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 Merriam-Webster Dictionary

“A system of treatment of disease that avoids drugs and surgery and emphasizes the use
of natural agents (such as air, water, and herbs) and physical means (such as tissue
manipulation and electrotherapy).


A system or method of treating disease that employs no surgery or synthetic drugs but uses
special diets, herbs, vitamins, massage, etc., to assist the natural healing processes.


A method of treating disorders, involving the use of herbs and other naturally grown

foods, sunlight, fresh air, etc, Also called: nature cure.


The treatment of illness by using diet, herbs, exercises, etc., without using standard drugs or

 Government of India (Ministry of Ayush)

Naturopathy is a distinct primary health care system that stresses upon the body’s self-healing
mechanism. It uses a wide range of therapies to support human wellness.

The foundation of Naturopathy is based on the greatness of exercise, sunlight, freshwater, stress
management, healthy diet, and so on. Naturopathy always advocates the importance of own
health, minimizing symptoms of illness, balancing the entire human mechanism, and supporting
the body’s own ability to heal. 

 British Naturopathic Association

‘’Naturopathy is a system of treatment which lays emphasis on the existence of the vital curative
force within the body.’’ 

 Medical Definition of Naturopathy (medterms medical dictionary)

“A system of therapy that is based on preventive care and on the use of physical forces such
as heat, water, light, air, and massage as primary therapies for disease.”
Some naturopaths use no medications, either pharmaceutical or herbal. Some recommend
herbal remedies only. A few who are licensed to prescribe may recommend pharmaceuticals
in cases in which they feel their use is 'warranted.

 Vikaspedia.

Naturopathy is a system of man building in harmony with the constructive principles of Nature
on physical, mental, moral and spiritual planes of living. It has great health promotive, disease
preventive and curative as well as restorative potential.

 Medical-dictionary

A drugless system of healing by the use of physical methods, such as light, air, or water.

 National Cancer Institute

A system of disease prevention and treatment that avoids drugs and surgery. Naturopathy is
based on the use of natural agents such as air, water, light, heat, and massage to help the body
heal itself. It also uses herbal products, nutrition, acupuncture, and aromatherapy as forms of


Naturopathic physicians work with nature to restore people’s health. Naturopathic medicine:
working with nature to restore people’s health.


distinct primary health care profession, emphasizing prevention, treatment and optimal health
through the use of therapeutic methods and substances which encourage the person's inherent
self -healing process, the vis medicatrix naturae.


a distinct method of primary health care -an art, science, philosophy and practice of diagnosis,
treatment, and prevention of illness. Naturopathic physicians seek to restore and maintain
optimum health in their patients by emphasizing nature's inherent self-healing process, the vis
medicatrix naturae. This is accomplished through education and the rational use of natural

SHORT DEFINITION Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary health care-an art,
science and practice of preventing, diagnosing and treating conditions of the human mind and
body. Naturopathic physicians work with their patients to prevent and treat acute and chronic
illness and disease, restore health and establish optimal fitness by supporting the person's
inherent self-healing process, the vis medicatrix naturae.

Naturopathy is a system of integrated holistic medicine based on the theory that diseases can be
successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs, by techniques such as control of diet,
exercise, and massage. 

[The principles of Naturopathy were first used by the Hippocratic School of Medicine in about
400 BC. The Greek philosopher Hippocrates believed in viewing the whole person in regards to
finding a cause of disease, and using the laws of nature to induce cure. It was from this original
school of thought that Naturopathy takes its principles. Many of the later principles and
philosophies of naturopathy originated in Germany and Europe in the 16th and 17th century but
North America is considered the home of modern naturopathy.  The American John Scheel
coined the term ‘naturopathy’ and Benedict Lust, who had trained in hydrotherapy and other
natural therapies in Germany, established it in the US and became the nominated Father of
Naturopathy. He described it as a broad discipline incorporating hydrotherapy, herbal medicine
and homeopathy, as well as dietary regulations. The Flexner Report of 1910 in the US forced
many of the holistic therapies to be abandoned and naturopathy was among those that were
suppressed until the 1970s. Dr Hermann Keppler (a German homeopath) established the first
College of Natural Medicine in London in 1998.  With his additional specialist skills in nutrition,
herbal medicine, acupuncture as well as iridology, Chinese diagnosis, tissue salts, flower
remedies he was able to offer a truly naturopathic treatment for clients.

Main principles
The naturopathic principles taught in most countries include:

1.     Do no harm (primum non nocere)

2.     Healing power of nature (vis medicatrixnaturae)

3.     Treat the cause (tollecausam)

4.     Treat The whole person (tolletotum)

5.     Doctor as teacher (docere)

6.     Disease prevention and health promotion ]


Medical newstoday

Naturopathy is a form of healthcare that combines modern treatment with traditional methods. It
includes alternative, natural therapies to modern medicine.

[Naturopathy focuses on:

 the body’s capacity to heal itself

 preventing health problems

 a personal responsibility to optimize health

Naturopathic treatment plans focus on education and prevention. They often emphasize diet,
exercise, and stress management.]

[Naturopathy uses a series of principles and beliefs to create individual treatment plans.

These principles and beliefs are:

 Self-healing: Identifying and removing obstacles to recovery, allows for natural healing.

 Underlying symptoms: Rather than stopping symptoms, a naturopathic doctor can

resolve underlying physical or mental issues by treating the body, mind, and spirit.

 Harmless treatment: Treatment plans should not have harmful side effects or control
symptoms negatively.

 Holistic treatment: A naturopathic doctor must recognize individuality to treat all

aspects of a person’s health effectively.

 Education in treatment: Naturopathic doctors teach self-care to help empower people

against ill health.

 Prevention: It is good to remove toxic substances from a lifestyle to prevent problems

from arising.]

Treatments a naturopathic doctor may offer include:

 diet and nutrition recommendations

 behavioral change, such as exercise and lifestyle

 homeopathy, a type of natural medicine

 hydrotherapy, which is water-based treatment

 manipulative therapy, for instance, putting pressure on certain parts of the body to
establish balance

 herbal dietary supplements

 detoxification

 psychotherapy


 Alternative medical system 2) Treatment

 Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine employing a wide

array of `natural` treatments, including homeopathy, herbalism, and acupuncture, as well as
diet and lifestyle counseling. Naturopaths favor a holistic approach with non-invasive
treatment and generally avoid the use of surgery and drugs. Naturopathic philoso.....
 More attractive to mid-19th-century Americans were various non-exercise treatments, cures,
and dietary schemes designed to encourage overall health ...
- (from the article `physical culture`)

 A system of disease prevention and treatment that avoids drugs and surgery. Naturopathy is
based on the use of natural agents such as air, water, light, heat, and massage to help the body
heal itself. It also uses herbal products, nutrition, acupuncture, and aromatherapy as forms of

 A drugless system of therapy, making use of physical forces such as air, light, water, heat,
massage, etc. ... (12 Dec 1998) ...

 A drugless system of healing by the use of physical methods, such as light, air, or water.

 A system of natural healing based on the philosophy that the body has the ability to cure
Found on

 A system of therapeutics in which neither surgical nor medicinal agents are used; reliance is
placed only on natural (nonmedicinal) forces.
Found on
 A system of therapy based on preventative care, and on the use of heat, water, light, air, and
massage as primary therapies for disease. Some naturopaths use no medications, either
pharmaceutical or herbal. Some recommend herbal remedies only. A few who are licensed to
prescribe may recommend pharmaceuticals in those cases where they f...

 Naturopathy is a method of treating disorders, involving the use of herbs and other naturally
grown foods, sunlight, fresh air, etc.
Found on

 A method of treating disease using food and exercise and heat to assist the natural healing
Found on

 naturopathy, naturopath, naturopathic A drugless system of therapy, making use of physical

forces such as air, light, water, heat, massage, etc.

 Naturopathy can be defined as those therapies practiced by naturopaths. An example of

current primary naturopathic therapies include, nutrition, homoeopathy, herbalism, many
forms of massage and tactile (touch) therapies. It can also include, but not limited to, other
non ingestive, secondary therapies such aromatherapy, reflexology, flower remedie...

 A method of treating disease using food and exercise and heat to assist the natural healing

 In alternative medicine, facilitating of the natural self-healing processes of the body.

Naturopaths are the general practitioners (GPs) of alternative medicine and often refer clients
to other specialists, particularly in manipulative therapies, to complement their own work of
seeking, through d...
 A system or method of treating disease that employs no surgery or synthetic drugs but uses
special diets, herbs, vitamins, massage, etc., to assist the natural healing processes.

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