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Task 3 - Electromagnetic waves in guided media

Individual work format

Student name
Group xx
Identification number


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería
Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas
2022 16-01
Exercises development

Answers: (write with your own words)
1. What do you understand by transmission line?

A transmission lines is a physical medium through which information is

transmitted by means of frequencies and electrical impulses. Today there
are several transmission lines that, depending on their materials, use
impedance to carry different data. The most common transmission lines are
the ion lines, the fiber optic line, this transmission line is the most used for
transporting data over long distances used by the internet operator.
Copper: this transmission line is the most used in LAN or WAN networks,
such as UTP and STP cable.
Coaxial or concentric transmission line: widely used for high frequency
applications to reduce losses and isolate transmission paths- coaxial: this
type of cable is the most widely used by urban cable operators.
Balanced or differential signal: in balanced two-wire lines, both conductors
carry a current, one conductor carries the signal and the other is the return.

Some types are:

 Co-axial line
 Fiber Optic
 MicroStrip Line
 Parallel Wires Above a Ground Plane

2. Define the following electrical parameters of transmission lines:

a. Input impedance 𝑍𝑖𝑛.

It is understood as the relationship between total voltage and total current. In

terms of the impedance of the line and the load, the equation of the burial
impedance is:
Z 2 cos ( βx ) + j Z 1 sen ( βx )
Zi =
Z 1 cos ( βx ) + j Z 2 sen ( βx )
b. Stationary wave ratio 𝑉𝑆𝑊𝑅.

Standing waves represent a power that is not accepted by the load and
reflected along the transmission or power line, ion line or power.
V maz 1+|r|
VSWR= = l
V min 1−|r|
Although standing waves and are very important theory and analysis can
often mask a view of what is happening. Fortunately it is possible to get
a good overview of the topic , without too deep in VSWR theory.

c. Physical length 𝐿 and electrical length 𝓁.

Physical length 𝐿: the distance traveled by a periodic disturbance that

propagates through a medium n a cycle
λ=f v λ°

Electrical length 𝓁: it id a unit of measurement that is used in the study of

transmission lines of electrical energy, which expresses the distance to the
load as a function of the wavelength
3. What is the purpose of Smith's Letter in the study of the propagation of

The purpose of the smith chart is that laborious calculations with complex
numbers are avoided. Complex numbers are avoided for know the input
impedance to the line or the reflection coefficient, so they are reflection
coefficient, so they are very useful in the coupling of transmission lines and in
the reverse transmission lines and in the inverse calculation of a complex
Application exercises:
For the development of the following exercises, note that ¿ corresponds to the
group number and CCC to the last 3 digits of the identification number.
1. A coaxial line has the following characteristics:
Geometric parameters: a=0.1 mm b=10 mm t=( ¿+10)μm
Conductor properties: (conductivity) σ c =4.3 x 10 Sm/m

Sm /m ϵ r =2.3 μr =1
Properties of the insulator: σ d=1 x 10

Applied signal frequency: f =CCC KHz

a. Calculate the electrical parameters R L C G.
b. Using the distributed model, calculate the propagation parameters
α , β , γ ∧Z 0 .
c. Calculate the propagation velocity V p, the wavelength λ and the
attenuation α dB / Km.

Figure 1: Geometrical parameters in coaxial line.

Attention, for the calculations:
1. Replace your values (with units) in the equation.
2. Perform the operation on a virtual scientific calculator. *
3. Paste the calculator image into the report.
4. Write the answer with your units.
If the image is not included, the exercise rating is 0 points.
* You can use
Interpretation: According to the concepts explored, explain the meaning
of the value obtained for V p, λ and α dB / Km.

a=0.1 mm b=10 mm t=48 μm
σ c =4.3 x 10 Sm /m
σ d=1 x 10−10 Sm/m ϵ r =2.3 μr =1
f =2 51 KHz
−7 −7
μ=μ o μ r=4 πx 10 . 1=4 πx 10

ε =ε o ε r=8,8541 x 10−12 . 2,3=20,364 x 10−12

1 1
δ p= = =0,4 84 mm
√ πf σ c μo √ π . 251 x 10 . 4.3 x 106 .4 πx 10−7

We calculate R
1 1 1
R= ( + )
2 π δ p σc a b

1 1
2 π . 0,4 84∗10 .4,3 x 10 0,1 10
−3 6 )
=0,000 7724 Ω /m

We calculate L

μo b
L= . ln
2π a

( )
4 πx 10 10 −7
L= . ln =9,21 x 10 H /m
2π 0,1
We calculate C
2 πϵ
2 π .20,364 x 10 −11
C= =2,78 x 10 F /m
0,1 ( )

We calculate G
2π σd
ln ( ba )
2 π . 1 x 10−10 −10
G= =1,364 x 10 S/m
ln ( )

Calculate the attenuation constant

C √)

2,78 x 10−11
9,21 x 10
+1,364 x 10

2,78 x 10√
9,21 x 10−7
−11 )
=2 , 12 μ np / m

Calculate the phase constant

β=ω √ LC

β=2 π . 251 x 10
√ 9,21 x 10−7 .2,78 x 10−11=0,00 798 rad / m

γ=α + jβ
γ=0,00000212+ j 0,00 798

We calculate impedance

Z 0=
√ R+ JωL
G+ JωC

0,0007724+ J 2 π .2 51 x 103 .9,21 x 10−7
−10 3
1,364 x 10 + J 2 π .2 51 x 10 .2,78 x 10

Z 0=182,015105− j0,04 811=182,015105 Ω←0,00011

Calculate propagation velocity

ω 2 π .2 51 x 103 rad /s
V p= = =1.976 x 108 m/s
β 0,00798 rad /m

Calculate wavelength
V p 1.976 x 10 8
λ= = 3
=7 87,25 m
f 251 x 10

The attenuation constant dB

α dB/ m=−8,68 x 2, 12 μ=−1 8,402 dB/m

The propagation velocity is the speed at which the wave travels the distance
of the conduction medium, which in this case is 1.976 x 10 8 m/s and the
attenuation is the loss of power suffered by the wave, which in this case is
−1 8,402 μ dB /m
2. A Z o=75 Ω lossless transmission line has a Z L =35− j 75 Ω. If it is 48 m long and
the wavelength is 251 mm, Calculate:
a. Input impedance Z¿ .
b. Reflection coefficient Γ (magnitude and phase).
c. VSWR.

Figure 2: Graphic representation of the transmission line.

Attention, for the calculations:

1. Replace your values (with units) in the equation.
2. Perform the operation on a virtual scientific calculator. *
3. Paste the calculator image into the report.
4. Write the answer with your units.
If the image is not included, the exercise rating is 0 points.
* You can use
Interpretation: According to the concepts explored, explain the meaning
of the value obtained for Z¿ , Γ and VSWR.
Z L =35− j75 Ω Z o=75 Ω

Calculation of input impedance

Z 2 + j Z 1 tan (2 π l)
Z¿ =Z 1
Z 1 + j Z 2 tan (2 π l)

x 48 m
l= = =191.2
λ 0 , 2 51m

35− j 75 Ω+ j 75 Ω tan (2 π .191.2)

Z¿ =75 Ω =−47.568830+ j 31.6232
75 Ω+ j35− j 75 Ω tan (2 π .191.2)
Reflection coefficient Γ
Z L −Z o (35− j 75 Ω)−75 Ω
Γ= = =0,0691− j 0,635=0,64 ←83.7857 °
Z L +Z o (35− j 75 Ω)+75 Ω

1+| Γ|

1+|0,0691− j0,635|
VSWR= =4,5317
1−|0,0691− j0,635|

the input impedance is the impedance that the electromagnetic wave

encounters when passing through the transmission line, which is
−47.568830+ j 31.6232and the reflection coefficient of the wave in this case is
0.64<-83.7857° and the wave ratio has a value of 4.5317 which is a value
related to the amplitude of the wave.
3. Bearing in mind that Smith's letter is used to determine parameters of the
transmission lines, use the "Smith 4.1" software to check the results
obtained in point 2.
a. Input impedance Z¿ .
b. Reflection coefficient Γ .
c. VSWR.

Conclusion: in carrying out the exercise, it was confirmed that the smith letter
has a great pressure to find complex impedances in transmission lines
compared to formal mathematical calculations

Application example

Example: we have the case of the application of conductive guided waves,

which are used to designate tubes of a conductive material of rectangular,
circular, or elliptical section, in which the direction of the electromagnetic
energy must be mainly conducted along the guide and limited at its borders,
which allow the transmission of electromagnetic waves from one point to

Video link


Chen, W. (2005). The Electrical Engineering Handbook. Boston: Academic Press, (pp. 525-551). Recovered

Joines, W., Bernhard, J., & Palmer, W. (2012). Microwave Transmission Line Circuits. Boston: Artech House,
(pp. 23-68). Recovered from

Impedance Matching Networks. (2001). Radio-Frequency & Microwave Communication Circuits, (pp. 146-
188). Recovered from

Hierauf, S. (2011). Understanding Signal Integrity. Boston: Artech House, Inc. Chapter 6, 7, 11. Recovered

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