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Shannel Miller

ECE 251

Who Am I as a Teacher?

**I am not yet working with children, so I am answering all these as “What I wish to do in

the future” **

Relationships: #2. I greet children, parents, and staff in a friendly and pleasant manner.

This is important for me to implement in my classroom because it is important for the

students to see positive interactions with people. This is also the most crucial part of their day

and can be scary for some, so being positive with interactions is crucial.

Goals: #3. I set classroom and individual goals and then evaluate regularly.

This is important for a functioning classroom dynamic. It is important for the whole class to

have standard for the curriculum. It is also equally important for each student to have their

own individual goals, given that each student learns at a different rate. Checking in on these

goals will ensure that they are grasping the material at the correct rate.

Classroom Skills: #4. I am organized and have a plan for the day.

It is important to stay organized through the classroom and on paper. Keeping a plan will

help guide the learning for the day and give the students something to look forward to

throughout the day. Doing this will keep the teacher on track with curriculum and

Shannel Miller

ECE 251


Professionalism: #7. I participate in pertinent school activities outside my regular


I believe that it is important for the students to see teacher involvement. This means being

involved outside of school hours too. To me this is something important that I want to

implement in myself when I become a teacher at a school. I feel like it brings the students

and the families closer together.

Personal Qualities: #1. I have basic emotional stability.

It is important for teachers to be able to keep their composure around students, families, and

staff. The days can be unpredictable and stressful, so a teacher needs to be able to remain

calm in hectic situations. Being unstable could have negative effects on relationships in the

classroom, with parents and with faculty.

My Teaching Team: #2. Has a well-balanced array of teaching and caring skills.

It is important to me that my team has both teaching and caring skills. This makes a teacher

credible but also trustworthy to the students. If we are there for them emotionally and

developmentally, it will lead to better relationships within the classroom.

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