Adjective or Adverb?: Singing - (Happy) in The Bathroom. But I Must Say She Doesn't Sing

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1. The children played _____________________ (happy) on the beach.

2. You’re working very _____________________ (hard).
3. Open the box ______________________ (careful).
4. The bus was very _____________________ (slow).
5. My arm is hurting ______________________ (terrible).
6. I can’t play chess very _______________________ (good).
7. Carol can run very ___________________ (fast).
8. Michael usually goes _____________ (happy) to school on his ____________ (new) bike.
9. Gina can sing _______________________ (wonderful) operas.
10. Richard loves swimming in the _______________________ (cold) ocean.
11. My car isn’t __________________ (new), but yours is _________________(extreme) old.
12. Sue walks __________ (happy) to her mother, she has ___________ (great) news for her.
13. Turtles are _______________ (real) quiet animals. They walk ________________ (quiet),
they eat __________________ (quiet) and they sleep ___________________ (quiet).

1. Linda is a _____________________(beautiful) girl, she always dresses

______________________(beautiful). She even writes ___________________(beautiful).

2. The children are very ___________________ (happy) at the moment. Can you see them?
- Yes, they are playing _____________________ (happy) in the garden.

3. We didn't do our exercises _______________________ (careful), so the teacher got very

___________________ (angry) and he even shouted at us ____________________(angry).

4. Peter is a __________________(good) runner. He can run very ___________________(quick)

and he is the best runner in our class. But he is not ____________________(good) at playing
basketball, although he is such a ______________________ (quick) person.

5. Susan was very ____________________(happy) and when she was having a bath she was
singing ______________________ (happy) in the bathroom. But I must say she doesn't sing
______________________ (beautiful).

6. Stuntmen and stuntwomen have a ______________________ (dangerous) job and they live
quite ____________________ (dangerous). --I would like to have a ____________________
(dangerous) job, too.
7. Learning the words was _________________ (easy) for me. I could _______________(easy)
study them in half an hour. But Maths is not __________________ (easy) for me.
1. It was already late when he got home and he couldn’t see anything. So, he felt
________________ (slow) for the keys in his pocket because he didn’t want to wake up his wife.
2. I can’t carry the suitcase, it is too __________________ (heavy) for me.
3. Oh no! This exercise looks __________________ (difficult)!
4. The patient felt __________________ (extreme) cheerful today. He spoke __________________
(cheerful) with the nurse.
5. I am __________________ (extreme) tired.
6. The heat was __________________ (extreme)
7. It is __________________ (awful) cold this week.
8. The food looks _______________ (bad). I’m going to taste it ___________________ (careful).
9. The meat tastes __________________ (awful)
10. The dog is smelling around in the garden __________________ (careful) because it has dug his
bone somewhere.
11. I need money __________________ (bad)
12. You smell so __________________ (good). Do you have a new perfume?
13. Do you like the meal? – Wait! I’ll taste it __________________ (quick)!

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