings. .
a) two lane two way roadway, overtakin
and passing pet mined. •
· a) edges of reversible markings
b) lane line of multilane highway . b) channelizing line in advance of
I e) to indicate passing zone for traff 1 obsttuction
I ,
adjacent to solid lines c) two lane, two way roadway, overtaking
cl) edges of reversible traffic lanes and passing pet mitted. ...,
d) extension of lines through an intersection
• or interchange area ~
1.288 Problem: I

' . .
Ans. pavement edge Indicate the typical application of 1.291 Problem:
marking longitudinal sòlid white line as pavemen
markings, Ans. extension of lines Indicate the typical application of a
' •
• through an intersection longitudinal dotted lines of pavement
a) pavement edge marking or interchange area markings.

b) lane line of multilane highway
e) two lane two way roadway, overtaking a) extension of lines through an intersection
and passing permitted. .. or interchange area.
d) edges of reversible traffic lanes b) channelizing line in advance of

I e) ..pavement edge marking
d) stop lines to indicate where vehicles are
required to stop .


•I0.ra,»-pc>r"tft:t1on. En,rl:ueerlu.e: ...

1.292 Problem: · -1.295 Problem:

Indicate the typical application of a Ans. paralkl type of The figure shown is one type of a highway
Ans. to discourage use
of shoulders as a traffic transverse cross hatched shoulder 4 leg intersection or road intersections at grade. This is
lane markings of. pavements. commonly known as :
a) parallel type of 4 leg intersection
a) to discourage use of shoulders as a traffic
b) unchannelized intersection
• • lane .,...____ _, •I '
e) multileg intersection
b) pedestrian cross walks -·"" - :- - - -- -, - t - - - - - - - ------
e) pavement edge markings .. - - - ... - ,I~ ...-I - - - - .., ..--

~ .-,.,
d) flared type of intersection

d) stop lines to indicate where vehicles are ·.

required to stop. , . '

' 1.296 Problem:

Ans. flared type of The figure shown is one type of a highway '
1.293 Problem: 4 leg lntenectlon intersection at grade which is commonly
. knownm:
Ans. pedestrian cross Indicate the typical application of a
walks transverse pairs of solid white lines 150 a) flared type of 4 leg intersection
mm or more in width, spaced 1.8 m. or • • b) unchannelized intersection .
I I '
more apart as pavernent markings. .........-:-::~~- I I . · e) parallel type of 4-leg intersection
... _,...- - ~ -1-- ,- -- ... ~ -- -- - -

I I d) multi-leg intersection
a) pedestrian cross walks -- --- ... ---,--,------- ..

b) stop lines
c) pavement end markings .
d) to discourage use of shoulders as traff re 1.297 Problem:
/ lanes. Ans. multi-leg The ligure shown is one type or a highway
lnœnectìon intersection at grade which is commonly
known as:
1.294 Problem: a) multi-leg intersection
b) unchannelized intersection '
Ans. stopiine« to indicate · Indicate the typical application of a e) flared type intersection
where vehicles are required · transverse solid white lines 300 to 600 mm •
d) parallel type of intersection
to stop in width as pavement markings.
a) stoplines to indicate where vehicles are .•

required to stop 1.298 Problem:

• b) pedestrian cross walks . .'
c) to discourage use of shoulders as traffic Ans. uncllanneliud The figure shown is one type or a highway
lanes lnœrs,ctlon intersection at grade which is commonly
d) pavement edge marking •
• •
• •• •
•\' • •
....• ••
• • 1': ••
••• a) unchannelized intersection ·
• b) multi-leg intersections

• ·. '.

e) . flared type íntersectìons
• • •• •

,. d) parallel type mtersectíons
\ I

• T-85
u.:uapo:rta, ti.ou E:n.a;l:u eert :u a:
I r

1.299 Problem: , 1.303 Problem:

) •
Ans. 3 leg intersection The figure shown is one type or highwa Ans. 4-leg channeliud
with y-turning roadways intersections at grade which is commonl !he figu~e shown is one type of highway
1ntersect1on at grade which is commonly
known as: known as:
a) 3 leg intersection with y-turning a) 4-leg channelized type ·

b) rotary intersections roundabout
b) channelized y-intersection
e) multi-leg intersection
e) rotary intersection d) flared type intersection
. . -, ·.. :.. . -::::. . .
d) four leg channelized type intersection •• • 11 •


1...104 Problem:
1.300 Problem:
Ans. rotary intersecti.ons !he shown is one type of highway
Ans. 3 leg intersection The figure shown is one of highwa
roundabout lntersectlons at grade which is commonly
intersections at grade which is commonl
known as: , known as:

a) 3 leg intersection a) rotary intersections roundabout

b) channelized intersection b) clover leaf

e) channelized y-intersection c) partial clover leaf

d) flared intersection d) directional interchange

1.301 Problem: 1.305 Problem:

Ans. diamond interchagne !he figure shown is one type of freeway
Ans. 4-leg channelized The figure shown is one type or highwa
type intersection intersections at grade which is commonl interchange which is commonly known
known as: as:
a) 4-leg channelized type intersection a) diamond interchange
b) y-with turning roadways b) partial clover leaf
· c) rotary intersections roundabout e) clover leaf
- d) channelized y-intersection d) directional interchange

. \

1.302 Problem: J . 306 Problem:

Ans. channelizeä The figure sbO\VD is one type of bighwa Ans. partial clover leaf !he figure shown is one type of a freeway
y-intersection intersections at grade which is commonl interchange which is commonly known
knowa as: · as:
a) channelized y-intersection a) partial clover leaf
b) y-with turning roadways •
b) y-type interchange
c) rotary type intersection e) trumpet

\ I
d) 4-leg channelized intersection d) directional interchange


' \

T-86 ' • I
r.rm:n.-.po:r't'.ft. "ti.on. E:n.g:tu ee:rlu u: •

, 1.307 Problem: 1.310 Problem:

.Ans. clover leaf The fipre shown is one type of a freeway Ans. y-type interchange The figure shown is one type or a freeway
interchange which is commonly known interchange which is co~monly known as
' a) y-type interchange •

a) clover leaf b) T or trumpet interchange

b). diamond interchange e) directional interchange
c) y-type interchange d) diamond interchange • \

d) trumpet interchange ;

1.311 Problem: · ·

1.308 Problem: Ans. trumpet The figure shown ~ one type of a freeway
interchange which is commonly.known a
Ans. directional The figure shown is one type of a
interchange channelized interchange which is a) trumpet
commonly known as: b) y-type of interchange
e) directional interchange
a) directional interchange d) diamond interchange
b) trympet interchange
c) through freeway with rotary flyover with
roundabout 1.312 Problem:
d) y-type interchange ,. Ans, Four level
directional interchange
The figure shown is one type or a fully
directional interchange which is
. commonly known as:
1.309 Problem:
a) Four level directional interchange
Ans. through free way The figure shown is · one type of b) three level directional interchange
with rotary flyover with channelized interchange which · e) two level directional interchange
roundabout commonly known as: · d) level directional interchange

a) through freeway with rotary flyover with

roundabout 1.313 Problem:

b) cloverleaf Au. three level


- -- c) partial clover leaf

d) directional interchange
dlreetlon1 nterchan~,
The· rigore shown is · a type of fully
directional interchange which is
commonly known as:

• a) three level directional interchange

- b) four level directional interchange
e) two level directional interchange
d) level directional interchange .

. T-89
T-88 \

........ -.po:r"t,a:tl.0T11 B:rag:l:ra ee:rt::n u:

"I':a•a,:u..-port;a,-&1.on B»a:t:u.eei

1.314 Problem: · . 1.318· Problem:

The figure shown is a type of fully Ans. T-with turning The figure shmvn is a type of a highway
Ans. three kvel roadway interchange at grade which is commonly
directional interchange which• is
dir,ctional interchange •
known as:
commonly known as: ·
a) three level directional interchange a) T-with turning roadway
b) four level directional interchange b) Aared-T
e) two level directional interchange c) unchannelized-T
cl) level directional interchange d) channelized- T

1.315 Problem: 1.319 Problem:

The figure shown is a type of highway Ans. parallel type The. figure shown is a type of a freeway
Ans. Unchannelized-T , .
interchange ·at grade which is commonly entrance entrance which is commonly known as:
known as:
a) parallel type entrance

a) Unchannelized-T b) taper type entrance
b) F1ared-T •zP' .·-------
¡•' , ', ,;• - c) channelized entrance •

e) T-with turning roadway ,~·-' . ··' . f .......

i I '

d) unchannelized entrance
:, - --.. -~.-,o-,,.~
d) channelized-T

\ ·------------------------------- ,

1.320 Problem: \

1.316 Problem:
The figure shown is a type of a highway
Ans. taper type The figure shown is a type of a freeway
Ans. T-with turning entrance entraneewhich is commonly known as:
interchange at grade which is ~mmonly
roadway •

known as: a) taper type entrance
a) T-with turning roadway b) parallel type entrance

b) unchannelized-T '
c) channelized entrance
. . .
c) Fìared-T : \
L 110m
d) unchannelized entrance
d) Channelized-T


1.321 Problem: ~ •

· 1.317 Problem:
• ns. parallel type The figure shown is a type of a freeway .
Ans. Flared-T
The figure shown is a type or
a highwaJ freeway exit exit which is commonly known as:
interchange at grade which is commonly
known as: • a) parallel type freeway exit
a) F1ared-T
b) taper type freeway exit
e) channelized freeway exit
b) unchannelized-T
c) Channelized-T
r~.~~ . i - - -- - L
---.--~;a· ....
d) unchannelized freeway exit
d) T-with turning roadway

T-90 T-91
r'ta,'t1o:n E:na:t:ueer1:na: ra~r"t.a,"&l.o:u .6:ßll:1:.1411E!)e~:rl-...-.....

, •

l.322 Problem: ·1.326 Problem:

Ans. taper type The figure shown is a type of a freewa Ans. prohibited to cars The tratric sip shown indicates.

frteway exit exit which ~ commonly known as:

a) prohibited to cars
a) taper type freeway exit b) no entry for all vehicles"
b) parallel type freeway exit . e) no overtaking
.... · •
, . . ... . . . .,,. - - --
• • • ., ..J • • • • ... • • •

c) channelized freeway exit d) no stopping
...... " ..: d) unchannelized freeway exit
"2.00 "' I, . ·.:.,., .

1.327 Problem: '

• 1.323 Problem:
I Ans. no stop no parking The traffic sign shown indicates the
Ans. prohibited traffic The figure shown are traffic signs whìe toUowing probibitic;ms
are commonly called prohibitive sìg
which indicates a: a) no stop no parking ,
b) no entry
a) prohibited traffic e) prohibited traffic
b) no entry for all vehicles d) no overtaking
e) no overtaking '

• d) no parking '

1.328 · Problem:

1.324 Problem: I
Ans. no left turn The traffic sign shown indicates the
following prohibitions.

Ans. · no entry for all The traffic sign shown indicates: • •

vehicles a) no left tum
a) no entry for all vehicles ~)· no u tum
b) no stopping e) no right turn
e) prohibited traffic d) noentry

d) no overtaking

1.329 Problem:
1.325 Problem: • .,
Ans. no o,trtaldng The trame sign shown indicates the
I Ans. no u-turn The prohibitive traffic signs , followin1 prohibitions: . ,
a) no overtaking
a) no u-tum b) prohibited. to cars
b) no left tum e) prohibited to trucks
c) turn at your own risk I d) prohibited traffic
d) no right and left turn


1.330 Problem:
1.334 Problem:
'Ans, prohibited to The traffic signs shown indicates .
· trucks following prohibitions: Ans. prohU,ited to all The tratrac sign shown indicates:
motor vehicles
a) prohibited to for trucks a) prohibited to all motor vehicles
b) no overtaking for trucks b) no parking to all motor vehicles
c) no entry to all vehicles e) no stopping to all motor vehicles
cl) no stopping d) no overtaking to all motor vehicles

1.331 Problem:
1.335 Problem: •

Ans. prohibited to The traffic sign shown 'indicates

pedestrians following: Ans. prohibited to animal · The traffic sign shown indicates:
drawn vehicle
a) prohibited to pedestrians a) prohibited to animal drawn vehicle
b) pedestrian crossing b) animal drawn vehicles ahead
c) walk signal c) slow down, animal drawn vehicles ahead
I d) pedestrians only : • d.) animal drawn vehicles crossing thru


1.332 Problem:
Ans. no right turn The traffic sign shown indicates: 1.336 Problem:

a) no right turn Ans. end of all · The traffic sign shown indicates:
b) right tum only _ indicatecfprohü,ition
c) DOU tum a) end of all indicateãprohibition
cl) no entry for all vehicles b) end of speed limit
c) no entry
d) no stopping
· 1.333 Problem: · .

Ans. no overtaking for The traffic sign shown indicates:

vehicles whose weight 1.337 Problem:
exceeds 3.ST a) no overtaking for vehicles whose weight
exceeds 3.5T Ans. end ofspeed limit The traffic sign shown indicates:
b) no entry for cars and biises
c) no parking for ears and trucks a)__ end of speed limit.
d) prohibited to cars and trucks b) min. speed limit
I e) distance to the next municipality
cl) max. speed limit


T-94 T-95
r-aa.:tl.o:u H:ua:l:neerl:uec

1.338 Problem: · 1J42 Problem:

Ans. End ofprohUJldon The trafrac sign shown indicates: Ans. obllgatoln to follow The trair.ICsign shown indicates:
limiting weight greater titan the left direction
3.5 Tons · ·. - a) End of prohibition limiting weight a) obligation to follow the left direction
' greater than 3.5 Tons b) use left lane only ·
b) · no entty to all cars and trucks c) fastmoving vehicles use left lane
c) no stopping to all cars and trucks d) obligation to tum the obstacle by its left
d) no overtaking for all cars and trucks . side.

. •

1.339 Problem: 1.343 Problem:

Ans. end o/reserved The traffic sign shown mdìeates: Ans. obligation to continue The tralrac sign shown indicates:
Ian~for buses straight ahead
a) end of reserved lane for buses •
a) obligation to continue straight ahead
b) no entry for buses · b) continue straight at your own rist
e) Bus stop c) no traffic straight ahead
d) parking area for buses only
I •
d) dead and straight ahead '


1.. 340 Problem: 1.344 Problem:

Ans. · end of prohibition , The traffic sign shown indicates: Ans. obligation to ~he trafTic sign shown indicates:
u~ing... audible warning signal •rn right
a) end of prohibition using audible warning a) obligation to tw 11 right
si~ . b) obligation to follow the right direction
b) no blowing of horns c) no right tum on stop signal
·. 'e)· noise prohibition d) right tum at your own rist
· ci) drive slow


. 1.345 Problem:
1.341 Problem: Ans. obligation to turn the The tralric sign shown indicates:
Ans. obligation tofollow . . Hs'lllcle by its rigid ,lt# •

the right direction The traffic sign shown indicates: a) o~ligation to tw 11 the obstacle by íts right
. Sl~ . .
a) obligation to follow the right dírectìon . b) obligation ·tó tum around
b) obligation to tw 11 right e) obligation to follow the right direction
e) obligation to turn the obstacle by its right d) u tum to the 'right .
side I

' d) use right lane only


T-96 . •
-- Rn,rl:nee:rl:ne- ,

- I

1.346 Problem: 1.350 Problem:

The traffic sign shown indicates: Ans.. obllgado11 to turn ·. 11-e traffic sign shown indicates:
Ans. obligation to turn . left or right · · '
dl, obstacle by its i.ji 11de
a) obligation to turn the obstacle by its left a) obligation to tum left or right
• side b) tum left then tum right
b) obligation to·tum around . . e) no left or right turn
e) obligation to follow the left direcuon . d) tum left.or right on the next comer
cl) u-tum to the left .· .

¡ • 1.347 Problem: • 1.351 Problem: •

• .
Ans. obligation to turn left The traffic sign shown indicates: Ans. obligation to use The traffic sign shown indicates:
· the roundabout
a) obligation to turn left a) obligation to use the roundabout
b) obligation to follow left direction ' b) u turn ahead
• I
e) no left tum · . . c) counter clockwise traffic ahead

cl) left tum for fast moving vehicles d) no left or right tum allowed
• •

, ,
,1.348 Problem:

1·.352 Problem:
. '
Ans. obligation to go The tr&Kic sign shown indicates:
straight ahead or to turn right •
Ans. dangerous curve . The traffic sign shown indicates:
a) obligation to go straight ahead. or to t
right . a) dangerous curve
b) go straight ahead then tum right on the b) sigzag curve.
next corner
I •
e) dangerous left curve
e) right turn then go straight ahead \ , d) dangerous double, curve at left
d) no right turnstraight ahead
. l

1.349 Problem:
• . . 1.353 Problem:
\ Ans. obligation to go The tr&Kac sign. shown indicates: Ans. dangerous left curve The traffic sign shown indicates
sJr()ight or to turn left
a) obligation to go straight or to turn left a) dangerous left curve
b) go straight ahead then tum left on the b) left curve ahead
next corner c) tum left
e) lef\ tum then go straight ahead d) curve to left · ,
d) no left turn straight ahead

• • I
. ..

T-98 T-99
•11.a•a,n,mpor-a.a,-t10:u Eu,rl:nee:rlng: n.,mpo:r-....-&1o:u Bnee·l:uee.rln,r I

• •
• 1.354 Problem: 1358 Problem:
Ans. dangerous right The traffic sign shown indicates: Ans. Entering eros« road The tralrJC sign shown indicates:
curve •

a) dangerous right curve a) Entering cross road .

b) right curve ahead b) accident prone area
c) curve to right e) warning cross road
d) dangerous double curve at right d) entering major cross road
. ·)( •


1.355 Problem: 1.359 Problem: · •

Ans. dangerous double The traffic sign shown indicates: I

Ans. entering major The tralrac sign sh~wnindicates:
curve at left cross road •

a) dangerous double curve at left a) entering major cross road
b) sigzag road ahead b) entering cross road
c) curve to left c) warning cross road
. . d) turn left then straight ahead d) road intersection at grade


' 1.356 Problem: 1.360 Problem:

Ans. âangerous-ëouble The traffic sign shown indicates: • Ans. curve to the right The tr~c sign shown indicates:
curve at right
a) dangerous double curve at right a) curve to the right
b) turn right then straight ahead , . b) dangerous right curve .
c) curve to the right ;

c) sigzag curve to the right ·

d) sigzag curve ahead d) dangerous double curve at right

• •


i.35.7 Problem: 1.361 Problem:

, I

. ' Ans. warning cross road .The traffic sign shown indicates: Ans. curve to left The tralrte sign shown indicates:
• '
a) warning cross road • • a) curve to left ·
• •
b) entering cross toad b) dangerous left curve
c) entering major cross road c) sìgzag curve to the left
d.) accident prone area d) dangerous double left curve


• l •
T-100 · I
, 'ra,I19po~"t.a:tl.ora E:n.g:l:n eerlnu:
r.-....:t:l.o:n Hn•cl:nee.rl:u•e •

1.366 Problem:

1.362 Problem:
Ans. approaching The traffic sign shown indicates:
The trafrac sign shown indicates: traffic light
Ans. airport ,iclnity
.a) approaching traffic light
a) airport vicinity b) construction holes ahead \ h

b) airport ahead . e) headlights required

c) warning airplanes ahead d.) roads under repair -
d) airplane parking area "

. 1.367 Problem:
·1.363 Problem: . . ' .. .

. Ans. roads under repair The· traffic sign shown indicates warning

The traffic sign show inf;licates: signs for:
'· \

a) narrowed road • '
a) roads under repair
b) parallel road .. b) men working ahead
c) merging traffic lane e) slow men working ahead
d) merging ttaffic d) excavation ahead •

• •

· 1.368 Problem:
. 1.364 Problem:
Ans. pedestrian- crossing 1:he traffic sign shown indicates warning
Ans. merging traffic The trafric sign shown indicates: signs for: . .

a) merging traffic a) pedestrian crossing

b) entering major cross-road b) school zone
- c) road intersection ahead c) disabled crossing
d) road under repair d) parents and students area
• •

1.369 Problem:
1.365 Problem:
Ans. Animal crossing The traffic sign shown indicates warning
• The trafrac sign shown indicates: • signs for: .
Ans. Hanging bridge •

, ,
a) Hanging bridge a) _Animal crossing •

b) toll bridge b) animals plowing •

c) river ahead . · c) disabled crossing

d) approaching river • d) pedestrian crossing

• \

• •

T-102 - T-103
':I"ra,:n.-por"ta,'t1o:n. E:ug:l.n.eerl:uu:~ •
,a.-po:r't",a,'t1o:u E:n.11:l:uee:rl:ug:
• •
I o

.. ' 1.370 Problem: 1.374 Problem:
• •

• . . J ~

Ans. na"owing , The trame sign shown indicates warnin ns. slippery road The tratric sign shown indicates warning
signs for: signs for:
, • •
a) narrowing road · a) slippery road· ,

b) parallel roads . b) inclined road

c) cars movement towards center c) check brakes
d) two way road d) exhaust free zone •


1.371 Problem: , .1.375 Problem:

Ans. rough road \

. The traffic sign shown indicates _war,inl Ans. river ahead · . The traffic sign sh9WD indicates warning
I signs for: sigm for: ,. .
• ' ,

a) rough road •
a) river ahead
b) cut and fill ahead • b) cliff ahead
c) excavation ahead e) watch for falling objects
I .
d) smooth road . ,. • d) slippery road ,
• •
' '•

. ; I

1.372 Problem: \

1.376· Problems \

. •

Ans. steep downward The traffic sign shown lndlcateswarnlng Ans. approaching The trarne sign shown indicates warning ·
roaâ signs for: , signs for.: · .

a) steep downward road ,

a) approaching •

b) steep upward road . b) rotary interchange ahead · ·

e) excavation ahead . , e) circumferencial road·
. d) watch for falling objects d) no parking


• (

1.373 Problem: \
J .377 Problem:


Ans. steep upward .The traffic sign shown indicates warning Ans. 'two way road The traffic sign shown ~dicates warning·
road signs ·ror: · signs for: ·
.. a) steep upward road a) two way mad ·
b) steep downward road )
b) reversed direction
. c) excavation ahead · •
' e) merging traffic

d) watch for falling objects , d) no overtaking on both sides

• . .
. .
I •

T-104 ' T-105

•I•ra..:uapor-t.a,"t:l.o:u· Rnee·l:w:aee:rl...._g:

• , 1.378 Problem: ·1:.382 Problem:

. •
Ans. caution/ailing The trafiic sign shown indicates warnln Ans. level crossing The ·trame sign shown .ìadícates the
stone signs for: . (guarded) following: . \ ,.
. ,

· a) caution faìling stone a) level crossing (guarded)

b) caution for landslide . b) level crossing (unguarded)
c) excavation ahead •
c) railroad crossing •'

d) land fill area


........ d) pedestrian lane

' .

1.379 Problem: 1.383 Problem:

Ans. railroad crossing The traffic · sign shown indicates warnin Ans. level crossing The traffic sign shown indicates the
signs for: (unguarded) J following:

a) railroad crossing a) level crossing (unguarded)

b) entering cross road b) level crossing (guarded)

c) no entry for pedestrians

c) railroad station I

d) disaster area ·· \ d) railroad crossing • •


.. •


. ' 1.380 Problem: 1.384 Problem:

Ans. zjgzag right The traffic sign shown indicates tb Ans. school The . traffic sign shown indicates the
following: following: ,
• . .
a) zigzag right a) school
b) dangerous curve b) pedestrian .crossing I

c) curve at right. c) athletic stadium •

... d) accident prone area d) running track and field


1.381 Problem: 1.385 Problem:

Ans. zigzag left · The traffic sign shown indicates th Ans. Dead end cross The traffiè sign shown indicates· -the
following: road foll.owing:
' .
a) zigzag left a) dead end cross road
b) dangerous curve b) side road
c) curve at left c) T-intersection •

d) accident prone area d) cul desac •

¡ i.; _____,I J .
'. •

' '
1 •

T-106 T-107
•I,ra,u..por"t.a,'&:l.oxi Jm:ng:l:n ee::rln 11:

' •

• 1.386 Problem: • 1 J90 Problem:

· Ans. side road The traffic sign shown Ans. ferry The trame sip shown indicates the
(right) following: following: .
a) side road (right) a) ferry •

- b) entering major road b) boat

c) intersection grade e) ferry station
d) turn right d) speed boat

• I

• • •

1.387 Problem: 1.391 Problem:


Ans. end of overtaking

The traffic sign shown Ans. narrow bridg, The trame sign. shown indicates the
prohibition • following: following:

· a) end of overtaking prohibition a) narrow bridge

b) no entry of all cars •
b) parallel road
c) no parking for all cars. e) narrowing road
d) carpark cl) embankment

1.388 Problem: 1.392 Problem:

Ans. side road (left) The traffic sign shown Ans. no tum The trame sign shown indicates the
following: following:

a) side road (left) a) no turn '

b) entering major road b) entering cross roads


c) intersecting grade e) no left tum •

• d) tum left d) follow direction of arrow · ·



1.389 Problem: 1.393 Problem: .. •'

• •

Ans. steep hill · The traffic sign shown Ans. no overtalcing The trame sign shown . indicates the
" . following: followiÍlg: I • • •

a) steep hill a) no overtaking .

b) steep downward road • b) ovenaking allowed
c) steel upward road .. •
e) go Stlaight ahead or tum at your own risk

d) caution for land slide d) nou-tmn r

• I

. '
. . I

•• ' I

T-108 . . ·
. 'I' r~•-=-:w.• por"ta:tl.o:.i
. .E:n.g:l:n ee:rl.:n.u: T-1()!}
• 1.394 Problem:
1.398 Problem:
·Ans. ¡ or disabled The traffic sign shown indicates . \

person following: Hospital with

• The traffic sign shown· indicates the
emergency use following: .
·--· . a) for disabled pe~n \

b) bicycle lane J

a) hospital with emergency use

c) 00 entry to b~cycle b) Redcross
cl) bicycle crossing
c) Green cross
cl) road crossing
J.395 Problem: . .
f .
. 1.399 Problem:
. Ans. emergency The traffic sign shown indicates •

telephone following:
. · Ans. Priority to this
The traffic sign shown indicates the
direction . following:
a) emergency telephone
b) EMT
a) Priority to this direction
c) telephone office b) two way traffic
d) telegraphic transfer •
c) right lane move fast
• cl) left Jane move slow

1.396 Problem:
1.400· Problem:
Ans. comfort room The traffic sign shown indicates l

following: · Ans. no through road· •'

The traffic sign shown ·indicates the

• a) comfort room • •

b) no entry for both men and women

c) only men and women allowed
a) no through road
b) dead end
'cl) gays not allowed • c) cul de sac
d) road closed •
.. '

1.397 Problem:.
Ans. picnk area The . traffic sign shown indicates
1.401 Problem: •

following: ' Ans. regulatory signs • The stop sign shown indicates what type
a) picnic area •

of traffic signs •

b) . forest zone '
c) agricultural zon~
a) regulatory signs

d) pine tress ahead \ --- b)-warning signs
c) guide signs I

d) prohibitive signs • •

• • \
• •

I ,

T-110 . •

, T-111


1.402 Problem: 1.406. Problem:'

Ans. regulatory signs The speed limit sign shown indicates w Ans. warning sign '
The traffic sign shown indicates what type
type of tratr1e sìgns, of trafrte signs. .

• a) regulatory signs a) warning sign
I' b) guide signs b) guide.sign

e) warning signs • e) regulatory sign
d) prohibitive signs d) prohibitive sign
• .

• f •
• ' I

.. .
1.403 Problem: •
• .1.407 Problem:
Ans. tuùù signs The traffic sign shows indicates what ty f

of trafTIC signs. Ans. end of spetd lúnil The tratr.1e sign sbówn indicates:

41 a) guide signs
• .. b) warning signs '
a) end of speed limit
b) do not enter .
e) regulatory signs · e) reswne speed
d) prohibitive signs . d) dealend •

• ..
- - -- '

1.404 Problem: . ,·
. . J .408 Problem: I

Ans. warning sign The traffic signs shown indicates wb

' type of traffic signs. Ans. parking- The traffic sign shown indicates:

a) warning sign a) parking I

b) guide sign b) no parking

NOT Lita
e) regulatory sign e) police station
THAN ....

d) prohibitive sign • d) thru stop

. ... ;

. . ••

·. 1.405 Problem: '



• 1.409 Problem: •• •

· · Ans. warning sign . The traffic sign shown indicates what ty •

of·traffic signs. . Ans. road j1111ction The tratr1e sign shown in~icates:

': approac,.

a) warning sign . a) road junction

• -,2._:_J I
b) guide sign ., b) cross road ahead
..,. . e) regulatory sign e) tum leftor right ,,

=·~ I •
d) prohibitive sign d) go straight ahead
-------- - •-

' .. •

• T-113
ra ~r"ta:tl.o:u ·
E:ue•·l:ueert:uu: '
T-112 • '

· •1•:ran•pe>:r-ta,'tl.on tuer

1.414 Problem:
1.410 Problem: . · ·
• Ans. flow /
The rate at which vehicles pass a point 00 .,
rhe traffic sign shown indicates: •
a roadway.
. An,. no parking

a) no parking a) flow
b) park at your own risk ,b) time speed
c). parking from 8:00 - 11:00 A.M. only c) space mean speed
d) parking from 2:00 - 4:00 ?.M. only d) average speed

' I

1.411 Problem: 1.415 Problem: \


The traffic sign shown indicates: Ans. time. headway The. time between successive vehicles
Ans. no blowing
passing a certain point and is expressed in
o/horns a) no blowing of horns sec. ,
b) cross road ahead
c) dead end ahead a) time headway I '

d) quíet zone · b) time of travel

e) time of passage

• cl) time mean speed •


1.412 Problem:
• ·J.416 Problem:
The trame sign shown indicates:
Ans. route marker

sign • Ans. time mean speed The arithmetic mean of the spot speeds.
a) route marker sign
• b) road junction approach a) time mean speed I
c) warning sign , b) ~verage speed
d) regulatory sign c) space mean speed
d) u nif onn speed


1.413 Problem:
. . .. . . 1.417 Problem: I
• The pressure required to force out wa

Ans. exudation pressure from a compacted subgrade sòil sample Ans. space mean speed The harmonic mean of the speeds at a
known·a.: certain point. . •


a) exudation pressure a) space mean speed

• b) expansion pressure • b) time mean speed •

c) cohesion pressure e) uniform mean speed

d) subgrade modulus d) average speed
• .. I



• r

T-114 T-11.'i

1.418 Problem:
1.421 Problem:
Ans. density The concentration of vehicles on •

roadway and is expressed as the num Ans. angularity number Sixty seven percent solid volume of an
of vehicles per length of roadway. f I

aggregate is known M:
' .
I .

a) density a) angularity number
b) lane occupancy b) void ratio of the aggregate

c) average daily traffic e) porosity of the aggregate
d) volume of vehicles per unit length of d) relative density of aggregate

• I

1.422 Problem:
1.419 Problem:
Ans. impact test A test designed· to evaluate the toughness
Ans. flakiness index The percentage by weight of aggrea of stone or the resístanee of the aggregates
of aggregate , particles whose least dimension/thickn I
to fracture under repeated impacts is
is less than 3/5 of 0~6 of their m known as: · .
dimension is called:
a) impact test
a) flakiness index of aggregate b) penetration test
b) soundness index

e) shear test
e) impact index 4) bi axial test
d) elongation index

1.423 Problem:
1 .420 Problem: I

Ans. operating speed The highest overall speed at which a
Ans. elongation index The percentage by weight . of partici driver can travel on a given roadway
whose greatest dimension or length under favorable weather conditions and
greater than one and fourth fifth or l prevailing traffic conditions without at
· times their mean dimension. any time exceeding the sare speed as
determined by the design speed. ..
' a) elongation index I

b) flakiness index ' a) 1
operating speed
e) impact index b) optimum speed
d) soundness index e) average speed
· d) space mean speed
• ,


J •

T-116 '

. T-.117
"rra,:.:..apor ta,-&1o..- Exag:l:s>eert:ua: · ra.:Et•po:r'ta, 't1on :u g:
. .E:n.g:ln ee:r:I •

1.427 Problem: •
1.424 Problem:

Ans. pealc hour factor The ratio of the total volume occuring
Ans. Level of servtee It is a qualitative measure tb during an hour to the peak rate of flow
incorporates the collective factors during a selected short time period within
speed, travel time, traffic interruption that hour.
, to maneuver, safety, drivin
comfort and convenience and operatin a) peak hour factor
costs provided by a highway facillt b) speed factor
.under a particular volume condition. \
c) traffic index
cl) flow factor
a) Level of service • •
b) service volume
¡ c) quantity of traffic

d) highway capacity 1.428 Problem:

• . •
Ans. average A weighted average 'of design speeds for
, highway speed all subsections of a section of highway is
termed as:

1.425 Problem:.
a) average highway speed •

Ans. senice volume b) design speed

The maximum volume associated with I I

particular level of service. ., c) operating speed

d) safe speed

a) service volume
b) volume capacity ì
e) traffic volume 1.429 Problem:
d) critical volume • • •

Ans. octagon Wha~ is the standard sign shapen which is

.• reserved exclusively for the stop sign . '

a) octagon .
1.426 Problem: I
b) round
c) rectangle
Ans. highway capacity . The maximum number of vehicles that •
d) diamond'

bave a reasonable expectation of passing \

over a given roadway in a given time

period under the prevailing roadway and
\ trame conditions.
.1.430 r roblem:
I •

a) highway capacity Ans. equilateral What is the standard sign shape which is
b) traffic volume triangle reserved. exclusively for the yield sign.
c) traffic density
I ·,
d) traffic flow a) equilateral triangle
b) round

e) diamond
d) trapezoid

l:'ra;I••po:r""t,a, 'tl.010 E:.-...11:ln ee.rl u a: •

e i

1.431 Problem: I
1.435 Problem:
Ans. round What is the standard sign shape which is Ans. rectangle What is the standard sign shape which is
used for the advance warning of, a • used for guide and information signs•
railroad crossing: .
a) round a) rectangle'
b) diamond b) octagon
e) rectangle e) triangle
d) pentagon d) pentagon

1.432 Problem: 1.436 Problem:


Ans. isosceles triangle What is the standard sign shape which is Ans. trapezoid What is the standard sign shape which
··· with longest axis horizontal used to warn of no passing. maybe used lor recreational area signs.

' a) isosceles triangle with longest axis a) trapezoid

horizontal b) rectangle
b) rectangle e) round
e) trapezoid d) octagon I

d) pentagon

1.437 Problem:

1.433 Problem:
, Ans. trapezoid What is the standard sign shape which
Ans. diamond What is the standard sign shape which is
used only to warn of existing or possible maybe used lor recreational area signs.
' hazard. I

a) trapezoid
a) diamond b) rectangle
b) round e) octagon
e) rectangle d) round
d) triangle


Problem: -
1.434 Problem:
Ans. orange . What standard color is used as a
Ans. rectangle What is the standard sign shape which is background color for construction and
used for regulatory signs with the maintenance signs.
expection of stop and yield signs.
a) orange '

a) rectangle b) red
· b) round e) yellow
e) triangle d) black
d) pentagon •



• •r.-a,:n•po:rta.-&:l.o:n ---e:ng:ITAeerl:ne•·
"I•1•a.u •por"ta,'&l.o-... E-....g:lu.eer~u: I

1.439 Problem: 1.442 Problem:


What.. standard color is used I Ans. yellow , What standard color is used as a
Ans. red background color for school signs and

background clor for stop, do not ente
and wrong way signs, as a legend color t warning signs (except when orange is
parking prohibition signs, route marke specified)
the circular outline and the diagonal ba
for prohibitoty symbols, and for tb a) yellow
border and message for yield signs. b) red \

• e) black
d) white
a) red
b) black

e) white \

' d) yellow
' ,
1.443 Problem:
- •

1.440 Problem: Ans. brown What standard color is used as a

, background color for guide and ,
What standard color is used as information signs related to points of
Ans. blact recreational, service or cultural interest.
background for certain one way an
weigh station signs, as well as for specl •
night speed limit signs, and as the legen a) brown I

oolor for white, yellow and orange signs. b) red

, • e) yellow
a) black d) white

b) red
e) white I
• \

• '
d) yellow
1.444 Problem:

1.441 Problem: Ans. green What standard· color is used as a

background color for milepost and guide
. What standard color is used as a bac signs (other than those using brown or
Ans. white white) and as a .legend color on white
ground for route markers, guide sign '
and regulatory signs except for the sto '
background for certain directional signs
sign, for the legend on brown, green, blu and permissible parking regulations.
black and· red signs.
a) green
a) white ,
b) red
b) red \
e) yellow
e) yellow d)-brown '


, d) black \ I

-~-~___:___ __ ¡_ -~-------"-'-'-----~~--~-----' 11

: " ,

T-122 T-123
Tra,n.•po:rtft,"tl..o:.i E:.111:l:u ee:rl:a::a u:

1.445 Problem: 1.448 Problem: . •

Ans. blue What standard· color is used a Ans. passing is prohibited Pavement marki~gs which consists of a
background color for information si in both directioni · double, solid yellow center lines which is
related to motorists services, rest ar used on two way streets or four or more
and evacuation route markers: lanes indicates:
a) blue • a) passing is prohibited in both directions
b) green b) passing is not prohibited in both
e) brown directions
d) red ·e) go. slow, curve ahead ·
d) construction work ahead

1.446 Problem:
. 1.449 Problem:
Ans. passing is permitted Centerlines of pavement markings wh
from either direction consists of a single broken yellow lin Ans. Intellection üme The time required for understanding the
• r which is used on two-lane, two way stree situation which is also the time required
' · indicates that: for comparing the difference thoughts,
regro.oping and registering new
a) passing is permitted from either directi sensations.

b) passing is not permitted from either
direction a) Intellection time
c) construction works ahead b) emotion time.
d) slow traffic ahead e) reaction time
d) perception time

• •


1.447 Problem: .

1.450 Problem:
Ans. passing is prohibited Pavement mârkings which consists or a
from the direction that is · solid yellow centerlìae on either side of Ans. emotion time · The time elapsed during emotional
immediately adjacent to the •
the broken line indicates that: sensation and disturbance such as fear,
solid line anger or any other emotional feelings
a) passing is prohibited from the directi such as superstitions with reference to the
that is immediately adjacenet to the soli '
' ' •
b) passing is permitted from either directio a) emotion time
c) heavy traffic ahead b) intellection time
d) goslow, curve ahead e) perception time
d) reaction time

• •

' •
• ' r

T:ra,=---po:r-to:tl.o:u E:n.,rl:u ee:rl-..u: ~1-,:f-ri.c
E1•e:1 ··~~:ri.i•e:
1.451 Problem:

• • The time taken from the instant the o
Ans. reocnon time •

is visible to the driver to the instant Highway Safety and

brakes are applied effectively. r
Accident Analysis '

a) reaction time \
. ._
b) perception time 1 Accident rates/or 100 million vehicle miles
c) intellection time of travel (HMVM) for a segment of a
cl) emotion time highway: .

I R = A (100,000,000)
1.452 Problem: ADT xN x 365 x L
I R = the accident rate/or 100 million

Ans. perception time The time required for a driver to real •

vehicle miles
that brakes must be applied. A = the number of accidents during period
a) perception time of analysis

• '
b) reaction time ADT = average daily traffic

c) perception time N = time period in years
, . J
cl) emotion time •
L = length of segment in miles

1.453 . Problem: 2 Accident rates per million entering vehicles

(MEY) for an intersection:
Ans. volition time The time taken for the final action. •
I · R ., A (1,000,000)

a) volition time . - ADT x N x 365
' b) perception time R = the accident rate for one million
c) reaction time entering vehicles
cl) emotion time

• ADT = the average daily traffic entering the
• •

intersection from all legs
N = time period in years •

1.454 Problem:
Ans. modulus of The. pressure sustained per unit· defor 3 Severity ratio

subgrade reaction tion of subgrade at specified deformati _ fatal + injury accide!,l_ts__
· or pressure level, using the standard pia •

size of 75 cm. diam. is called:
- fatal + injury » property damage

a) modulus of subgrade reaction \

b) modulus of rupture
e) modulus of elasticity

' d) shear modulus

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