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Energy Conversion Pri nciples in Fluid Power Systems

lnput Ps, Q Output

mechanical Fluid power mechanical
power power

Pp = TpUp Vap Vonr P11a = 7M@yq

?tp, 1vP 4tna, 4vM

The system or supply pressure is denoted p..
The tota! efficiency 41 is the energy efficiency.
The pump volumetric efficiency 7ve is the actual discharge flow rate divided by the
theoretical (larger) one that is given by Vop x op.This is due to the fluid leakage
past the pump pistons.
The motor volumetric efficiercy 4vur is that given by Vor,,r x nrra divided by the
(!arger) actual fluid flow rate is consumes, for the same reason.

Energy balance: Tp@p}p = PsQ = 7M(nwl }tw

Continuity: VapllP?vP = O = Vavrlml ?uw
By division: Tp(2nlVopX4tpInui = Ps = InnQnlVonrX4rn Iqnil
This set of equations is essential for making the calculations of fluid power pumps,
motors, and systems consisting of both units. ln practice the displacement volume
V6 is expressed in cm3 and is called the unit size. For calculations using the third
equation conversion to m3 is necessary.

Note that, in this hydraulic closed circuit, the return fluid flow rate is somewhat
smaller than the high-pressure flow rate (that transmits the fluid power). This is
due to the leakage inside the casings of the pump and motor, since 4, < 1.0 for
both units. This leakage oil is taken back to a reservoir, from which a small charge
pump - connected to the return line - makes up for the amount of leakage. The
closed circuit should not lose any fluid otherwise the pump would operate under
"cavitation" conditions due to the negative pressure at its inlet port. Result would
be that it discharges oil full of tiny air bubbles, very compressible, and the system
operation would be unacceptable.
Performance Diagram of Motors
The performance diagram of a motor of any type and technology, electric or
hydraulic is always based on a torque-speed diagram such as the one shown with
dimensionless labeling of the axes. !t could include a set of so-called rectangular
hyperbolic curves of constant power, which are independent of the actual
performance of the machine; they are just curves of f x a; = constant.


\ \ t\
\ \
\ \ \
Torque \ \ \
\ \
\ \
0.2 \ \

vo o.z 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rotational speed
Performance Diagram of a Hydraulic Motor
A typical performance diagram of a hydraulic radial-piston motor is shown next,
unlabeled. ln addition to the constant power curves the diagram includes the
following sets of main contour lines:
1. A set of nearly horizontal bold curves of constant values of the system/supply
pressure, which indicate the approximate proportionality to the torque (see the
equation in ps).A somewhat smaller torque is being obtained at low speeds due
to worse lubricating conditions (boundary lubrication) and at high speeds due to
viscous frictional losses.
2. A set of nearly vertical bold lines of constant values of the supply flow rate of
fluid which indicate the approximate proportionality to the motor speed (see the
continuity equation in Q). These lines are slightly inclined backwards to show a
slight decrease in the speed as the torque increases, which is due to increased
leakage under increasing pressure.
operation region

F\ Flushing


Speed of rotation n
The diagram further includes a set of thin contour lines:
1. A set of contour lines of constant total efficiency 41 (the energy efficiency),
which surround an operating zone of highest efficiency. Efficiency decreases as
the operating point of the motor moves away from this zone.
2. A set of contour lines of constant volumetric efficiency 4, which decreases
slightly with increasing pressure, due to increased leakage.

The diagram is further divided into three operating zones or regions:

1. The continuous operating region which is delimited by the curve of maximum
allowable continuous pressure and by a curve of constant power.
2. The continuous operating region with the necessity of flushing (cooling the
motor casing with a low pressure cooling circuit) when larger power is required.
3. The intermittent operating region, which could only temporarily be entered.

Choice of the operating point

Within the zone of highest total efficiency only a fraction of the Iargest power
capacity of the motor is available, but the longest service life will be expected.
lf the motor is to be run near its maximum speed, then the supply pressure should
be reduced much.
If the motor is to produce a high torque, along the curve of maximum allowable
continuous pressure, then it should be run at about half its maximum speed.
Higher durability is achieved when the operating pressure is about 0.8 the
maximum allowable continuous pressure specified by the manufacturer.
Worked example
The performance diagram of a hydraulic motor is given below, without indication of
the motor size, which is the disptacement volume Vor,,r in cm3.
1. Choose a suitable operating point on the diagram to estimate V6M as the mean
value obtained by two dlfferent calculation methods; using two sets of data of that
operating point.
2. Determine the maximum output power of this motor with highest total efficiency.
3. Determine the maximum power available when this motor is operated just
before entering into the intermittent operating zone and before needing flushing.
4.lf a size 90 pump with 4rp = 0.97 and 41p = 0.90 is used to drive this motor at the
operating point in (3) above in a closed circuit, then calculate the speed reduction
ratio obtained and the overall system efficiency.




E 21 00
.o I 800

(=t 1 500
F- I 200




200 250 300 350

Speed in rpm
1. Chosen will be the operating point lrvr = 2100 Nm at fivr= 100 rpm. At this point we can
read off p = 200 bar, Q =72literlmin, 4tu = 0.914,4vM = 0.9775.

Substituting in the continuity or flow-rate equation of the motor,

Vona = Q4rna/nu =72,OOO x 0.97751100 = 703.8 cm3

Substituting in the torque equation of the motor,

Vau = 2nTqui,lltpltru = [2Tr x 2100 x 0.97751(200 x 10s x 0.914)] x 106 = 705.6 cm3

The small difference is due to interpolation error, and the average value is Vor,,r. = 704.7
cm3. This motor should be one of size 700; rounded.

2. Maximum output power with highest total efficiency is about 40 kW.

3. Maximum available power = 65 kW at the corner of the continuous operating zone.

4. At this operating point 4tr',r = 0.895 and 4vM = 0.976

Substituting in the continuity equation of the pump and motor,
Speed reduction ratio = nplny= Vaul(Vap4wr7vp) = 700/(90 x 0.976 x 0.97) = 8.2155
Overall system efficiency = 4trr114tp = 0.895 x 0.90 = 0.8055

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