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Heriot Watt University Internship Agreement Form – 2022

This agreement governs the relations between:

1. Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Campus, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, represented by.

Name of individual: Dr Andrea Eross

Job title: Assistant Professor of Finance
Email address:

2. The intern
Name: Rokith Ramdoss
Course title: MA (hons) Accountancy and finance
Date due to graduate: 2024

3. The company
Company name: HDFC Bank

Intern duties

For the duration of the internship, the intern Rokith Ramdoss remains a fully registered student at Heriot
Watt University and agrees to abide by all the University’s Ordinance, Regulations and Rules as set out. In
addition, he is obliged to respect all the HDFC Bank’s local regulations particularly regarding discipline,
health and safety and the working schedule.
Heriot Watt University shall not be liable in any way for the acts, errors, or omissions of the intern.
In the event of any breach of discipline, the company reserves the right to terminate the internship after
informing the contact named on this document for Heriot Watt University. The intern may break the
internship agreement, after having communicated the decision to the named company representative and
the named contact for Heriot Watt University.

Signed for and on behalf of Heriot Watt University -

Signature: Andrea Eross
Print name and job title: Andrea Eross / Assistant Professor of Finance
Date: 10/3/2022

Signed by the intern -

Signature: Rokith
Print name and job title: Rokith Ramdoss
Date: 10/03/2022

If you have any queries regarding this agreement, please contact:

Keith Kilgore, Careers Adviser, Heriot Watt University / 0131 451 3393

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