Annotated-Praxis 20analysis 20paper

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Shannel Miller

EDU 299

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

I am trying to pass the Praxis Core Exam to be admitted into UNLV’s college of

Education and to continue my Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. The

passing scores for the Praxis Core Exam in Nevada for the Math section is 150, the

Reading is 156, and the Writing is 162.

Exam Preparation

I have not yet taken the official Praxis Core Exam, but to prepare for the practice

exam I looked over the link provided in the module. I did use the Praxis Prep website, but

I more just read it over and went from there. I did not do much preparation for the

practice Praxis Core Exam. I really wanted to get my true scores based off the knowledge

I already have before I crammed and studied too hard. I wanted my scores to be a true

reflection of what I know right now—and that may have been a mistake considering I

haven’t taken any basic Math, Reading, or Writing classes in a while.

Exam Results

The score I received for the Math section of the practice Praxis Core Exam was a

45%, meaning that I need to significantly improve on my math skills and most likely will

not pass the official Praxis Core Exam at this time. In the Reading section of the practice

Praxis Core Exam, I received a 32%, meaning that if I were to take the official Praxis

Core Exam right now, I likely would not pass this section. For the Writing section of the

practice Praxis Core Exam I received a 45%, meaning that if I were to take the official

Praxis Core Exam right now, I likely would also not pass this section. Overall, I need to
Shannel Miller

EDU 299

significantly improve my Math, Reading and Writing skills before taking the official

Praxis Core Exam if I want to pass the exam.

Future Exam Preparation

To further prepare myself for this exam, I will need to do a lot of groundwork and

studying. I will most likely hire a tutor for the exam because I already have bad test

anxiety. I could use all the help I could get as far as study material and study time. I will

also use the practice exams that I just took to study from as well. I like that I can still

view the practice tests; it is a good study resource to have in the meantime.

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