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Deteuminuy u the uinuds that dix the Mou
and 2dme)
ex-(a, an dh,dhii,any
that wan dhot a NoLn s omina
h Qsu the wouds

e Bome Commo Deteynmingsts

Bound ue to 7) dccept uoualg

- Corsonaut
Sowd use An (a, e,ij o, u)
The i ed o ix thi things amd fusonp.
Examples - A peh s to ubill i e a r 4 k
Pn elphaut u qhuge nimal
T haue Lost e s
This, dhat, tae ad shoge, ao o

donotud hy the NDuns hat Jaltoud

hay poid to objesti
i , thude au used Jor nea sbieeti a possons
o r peouona.
Hope auu e d Jor Jasu obect
hat o
Ex-cthi man u a Jiauo illagen
heze mohgoes WL Suoot
My DuLyou hs, hor ik theb s g L a o
tie asu puupqueiue dosms e puonDuyiue
beued kalosu0 Bingula Omduual N
Brample You Sistey abscent hoday
DL mut do one dulg
&uie hoUM O Neoly buitt
Ohe, tuuo, thou e
thepe unuds Q wwda Couuting
Ex-Su has tuup daugitoy
4 6 0 9 9)
5 ach and
euusuy posuons
aeh s used tol Ohe o duuo hings

Euy ued fo udgeit puuons tnineg


Example, each boy must hau his ouh book

6) No, Anay amd Bome A
o'any au ued
yor, iutuuo g.atiu pmd Negotiu
om gnvaty uied eiumatiu Beutae
Ex Hau you ay Hbrmoin sid
Thosu i Bome midko thu mug
Ato you cant do that hingS tb
Note LAy iueel uin boh. Countachle ancl neounlabl

. o e ome eis uued in Negatfue deutonce oma

ntesugatius Boudone, aa qtutton &hortus
8oquest ov inuurtation d Ap
Ex w you hauu Bome Nik ?

AU and Boh d
Aeolbolik DHel many n i t togehi
bh &houus dte 09tel uuo uhit

xample al you Corme Hu h a

PoH o yougutoub deint
8) erithes and Neihe L
ELtham.0s one octhu o Pesong or things
eith tMege tuo pe
ExampleS You ma y the hage
them Coulal Speak on
and Beusal
Much feo ,
Many opposile uunad Feu
Muen oppostte uuped
cualmeaning Many CSynonums

in the andon.
asu moLy ylouuwwu
books elt
hauu uo
Comos alti beunnal daug
You go d s imos to yow
shau so much u dphit

III. Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners:

1. How money do you want ? 7. How milk do you buy daily ?
2. umbrella is 8. Have you ... complaint against me ?
useful thing.
3. He asked me for ... money, but I didn't
. . 9. Ihave already spent... few rupees I had.
have 10. He lay unconscious for ....
hour and
4. book you want is not with me. . half.
5 .. more one has.. more one wants. 11. One goes to ..
university to receive
6. She is ... Asian education.
. by birth, not .

IV. Re-write
the following sentences making necessary corrections
1. Sikkim is now state in Union of India.
a 5. He has not got some bread.
2. He insisted on me going to the market. 6. We enjoyed party Mr. S.B. Sharma gave us.
3. His both sons are thieves. 7. He was the elder of the two brothers.
4. No less than five girls were engaged. 8. Each of them followed their plan.

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