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Problem being solved:

Any midsize restaurant will require around 200 ingredients that it procures from 20-30
vendors on a rotation basis, depending on their rates, that’s where HypePure pitches in and
solves the problem of procuring ingredients from different vendors at a unified platform.

Pain points of restaurant owners:

● Good ingredients make good food, and good food is hopefully one of the main
attractions to the restaurant. But that means restaurant owners have to stay on top of
their inventory for the freshest ingredients at the best prices.

● Unprofitable restaurants especially understand how inventory management can

impact their bottom line, with 60% of struggling restaurants citing operating and food
costs as their top challenge. More profitable restaurants also say that this challenge
is their greatest one (49%).

● Related to inventory management, pricing out items can be a major pain point for
owners if they are not sure what's selling or what's in season. For example, the price
of strawberries changes with the seasons, so the restaurant's flagship strawberry
dessert will cost more during certain parts of the year. As a result, they might want to
adjust their menu to accommodate for the increased cost.

● But it’s not exactly easy to figure out how much to price an item, and it depends on a
number of contributing factors. This process is called menu engineering, and it
involves a handful of formulas to help determine exactly how much that strawberry
dessert or steak frites should cost.

Journey of a user

● Before purchasing
● During Purchase
● Checkout Experience
● Feedback (SCM, Logistics)
● Inventory Management


For Hyperpure business , we cater to large enterprise clients like Subway, Enoki team.
Which products should be built to solve for these customers which make their ordering
process with us easy.

During the approach I have tried to find MVPs that will create the most impact with least
Reasons why restaurant owners trust Hyperpure:

● Quality of products
● FSSAI Certified products
● Speed and efficiency in delivery
● Eco Friendly Packaging
● Fresh raw material available at a short notice
● Unnecessary additives are not present in poultry items
● Hyperpure also plans to collect the waste products from the restaurants which will be
converted into compost and then supplied to farms

Finding the right segment to target:

I believe that the right customer segment for big food chains is the luxury segment as they
are more focused on quality. They usually have a set standard to procure food and a set
recipe to prepare food.
Features proposed for new app version

Security Assurance to restaurants:

When we are signing up with big food chains, the major hindrance will be the security issue.
I believe big food chains such as KFC, Subway have a very secretive policy over the
materials they use to prepare food items. So, if we are tying up with them it is P0 that we
speak this out loud that the data of purchasing items is private. Even the employees of the
organisation don’t have access to them.
Key managers will play an important role establishing these relationships, so that orders are
more frequent and in bulk quantity. Key account management is a long-term strategy that
can deliver significant value over time. When done well, key account management can be an
even more profitable investment than new sales.

Segregation of restaurants:

The ingredients used in a restaurant will vary depending on the type of cuisine it sells. Hene
a restaurant which sells “Dal Makhni”(North-Indian Restaurant) might have a totally different
requirement from a restaurant which sells “Noodles” (Chinese Restaurant).

Hence showing all the users the same catalogue doesn’t make sense. We on our backend
can have features asking them to fill in the type of restaurant it is, while registering can run
some AI based solutions to suggest the ingredients which will be of more to them.

After selecting the type of restaurant we can give the option to select the best selling items of
those restaurants, to predict more accurately about the ingredients that they use more
Integration of AI based menu scans

Since hyperpure has data from a lot of restaurants, their menu and best selling items.
Adding features such as integration of AI based menu scans becomes an easy task. The
technology is based on the lines that google lens uses.
They feature will be a two step process for restaurant owners, where they can scan their
menu and will get ingredients based on zomato’s/hyperpure recommendation.
Key Account Managers

Appointing key managers will be a strategic move to work along Hyperpure's biggest clients,
mostly big food chains to ​to build long-term, strategic partnerships. Their role will be from
closing sales and nurturing relationships to strategic planning and cross-functional
They will act as a link between management of hyperpure and food chain owners. As per my
knowledge the process of ordering food is complicated.
Chefs-> Managers ->Owners -> Vendors
But with key account managers coming into picture we can improve this cycle.

Quick Checkout Experience

Since, from the above discussion we know that the luxury customer segment usually doesn’t
want to experiment much with their products. Hence they will land up usually ordering the
same groceries every time.
Hence Hyperpure as a platform should try to smoothen the user journey across the platform.
When I as a vendor tried to order “Mirchi”/”Pepper”/”Chilli”. I got three different Search
results pages(SRP). Which indeed is a lot confusing while selecting the products for ATC. It
is possible that I would love to order “Degi Mirch” by MDH every time.
Search for “Mirchi”

Search for “Peper”

Search for “Chilli”

To overcome this problem i would like to suggest the following changes/ additional features:
● Improve the search:
○ Integration of different languages along with english
○ Filters to select certain companies on SRP.
○ Direct ATC Option
● Since preference of user is fixed it would be great if we allow the user to create their
own preference list. To implement this:
○ V0- While a user is adding a product to cart, there could be a pop, where the
user can be asked if he wants to add this product to the preference cart so
that next time he orders, they don’t have to look up for the product again.
■ We could run this feature as an A/B Experiment and track important
metrics to measure the success of the experiment. (CTR, Conversion
via Preference cart page)
○ V1- Once the above experiment is rolled out to 100% of users. We can now
have the option to segregate the preference cart into needs of daily usage/
weekly usage. As per my understanding restaurant owners will order a few
items regularly such as bread, dairy products and poultry products. While
some items such as flour, spices, cold drinks will be stocked on a weekly
■ This could be tried as an A/B Experiment as well important metrics to
● How frequent owners preferred to add items to daily/weekly
● Do they order in the same manner as they have added those
○ V2- If we are satisfied with the metrics of the above steps. We could integrate
automated delivery features for the items added in daily/weekly preference
Sampling of products:

This is another feature that can be integrated along with hyperpure, if it plans to enter the PL
market. Since most of the raw items such as sugar, flour, pulses are open market products.
Taking advantage of the situation Hyperpure can integrate them and sell them under the
packaging of hyperpure brand.
Since these will be PL products, hence it would require some trust from owners to place a
regular order. Hence to build this trust we can start a feature to try out PL products on a
sampling basis. This can be put in place either by Integrating with key managers as
discussed previously or by rolling out a feature on our mobile app.

Customised Items(Cutlery):
While navigating on the hyperpure website and app, I could not find an option to allow
customised cutlery. In our case when we are talking about the major food chains they usually
use cutlery (Napkins/ Straws/ Spoon/Forks) customised to their name. For franchise based
models we can integrate the option for customised cutlery if the order value is above a
certain threshold value. Key Account managers will play an important role as we will
regularly have to check the feasibility of these options.
Real time insights for restaurants:

In today’s world data plays an important role. Insight segment will be more engaging for
owners as they will be able to keep a track of metrics such as:
● Consumption Metrics:
○ Was the consumption less or more for this week?
○ What was the effect of seasonality?
○ Based on previous trends, what should be the inventory this week?
● Price Fluctuations
○ What is the real time market value for products in cart?
○ Week on Week what was the change in price for orders?

Inventory management:

Hyperpure can also provide additional features on request to manage Inventory which can
yet be another revenue stream for organisations. This can be integrated with real time
insights as we will be closely tracking the frequency of product order and also consumption
Priority order for release of products

Feature name V0 V1 V2 Owners


Security Assurance to restaurants: Yes

Segregation of restaurants: Yes

Integration of AI based menu scans Yes Yes

Key Account Managers Yes Yes

Preference Cart Yes

Daily/Weekly List in PC Yes

Automated delivery from PC Yes

Sampling of products: Yes

Customised Items(Cutlery): Yes Yes

Real time insights for restaurants: Yes

Inventory management: Yes Yes

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