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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Calamba City
Brgy. Bubuyan, Calamba City


Grade 11 – Allegiance/Chivalry
4th Quarter
Week 1
S.Y 2021-2022
Day & Learning Area Learning Task Mode of Delivery
7:00 – 8:00
Breakfast, exercise, meditation, get ready for an awesome day!

8:00 –
12:00  Homeroom Guidance
 Home Visitation
 Online Kumustahan
10:00- PE-11 Sets FITT goals based on Week 1 Communicate with the
12:00 Mel Zedric training principles to Read and study Quarter 4 teacher via Facebook
Alcantara achieve and/or Self-Learning Module 7 Applying the Principles of Physical Activity messenger
maintain HRF. PEH11FH- to Sports Have your
IIi-j-7 parent/guardian
 Do Activity: Execute the principles of training at your own pace return all outputs to
the school on the day
for one week. You are required to take pictures while you are
of retrieval.
doing the activities. Print pictures of you as evidence while doing
the activities.
1:00 – 5:00  Distribution and Retrieval of Modules
 Submission of Learner’s Portfolio

Tuesday Physical Science EARTH IS Parents/guardians
8:00-12:00 Ian Rey Portea SPHERICAL should submit outputs
*recognize Greek’s to teachers to assigned
MODULE 1 rooms at school in a
analysis that the
Earth is spherical; Activity 2: Greek Model of the Earth and Universe specified date and
*appreciate Greek time.
philosophers and Direction: Complete the table of the characteristics of the
their philosophical development contributed by the ancient Greek philosopher’s Communicate with the
contributions about model of the Earth and the Universe. teacher through
the Earth’s shape. messenger
Activity 3: Identification
PHENOMENA Direction: Choose the word from the word bank to complete the
BEFORE THE statement below.
*cite examples of
astronomical Activity 1: Hidden Words
phenomenon known
to astronomers Directions: Identify what is being described from
before the advent of each statement below. Look for these words in the
telescope. puzzle by marking them. Write also your answers
*explain why the on the space provided.
Ptolemaic model is Activity 3: To Agree or To Disagree?
able to cope with the
increasing. accuracy Direction: Read the statements below and choose between
of the observed AGREE or DISAGREE.
positions of the
celestial objects
1:00 – 5:00 Statistics and  illustrates: Read and study: Communicate with the
Probability (a) null hypothesis; Statistics and Probability teacher through
Fatima Manglo (b) alternative Quarter 4, Week 1 messenger.
hypothesis; Lesson 1: Testing Hypothesis If possible, google
classroom will also be
(c) level of Lesson 2: Identifying Parameters for Testing in Given Real-Life Problems used as a platform.
significance; Lesson 3: Formulating Appropriate Null and Alternative Hypotheses on Parents/guardian will
(d) rejection region; a Population Mean hand-in the output,
and answer sheets,
(Note: Kindly write your answer on a separate piece of paper.) worksheets, and
(e) types of errors in
hypothesis Learning Task 1: “What I Can Do” Directions: Cite five (5) situations in your notebook of the learner
testing. community where you can apply hypothesis testing. Then, just CHOOSE ONE to the school based on
SITUATION and: (refer to the given worksheet) the date and time
 identifies the 1. create a problem statement; scheduled.
parameter to be 2. formulate the null and alternative hypothesis;
tested given a real-life 3. select the level of significance and sketch the rejection region; and
problem. 4. state the possible Type I and Type II errors.

 formulates the
appropriate null and Learning Task 2: “What’s More” Activity 3. Translate It!
alternative Directions: Determine the notation of the given parameter, inequality symbol,
hypotheses on a or value of the parameter. (refer to the given worksheet)
population mean.
Learning Task 3: “Formu-Tail” Directions: Formulate the null and alternative
hypotheses. Identify whether it is one-tailed or two-tailed. If the hypothesis is
one tailed, identify its direction whether it is left or right. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper. (refer to the given worksheet)

8:00 – Introduction to At the end of this Learning Task: – ITWRBS 11 Quarter 4 WEEK 2 Parents or guardian will
12:00 World Religion learning material, you get and submit the
should be able to:
System (Do not answer JUMPSTART Activity 1 and 2 ) and safety protocol
Rodrigo Badillo 1. define Buddhism. instructions is concern.
Learning Task 1: –ITWRBS 11 Quarter 4 WEEK 2
2. identify the basic
beliefs and doctrines in Activity 1: “Arrange Me” Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to
Theravada Buddhism. reveal the basic beliefs and doctrines of Theravada Buddhism. Use
separate sheet of paper for your answer.
3. explain the core
teachings of Theravada 1. Personified evil forces that torment the minds of humankind. ARAM -
Buddhism (Four Noble ____________
Truths, and Noble 2. “When this is, that is; This arising, that arises; When this is not, that is not.
Eightfold Path). This ceasing, that ceases”. WAL FO NOITANIGIRO - __________
3. People who achieve nirvana. RHATA - __________
4. execute a meditation 4. Siddhartha Gautama’s ascetic life in the forest. TREAG NUNRETIONCIA -
exercise and write a __________
reflection paper 5. The only surviving most sacred text of Theravada Buddhism. PITRIKATA -
regarding the meditation ___________
experience. 6. Monastery founded by the Denampiya Tissa. HARAVIHAMA -
5. examine issues related 7. Monk who share in the alms of the community. ANGASH - __________
to Theravada Buddhism. 8. Pali term for suffering or dissatisfaction. KUDKHA – ___________
9. Commemorative monuments that contain sacred relics. PASTUS –
10. Mental and physical aggregates of the soul. SANDHAK –
Learning Task 2: – ITWRBS 11 Quarter 4 WEEK 2

Activity 2: “My Point of View” Directions: Explain the following core

teachings of Theravada Buddhism, based on your understanding. Use
separate sheet of paper for your answer.
1. The Four Noble Truths
2. The Noble Eightfold Path
Learning Task 3: – ITWRBS 11 Quarter 4 WEEK 2

Activity 3. “Connect and Reflect” Directions: Answer the following questions

briefly and concisely. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.
1. If you were a Buddhist, which of the Five Precepts do you think you would
find hardest to keep? Explain why you have chosen this one.
2. If you were to follow the Five Precepts, how do you think it would change
your life?
3. Explain how wisdom, morality and meditation could lead to happiness?

Activity 4: “My Meditation Experience” Directions: Execute the following

steps on meditation and write your fruitful experienced after the activity.
Find a comfortable and quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Sit down
cross legged, preferably using a pillow to sit on. Straighten your back and
slightly tilt your head down. You may choose to close your eyes or keep them
open. Stick to your tongue to your palate (at the back of your upper front
teeth). Place your hands near your navel. Place the right hand on top of the
left hand and join thumps to form a circle. Be conscious of your breathing.
Observe how air comes through your nostrils and reaches your lungs, and how
it exits through your nostrils again. It helps, count mentally from 1 to 10 at the
end of each breath cycle. If there are thoughts that enter your mind, simply
notice them. Do not attempt to suppress them, but do not “follow” them
either. Just focus on your breathing. If you lose your attention to your
breathing and “followed” a thought, simply return to observing your
breathing. If you feel discomfort because of prolonged sitting(which is
normal), simply observe the discomfort: when it is located, how does it feel,
and the intensity. You may shift a bit in your sitting if the discomfort becomes
significant; otherwise continue sitting still. Do this for 10 minutes.
Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Write the letter of the
answer in each test item and put it in a separate sheet of paper.
1. What “Buddha” means?
A. The anointed one B. The chosen one C. The enlightened one D. The
favored one
2. In her dream prior to her pregnancy, Queen Mahamaya dreamt about a
A. Cat B. Cow C. Elephant D. Monkey
3. What Seer Asita predicted about baby Siddhartha Gautama would one day
A. A great king B. A great leader C. A great teacher
D. A great spiritual leader
4. What is the last four passing sights that Siddhartha Gautama had the sight
A. An old man B. An ascetic monk C. A decaying corpse
D. A sick man
5. One who has achieved enlightenment with the guidance of the Buddha is
called ___________?
A. An arhat B. A Buddha C. A guru D. A sangha
6. What sacred Buddhist text recognized by Theravada Buddhism?
A. Heart Sutra B. Lotus Sutra C. Sutta Pitaka D. Tripitaka

7. What part of the Tripitaka consists of the systematic analysis of the
categories of Buddhist thought?
A. Discipline Basket B. Discourse Basket C. Special
Teaching Basket D. Ultimate Doctrine Basket
8. The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are regarded as
A. Three Baskets B. Three Gems C. Three Marks of Existence
D. Three Sutras
9. Which refers to the community of Buddhist monks and nun?
A. Annica B. Dharma C. Sangha D. Stupas
10. What Buddhist concept that rejects the belief in an eternal soul or the
Hindu concept of Atman?
A. Impermanence B. Khandas C. No-self D. Suffering
11. What is the cause of suffering, according to the Four Noble Truths?
A. Craving or desire B. Dissatisfaction C. Immorality
D. Misfortune
12. In which eightfold path group do right action, right speech and right
livelihood of belong?
A. Path of ethics B. Path of meditation C. Path of morality
D. Path of wisdom
13. What is the basic code of ethics for lay followers of Buddhism?
A. Four Noble Truths B. Five Precepts C. Law of Karma
D. Law of Dependent Arising
14. Which of the following is called the “School of Elder Monks”?
A. Mahayana Buddhism B. Theravada Buddhism C. Vajrayana Buddhism D.
None of these
15. What technique for meditation in Buddhism that uses koans?
A. Nichiren B. Tendai C. Yoga D. Zen
Learning Task 5 : – ITWRBS 11 Quarter 4 WEEK 2

Essay Directions: Examine the issues below, in what way do Theravada

teaching are observed? Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.
a. War and violence
b. Women in Buddhism
Wednesday Practical Parents/ guardians will
1:00- 5:00 Research 1 bring your outputs and

Cherilyn worksheets in the
Fandalian school,

Ipasa ang output (mga
Pagbasa at worksheets na
Pagsusuri ng ipinadala ng guro) sa
8:00 – Teksto sa paaralan.
12:00 Pananaliksik Ihahatid ng magulang
Cherilyn ang mga output ng mag-
Fandalian aaral sa paaralan at
ibibigay sa guro.
Discipline and 1. Describe the clientele and Topic: Clientele and Audience of Communication Personal submission by
1:00pm- Ideas in the audience of communication 1. PRETEST A the parent or guardian
5:00 Social Science (HUMSS_DIASS12-IIa- A. Read each item carefully and pick the letter that corresponds to your choice answer.
37); to the teacher adviser in
Dolores Rizaldo pp.2
2. Distinguish the needs of 2. Read the content of the lesson and answer the ff: activities. school.
individuals, groups, A. Activity 1-pp. 6
organizations, and B. Activity 2 pp. 9
communities 3. What i have learned Reflection pp. 9
(HUMSS_DIASS12-IIa-38) 6. What Can I Do
Direction: Make an illustration (option: drawing, photo or power point 1 slide etc.) on
how to prevent Covid-19. See the examples below.
7.Post test
A. Read each item carefully and pick the letter that corresponds to your choice answer.
You can request the assistance of anyone in your household to help in evaluating your
performance in this activity.
B. Read each item carefully and determine whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE
base on your understanding of the topics in this module.

8;00 – Reading and
Personal submission by
12:00 Writing
the parent/guardian to
Joanna Marie O.
the teacher in school.
1:00 – 5:00 Contemporary Conceptualizes Activity 1. For Modular Distance
Philippine Arts Contemporary Art Based Let’s check your knowledge Learning (MDL):
from the Region on Techniques and Directions: Write True on the blank is the statement is correct and False if the Parents/guardians

Eloisa Dela Cruz Performance practices in statement is not true. should submit outputs
their locality to teachers to assigned
Activity 2. Assessment 2 rooms at school in a
Directions: Pick one illustration that best describes the Types of Arts specified date and time.
Communicate with
Activity 3: Essay the teacher through
Directions: Answer the question below, the explanation of each question must messenger.
not exceed 10 sentences. Failure to do so, 1point will be deducted to your
total score. The rubric of the structured essay is provided below the question.
1. What is your own definition of Contemporary Art?
2. Is Contemporary Art relevant to this modern-day generation?

Write your output on a clean sheet of paper.

All outputs will be submitted on the given time and date. Write your
name and week number.

8:00 – 21st Century Read and Study: Communicate with the

12:00 Literature from Writing a close analysis Quarter 2 – Module 1 (continuation) teacher through
the Philippines and critical interpretation messenger.
and the World of literary texts, applying LESSON 1: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary text If possible, google
Fatima Manglo a reading approach, and using a Reading Approach and doing an adaptation of texts to identify classroom will also be
doing an adaptation of representative texts and authors from Asia and Africa. used as a platform.
these, require from the Parents/guardian will
Note: Write your answer on a separate piece of paper. hand-in the output,
learner the ability to
identify: representative Learning Task 1: Activity 1. Read Me! Direction: Read the selection Chechnya answer sheets,
texts and authors from by Anthony Marra and answer the questions that follow. worksheets, and
Asia, North America, Direction: Fill out the table with setting and character. Use notebook of the learner
Europe, Latin America, skimming as a reading technique. (refer to the given to the school based on
worksheet) the date and time
and Africa
Learning Task 1.1: Assessment 1. Comprehension Check: Direction: Now,
answer the following questions below to test your
understanding on the given story. (refer to the given

Learning Task 2: Activity 2. Scan Me! Direction: Read and understand the
story below and answer the questions that follow.
Direction: Fill out the table with point of view, conflict, and
theme. Use Scanning as a reading technique. (refer to the
given worksheet)

Learning Task 2.1: Assessment 2.1. Comprehension Check Direction: The

story was quite interesting. Now, answer the questions that
follow to test your understanding. (refer to the given

Learning Task 3: Direction: Analyze the verse and explore the content, theme,
setting, and message of the poem by creating a visual poem.
Include a short background of the author in the visual poem.
Search for images that support the required elements of the
poem. You may select any multi-media tools that suits your
skills and availability of gadget. (refer to the given worksheet)
NOTE: Please send your output through messenger or my email (inform me immediately if you have
submitted already for checking)
1:00 – 5:00 Disaster GEOLOGICAL MODULE 1 Parents/guardians
Readiness and HAZARDS should submit outputs
Risk Reduction Activity 2
*compare Rain-induced to teachers to assigned
Ian Rey Portea landslide and Sinkhole; DIRECTIONS: Create a timeline on the following event of the s inkhole in rooms at school in a
the Philippines. specified date and
*create a timeline of a g
eological event; and
Communicate with the
*suggest ways in
teacher through
educating other people
in geological hazards.

*identify the cause of What do you think is the reason why this place has a s inkhole?
geological hazards;
*write the effects of What month do you think is prone to a sinkhole, what do you think is the
geological hazard; reason. Why?
*reflect the
importance of agency ACTIVITY 3
monitoring the
different geological DIRECTIONS: Complete the crossword puzzle below.



Write NC if Natural cause and HC if Human cause

is being described in the statement.

DIRECTIONS: Identity what type of cause in

sinkhole are describing in the following pictures.
Write a simple description
DIRECTIONS: Read the questions carefully and

confine your responses to an analysis of the
What do you think is the importance of the
following agency in monitoring geological hazards?

Prepared by: Noted by:

Sir Ian Rey B. Portea Ma’am Fatima M. Manglo Cherilyn J. Fandialan

Class Adviser Class Adviser Acting OIC


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