Turnaround Operations 1

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Turnaround Operations 1

The Process of Turning the Division Around

HR Department

Bobby Robinson

MGT 3320: Human Resources Management

Dr. Lockhart

May 8, 2022
Turnaround Operations 2

Per release of new HR Management:

After going over the inventory of the division, it has been brought to our attention that

there are many problems that need a solution for the organization to make a comeback and

turnaround. There have been many reasons for the issues to come about but what is at top

priority is getting these issues solved. The new HR management team is writing this letter to

send out to the department with attempts to give an understanding of the changes that will be

getting implemented into the department. We will go over many issues as well as our

foreseeable solution for these issues. Any employee that has an issue can reach the HR

department and in return will be heard and a proper meeting held to fix their issue. With this

being stated, from the moment of notice there will no longer be issues between employees and

the workplace as every issue is to be brought to the HR department and any conflicts that arise.

If there is a case that is not brought to our attention and the employees feel that they need to

take into their own hands, there will be serious action taken against this.

First issue of many includes the employees in the workplace. As many have notices the

turnover rate is high bringing the question of why we must replace so many employees so often.

Upon further research, we have noticed that there are many employees who feel frustrated and

do not understand what they are doing in their position or how they even contribute to the

company. With this being heard and seen, we will be implementing a new training system.

Everyone in the department will partake in the training seminar based off your position. There

will be seminars held throughout the next two months and is mandatory for everyone to attend

their skilled position. While in training there will also be a distribution of every position job

description along with the effects of everyone’s position for the company (Zanaysha & Tahir,

2016). At the end of each seminar the employees will be questioned on how they feel about the

position as well as be able to rediscuss their pay. 

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There was an understanding that the pay structure was outdated and by implementing

this into the end of training it will allow for the employees to discuss their issue and be able to

reach an agreement while also having that understanding of their position and how they affect

the company. As far as employees that have issues with their coworkers, we will be sending out

a formal email to everyone and will be going over these emails immediately. We feel the need to

get the issues in the workplace solved as fast as possible and will function as needed. Please

read the email to its full capacity and attach any notes or files you have associated with this


This brings in the EEO complaints that have not been properly examined. We now have

a specific department in HR where all EEO complaints will be dropped off to and managed. This

new department will specifically be dealing with these cases to have them managed and

resolved in the best way possible. Please know we take every accusation very seriously and

now of notice, there will be an officer reaching out (Swank, 2021). We do feel that having these

issues managed by HR instead of taking into the matters of your own hands will not only bring in

light to the department but also bring back its reputation. Having a good reputation in your

department is important, especially with the idea of expanding the facility. Formally, if you feel

that your complaint is not being managed as it should please file it through an EEO counselor

on the federal level (Filing a formal complaint).

With that being said, we have also received a bunch of letters stating that the equipment

and facility is outdated. We have taken proper inventory of the items around the office and have

put in an order for new equipment as well as new applications to help the future of the

department move with continuous flow. We understand that the last person in charge here was

not up to date and kept themselves secluded but note that this new management is not that

way. We are about the employees and making sure that the work environment is one that

everyone can prosper in.

Turnaround Operations 4

Next, there is a high rate of absenteeism. There will be an email and letter sent to

everyone stating the new policies and rules of the department. You will still have an opportunity

to request days off as well as have sick days but call ins will be limited to three per month

excluding dire circumstances taken up with HR themselves. Anyone that is a no-call no-show

will be given a formal warning as well as written and warned that if it happens again, they will be

let go. Everyone here is of extreme importance to the company and we need everyone to show

up. Following along with that is workplace illness and injuries. Included in the new policies and

rules there is a section designated to work illness and work-related injuries. All must be reported

to HR as well as a doctor's note stating what the issue or sickness is (Dembe et al., 2010). After

proper notice and notes, there will be a thorough investigation will you, the employee, will be on

leave until the investigation is concluded. If deemed fit that it was a workplace incident, you will

be paid for time on leave as well as discussion of future repayment.

Talking about pay, we will remit the notice in change of pay. We understand that the

structure is outdated and have taken notes of what everyone is at and where we believe they

should be. Note that we will have that discussion with every employee before making any

changes to pay. There will be many factors that come into play with the new pay system that

include but are not limited to performance, satisfaction, and experience (Dembe et al., 2010).

As a department we are losing money but the new management in HR seems that

having these issues mentioned in this letter managed to the correct measure as well as giving

our employees a clean slate will not only bring us back but make a turnaround in the department

itself. If there is anything that you feel needs to be touched on, please feel free to reach out and

let us know the issue at hand and we will reassure you that it will be investigated and managed

to the best of our ability. These next few points will be going into what we noticed are the issues

for some of these problems and we will go about making a change to it. We may not hit

everything covered in Part One, but we will hit the most important that we have recognized.
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Cause of Issues and how it will be managed:

First, the absenteeism in the workplace. We believe this is because of the lack in

importance that the employees feel in the work environment. With employees being frustrated it

is easy to not want to come into work or if you feel like you are not of importance make it seem

pointless to come into work. There is also the issue of altercations between employees that

could be a cause for others to not come into work. Having that altercation could intimidate one

and if they feel like they are not being heard or that the issue will not resolve they could just

decide to not come into work. Another reason could be not feeling like they are played what they

deserve and, in that case, might be taken days off to try and find another job where they feel

more welcomed. 

We want to assure everyone that we have taken notes and done plenty research into

everything we named and will ensure that the workplace will become an averment that people

enjoy being in and enjoy being around. We will also be implementing the new policies that cover

absenteeism but want everyone to know that we hear you, and everyone will start with a fresh

slate. If you have previous not come in for a specific reason do not worry because everyone will

be starting over on solid ground and we all will build together from there. We understand that

frustration and have taken the matters into our own hands to resolve all issues and make the

workplace a spot where people want to come in and a place where people enjoy what they are

doing around the people who are just as committed as they are.

Another issue is the old age of the workplace. Having much of the equipment being

outdated and many of the structured that were in place being outdated, we have decided to go

ahead and do a whole renovation to the department. There will be new equipment as well as

new structures to go into place that include pay, policies, and rules. Having this renovation will

make the department feel new again and revamp the energy inside the workplace. Allowing for
Turnaround Operations 6

upgrades in the facility will promote a boost in performance as well as show that we listen and

want our employees to have the best available to them to allow them to always perform as their


We take note of all inventoried items, and you will be seeing new equipment come about

the office over the course of the next few months. As for the structures, we have rewritten pay

and how that will be evaluated based on experience, performance, and level of entry. Any new

hires that come in after the implementation of the rework will be put through evaluation during

training and if deemed fit could see an increase in pay of the start fresh out of training. We care

about what our employees are bringing to the table and how they are performing more than we

care about their experience. 

A big issue we are seeing is the loss of money in the department. Now, this could have

many reasons but one big one that we believe is that lack of employee dedication. Not having a

proper employee base as well as having dedicated employees performing at their best is

resulting in a loss of revenue. Now we understand that this is from the lack of care to the

employees and the workplace so we believe that implementing our new training strategies as

well as policies and rules will bring in a pristine environment for the workplace. Therefore,

resulting in an increase in revenue for the department

There is major competition out there for this type of work and we understand that it could

come pressuring, so we are offering compensation and bonuses for individuals who perform to

a certain standard. All will be noted in the rework of pay policies that will be sent out via email.

We will be on the lookout for quality individuals as well as over a promotion as we deemed fit.

This is allowing for everyone to receive the same opportunity for an increase in longevity inside

the workplace and increase in the productivity. 

We are trying to attract more quality employees so those who are currently in the

workplace will not have to deal with someone straight off the street instead having to work with
Turnaround Operations 7

someone who also understands what they are doing and instead of bringing the department

down they are able to work among everyone and keep the flow of production at a high. There

will be a quality succession plan for those who are in key roles in the department to bring in new

talent as well as get an evaluation for the current talent we have in the department. This will also

bring a new role into play for these key positions which, be noted, will increase the pay as well.

The importance of everyone here in the workplace is high and we expect the same level

of dedication from the top to the bottom in this department. There is not one individual that

means more to the company than the other and all will be treated as such. 

Recommendations from HR:

As stated, we have reformed the entire workplace. There will be a moment of confusion

while everyone is getting acquainted with the new policies, rules, and retraining. We will take it

slow through this time of change and help all those who reach out in time of need to help with

whatever we are able to. We understand that it is a substantial change, but we hope that all find

it necessary and extremely helpful to help turn this department around. 

We recommend that if you are having trouble getting settled back in, you reach out to

HR and get that help. There is no need to feel trapped or lost. All changes made were to better

impact every employee, as well as help, improve the performance of the workplace and its

environment. We have taken the notes of the previous HR as well as surveyed the department

and done the proper research to help the best that we can in getting reinstated to a successful

working department. 

We also recommend that you fully read every email being sent out these next couple of

months are they are important regarded the changes being made. Some of the changed may

directly affect you place of employment, and we want to make sure that everyone has a grasp of
Turnaround Operations 8

understanding before heading back into work. These retraining are not to be seen as a dreadful

thing but as a refresher course for those at work. 

We are looking out for those who do not understand their importance in the company as

well those who do not fully understand their position. Along with these retraining we recommend

you hold onto the job descriptions that we will be giving out during training so that anything you

have questions about your position you are able to go to your team lead and receive help for the

confusion that you are having.

Implementation of the changes:

As we have stated there will be a retraining that will be happening over the next few

months. This retraining will go in waves and not everyone will be in retraining at once. There will

be a schedule sent out stating when each employee has their training, and it is mandatory.

Anyone who is not going to retraining will have a meeting with HR as well as given a formal

warning. This retraining is to help those who are lost at work or do not understand their position

or importance to the company.

This retraining is also here to allow the employees to get an idea of what is being

expected of them as well as give our older employees an opportunity to adapt to the changes.

We understand this could be an extremely confusing time for those who have been here for

many years, and we expect retaliation from these employees, but we want everyone to know

that this is for the future of the company and that we are not attacking or trying to change any

one person but instead change the performance for the better.

Outcomes expected:

With all these changes we are expecting a big turnaround in revenue, employees’

feelings as well as the quality of the jobs we have here. The outcome of performance will be the

biggest one to have an impact as it involves all who were mentioned. Performance comes from
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the equipment being used by the employee who has a proper understanding of what they are

doing as well as having a proper understanding of their importance. 

It is expected that the head of the company understands it will take a few months who all

these processes to go into effect and that they are willing to wait and not drop the department to

put their money elsewhere. We will be showing a growth in performance right away and alone

will show that the outcome of the processes we are going through is working. Making these

changes was the right thing to do and instead of getting rid of the department. Having these new

policies and rules as well as reem powering the employees allows for growth to start and the

start of everyone feeling welcome and not individualized.

The challenges to come:

As expected, there will be challenges we will face come a time when implementing these

changes. A few of the big ones will be the older employees not understanding why we are

making these changes as well as they might not be willing to make the change. There will be

the challenge of getting the retraining for everyone and finding the correct way to retrain them

as well as finding the people to retrain them. Another is finding the income to pay for the

upgrades to the facility as we are already losing a ton of money.

Turnaround Operations 10


Dembe, A., Erickson, B., & Delbos, R. (2010, August 17). Predictors of work-related injuries

and illnesses: National survey findings. Predictors of work-related injuries and illnesses:

national survey findings. Retrieved May 8, 2022, from



Filing a formal complaint. US EEOC. (n.d.). Retrieved May 8, 2022, from



Hanaysha, J., & Tahir, P. R. (2016, June 7). Examining the effects of employee empowerment,

teamwork, and employee training on job satisfaction. Procedia - Social and Behavioral

Sciences. Retrieved May 8, 2022, from


Swank, D. (2021, March 8). Mediation and the Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint

Process. HeinOnline. Retrieved May 8, 2022, from



Widener, S. K. (2005, August 3). Human capital, pay structure, and the use of performance

measures in bonus compensation. Management Accounting Research. Retrieved May 8,

2022, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S104450050500034X

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