Curriculum Vitae (Ingles)

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Address: Calle 4 n 4a-15-chiquinquira-

Phone: 3106881792


Spanish – C2
English – B1

In this part, write about your educational background and what you are currently studying at UNAD. Use
between 50 and 60 words.

-Technical assistance and analysis of administrative information.

The administrative assistants are responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of an office or company
that performs administrative tasks such as filing planning and coordinating the general activities of the office
in addition to writing the corresponding reports in certain cases especially when dealing with small
companies administrative assistants may take over hr-related tasks such as handling payroll recruiting and

-Oral Health Technician

The main function of dental assistants is to assist the dentist during the treatment of patients they ensure
equipment and materials are ready disinfect clinical areas anticipate needs that may arise in the doctors
office and see patients when they arrive, dental assistants are professionals in the health sector who are in
the health sector who are in charge of patient care management of medical consultation materials and
instruments and assinting the dentist in this daily avtivities.
-Currently I am studying psychology at UNAD 8 semester course.
I have studied eigth semesters of psychology where the baggage of knowledge has become a crucial tool in
life where with the acquiered knowledge it has served me in many ways to guide to give advice or to
accompany a person wheter familiar or known I am one of people who love my profession and tall the
subjects seen during these eigth semesters have enough credibility and ease to continue learning I am more
inclined towards social psychology supporting the most disadvantaged


As a work experience I have worked as an accounting secretary at the sudameris bank bbva bank and at
the inca hotel in chiquinquira I have also worked as an odontology assistant in the dentistry office of the
city of chiquinquira within my academic certificates I have obtained the title in administrative secretary an
ora hygienist at this time eigtht semester course of psychology at thr open and distance national university
of the city of chiquinquira I study in the distance program which has allowed me to manage a distributor of
liquors in this city

Hi my name is lorena, i have 29 years old inthis moment studing psicology in the university UNAD of
chiquinquira, inthis moment i dont work, i am house wife i have 1 daugther.
my main goals at the moment is to finish my studies preparie to better prepare my self for specializations in
my career field after specializing starting to work in support and social rehabilitation for people who have
fallen into addiction and drugs i would also like to work in community service to stop the sexual abuse of
our children i would also like to work with the military forces in support od soldiers wonded in combat who
suffer the aftermath of war and there are many of these soldiers who lose their limbs and whose recovery is
very slow and traumatic.

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