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1. Name :

2. Age:
a)21-30 years b) 31-40 years
c) 41-50 years d) Above 50 years

3. Gender:
a)Male b) Female

4. Marital status:
a)Married b) Unmarried

5. How long have you worked here ?

a) Less than 1 year b) 1-5 years
c) 5-10 years d) Above 10 years

6. Are you satisfied with the working hours of the company ?

a)Yes b) No

7. Does after working hours you get enough time for your family ?
a)Yes b) No

8. Do you have more pressure of work in the company or it is evenly distributed ?

a)Have pressure b) Work is evenly distributed

9. Does the company take initiatives to manage work life of its employees ?
a)Yes b) No
10. If yes, what are the initiatives your company has taken for managing work life ?
a) Provided flexible work timings b) Provide leaves to manage work life
c) Job share option is provided by the company

11. How do you feel about the amount of time is spend at work ?
a) Very unhappy b) Unhappy
c) Happy d) Very happy

12. Are you satisfied with your remuneration and bonus ?

a) Strongly agree b) Agree
c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree

13. Do you ever feel tired or depressed because of work ?

a) Never b) Rarely
c) Sometimes d) Always

14. How do you manage stress arising from your work ?

a) Music b) Yoga
c) Game d) Others

15. Do you fell that you are able to balance your work life ?
a)Yes b) No
16. Here is what your favorite thing is ___________________________________

17. Here what your unfavorable thing is __________________________________

18. Any recommendation _____________________________

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