Project Interview Questions & Answers: Doubt: Ans

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Project Interview Questions & Answers

Initially the interviewer would try to make an assessment on your genuinity.

- When did the implementation start?

- When did it GOLIVE?

- Were you involved in the end to end implementation or was it a partial role?

- -If you are supporting the client, who implemented SAP?

- What tool do you use to track the support activities?

- How many tickets have you handled so far?

- Name some critical issues which you resolved and without which the production or
business got affected?

- What is the system landscape?

- -Have you developed any reports / enhancements / technical / functional designs?

- Are you aware of SLAs

- Rate yourself on a rank of 1 to 10 in FI and CO

- How often have you interacted with client during implementation / support?

- What process designs have been prepared by you?

- How do you react when you get a critical issue or cross modular issues?

When did you go live? When did you start Implementation I am asking about Do we need to be
Support or Production/Pre Production/After Implementing the Project/ when we goes to the live
& as much you know after goes to the live And after the Client Company, is receiving all the
necessary Configuration & End users on working on it, then Functional Consultant our Role and
Responsibilities come in to the Picture by the

Doubt: After go live how long will you take?

 Ans: 1 Go live means The End users are already trained & working on it, In Go live no
take much time, The user will take
 2 After Go live actually what happens user will get Lot of Errors, When you start new
application will come up with the Lot of errors, somebody is not working Properly &
They don’t know how to perform, that time also they will raise error, It could be
 3 There will be a Tool, system they will raise a Tool in that Ticket we have to handle,
sometimes It could be some Configuration errors, Sometimes User does not know how
to use, In that case as a User raise it as a Ticket, First we have to Understand then we
have to Resolve, For example In Sap also Support Project what does it mean Whenever
User get Problems They will raise in the system then as a Support Consultant we have to
Resolve it.
 In the passion after going also the live will be happen, In this case First depends on the
agreement on the Client, we give the support until the application may be stable, we

gibe the support It may extend also, we are not sure that we will continue for a Long
time, or It will end up for 3months for 6 months, It depends on the how you agreement
with the client in the Initial the beginning of the Project.
 Why because once you done the Configuration Errors we have to do the Testing &
Quality approvals also right? Then only we will give the live Project, Regarding this only
the Client will coming up with Change Request only during support, Are you gonna do
some master data, I mean Complete Configuration itself,
 First they will raise it as a Ticket then what we will have to do as a Consultant we have to
analyse whether as per SLA like we have to Complete the Tickets with in the Time, like
Normal Tickets we should complete 4 days or 1 week like this some High level Tickets
should with in 4hrs, 6hrs to Complete like this.
 First we should analyse the Ticket should be put about Ticket more effort or Less effort
or it is related Configuration errors or Just error kind of thing that kind of thing we have
to analyse based on that, Are you gonna change whatever is in live,
 Is it so Configuration is already done, it is started form Preproduction To Production-
The data is migrated for Non Sap to Sap, and Go live is also done so we are giving
support after one month- So If support itself Client comeup with change Request after
that- After go live we cannot do the Configuration & May be If any emergency or Prior
approvals or higher authority or Client Requirement their can may be change other wise
we Individually not change.

Generally how much time Support Project in the Companies?

Ans: 18 months or 1.5 Year.

Does it depend on Company To Company? Ans: Yes

Q: What is the least agreement time support Project Company can assign?
Ans: Depending on the Company. Can I put it 8 months on the Support? Yes put it Its Ok
Q: Aravind Purchased Product from IBM Team- A: They took One & half year for Support
Ans: Usually the Support Project is ONE YEAR, It may depend on the Client also,
What is Cross module Issues?
A: Cross module means- FI To MM Integration Issues.
If you supporting the Client who Implemented Sap?
A: If we Implementation the Project we can tell that The Client didn’t disclose Information
If Implementation Project Done by one Company AND Supporting Project is Done by another
Company Is it Valid?
A: Because It there is No Rule like Implementation & Supporting handled by One Company.
What Tool to use the Tracking Support Activities?
A: Service Now Tool, Remedy for Tickets raising
Till now how many Tickets you so far Handled?
A: Daily basis we have assign Two or Three Tickets, So whoever has a Good training to the End
user & They have good grasping skills so they will be getting less skills.
Q: Tickets are getting less so why your having for Support Project- Means
A: Particularly whoever has Implemented Project they are given Good training for the End
users, So the End users errors are very little, 3Errors are getting very few in a Day, Probably we
are getting 20-30 in a month.
Q: Tickets are getting Support or Implemented?

A: Only Support Project.

Q: In one gut putting in the Resume details:
Two years exp in Implementation & Two years exp in Support then I should be justifying how
many Tickets handled in Two years?
A: They used to raise 2 To 3 Tickets for a Day & they used to raise 2 To 3 Days-Some times it
may get time 1week and based on seviority of the Ticket, Based on SLA means Resolution time
means- First Quick Assigning time is 30 minutes, P1 Ticket time is- 2 To 3 Hrs, P2 Ticket is- 10
Hrs, P3 Ticket is- 2 Days & P4 Ticket solving time is 3 Days we can say like that. Based on the
Client SLA
Q: What is the system Land scape?
A: Development, Quality Preproduction & Production, All the Development & Configuration who
done in Development And Transport Request will generate- Transport the Quality system with
the help of the Basis team T Code is SE09, And Quality team will give the Unit Testing, If Unit
Testing is Ok- Transport Request will generate & Transport will move to the Production after
User acceptance will happen for Senoir people- If they are Ok Transport Request will move to
Production Team with the help of Basis team.
So At the time of Configuration in the Development server and when it moves to the Quality
Server certain Errors occurred in the Quality server- then it will be move back to the
Development server & Threat will be Rectified and it will move to further next stage of the
server as
Q: Have you developed any Reports or Enhancements or Technical Designs and Functional
A: Basically Enhancements & Reports is nothing but these are all not to disturb the Existing
Functionality- We add new features to the Configuration which will be needed the Requirement
of the Configuration. At the particular point of time we will need support & Help of Abaper to
complete the particular End. That could be a valid answer.

SLA- Service Level Agreement:

SLA is the Agreement between Client & Company. If we raise any issue how many days it will
going resolve that depends on the Time basis

About Implementation Project & Support Project:

If any type of Project everything is Depended on the SLA, The Client Company And Company
that is going to Undertake a Project, Every Company Highest point of mentioned in the SLA like
both the parties will be Higher level

Q: How often have you interacted with client during implementation / support?
A: In Support project we do not meet Client for daily meetup, Because Interact with the Client is
not that easy, there are many Protocols that needs to be fulfils before we Interact with the
Client. But as many number of times we Interact to be a tier some Process,
Q: End users are Part of Client? A: Yes OffCourse End users are a Part of Client .
But I don’t think it is Considered as Interaction to the client.


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