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Day 01

The love for a puppy is indescribable, they make your life different, even when you are sad, they make
you smile. I love spending time with my dog, his name is Cooper, ever since I adopted my dog I knew he
would change my life. Cooper is Siberian, he has blue eyes. We have to get to the park every day for 30
or 40 minutes, if we don't go, Cooper feels very sad. Now I am thinking of adopting a new pet, it can be a
cat or a parrot. In my house we don't have much space, that's why I haven't decided yet, I have to ask
my dad.

Day 02

What do you think of politics in Peru? It is the question that is constantly asked. Peru has been full of
corruption for many decades. In my country, if you don't pay a percentage or a tithe, you can't win a
process or a bid with the government. Although the government has created an organization called
OSCE to regulate all tenders, the results are not significant. When President Castillo came in, many
people had the hope that this situation could change, however, the corruption index has not gone
down, it has even worsened.

DAY 03

I have been thinking about many aspects of my life for three months. I finished my degree, but now I'm
not working, the situation is very difficult, finding a job these days is too difficult. At the moment I
dedicate my time to do my thesis, and these days I am helping my friend in some projects in his
company, I am learning new things.I have been married four times, my first marriage was a totally
chaos, my ex husband cheating on me with my cousin, but my last marriage is totally different, he loves
me, and he try to demonstrate day by day.

DAY 04

Today I received bad news, my father is with omicron, and I am very worried because a few days ago I
had contacted him. A week ago, I went to my best friend's birthday and I probably got it there, despite
taking precautions. Also, my father has diabetes and I don't know how his body can react to this disease,
the worst thing is that he is not with me, he is alone in Lima. He traveled to visit my aunt who is very ill
with cancer. However, I have faith that everything will get better.

DAY 05

Who is perfect in this life? Many people hurt others by using this statement. Sometimes we are not
aware of the damage we cause when we cheat on someone, when we lie, when we betray. I think that
our behavior is according to how we feel about ourselves, nobody gives others more than they are.
Remember, don't do what you wouldn't want to be done to you. In my case I try to be a good person,
even when people have been hurt me many times.

DAY 06

In Huaraz, in these months the afternoons are a bit sad, because it rains for hours, in these moments I
remember my beautiful mother. I feel that I need her, in two weeks it will be seven years that she left
my side. I don’t deny that time helps you calm your pain or stop the memories of the person who is no
longer in your life. It has been really difficult to overcome the dead of my mom. But there will always be
something of that person, somewhere, in some food, in your house, etc.

DAY 07

I am writing this paragraph and I feel very happy. I have a beautiful view, I can see how wonderful
nature is. The forests, the cows and the horses. The place is called "Copa Cabana Lodge", it is 40 minutes
from the city of Huaraz. It is one of the most visited hotels in Huaraz, despite the fact that the price of
the room is high. I would never get tired of being here. I am grateful to life and to my boyfriend for being
here with me. He is so kind, now he is cooking dinner, he is preparing a delicious grilled chicken.

DAY 08

Today is Friday, but in Huaraz there are not many things to do. Huaraz is a very quiet city, the crime rate
is very low. However, there is not even a large shopping center or cinemas. For this reason, many people
prefer to travel to Casma or Huarmery. Those cities are 3 hours from here. There, you can go to the
beach whenever you want. Also, their clubs are really nice because they are too big and with nice
designs. Last month I traveled to Huarmey, I went to "tuquillo", it is a beautiful beach, it does not have
much waves

Day 09

Global warming is constantly increasing. However, many people are not aware of the damage to the
planet. For example, they throw garbage into the oceans or rivers. Even knowing that plastics harm the
environment, they are still used every day. Also, companies don't care about the environment, they just
want to make more and more money. The government does not develop a law that punishes people or
companies that pollute. In my opinion, you have to pay a fine if you pollute.

DAY 10

I feel really upset; I can't believe that people think that polluting the ocean is totally normal. A few hours
ago, the "repsol" company spilled large amounts of oil into the ocean. This disaster is destroying many
species, animals and plants. We have to do something to reduce the impact of the spill. Many people
and organizations try to collect hair and nylon. Personally, I believe that our government should sanction
thousands of dollars.

DAY 11

Love if it is a true love, does not hurt? It's too complicated, but I can't imagine how it's possible that a
person who says he loves you deceives you. So far, I have three boyfriends, two of them make me cry on
many occasions. Michael, cheating on me in the first year of our relationship. So, my last boyfriend Julio,
while he swore to love me, had still been seeing his ex. However, everyone you meet always teaches you

DAY 12

Today I will write about my friend Sharon. She is beautiful, tall and slim. I met her nine years ago when
we studied at school. Since 2013 we are friends. Also, she lives near my house, sometimes she sleeps
with me. Sharon has good feelings; she loves to help other people. She has been a volunteer in many
organizations. When I have problems, she gives me good advice. However, I hate her boyfriend, because
she treats her badly.

DAY 13
I am planning to visit Ica this weekend. I have seen many photos and I am looking forward to seeing that
beautiful city. Since last year I want to travel there. Last year I couldn't travel because the government
banned it due to the pandemic and the restrictions became stricter. But now I am totally decided, I have
coordinated with my friends. We will go five people, two women and three men, we have already
booked the hotel, we even have the car with which we will go.



 Mrs. Standley's dogs can predict alerts 30 minutes in advance
 "Clever Hans" can answer math questions
 Some psychologists debate about the intelligence of these animals
 The author mentions that animals are intelligent because of the skills they have
developed better than others.


In "EXTREME PERCEPTION AND ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE," authors Temple Grandin and Catherine
Johnson write about animals that are considered intelligent. They show two examples of a dog
that can predict seizures and a horse that has math skills.

They also mention that only some dogs have cognitive abilities that stand out from the rest. The
authors consider that most dogs only react to previous training. However, some dogs can
anticipate their owners' seizures. For example, Mrs. Connie Standley has two dogs that can
predict her seizures 30 minutes in advance. Also, the authors tell us the story of Clever Hans,
who is a horse that can add single-digit numbers and solve some math-related questions. Clever
Hans gives the answer using his helmet. Psychologist Oskar caused controversy when he showed
that Hans did not actually count, but instead observed human cues when he started tapping and
when he stopped tapping. Also, Dr. Pfungst found that Hans answered correctly when the
person asking the question was within sight of him.

The authors conclude by saying that only some animals can do extraordinary things like those
mentioned, it is not a capacity or ability that all animals have.


 I have been married five times
 I have had three successful marriages
 I have had four children
 I have studied more than five careers
 I live between Peru and Spain
 My house is big and beautiful


Who would have thought we are in the year 2175. I am grateful to the universe for everything it
has given me during these 200 years, between good and bad things.

One of the positive aspects is that I have been married five times. My first two marriages were
utterly a waste of time, but 12 years later I met Miguel. I fell madly in love, it was 10 years of
relationship. After that, I met Carlos. Now I am married to John, he is 50 years younger than me.
Another positive aspect is that I have only had four children, I have lived in many countries, but
the one where I feel at home is Peru and Spain. My third husband gave me a house in Ibiza, it
was awesome

A negative aspect is that unfortunately until now I have not found a career that I like, I have
studied architecture, law, fashion design, administration. However, this year I decided to go
back to university to study aerospace engineering, since I am fond of airplanes and rockets.
Another negative aspect is that living so many years is not entirely positive. Year after year you
see how the land is being destroyed.

To conclude, my life has had positive and negative aspects. I have lived for so many years. The
love that my current husband gives me is like the air I need to live.


BRAINSTORMING: Reasons to support a mandatory community service

Learn from others Obligatory
Work in a team Some people aren’t motivated
To be empathetic
Meet new people
Make new friends


I am in favor of the volunteer program as it has many advantages. Since it will allow your
students to make new friends and acquire new social skills
The first reason why I agree is that participating in a volunteer program at your university,
although it is mandatory and many see it as a waste of time, has great advantages. Meeting new
people from different careers at your university is spectacular. You can make new friends, for
example two years ago I was part of a volunteer. There I met Sujey and now she is my best
friend, we have too much in common, I love her. We usually volunteer for different purposes

The second reason why I am in favor is that you learn to work as a team for a common goal, in
addition to developing or improving your social skills. Despite the fact that they say that
mandatory volunteering does not motivate its members to work because they don’t have any
benefit, I believe the opposite for the aforementioned. When my cousin participated in the
mandatory volunteering at the university he became more empathetic, he had the ability to
communicate easily and learned to cooperate with others.

I conclude by saying that compulsory volunteering has great advantages, it is not as bad as some
people see it. If you have the opportunity to volunteer, then do not hesitate to give your best.


In "EXTREME PERCEPTION AND ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE" authors Temple Grandin and Catherine
Johnson write about animals that are considered intelligent. They show two examples of a dog that
can predict seizures and a horse that has math skills.

The authors believe that animals are highly perceptive. Likewise, they mention that only some dogs
have cognitive abilities that stand out from others. The authors consider that most dogs only react
to previous training. However, some dogs can anticipate their owners' seizures. For example, Ms.
Connie Standley has two dogs who can predict her seizures 30 minutes in advance, and when asked
about her dog's ability, she mentioned that her dogs were apparently trained before they lived with
her. In addition, the authors tell us the story of Clever Hans, who is a horse that can add one-digit
numbers and solve some questions related to mathematics. Clever Hans gives the answer using his
hoof. The psychologist Oskar created controversy when he showed that Hans didn’t really count,
but observed signals from humans when he started tapping and to stop tapping. Likewise, Dr.
Pfungst discovered that Hans answered correctly when the person asking the question was in sight
of him. The authors highlight Clever Hans and the dogs that can alert seizures, because they
acquired their skills without human help.

The authors conclude by saying that only some animals can do extraordinary things like those
mentioned, it is not a capacity or ability that all animals have. Likewise, they make the comparison
with human beings, mentioning that not all are intelligent, but those who have been able to better
develop their cognitive and perceptual abilities can achieve success more easily.


Who would have thought we are in the year 2175, I still can’t believe that I live to this day with that
same enthusiasm. In the next paragraphs, I am going to tell you a summary of my life so far, I am
grateful to the universe for everything it has given me during these 200 years, between good and
bad things.

One of the positive aspects is that I have been married five times. My first two marriages were
utterly a waste of time, but 12 years later I met Miguel. I fell madly in love, it was 10 years of
relationship, but the loveless destroyed the relationship in the last few years, then he died in an
accident. After that, I met Carlos with his details about him. He managed to win me over, it was a
beautiful marriage, but then he became interested in men, he is bisexual now. Now I am married to
John, he is 50 years younger than me. Another positive aspect is that I have only had four children,
two girls and two boys, my two oldest daughters with Miguel and my two sons with Carlos during
the twenty years of our relationship. The last positive aspect is that I have lived in many countries,
but the one where I feel at home is Peru and Spain. My third husband gave me a house in Ibiza, it
was awesome because you can feel how the sea breeze gives that vital energy to your body.

A negative aspect is that unfortunately until now I have not found a career that I like, I have studied
architecture, law, fashion design, administration and I feel that none of those careers really excites
me. However, this year I decided to go back to university to study aerospace engineering, since I am
fond of airplanes and rockets. Another negative aspect is that living so many years is not entirely
positive. Year after year you see how the land is being destroyed and how the population continues
to increase. In addition, the diseases continue to increase, this latest virus called "teta" is leaving
serious consequences in children and adolescents.

To conclude, my life has had positive and negative aspects. I have lived for so many years. I have
learned a lot. I am very grateful to the family I have. The love that my current husband gives me is
like the air I need to live.


I am in favor of the university volunteer program because it has many advantages. Even if it is
mandatory, this program seems to me to be an innovative proposal on the part of the university. In
addition, it will allow students to make new friends and acquire new social skills.

The first reason I agree is that participating in a volunteer program at your university, although it is
mandatory and many see it as a waste of time, has great advantages. Meeting new people from
different careers at your university is spectacular. You can make new friends, for example two years
ago I was part of a volunteer. I met Sujey there and now she is my best friend of hers, we have too
much in common, I love her. We usually volunteer for different purposes.

The second reason why I am in favor is that you learn to work as a team for a common goal, in
addition to developing or improving your social skills. Although they say that compulsory
volunteering does not motivate its members to work because they do not have any benefits, I
believe the opposite for those mentioned. When my cousin participated in compulsory volunteering
at the university he became more empathetic, he had the ability to communicate easily and learned
to cooperate with others.

To conclude, I don't understand how some people oppose mandatory volunteering. If being a
member of any volunteer helps you personally and socially. Perhaps at first, because it is mandatory,
it may seem terrible, but then your vision changes. If you have the opportunity to volunteer, do not
hesitate to do your best.



1. Oskar Pfungst proved that Clever Hans wasn’t able to solve mathematical problems. Do you
still believe that Hans showed intelligence by learning to “read” the movements of his
questioners and audience members.

Yes, I think that Clever Hans can answer the questions by reading the movements of the people
who ask. But that doesn't mean that Clever Hans isn't smart, because it developed the ability to
read the movements of people who question it.

2. Temple Grandin feels that seizure alert dogs are showing signs of high intelligence. Others
may say that what they do is really just an example of animals reacting based on instinct.
What is your opinion? Explain.

I think that dogs can alert the seizure, they are extremely intelligent because they help their
owners and prevent the seizure. Also, not all dogs have the ability to do things like that.

3. Share examples of animal behavior you have witnessed that you think exhibit intelligence. Do
these examples relate to Temple Grandin’s idea of what animal intelligence is?

When I traveled to Iquitos three years ago, I visited a zoo, there I saw a dolphin that could do a
lot of flips, and his gift for doing flips correctly was a fish.
I'm not entirely sure that a type of intelligence relates to Temple Grandin's idea, however, the
dolphin can do many things based on training.


1. Leo was “ten times her age.” Would you marry someone older than you? By how much? What
possible advantages or disadvantages are there to marrying someone much older than you?

Yes, I will probably marry someone older than me, maybe ten years older, but no more. The
advantage may be that this person will be mature and he will know what she wants. The
downside is that she will die before you.

2. The story mentions that with the Process, “these days you could look as young as you like.”
What age would you choose to look if you were having the Process? Why?

Now I am 22 years old, but if I do the procedure, I will choose to be 5 years old, because when
you are a child you have no obligations, your life is easier, you can be with your friend the hours
that you want.

3. Leo has had many different careers. “He reinvents himself every decade or two. That’s as
necessary to him as the Process itself.” Why do you think he changes careers so oſten? Would
you want to reinvent yourself every decade or two? Why or why not?

I guess when you live for many years, being static or doing the same things is impossible.
Therefore, changing careers every decade is a good option to maintain an active lifestyle
because you are doing innovative and different things.

If I had the option to reinvent myself every decade, I would do it because I love doing different
things like learning a new skill or practicing a new sport, even studying other careers.


1. Justin was able to combine something he loved to do with philanthropic work. Is it very
important to love what you are volunteering to do? Why?

Yes, I think it's important to be a volunteer when you love what you do. Because, you can do
anything with more energy and enthusiasm, you can also come up with innovative ideas to
make more money, collect some donations, help the poor, etc.
2. Who do you think received more from Justin’s philanthropic work, Justin or the people that he
gave the bikes to? Explain.

I think the philanthropic work that Justin did benefited people and himself, because he loved
doing this job, as well as helping others.

3. No one forced Justin to do what he did. Do you believe this makes Justin an exceptional young
man? Explain.

Of course, Justin was an exceptional young man, instead of spending his time playing video
games, traveling with his friends, drinking alcohol or going to all the parties in his city. He
preferred to do something meaningful for others, that's amazing and admirable

On a separate piece of paper, write five questions about Clever Hans. Use at least one word
from the Review or Expand sections in each question. Then exchange papers with a partner and
answer the questions. You can write or discuss your answers

1. What do you think of the controversy over the intelligence of "clever Hans"?
2. Do you think there are other horses like "clever Hans"?
3. How do you think "clever Hans" acquired these abilities?
4. If "clever Hans" would not have the ability to be perceptive, it would answer correctly. Why
or why not?
5. Would you like to have a horse with a unique ability like "clever Hans"? explain.


Imagine that you are either the bioethicist Daniel Callahan or Gregory Stock of UCLA’s School of
Public Health. On a separate piece of paper, write five questions for Leo (R1), about his
extended lifespan. Use at least one word from the Review or Expand section in each question.
Then exchange papers with a partner and answer the questions as if you were Leo.

1. Leo, do you think death is inevitable? Why or why not?

2. How worrisome is it to go through the "rejuvenation process" every decade?
3. Are you fond of increasing lifespan? Explain.
4. In your extended life, how many times did you suffer from loveless?
5. it's awesome how you can life many years. Do you recommend to other people participate
in the "process" to extend their lifespan?


STEP 1: Use the Internet and other sources to research an animal from the list.


STEP 2: Write a summary of the information you find, including answers to some of the Wh-
questions. Conclude by explaining whether you think the animal is exhibiting intelligence and

Koko was renowned as one of the most intellectual apes in history, beloved by millions of
people around the world. Under Patterson's tutelage, she learned more than 1,000 words in sign
language and came to understand over 2,000 words spoken to her in English.
Patterson, told that Koko had opportunities to show her brilliance and that’s what we saw. We
saw a person, really. She had all the attributes of a person and then some."
Koko was born at the San Francisco Zoo, Koko was loaned to Patterson at the age of 1 for a
research project at Stanford University on interspecies communications. When the zoo wanted
Koko back for breeding, Patterson raised more than $12,000 to officially adopt the super-simian.


STEP 1: Choose one of these blue zones


STEP 2: Do research on the Internet about the blue zone you chose. Read two or more articles
describing the area or group you are studying. Answer the questions:

 How long do the people live?

They live up to 100 years.

 Where do they live, and what is their environment like?

Sardinia has been an overlooked Mediterranean island, as it lies between Italian Sicily
and French Corsica. It has a great climate, has a wonderful beach.

 What is their diet?

Sardinians love eating their traditional dishes and usually cook in a very healthy way.
They prefer seasonings like olive oil to ones like butter which are higher in saturated
fats. They consume a lot of cereals, especially barley, and very little fish and meat.
 What is their lifestyle?
Sardinian people are still very religious and in fact spirituality. They don’t use much
public or private transportation and prefer getting around by walking.

 What do they do that is different from what most people do?

They eat a lot of home-made and home-grown products.

 How do experts explain their longevity?

Sardinian’s frugal diet is the main reason for such a long life expectancy. Also, there’s a
traditional wine, called Cannonau, whose chemical composition favors the body’s
wellness and, if drank in moderate quantities, gives Sardinia another great ally for a
longer life!

 What can we learn from these people?

we can learn from these people, their eating habits. They do not use chemicals in their
products. They avoid polluting the environment, which is why they do not use public
transport frequently.


STEP 1: As a class, brainstorm a list of community centers or community work in your area, or
list community centers you have heard about. Discuss the services these centers offer, such as
serving food, offering shelter, meeting medical or educational needs, helping repair homes,
and cleaning up the neighborhood.

I live in Huaraz.

List of the community centers:

 Popular kitchen, it gives food to poor people and vagrants.

 “Huellitas de amor”, help animals find homes with responsible owners.
 Red interquorum, cleans lagoons and rivers once a month.

STEP 2: Work in a small group. Research a community center or project. Then, individually or
in groups, go to a center or project headquarters and gather information to organize your
ideas on a separate piece of paper. You may also take photos and collect brochures. If there is
no center or project near you, go to the library or use the Internet to find information about
activities in another area.
o Name of center or project
For a better country.

o Types of services offered

Cleans the "santa river" and the lagoons near the city of Huaraz

o History: When was it started? Who started it? Why?

It started four years ago, the founders were two environmental engineers. They decided
to create this organization to reduce pollution and prevent the extinction of species.

o Type of people who work there. Are there volunteers? How many?
Anyone who wants to be part of a great change and help the planet works in these
organizations. Yes, there are volunteers, now they have 18 volunteers.

o Type of people helped

As I mentioned, they help the river and the lagoons

o Funding: How are activities paid for? Where does the funding come from?
Well, its financing is due to the support of a group of engineers graduated from the
UNASAM environmental engineering career. However, sometimes they do activities
such as raffles or championships to generate income.

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