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Módulo de ingles

Taller #1

Presentado por:

Albert Bastidas

Taller numero 1 de ingles

Transcribir por medio de apuntes en el cuaderno, agenda u hoja, los temas vistos en la
Teniendo en cuenta los saludos formal e informal, presentación personal y los colores
(mínimo 10).
Además de componer 10 oraciones simples en presente así:
Saludo informal+ saludo formal + nombre+ función + objeto + color favorito.
Hi. Good morning. My name is Pedro. I am teacher. My dog is the color white. Tener en
cuenta los 10 colores y 10 objetos o sustantivos.

1. Hello. Good afternoon. My name is Juliana. I am an engineering student and a ballet

dancer. My car is the color yellow.

2. Hi. Good evening. My name is Angel. I am driver. My cell phone is the color red.

3. Hi. Good morning. My name is Patricia. I am a business administrator. My

company is the color blue.

4. Hello. Good nigth. My name is junior. I am a builder. My house is the color red.

5. Hello. Good afternoon. My name is Dayana. I am a cyclist. My bike is the color


6. Hi. Good nigth. My name is julian. I am painter. My pictures are the color blue.

7. Hello. Good morning. My name is Yamile. I am a housewife. My house is the color


8. Hi. Good evening. My name is andres. I am a soccer player. My ball is the color

9. Hi. Good afternoon. My name is Carlos. I am a taxi driver. My taxi is the color blue

10. Hello. Good morning. My name is Julieth. I am a saleswoman. my computer is the

color red

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