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Form a group with 4-5 members. Choose only 1 of the 3 situations in the PDF (Situation A, B, or C).

Answer the following questions:

Indicate the situation you have chosen.

Situation A:

Mr. Lopez notices that his students are too passive during his class session on Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction. On the students’ end, Mr. Lopez seems to be projecting a strict aura because of his too
much eye contact with the students, his threatening voice, and the stomping sound of his shoes. On the
teacher’s end, the students appear to be uninterested because they are too quiet, they could not look at
him, and some answer with cracking voice.

1. What elements of communication are expectedly present in this particular communication?

The elements of communication present in this particular communication in situation A are sender,
message, channel, receiver, feedback, context and barrier. The sender of the message is Mr. Lopez who
discussed a lesson to his students. The lesson on Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction serves as the
message of the communication. The communication is done through face-to-face or personal
interaction considered to be the channel. The receivers of the message are the students. The feedback
of the communication was shown on how students participated on a passive way and expressed
responses through uninteresting expression or gestures. The context of the communication is the
classroom itself. Lastly, the possible barriers of the communication are the physical noise, physiological
noise, psychological noise, semantic noise, and historical noise.

2. What are the potential noise interferences in this particular communication? Name 1 per
category (Physical, Physiological, Psychological, Social, Semantic, and Historical).

The physical noises that may interfere to the situation are the stomping sound of the shoes coming from
the teacher and the cracking voice of the students. The physiological noises, on the other hand, are the
temperature of the room, the students may feel hungry, or the teacher talks somehow fast or slow.
Moreover, the psychological noises that may cause the situation to be bothered include the teacher to
overthink and confuse, the students may have difficulty on the lesson, the students may feel hatred to
the teacher, or the students just do daydreaming. Meanwhile, the social noises may be the propaganda,
social programs or activities, or there may be school events. Furthermore, semantic noises may occur
through attitude, projection and gesture to the delivery of the message by the teacher and students.
Finally, the historical noises that may intervene to the situation are the posture, eye contact and
stomping by teacher that may have different meaning to the student’s culture.
3. What is the nature of this particular communication, oral or written?

The situation is an oral type of communication. It is a class session where an instructor speaks and
deliver his discussions in front of the receiver, the students. There would be a written communication
but the situation focuses on discussion. However, feedbacks are limited due to the fact that there are
barriers among each side’s account.

4. What non-verbal cues are utilized in this particular communication?

These are non-verbal cues are utilized in this particular communication, the first one is the body
languages (projecting strict aura, stomping sound of his shoes and passive). Aside from that are
proxemics (threatening voice and cracking voice), and lastly, the eye contact (too much eye contact).

5. What is/are the function/s of this communication?

In the situation A, we found three function of communication. The first one is Information dissemination
since Mr. Lopez has teaching at the same time it is associated to social interactions because same
students are answering. Furthermore, the emotional expression considering that Mr. Lopez, in class, did
too much eye contact, threatening voice, and stomping of his shoes that mostly of his student appeared
to be uninterested.


Caracol, Rex

Enaya, Nico

Macarine, Noel

Martinez, Francis

Pepito, Rex

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