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MATCHING TYPE: Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided

before the number.


____1. The lightness and darkness of a surface, it is often a. Line

referred to when shading.

____2. It is the actual surface feel or the simulated appearance b. Shape

of roughness, smoothness and many others.

____3. An area enclosed by line. It is 2 dimensional and can c. Color

be geometric or organic.

____4. It is called as the path of a moving point and the d. Value

edges of shapes and forms.

____5. The most expressive element of art and is seen by the e. Texture
way light reflects of a surface

____6. The uniform repetition of any of the elements of art or f. Balance
any combination
_____7. It is created by movement complied through the repetition g. Contrast
of elements of art in a non-uniform but organized way
____8. Refers to the visual of the elements of the composition. h. Rhythm
It is a sense that the painting “feels stable and feels right”.
____9. The artist creates an area of the composition that is visually i. Pattern
dominant and commands the viewers’ attention.
____10. The difference between elements of art in the composition, j. Emphasis
Such that each element is made stronger in relation to the other.
11. A set of skills that one should possess in order to perform physical activities.
A. Physical Activity
B. Exercise
C. Physical Education
D. Physical Fitness

12. Cardiovascular Endurance is important for you to become sprinter. Which activity promotes
the development of the component?
A. 3 to 5 Kilometer Run Regularly
B. Yoga
C. Brisk Walking
D. Zumba Dancing
13. Mr., Iverson is fun of playing basketball but still he has to practice dribbling while walking to
develop his;

A. Agility
B. Coordination
C. Balance
D. Flexibility

14. A skill related component that assure stability and maintenance of an upright posture while
still moving and doing routine activities.

A. Agility
B. Power
C. Reaction Time
D. Balance

15. To test the flexibility of the lower extremities particularly the hamstring, one should

A. BMI Testing
B. Sit and Reach
C. 3 minute Step Test
D. Zipper Test

In what way do you think that having daily routine of exercise is
relevant/important to physical, mental, and emotional aspect of our body?

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