ML Oral Questions: 1 Unit

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ML Oral Questions

1st unit

1. What is ML? Examples of ML problem.

2. Types of ML with examples.(Supervised and Unsupervised)
3. Predictive & Descriptive tasks of ML
4. What is Feature?
5. Types of Features. Examples.
6. Why ML?(NEED)
7. Types of Models
 Geometric model
 Logistic model
 Probabilistic model
 Greedy model
 Group model

2nd unit:
1. Binary classification
 Classification problem
 Classification examples
2. Phases of classification process
 Model construction
 Model usage
3. How to measure performance of classifier?


What is confusion matrix?


What is contingency table?

4. What is Multiclass Classification?

5. Schemes of multiclass classification(One-All ,One-One)
6. What is Output code matrix?
7. What is class probability estimation?
8. What is Overfitting?
9. Reasons for Overfitting.
10. What is Vc dimension?
11.How to measure performance of regression?
12.What is regression? Give examples.
13. Write Equation of regression line.
14.Univariate regression
15.Multivariate regression

3rd unit:

1. Discuss Least square method.

2. What is Perceptron?

3. What is SVM?

4. What is Soft margin SVM?

5. Concept of Kernel.

6. Difference between Perceptron and SVM

Questions on Assignment no. 1

 Full form of WEKA
 Features of WEKA
 Platform requirements
 How data sets is represented?
 Steps to perform a particular ML task in WEKA
 How to select training and test data for particular ML task.
2. What is R?
 Features of R
 Platform requirements
 How data sets is represented?
 Steps to perform a particular ML task inR

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