Food Ultimately Shapes Everything in Our World in The Past and Modern Day

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Food ultimately shapes

everything in our world in the

past and modern day. Eating
food is essential for all of us, it
keep us alive and also gives us
enjoyment at the same
time.Without food there would
obviously be no life, but the way
culture, society, technology and
.people all develop can all be connected to food
And this is an example of the type of food in the old time,
. which is couscous

But as human history continues to evolve, we have a higher

standard of choosing
what food we would
like to eat nowadays.
So there is a big
difference in the type
of dishes and tastes,
due to the mixing in
cultures. For example,
we have here the French fries dish with a burger sandwich
Phones of all kinds have witnessed a remarkable
development in recent times from landline phones to smart
phones, as they are a means that enables you to
communicate with others without the need to move from
your site, through a simple device you can communicate with
. whomever you want with just one click
So in the eighties, the
first phone appeared,
as it had the
capabilities of simple
Jeddah and with
limited services, such
. as the next phone

After the nineties, the

mobile phone developed
well until the 2000s, where
the phone was available to
all people, and it carried
very advanced and high-
performance services such
as photography and
communication became
easier and here is a picture that shows what the phone looks
like in the present

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