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International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011 1

A Logit Model for Budget

Allocation Subject to
Multi Budget Sources
Saeed A. Bagloee, Parsons Overseas Limited, UAE
Christopher G. Reddick, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA

In a complex and extended system such as a government, the proper allocation of the budget to its sub-entities
is always a major challenge. As such for cases like governments, a situation in which multiple budget sources
with different concerns available to the sub-entities is common. This study develops an applicable model for
large-scale cases in which identifying the flow of capital or budget from (multiple) sources to the sub-entities
is sought. Since the influential factors to the allocation process may be mingled with some unknown param-
eters (as well as known factors) a logit model is developed from past panel data. The logit model is based
on the concept of utility, which quantifies the advantage of approaching budget-sources for the sub-entities.
Then the budget allocation problem of logit form is written as a mathematical programming formulation for
which Successive Coordinate Descent (SCD) method is proposed as the solution algorithm. In this paper, the
proposed methodology is tested numerically. The results of this study show there is strong evidence that some
of the entities’ properties can be altered in order to achieve a better budget allocation.

Keywords: Budget Allocation, Logit Model, Mathematical Programming, Public Sector, Successive
Coordinate Descent (SCD)

INTRODUCTION complexity could be exacerbated as the size of

entities increases and may create a situation in
Budget allocation always is a major challenge which multi budget sources are available to the
to the success of any government. There are sub entities. Governments are entangled within
several practices handling these challenges multi budget sources situations:
advocating by different types of stakeholders.
The variety of opinions in any political system • On one hand, there are several budget
and lack of systematic solutions implies that the sources with different and various concerns
problem is more of a general issue and differs and criterions to release their written budget
in various environments, with many unknown to the relevant sub-entities. These budget
but influential parameters. This generality and sources are focused on various fields or
DOI: 10.4018/jsds.2011070101

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2 International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011

• On the other hand, the sub-entities may be for the adopted case-study. We introduce a
qualified and entitled to approach various case-study of Bank-Loan situation, in which
budget sources due to their broad, multi- the interest rates of the banks products (loan) is
field, or multi-purpose activities. a main factor in the utility of the loan-seekers.
Since one of the main objectives of this study
Capital allocation in banking system can is to tackle the budgeting problem for real size
be a clear application of the defined budgeting cases, a large scale dataset for the case-study
problem. For instance, imagine a corporate with highly unpredictable and unbiased char-
(sub-entity) that is interested in developing a acteristics was developed.
cotton mill. This activity may attract investment As a result, the contribution of each
attention from agricultural banks as well as budget-source to the sub-entities’ needs can
industrial banks; each has their own criterion be examined. Obviously in the case of budget
and concerns spanning interest rates to required deficit the capital needs of all the sub-entities
collateral or security policies. Thus the afore- will not be supplied. The budget deficit cases
mentioned corporation evaluates the utility (or can be easily addressed by introducing a dummy
disutility) of the banks in order to decide about budget-source associated with capacity of infin-
its borrowing portfolio. The utility is defined as ity and high disutility. This makes the dummy
combination of different influential parameters source the last resort for the sub-entities. A
with various impacts. In the above case, inter- similar structure has been introduced by Spiess
est rates, cost of borrowing, required securities (1996), in which traffic trips are split into two
(or needed collateral) are the most known and trips distinguished by intermediate park-ride
influential parameters. However we believe that destinations.
the complexity of the problem as introduced In addition, this study provides a model
before is emerged from the fact that there are to watch the capital flow so as to identify
some unknown parameters affecting the deci- the bottlenecks. Easing (or tightening) some
sion process, especially for government. All of parameters such as interest rate in the case of
these arguments indicate usage of the discrete corporate/bank and providing more/less budget
choice models belong to the consumers’ theory, with the budget-sources to facilitate the capital
in which the customers choose the appropriate flow, are of the expected result of the proposed
product according to their maximum expected methodology. The latter is elaborated as an
utility (in our cases, customers and products are application of the methodology in the form of
the corporate and the banks’ loan respectively). a numerical test.
The most widely used and well-recognized The paper is organized as follows. In the
discrete choice models are logit models. Logit second section of this paper there is a litera-
models are in form of a linear equation of various ture review. Following this the third section
variables (parameters) with different weights demonstrates the formalized methodology.
(impact). These functions must be calibrated The fourth section is dedicated to the adopted
according to the past observations pertaining solution algorithm. The fifth section presents
to the consumers’ behavior. In different cases, the numerical tests and discusses the implica-
panel data could be the past fiscal budget tions of the solutions and results. The seventh
schemes for the states. In this study, a sample section summarizes and concludes the study.
survey of a bank’s customers provides raw data
for calibration in this study.
Given the utility functions (as an exog-
enous element to the algorithm) a mathematical One of the most perennial problems that
programming framework as well as a solution- governments face is the optimal allocation of
finding algorithm is developed. In this study, budgets given scarcity of resources (Groves &
we have developed an intuitive utility functions

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International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011 3

Ledyard, 1977). There is always competition (Li, 1977). However there is no research, that
and tradeoffs in the budget allocation process we are aware, that applies the logit model to
that governments must contend with. Existing the optimal budget application.
research discusses the efficiency of the bud-
get allocation process as it deals with budget
maximizing behavior (Groves & Ledyard, 1977; METHODOLOGY
McGuire, Coiner, & Spancake, 1979; Kosenok FORMULATION
& Severinov, 2008). There also is research
A set of sub-entities and set of budget-sources
that deals with the impact of the budget on
denoted by P and Q respectively are given.
the economy as a whole (Iqbal & Turnovsky,
The utility of the sub-entities approaching to
2008). Existing research has examined the
the budget-sources may be stated as follows:
types of budget reforms and their economic
and political influence on budget allocation
(Dorta-Velazquez, Leon-Ledesma, & Perez- U pq = ∑ wi . u pq
+ ∈pq ∀p ∈ P , ∀q ∈ Q
Rodriguez, 2010). There is also research that i
examines the politics of the budget allocation
process (Tridimas, 2001). Finally, research ex-
amines the budget allocation among federal and where U pq is the expected utility of approach-
regional systems (Atlas, Gilligan, Hendershott, ing budget-source q for sub-entity p . The
& Zupan, 1995; Hajkowicz, 2007). utility consists of two arguments: known pa-
However, there is little research at exam- rameters and the corresponding impacts
ines the budget from multiple sources and the (å i wi . u pq
) and unknown factors (Îpq ) . The
optimization of the allocation (Clark, 1997;
unknown factors are aggregated as a random
Zeynalian, Jandaghi, Memariani, & Jahanshahi,
variable indicating error term of the utility
2010). Some of the early research has examined
linear programming for budgeting and capital function. u pq
is the i-th (dis)utility factor for
projects (Ijiri, Levy, & Lyon, 1963; Garrison, sub-entity p in approaching budget-sourceq
1971; Lee & Clayton, 1972). Measuring the associated with wi a weight or impact factor.
proper allocation of the budget is an important wi determines the fate of u pq
: if wi > 0
issue to research since measuring it incorrectly
can have tremendous influence on the social means u pq
is a welcome characteristics hence
welfare of society (Jack, 2008; Ben-David & i
u pq is “utility” otherwise it is called “disutility”.
Tavor, 2011). Given the utility of the choices, probability
This study is different and makes a contri- of selecting a specific choice out of the choice
bution to the literature by using a logit model to set may be defined as follows:
determine the optimal budget allocation. This
paper uses a simulation of budget allocation,
Prp (q ) = Pr{U pq > U pq ′ } ∀q ≠ q ′, ∀q, q ′ ∈ Q
which is consistent with some of the earlier re-
search in the field to solve a large and complex (2)
problem such as this (Crecine, 1967; Rivers &
Oxner, 1982; Dellaert, Jeunet, & Mincsovics, By substituting Equation (1) into Equation
2011). There is research that provides a gen- (2) we have:
eral specification of this model with respect
to consumer theory (Anderson, De Palma, & Prp (q ) = Pr{∈pq ′ − ∈pq < ∑ wi . u pq
− ∑ wi . u pq
Thisse, 1988), agricultural economics (Morey, i i

Rowe, & Watson, 1993), and home ownership (3)

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4 International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011

Lemma 1 - Eqs(5) holds at the optimal solu-

If ∈pq ′ , ∈pq are assumed distributed
tion of Eqs(6,7
Weibull, the differences (∈pq ′ − ∈pq ) would
be of logistic distribution function and a Proof 1 - By introducing ap as lagrangian
model known as multinomial logit (here simply
coefficients (or dual variables) for con-
called logit) is derived as follows:
straints (7), the lagrangian of the above
problem is
exp(∑ wi . u pq )
Prp (q ) = i
∑ exp(∑ wi . u pqi ' )

For the sake of simplicity, by omitting the (8)
error terms and assuming U pq = ∑ i wi . u pq i

By establishing the first order condition of

and the total capital need of ∀p ∈ P as G p we optimality better known as Kuhn-Tucker the
would have: aforementioned equivalency of the logit form
and the Equation (6), (7) is proved:
exp(U pq )
g pq = G p . Prp (q ) = G p .
∑ exp(U pq ′
q′ (9)

Where g pq is capital flow, means the

amount of obtained capital of sub-entity p from
budget-source q . (10)
Hereafter in order to simplify the formula-
tion without losing the generality of argument, Substituting Eqs(10) into (9) yields Eqs(5)
we denote U pq with a single terms while (note U pq = −u pq ). End of Proof 1
wi = −1 and then we discard the superscript The introduced mathematical program-
i from the utility function thus we have ming must adopt a set of new constraints to
U pq = −u pq . Adopting -u pq implies u pq as a take the capacity of each budget-source
(C q , ∀q ∈ Q ) explicitly into consideration.
disutility factor such as interest rate of approach-
ing to q applied to p . As shall be shown, This can be done by adding the following
equation (5) is equivalent to solving the fol- constraint to Eqs(5,6:
lowing mathematical programming:
∑g pq
≤ Cq q ∈Q (11)
Min ∑ g pq ( n g pq − 1 + u pq ) (6) pq


S.t.: By introducing bq ³ 0 as dual variables

∑g pq
= Gp p ∈ P, q ∈ Q for Eqs(11) in additional to ap for Eqs(7) and
(7) arranging the Kuhn-tucker optimality condition
for the new problem (Eqs(6, 7 and 11 we have
a similar equation to Eqs(9):

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International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011 5

g pq = exp(− u pq − αp − βq ) (12)
By substituting Eqs(12) into the lagrangian
form of problem (Eqs(6, 7 and 11 the final dual
bq .∂Z / ∂bq = 0 ⇒ bq .(−∑ g pq + C q ) = 0
problem is reached as follows: p

The SDC algorithm finds the optimum

(13) solution by iteratively solving Eqs(15 and 16.
Eqs(17) indicates that expectedly the shadow
For the sake of feasibility of the above price bq for undepleted/depleted budget-
problem the amount of needed capital of the sources is zero/positive.
sub-entities must be less than the amount of In order to facilitate the SDC running and
available budgets with the budget-sources: to get rid of the exponential terms let’s have
the following substitution:
∑G p
≤ ∑Cq (14)
p q
a p = exp(−ap ) ,bq = exp(−bq ) and
Ωpq = exp(−u pq )
In the case of budget deficit
( ∑ p G p > ∑ q C q ) a dummy budget sources For the later references let’s call Wpq con-
with capacity of ( ∑ p G p − ∑ q C q ) associ- ductivity from p to q. The less u pq (less disutil-
ated with infinity disutility factors ity) implies more Wpq which is welcome. Thus
(i.e. u pq = ∞) .
Wpq conveys a positive message. Now the SDC
The optimal value of bq are the shadow algorithm may be formulated as follows:
prices of the corresponding budget-sources. It
implies how worthy are the depleted budget- Step 0 – Initialization - set iteration counter
sources at the end. bq can be assumed as the as i := 1 and initialize betas as
attractiveness of the budget-sources. bq0 = 1 ∀q ∈ Q
Step 1 – Computing budget flows g pq at it-
First compute a pi based on current value
Problem Eqs(13) does not have any explicit
constraints. With no worry about the convexity of bqi-1 from Eqs(15):
of the problem it can be solved by utilizing the
Successive Coordinate Descent (SCD) algo- a pi = G p / ∑ (bqi −1 . Ωpq ) ∀p ∈ P
rithm efficiently (Luenberger, 1984). Again the q

Kuhn-tucker conditions guarantee the optimum (18)

solution which is:
With respect to Eqs(12) now compute g pq :

(15) i
g pq = a pi .bqi −1 . Ωpq ∀p ∈ P , ∀q ∈ Q

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6 International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011

Step 2 – Termination Condition One may asks why we did not adopt the
Hitchcock problem despite the aforementioned
With respect to Eqs(16) compute error easy solving advantage. To address this concerns
index denoted by Errq and defined it worth noting that the Hitchcock problem cor-
responds to cost minimization, where the cost
as total amount of violation capacity
or friction (or based on our terminology; disu-
constraints at budget-source q. If
tility) are exactly known which is not our case
Errq = ∑ g pq
−C q < e, ∀q ∈ Q then termi- in this study. As discussed due to complexity
of the problem so many known and unknown
nate the algorithm.
factors are influencing the sub-entities’ deci-
sions. Imagine a situation in which a single
Step 3 – Updating entity with need of 100 seeks the budget with
two almost identical budget sources: one with
With respect to Eqs(11) dual variable bqi cost of 1.0 and the other with cost of 0.9. The
is updated as follows Hitchcock interpretation of the situation sug-
gests to providing the entire budget needs from
the source with lesser cost even if the costs
bqi = min (1, bqi −1 . C q / ∑ g pq
), ∀q ∈ Q
difference is marginal. However we intuitively
(20) recognize that this kind of decisive and absolute
situation in fuzzy real world environment is
impossible. Instead we would like to have a
Step 4 – Continuation
behavioral approach, in which we do not have
exact knowledge of the costs, (dis)utilities and
Set i := i + 1 and go to Step 1.
frictions associated with the budget seeking
Proposed Methodology Versus activities, rather the perceived frictions (or
Hitchcock Transportation Problem disutilities) are statistically distributed. This
gives rise to a logit distribution for the choice
Figure 1 outlines the structure of a case study. which is not only more realistic but also gives
The left-first column of the dots represents the solutions mathematically much more stable
sub-entities demanding capital denoted by G1.. (i.e., a small change in the cost (as seen in the
G1000 and the last column represents the budget- above example 0.9 versus 1.0) would cause
sources associated with budget capacities C1.. small change in the flow of capital).
C100. The two columns are linked with some Having the foundation of the methodology
arrows associated with conductivity rates laid in previous sections, the way is paved to
examine the methodology. In the next section,
Ω pq = exp(−upq ) . The flow of capital on the a large-scale case-study is introduced and
arrows is sought. The above arrangements developed to test the algorithm’s merit and
reminisce very well known problem in the field convergence efficiency in facing the real world
of operational research known as Hitchcock problem is examined.
Transportation Problem (HTP). In Hitchcock
problem simply the minimum of the total in-
curred cost or friction or disutility to the capi- NUMERICAL TESTING
tal flow ( å pq u pq.G pq ) is sought. The opera-
A large-scale dataset comprising 100 budget-
tional research literatures yield very efficient
sources and 1000 sub-entities looking for budget
solution algorithms to tackle the Hitchcock
is set up. The case study has three quantitative
problem even for very large size cases (Bradley,
Hax, & Magnanti, 1977).

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International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011 7

Figure 1. A schematic outlook of the proposed structure for the problem

(i) Available capital at budget-sources, cumulative density function of exponential

(ii) Capital needs of the sub-entities and probability is as follows:
(iii) Sub-entities’ utility (or disutility) of ap-
proaching to budget-sources. 1 − e −x /l x ≥ 0
F (x ) =   (21)
 0 x < 0
The aforementioned features are speci-  
fied stochastically random, so as to avoid any
biased result of applying the methodology to In order to generate exponential random
the case study. numbers it is suffice to generate 0 £ r £ 1 a
In order to simulate a real situation, ex-
uniform random number and replace F (x ) in
ponential type of random numbers are utilized
Eqs(21) with r which results:
which yield a highly unpredictable dataset
(Leemis & Park, 2006). Exponential random
numbers bear the main property of exponen- x = −λ . n(1 − ρ) (22)
tial distribution probability function which is
memoryless, implying a highly unpredictable
Since 0 £ r £ 1 , (1 - r) also is a uniform
situation wherein the sequences of events are
random number, thus the above formulation
not depended upon the preceding events. The
can be shorten as

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8 International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011

x = −λ . n ρ (23) Fpq = %Rq + 2 . rpq .%Rq (25)

In Eqs(21..23), l is expected value of x , Where, the first term (%Rq ) suggests that
(l = E (x )) .
the utility on the path from p to q is highly
The above discussion in exponential
depended upon the interest rate at q. The second
random numbers lays context to elaborate in
adopted procedure to specify the triple quan- term (2 . rpq .%Rq ) refers to the personal atti-
titative features: tudes of the budget seeking entities (repre-
sented by uniform random number rpq ) which
Budget Available at
Budget-Sources and Capital also is under influence of the interest rates of
Needs of the Sub-Entities the ahead budget sources. Knowing that the
expected values of rpq s is 0.5, in order to have
We assume that average available budget at the
a unique dimension in both terms, rpq are
budget-sources (q ) and average budget needs of
the sub-entities (p) are 1000 and 100 unit re- multiplied by 2 (i.e. 2. rpq » 1) . Since the
spectively. (i.e. lq = 1000 and lp = 100) . defined disutility in Eqs(25) is composed of
Thus by applying Eqs(23) over 100 budget- disutility on the approach to and at the ahead
sources and 1000 sub-entities, the total available budget-source (denote by subscript pq and q
budget and budget need for the sub-entities respectively), we aggregated all the components
accumulated on 92,258 and 105,778 unit re- as single quantity named friction Fpq (note:
spectively. As explained before, a dummy according to the previous notations, Fpq and
budget-source with infinity capacity of budget
is embedded as well to address the budget u pq are identical).
deficit, which is amounted to 13,520 in the set In order to make the dummy budget-source
up dataset (i.e. 13520 = 105778 − 92258) . as the last choice (in the case of budget deficit),
the interest rate is assumed a big number (say
Sub-Entities’ Utility
(Disutility) of Approaching å q %Rq which is %503.15).
to the Budget-Sources Table 1 indicates a summary of the above
arrangements, in which the interest rates and
It is intuitively understandable that the main aggregation of the friction rates at the budget
factor contributing to the budget seeking enti- sources have been shown.
ties’ decision is the interest rate at the budget
sources. Thus we first specify the interest rates Algorithm’s Implementation in the
by assuming of having average of 5% and utiliz- Form of Matrices Operations
ing the exponential distribution:
For the large size cases, efficient coding and
handling implementation of the algorithms
%Rq = −5 . n r (24) may become a serious prohibitive issue. In
this regards permutation of the implementa-
tion process to the format of matrix operations
Second, we establish Fpq the friction or would ease the process since the ordinary com-
disutility imposed on the sub-entities’ approach mercial optimization software such as GAMS
to the budget-sources as follows: and MATLAB are able to accommodate matrix

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International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011 9

formatted of the cases. Fortunately the solution b u d g et s o u r ces in Eq s ( 2 0 ) . ( N o te:

algorithm can be easily interpreted as a series of Ω p×q = exp(−Fpq ) ) . Also the outputs are: Gp×q
matrix calculation with simple operations. The
matrix of capital distribution and B1×q vector of
core component of the computation efforts are
beta indices with budget-sources in Eqs(26, 27.
Eqs (18) and Eqs (19) which may be written in
By having the above arrangements the algorithm
the matrix format as follows:
is launched. Due to adopting a mathematical
programming form, knowing the accuracy of
Eqs(18) ⇒ Ap×1 ⊗ ( B1×q * Ω−p×1q )−1 =G p×1 achieved solution and the computational time
(26) is important, especially when it aims to address
the large size datasets. Figure 2 depicts the
Eqs(19) ⇒ Ap×1 * B1×q ⊗ Ωp×q =G p×q algorithm’s convergence over the successive
iterations, in which error index denotes the
total amount of capacity constraint violation
(å q Errq ) .
Where -1 means matrix transposing op-
eration and *, Ä mean regular matrix multi- Figure 2 shows the proposed algorithm
rapidly converges, so that the total amount of
plication and entry-by-entry multiplication
capacity constraint violation at iteration 100
operand respectively.
stood at 0.24. Table 1 summarizes the results
As the size of the data set increases, even
of the above settings called “Initial Setting”
coding the problem can become prohibitive.
(for the interest of abbreviation only odd records
Thus, due to similarity of the proposed problem
of q are shown). The cash distribution rates
to the Hitchcock problem, we encrypted the
multiplied by the friction rates
problem as a pseudo-transportation network
can be interpreted as some form of sources’
(Figure 1) by using EMME/3 transportation
dislike (or cost or disutility) imposed on the
planning software. Since EMME/3 is meant
budget seeking entities, that we call total
for transportation applications, the coding and
source’s dislike (TSD; the less TSD the better).
encrypting of the dataset has been eased con-
Therefore the system dislike can be defined as
siderably by utilizing some specific transpor-
the aggregation of the sources’ dislike:
tation features and terminologies. Sub-entities
. According to
and budget sources were coded as origin and
destination nodes and the arrows with friction Table 1 the å q TSDq of the initial setting
are coded as link with costs in the EMME/3. scenario is 9,113. Apart from
Origin, destination, node, link and cost are the analyzing the beta rates is of great interest since
specific terminologies used in the transporta- it shows how smoothly the cash has been dis-
tion literature. In additional, EMME/3 is highly tributed among the budget-sources.
capable of handling large scale matrix opera-
tions. Therefore the algorithm was prepared as Beta Rates Analysis
a macro feature of EMME/3 which calls the
matrix calculation modules (macro in EMME/3 Figures 3 through 6 depict how the betas vary
is a set of commands). against frictions, interest rates and capacity of
the budget-sources. Figure 3 shows as the size
Executing the Algorithm of the budget-source increases (more capacity)
the beta (price of the budget-source) rapidly
The macro requires three matrices as the inputs: decreases, however a relatively strong direct
conductivity matrices Ω p×q and also Gp×1 vec- correlation between beta and capacity was
observed (R2=0.697). Figure 4 demonstrates
tor of capital needs of the sub-entities in Eqs(26,
betas versus the total frictions ended up to the
27 as well as Cq vector of available capital with
budget-sources . Total friction can

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10 International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011

Table 1. Algorithm’s execution result for the large-scale case study

Initial setting Revised budget setting

q %R
1 12.75 195.727 496.434 4.105 127.496 703.417 3.749 180.657
3 8.497 128.707 459.675 4.267 78.87 703.001 3.847 120.58
5 0.634 9.35 338.339 4.739 4.304 694.673 4.012 8.835
7 3.146 48.153 4682.31 2.056 299.897 2569.143 2.661 164.524
9 13.151 194.786 192.628 5.059 48.248 657.302 3.823 164.646
11 1.331 19.867 374.031 4.622 9.706 699.545 4 18.167
13 3.432 53.042 98.07 5.92 6.871 705.498 3.939 49.428
15 1.397 21.281 782.358 3.881 22.558 821.539 3.836 23.689
17 9.214 139.731 1068.793 3.419 191.319 913.526 3.568 163.591
19 3.701 56.553 1144.309 3.453 86.768 955.054 3.638 72.471
21 4.569 69.002 2418.986 2.694 217.821 1508.228 3.158 135.802
23 3.628 54.133 174.411 5.339 12.408 679.242 3.984 48.309
25 10.393 155.724 291.263 4.69 60.295 665.701 3.856 137.86
27 8.831 133.996 372.481 4.479 63.44 682.913 3.877 116.309
29 6.916 103.451 3498.689 2.279 473.028 2002.061 2.829 270.632
31 1.015 15.575 1942.407 2.979 41.083 1301.542 3.384 27.543
33 6.777 101.123 951.43 3.585 125.125 873.252 3.662 114.864
35 2.422 37.24 285.408 4.869 14.004 682.623 4.001 33.515
37 0.354 5.417 67.734 6.353 0.498 738.345 3.956 5.431
39 4.737 72.293 1359.905 3.261 129.108 1041.562 3.532 98.856
41 5.39 80.396 150.198 5.456 16.108 680.11 3.937 72.941
43 0.825 12.571 863.304 3.794 14.95 852.365 3.811 14.758
45 10.368 155.644 64.251 6.207 12.973 720.414 3.782 145.473
47 15.653 238.546 988.642 3.364 298.289 867.352 3.5 261.598
49 4.986 73.59 3345.756 2.36 331.758 1934.576 2.9 191.735
51 1.429 21.289 130.67 5.671 3.695 694.187 4.006 19.636
53 13.526 207.226 741.59 3.696 196.326 780.641 3.636 206.699
55 6.749 100.417 221.887 5.036 29.373 669.381 3.936 88.616
57 0.414 6.203 897.73 3.768 7.546 866.695 3.795 7.288
59 6.615 99.956 366.385 4.535 48.104 686.074 3.913 90.052
61 4.396 65.554 229.528 5.051 20.137 674.865 3.965 59.199
63 5.682 86.445 1138.338 3.418 130.876 948.188 3.606 109.059
65 1.99 29.756 293.273 4.854 11.838 684.892 3.998 27.653
67 1.198 18.221 491.937 4.349 11.94 728.225 3.962 17.683
69 0.574 8.754 471.227 4.409 5.634 724.523 3.971 8.665

continued on following page

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International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011 11

Table 1. continued

71 0.753 11.164 593.844 4.17 8.878 759.329 3.929 11.358

73 6.986 104.86 2081.364 2.794 289.726 1350.506 3.218 188.067
75 12 180.951 701.684 3.784 160.772 770.446 3.695 176.49
77 10.3 151.448 209.87 5.029 41.329 662.596 3.871 130.551
79 5.421 81.071 1974.507 2.877 209.425 1306.281 3.295 138.488
81 1.011 15.097 594.871 4.167 12.238 759.51 3.915 15.629
83 3.141 46.819 69.314 6.27 4.372 729.931 3.92 46.029
85 10.788 159.658 986.097 3.469 206.715 877.723 3.577 183.976
87 3.649 54.421 3144.213 2.446 226.399 1843.341 2.985 132.833
89 0.607 9.12 846.215 3.823 10.664 847.036 3.814 10.681
91 2.227 33.829 89.546 6.032 4.024 713.656 3.961 32.045
93 2.069 30.102 121.978 5.733 4.791 696.716 3.982 27.367
95 1.195 17.321 1835.271 3.033 43.195 1253.962 3.419 29.507
97 0.287 4.351 126.397 5.73 0.76 698.593 4.013 4.199
99 5.462 81.43 538.223 4.174 58.503 731.962 3.871 79.585
Total* 252.586 3801.361 45307.771 211.548 4434.185 46112.243 185.495 4483.569
101** 503.156 1340 92258.357 0 18116.438 92258.357 0 18116.227
* Total of all the records including odd and even records,
**Dummy Budget-source

Figure 2. Algorithm’s rapid convergence for the large-scale case study

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12 International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011

be interpreted as how much the budget-sources

b 0q
are attractive regardless of the amount of the C q1 =C q0 / 2 + . ∑C 0
budget-need. Figure 4 indicates there is no ∑ q b 0q q q

direct correlation between the betas and the

total friction, since the friction in contrary to
the beta does not take the budget flow (Gpq)
Where superscripts 0 and 1 refer to the
into consideration which is shown in Figure
initial and the new tries respectively. According
5. Considering the amount of budget and fric-
to Table 1, the amount of total available budget
tion together which was called total source’s
and betas are 92258.357
dislike (TSD) and shown in Figure 5 indicates
and 415.994 respectively. The algorithm’s result
a tangible correlation as it is expected: less
of the new try has been presented in Table 1 as
dislikeness infers more amount of beta. Figure
“Revised Budget Settings”.
6 depicts a poor correlation between the betas
A look at Table 1 suggests that the new
and the interest rates, since the interest rates
betas are in the range of 3 to 4 versus the range
represent disutility at only one end of interac-
of 2 to 7 for the initial setting. This indicates
tion between seekers-and-sources whereas the
that the redistribution has yield benefits in the
betas are looking at the both ends which are
sense of bring the betas close to each other.
captured by the definition of friction (Figure
Figures 7 through 10 demonstrate this variation
5). Figures 4 and 6 commonly highlight that
and sensitivity of the betas to other aforemen-
the betas are widely dispersed the wide disper-
tioned factors clearly. Overall examining Fig-
sion of the betas which means that the system
ures 7 through 10 and comparing them with
has an unfair distribution of budget among the
Figures 3 through 6 (initial setting) points out
budget-sources. In contrast we like to see an
that the new redistribution has cut the dra-
identical price for same products (which here
matic dispersion of the betas. Figure 7 shows
is the Budget). Therefore a better distribution
more strong correlation between beta and the
of the budget among the budget-sources may
budget capacity. The others (Figures 8, 9, and
be made by taking the betas into account. For a
10) yield similar results to the corresponding
new try half of the total budget is redistributed
elements in Figures 3 through 6. On the sideline
proportional to the corresponding beta rates as
the above redistribution of the budget slightly
decreases å q TSDq (1.55%). Despite having
a major achievement in improving the betas,

Figure 3. Beta and budget sources in the initial setting scenario

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International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011 13

Figure 4. Beta and budget sources’ total friction in the initial setting scenario

Figure 5. Beta and total source’s dislike in the initial setting scenario

Figure 6. Beta and budget-sources’ interest rates in the initial setting scenario

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14 International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011

Figure 7. Beta and budget sources in the revised scenario

Figure 8. Beta and budget sources’ total friction in the revised scenario

Figure 9. Beta and total source’s dislike in the revised scenario

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International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011 15

Figure 10. Beta and budget-sources’ interest rates in the revised scenario

utility functions a mathematical programming

the inertia of the å TSDq q
index is high that
formulation was introduced which ensures that
leads to only 1.55% improvement. This issue the sub-entities would approach to the best fitted
was discussed in the previous section wherein budget-sources according to their best interest
the proposed methodology was compared to (utility). The SCD algorithm is adopted as the
Hitchcock transportation problem. Since the solution-finding algorithm to the established
proposed methodology by adopting logit con- mathematical programming. The methodology
cept is a behavioral and fuzzy (close-to-reality) and algorithms have been encrypted as a set of
not a purely rigid mathematical methodology, simple matrix computational operations which
marginal changes in the system should not have helped the efficiency and easy-to-use of
change the whole system dramatically which the methodology even with ordinary com-
can be a case in Hitchcock problem. The mercial software. The algorithm was tested
å q TSDq index can be compared to “Richter” numerically. In order to challenge the algorithm
index to measure the earthquake in the sense a large scale case with highly unpredictable
of its inertia. According to United States Geo- and unbiased characteristics was introduced
logical Survey (2011) a unit difference in and developed. The case-study comprises 1000
magnitude of Richter is equivalent to a factor sub-entities along with 100 budget-sources.
of 31.6 in the energy released or destruction The algorithm was launched to the dataset
power. and quickly converged. Among the important
outputs, the shadow (or marginal) price of the
budget-sources called Beta can be pointed
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION out. The Betas contain important implication:
the more the betas are the more attractive the
Supplying the capital needs of the budget- budget-sources are to the customers, thus it may
seeking sub-entities in a large scale system yield some indication of how to (re)distribute
comprising of multiple budget sources is of the capital among the budget-sources to have
great interest to policy makers. On a government a hassle-free flow of capital. This issue was
level, budget allocation and in lesser extent, on elaborated and numerically demonstrated. Iden-
banking level, loan related activities can be of tical prices for identical products-a fundamental
such real applications. This problem has been economic notion- was utilized to redistribute
addressed by adopting a logit form of budget budget among the budget-sources which led
seeking behavior of the sub-entities. Given the

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16 International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 2(3), 1-17, July-September 2011

to less friction on the way of the sub-entities’ Garrison, R. H. (1971). Linear programming in capital
approach toward the budget-sources. budgeting: The possibilities for capital budgeting
through sensitivity analysis of LP models are virtually
unlimited. Management Accounting, 52(10), 43–47.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Groves, T., & Ledyard, J. (1977). Optimal al-
location of public goods: A solution to the “Free
The authors are indebted to Dr Heinz Spiess, Rider” problem. Econometrica, 45(4), 783–809.
whose insightful comments lead to the proof of doi:10.2307/1912672
Lemma 1. The authors would like to thank the Hajkowicz, S. (2007). Allocating scarce financial
anonymous reviewers and the editor for their resources across regions for environmental man-
insightful comments and suggestions. agement in Queensland, Australia. Ecological
Economics, 61, 208–216. doi:10.1016/j.ecole-
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Saeed A. Bagloee is a Senior Transportation Planner and lead modeler at Parsons Overseas
Limited in Dubai, UAE. He received his BS in Civil Engineering from the Khaje Nasir Toosi
University of Technology and his MS in Transportation Planning and Engineering from the Sharif
University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. His research interest is transportation planning and
modeling including travel demand forecasting, road network design and transit planning, and
economic analysis of transportation projects as well as econometric analysis. He has conducted
extensive research at the Institute for Transportation Studies and Research at the Sharif Uni-
versity of Technology and has presented and published his researches in several international
journals and conferences.

Christopher G. Reddick is an associate professor and Chair of the Department of Public Admin-
istration at the University of Texas at San Antonio, USA. Dr. Reddick’s research and teaching
interests are in public budgeting and information technology in public sector organizations. Some
of his publications can be found in Government Information Quarterly, Electronic Government,
the International Journal of Electronic Government Research and Public Budgeting & Finance.
Dr. Reddick recently edited the two-volume book entitled Handbook of Research on Strategies
for Local E-Government Adoption and Implementation: Comparative Studies. He is also author
of the book Homeland Security Preparedness and Information Systems, which deals with the
impact of information technology on homeland security preparedness.

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