Urban Sanitation Problems and The Efforts To Overcome It in Medan City, 1909-1930s

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Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32(1), 2022

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32(1), 2022, pp. 45-56

P-ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/paramita.v32i1.31353

Urban Sanitation Problems and the Efforts

to Overcome It in Medan City, 1909–1930s
Kiki Maulana Affandi, Budi Agustono, Fikarwin Zuska
University of Sumatera Utara , kikimaulana152@gmail.com

Article history Abstract: e growth of the city of Medan since the end of the 19th century had not only
Received : 2021-07-26 shown changes in terms of city infrastructure but also caused problems of urban sanitation
Accepted : 2021-03-24 such as slum settlements, industrial and household waste as well as river pollution. is
Published : 2022-04-10 study aims to explain sanitation problems in Medan City and the efforts to overcome them.
is study used historical methods consisting of heuristics, source criticism, interpretation,
Keywords and historiography. e sources used are archives, documents, city reports, city sheets, meet-
Household waste, ing minutes, contemporary newspapers, and other sources relevant to this study. e results
Pollution, show that the city's sanitation problems are caused by the habits of residents, plantation
Public bathroom pro- companies and institutions in the city government itself. ese various sanitation problems
ject, were solved by developing urban sanitation despite having a limited city budget. is city
City sanitation, sanitation development effort was focused on the aspects of public bathroom projects for the
Sewer system, natives and the construction of a sewer system.
Medan City
Abstrak: Pertumbuhan Kota Medan sejak akhir abad 19 memperlihatkan perubahan dari
sisi prasarana kota namun juga memberikan permasalahan sanitasi kota seperti per-
mukiman kumuh, limbah industri dan rumah tangga serta pencemaran sungai. Studi ini
bertujuan untuk menjelaskan permasalahan sanitasi di Kota Medan dan upaya penanggu-
langan yang dilakukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari heuris-
tik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Sumber-sumber yang digunakan adalah
arsip, dokumen, laporan kota, lembaran kota, notulen rapat, surat kabar sezaman, dan sum-
ber lain yang relevan dengan studi ini. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa masalah sanitasi
kota disebabkan oleh kebiasaan penduduk, perusahaan perkebunan dan institusi pada
pemerintah kota itu sendiri. Berbagai permasalahan sanitasi tersebut diatasi dengan mem-
bangun sanitasi kota meskipun memiliki anggaran kota yang terbatas. Usaha pembangunan
sanitasi kota ini memperlihatkan konsentrasi dan kepedulian dalam bidang proyek kamar
mandi umum bagi penduduk bumiputra dan pembangunan sistem saluran pembuangan
limbah kota.

Cite this article: Affandi, K.M., Agustono, B., Zuska, F. (2022). Urban Sanitation Problems
and the Efforts to Overcome It in Medan City, 1909–1930s. Paramita: Historical Studies
Journal, 32(1), 45-56. http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/paramita.v32i1.31353

In the early 20th century, the issue of urban sanitation became a public discussion in
the Dutch East Indies, which is partly triggered by the change in government health
policy from curative care to hygienic prophylactic. is policy change entered the
stage of improving the sanitation quality of the population since the decentralisation
of health services at the regional level (Sciortino, 2007, pp. 30-31). e planning and
focus of urban sanitation development was mainly due to the settlement of Europe-
ans and the urbanisation caused by the migration of residents to the city since the
late 19th century. e Europeans as the first-class citizens in the Dutch East Indies
wanted a city that is comfortable, clean and free from disease (Loedin, 2005, pp. 92-
Available online at 106; Pols, 2019, pp. 8-9).
http://journal.unnes.ac.id/ e development of a colonial city had resulted in the density of space and

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32(1), 2022

the separation of settlements based on segregated nous population (Hudianto, 2012). In addition, Su-
population groups (Basundoro, 2016, p. 77). e riani and Syaiful Anwar (2019) explained that water
city centre was usually prioritised for the Europe- supply by water companies and the construction of
ans, then surrounded by foreign Eastern settle- sewers in Medan City were also discriminatory
ments, while the suburbs were inhabited by the na- based on certain population groups. e existence
tive or Bumiputra people. According to Jaelani of the city of Medan in the early 20th century can be
(2017), the planning and mapping of the city centre seen with the regulation of clean water manage-
aimed to improve the quality of life of the Europe- ment and the city's sewer system (Suriani and
ans. Meanwhile, the improvement of the native set- Anwar, 2019).
tlements on the outskirts of the city was carried out e city of Medan has developed since the
to avoid or minimise bad conditions that could fur- late 19th century as the centre of plantation econo-
ther threaten the health and cleanliness of the Euro- my and colonial politics in East Sumatra. Initially,
pean residences at the city centre. Urban planning this area was a small village at the confluence of the
which consisted of water supply, toilets, and sewers Deli and Baboera rivers (Nasution, 2018). e plan-
was a colonial political intention that was interrelat- tation economic industry had transformed the city
ed between the health, social and cultural contexts with the development of urban infrastructure and
of the citizens (Jaelani, 2017). the segregated division of settlements. e rapid
is Western colonial political intention gave development of Medan City since the early 20th cen-
rise to beliefs and attitudes that as if only they were tury had changed the demographics of the popula-
clean, while perceiving that the colonised popula- tion in terms of the number and variety of popula-
tion as the party that had to be cleaned (Van Dijk tion groups consisting of Europeans, Chinese, Indi-
and Taylor, 2011; Kooy and Bakker, 2015). is ans, Arabs, and the Bumiputra. e population
prejudice formed the boundaries of cleanliness in growth and infrastructure development of Medan
the colonial power of the West (Bashford, 2004, pp. City on the one hand showed the development of
1-4). It was stemmed from modern discourses of the colonial city, but on the other hand it created
cleanliness that was defined, designed, adapted and environmental and sanitation problems for the ur-
even manipulated for the needs of the Western co- ban population.
lonials (Prasad, 2015, pp. 5-8). is Western coloni- Based on the explanation above, this paper
al political practice in urban spatial planning and seeks to explain how the city's sanitation problems
sanitation showed discrimination and segregation and the efforts to overcome them were carried out
of the population as the basis for their superiority. by the Medan City government. is study starts
Urban sanitation is not a naturally formed from the existence of the Medan City government
environment but a technical system in the develop- in 1909 to the peak of its growth in the 1930s. e
ment of urban infrastructure. is occurs due to issues of urban sanitation and its handling contin-
changes in the urban environment caused by the ued to be a debate between the authorities, which
economic industry, colonialism, population growth, slowly decrease the power of the colonial govern-
and urban infrastructure (Melosi, 2008, p. 3). Ur- ment in the midst of the progress of Medan's infra-
ban sanitation is related to urban infrastructure in structural development. Moreover, the role of plan-
improving population hygiene, namely (1) clean tation companies, the activities of the city govern-
water supply, (2) waste disposal, and (3) waste and ment in polluting rivers and the bad, unhealthy
sewage management (Hanley, 2000, pp. 75-76). Ac- habits of some citizens are contributors to the qual-
cording to Melosi (2008), this sanitation business ity degradation and sanitation problems in this city.
requires the role of the city's political authorities in
improving public health and controlling waste as METHOD
well as pollution, while doctors and technical engi- is paper used historical methods consisting of (1)
neers play a role in disseminating environmental heuristics, namely the collection of historical
views in modifying the physical and urban environ- sources consisting of archives and documents, city
ment (Melosi, 2008, pp. 1-3). reports, city sheets, meeting minutes and newspa-
One of the studies on urban sanitation prob- pers of that time, which are obtained from the Na-
lems was conducted by Reza Hudianto (2012) who tional Archives of the Republic of Indonesia and the
photographed the construction of culverts in Ma- National Library of the Republic of Indonesia; (2)
lang City to overcome environmental pollution. source criticism, namely criticising the collected
is policy separated European population from sources to determine the authenticity and credibil-
other regions and discriminated against the indige- ity of the data as historical facts; (3) interpretation,

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32(1), 2022

namely the process of studying historical facts to rental of land from residents in the city (Winckel,
develop historical arguments and narratives; and 1934, p. 1).
(4) historiography, namely the process of writing as Medan officially changed its status to Ge-
a synthesis and construction of history. meente on the 1st of April 1909. However, it had yet
to be led by its own mayor. Up until April 1918, this
THE GROWTH OF MEDAN CITY position was concurrently held by the Assistant
Before the mid-19th century, Medan was known as Resident of Afdeeling Deli Serdang who was also
Kampung Medan Putri, a village of the Malay peo- the head of Gemeenteraad. Interestingly, in addition
ple in the territory of the Deli Sultanate, that was to the Dutch colonial government, within the city
located at the confluence of the Deli and Baboera there is also an area of the Sultan of Deli which was
rivers (Halewijn, 1875, p. 150). Geographically, Me- subjected to the jurisdiction of the sultanate. In
dan is located in the lowlands with a tropical coastal 1918, the city of Medan was officially occupied by a
climate and is influenced by the Karo Highlands mayor. At the same time, the city territory expand-
(Pelzer, 1985, pp. 44-45). e region is at 23 meters ed due to a land grant from the Deli Sultanate to the
above sea level, with a quite high annual rainfall of Medan City government (Sinar, 1991, p. 50).
1,894 mm and a high humidity with an average dry e development of Medan City which was
season of only 17 days a year (Stibbe, 1935, p. 273). built for the benefits of plantation entrepreneurs
In the 1860s, Medan developed into an agro- could be observed based on its arrangement as a
industrial economic centre. is change was caused modern city. An Esplanade Field was built at the
by the arrival of J. Nienhuys, a tobacco trader. city centre with the construction of buildings and
Nienhuys obtained concessions for tobacco cultiva- warehouses around it. In addition, the Medan Elec-
tion from the Deli rulers. Aer that, foreign invest- tricity Company (Electriciteits Maatschappij Me-
ment came flocking and transformed Medan from a dan) and the “Ajer Beresih” Water Company was
village into a plantation city. One of the influential established (Mackay, 1930, p. 384). Developments
plantation companies in Medan City was the Deli of supporting urban infrastructures which included
Plantation Company (NV. Deli Maatschappij) a post office, a warehouse of the plantation organi-
which was founded in 1869 (ee, 1977, p. 68). Be- sation “Witte Societte”, the Medan Grand Hotel,
sides developing as a plantation city, Medan also shops, Chartered Bank, and a building of the Neder-
slowly became the centre of Dutch colonial politics land Handel Maatschappij (NHM) branch, were
in Sumatra. In 1879, the capital of Afdeeling Deli also built around the city centre (Breman, 1997, p.
was moved from Labuhan Deli to Medan. As a mat- 50; Hartono, 2005, p. 434).
ter of fact, since 1887, Medan was appointed to be In order to maximise the performance of the
the capital of the Residency of East Sumatra. Even- city government, a department that took care of the
tually, the Deli Sultanate followed suit by moving its construction and maintenance of urban infrastruc-
capital also previously in Labuhan Deli to Medan in ture, cleanliness, housing, as well as public health
1891 (Sinar, 1991, p. 100). was established in 1911, which was the City Public
e growth of Medan City was different from Works Department (Gemeentewerken). is depart-
other colonial cities in the Dutch East Indies such ment was in charged with several sections under it,
as Batavia and Bandung. Medan City planning was which included the Public Works Section, the City
based on the interests of plantation businessmen so Cleaning Section, and the Building Supervision Sec-
that their influence could be stronger than the gov- tion. In addition to the City Public Works Depart-
ernment itself. e growth of Medan City depended ment, there were also other departments, namely
on plantation capitalism whose roles were divided the Land Affairs Bureau and the Public Health Ser-
into groups of businessmen (plantation owners), vice. e Public Health Service could be divided
entrepreneurs (especially Chinese), and the Deli into several sections, namely the City Slaughter-
Sultanate as the local ruler (Buiskool, 2005, pp. 286- house Section, the Market, and the Hygiene Super-
287). e development of urban infrastructure had vision and Research Section (Van Ommen, 1934,
been started since the establishment of Gemeente pp. 10-25).
Fonds in 1886. Gemeente Fonds was an institution e development of the government and city
mostly made up of plantation entrepreneurs and infrastructure had a significant impact on the de-
city aristocrats. e role of this institution was to mographic growth of Medan City. e plantation
manage the city by building roads, bridges, city industry had attracted people to come to Medan,
streets lighting, maintenance of culverts, and clean- outnumbering the local Malay population. ey
liness of the city. e budget was obtained from the consisted not only of businessmen, staff, officers

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32(1), 2022

Table 1. Population growth of Medan City, 1900–1930.

Population group 1900 1905 1912 1920 1930

European 549 954 1.408 3.128 4.292

Chinese 7.745 6.397 10.997 - 27.180

Other foreign Eastern 1.301 3.708 1.318 18.297* 3.408

Natives or Bumiputra 3.129 3.191 13.254 23.823 40.096

Total 12.724 14.250 26.980 45.248 74.976

*including Chinese
Source: Mededeelingen en Rapporten van het Departement der Burgerlijke Openbare Werken, Drinkwaterleiding te Medan, Deel I:
Tekst. Batavia: Landsdrukkerij, 1919, p. 2; Nasrul Hamdani, Komunitas Cina di Medan Dalam Lintasan Tiga Kekuasaan 1930-1960.
Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2013, p. 85 and 87; and Gedelte bevolking der Gemeente Medan 7 op 8 October 1930, accessed from http://

and plantation labourers but also Chinese, Arab, (Gemeente Medan No. 67, 1924, pp. 4-32).
and Indian traders as well as the other indigenous e conditions of the Bumiputra settlements
people around Medan such as the Mandailing and in areas near the centre and the outskirts of the city
Minangkabau who were attracted by the plantation were mostly poor and unorganised. e building
economy (Pelly, 1984, pp. 2-3). Table 1 shows the was semi-permanent made of wood and bamboo
population of Medan City from 1900 to 1930. (Gemeente Medan No. 67, 1924, p.14). is condi-
is population growth also had an impact tion affected the health of the population. Tillema
on the separation and segregation of settlements in (1923) explained that humid house conditions and
accordance with the colonial character. Europeans lack of sunlight posed risks to environmental
lived in an elite area of the city called New Polonia threats such as bad weather and air, as well as pests
(Nieuwe Polonia or Polonia Wijk). Meanwhile, the such as mosquitoes, fleas, and rats. Houses that
Arab population and most of the Chinese popula- were slums and densely populated with domesticat-
tion were located near the trading centre or market ed animals also posed risks of diseases and health
which was the economic centre of the city (Pelly, for the occupants such as respiratory organ diseas-
1984, pp. 66-67). e centre of trade and economy es, tuberculosis, malaria, hookworm, dysentery,
was in Kesawan. Indians lived exclusively in Kam- typhus, and cholera. In addition, the habit of the
pung Keling or Madras (Buiskool, 2005, pp. 291- Bumiputra labourers who vomit or spit betel in the
294). is settlement was located on the border be- house also had the potential to degrade the quality
tween the European settlements in New Polonia of health and environmental sanitation (Tillema,
and the native Bumiputra settlements in suburban 1923, pp. 18-19).
Bumiputra settlements were divided into vil- URBAN SANITATION ISSUES: HOUSEHOLD
lages that surrounded the city centre. Based on the WASTE AND DELI RIVER POLLUTION
reports of the Bumiputra settlements in Medan Urban environmental problems consisting of
City, the settlements were divided into areas near slums, industrial and household wastes, garbage as
the city centre, the western part of Medan, the east- well as air pollution had resulted in the degradation
ern part of Medan, and the Sultan's area. ere were of the health quality of the citizens. ese problems
14 villages located near the city centre, namely were not only associated with health but were close-
Doerian, Padang Loemba, Aoer, Djati, Mesdjid, ly related to the socio-political situation of the pop-
Koeboer, and Kebon Melajoe. Meanwhile, in the ulation in the city (Bashford and Tracy, 2012, 495-
western part of Medan, there are four villages, 503). e development of infrastructure and the
namely Gloegoer-Silalas, Sekip, Petisah Oeloe, and rapid population growth of the city of Medan since
Petisah Darat. In the eastern part of Medan, there the early 20th century had caused urban environ-
were three villages, namely Sei Kerah, Sei Kerah- mental problems. In subsequent developments, the
Pandau, and Sei Rengas, also known as Tempel Vil- infrastructure and settlements in Medan City were
lage (Old Batu Burned). Whereas in the Sultan's divided based on population groups, namely the
territory there were three villages, namely Sei Kerah European, Chinese, Indian, Arab and Bumiputra
-Pertjoet, Soeka Radja and Kota Matsoem areas. e European population as the main class

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32(1), 2022

citizens of the city was placed in the city centre to water infiltration sources. ose digs were only cov-
protect themselves from various pollution and ered with leaves, which made it easy for flies to
sources of disease, such as the problem of house- spread as the source of disease contamination
hold waste and the threat of pollution of the Deli (Gemeente Medan No. 67, 1924, p. 42).
River that had occurred since the late 19th century. Based on information from the reports of the
Meanwhile, the Bumiputras who lived in villages on Bumiputra settlements in Medan City, it showed
the outskirts of the city had poor conditions that that of 3,576 houses, more than half of them, name-
can be considered as slums were threatened with ly 1,831 houses, had residents disposed of their fae-
environmental pollutions. ces carelessly. is poor hygiene condition also oc-
e main sanitation problems in Medan City curred in the Bumiputra settlements located on the
then were household wastes and environmental banks of the river. Residents of 413 houses on the
pollution. Initially, the disposal of household riverbank dumped their garbage and household
wastes, in this case the faeces of residents, was car- waste into the river (Gemeente Medan No. 67,
ried out by private officers (Chinese vegetable 1924, pp. 36, 42). e activities of these residents
sellers) for a certain fee. Since 1911, the disposal of made the river dirty, slummy and smelly
faeces had been managed by the Medan City Gov- (“Kotoran”, 1918). On the other hand, the river was
ernment. However, the government admitted that actually significant as a place for residents' daily
this was not a good system because it only applied activities such as washing, bathing, and accessing
to a part of the population, especially Europeans. In water needs.
the Chinese settlement (Chineese Wijk), which was River pollution did not only occur due to
located in the vicinity of Kesawan (city centre), al- population activities but was also caused by the ac-
most the entire population threw household wastes tivities of plantation companies and the city gov-
into open sewers, causing a pungent odour that pol- ernment. On 27th July 1922, a resident living in
luted the air. Air pollution got worse because the Gloegoer Village (on the banks of the Deli River)
wastes accumulated in the gutters at the edge of sent a letter to the Mayor of Medan, Baron D. Mac-
narrow alleys (Van Ommen, 1934, p. 12). Even kay, protesting the disposal of rice husk wastes by
though it was regularly cleaned or watered by the the Deli Plantation Company into the Deli River.
cleaners, wastes accumulated again and continu- According to him, this activity resulted in residents
ously polluted the air. In the city's 1921 report, around the Deli River suffering from coughs, itchy
officers always warned residents to clean up the skin, and digestive infections. On 28th July 1922, the
wastes, but the residents oen ignored it (Verslag Mayor of Medan responded by asking the Deli
betreffende de Gemeente Medan over het jaar 1921, Plantation Company to take responsibility to re-
1922, pp. 82-83). solve and handle the complaint. ree days later,
Air pollution also occurred at the city’s waste the Deli Plantation Company said that the company
collection and disposal site on Oranje Nassau Road would take action so that the residents would not be
in eastern Medan (Mackay, 1930, p. 388). is con- disturbed by these activities (Gemeente Medan No.
dition was exacerbated by the disposal and cleaning 112, 1922, p. 367). However, it was not fully ex-
of waste vats by officers around the area. Cleaning plained what kind of actions were to be taken to
was carried out on the ditches leading to the river. solve the problem.
is activity was carried out at night, where there In addition to requesting action from the
was no supervision by the police or security officers. Deli Plantation Company, at the same time the
e local newspaper described that this activity had Mayor of Medan also coordinated with the Deli
been going on for months, during which no resi- Sultanate because the Bumiputra settlements were
dents were disturbed, and it was even considered located on the city border with the Sultanate's terri-
normal because residents also dumped their house- tory, and the Deli River was under the jurisdiction
hold waste into the sewers (“Hygienisch Medan”, of the Sultanate. e Deli Sultanate through
1917). Mahkamah Kerapatan conducted an initial investi-
Apart from pollution in Chinese settlements, gation by investigating the head of the Glogoer Vil-
a similar situation also occurred in the Bumiputra lage and several villagers. On 5th August 1922, the
settlements. is condition became a problem for results were presented to the Onderafdeeling Bene-
cities in the Dutch East Indies. e habit of littering den Deli Controller. is investigation found the
created serious dangers to the hygiene and sanita- fact that the Deli Plantation Company dumped rice
tion of the population. Residents dug manure pits husk wastes into the Deli River every day. In addi-
around their houses without paying attention to tion, another fact was found that the Deli River pol-

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32(1), 2022

lution was also caused by the Deli Plantation Re- been going on for a long time. e disposal of rice
search Institute (Deli-Proefstation) as well as the husk waste by the Deli Plantation Company may
Medan City Government through the City Public had been the main cause of the protest (Gemeente
Works Department and the City Slaughterhouse Medan No. 112, 1922, pp. 371-372).
(Gemeente Medan No. 112, 1922, pp. 368-369). e Director of the City Slaughterhouse and
e waste disposal carried out by the city the Director of the City Public Works Department
government consisted of human faeces and animal shared the same view regarding the situation and
wastes, namely cow dung and pig blood. ese habits of the Bumiputra people living on the
wastes were disposed of twice a day. Human faeces riverbanks. e Director of the City Slaughterhouse
were disposed of at 8 am and 11 pm. Cow dungs considered that the livestock pens along the
were disposed of at 4 am and 6 pm, while pig riverbanks dispose of more animal waste in the Deli
bloods were disposed of at 5 am and 7 pm. Mean- River than the waste of entrails done by the govern-
while, the Deli Plantation Research Institute (Deli- ment. Meanwhile, the Director of the City Public
Proefstation) disposed its waste through the Ba- Works Department highlighted the daily habits of
boera River which would eventually flowed into the the Bumiputra residents such as bathing and wash-
Deli River. For this activity, on 12th August 1922, ing, but at the same time throwing their faeces in
the Controller of Onderafdeeling Beneden Deli the Deli River. Habits that had been going on for a
urged the Mayor of Medan to follow up on the re- long time were considered hard to change. e Di-
sults of the investigation into the Deli River pollu- rector of the Public Works Department also voiced
tion. e discovery of these facts made the Mayor of his astonishment at the Bumiputra residents re-
Medan on 16th August 1922 asserted the Director of fused to use the public baths and toilets built by the
the City Slaughterhouse and the Director of the government. According to him, these habits should
City Public Works Department (Gemeente Medan be banned because it endangered the health of the
No. 112, 1922, pp. 368-370). population. He suggested to the Mayor of Medan to
On 5th September 1922, the Director of the prohibit the activities of residents in the river, espe-
City Slaughterhouse confirmed the disposal of cially at the specific sites of the city’s waste disposal
wastes, namely (1) slaughtering waste such as ani- (Gemeente Medan No. 112, 1922, pp. 372-373).
mal blood and intestines, and (2) the entrails of cat- Both the Director of the City Slaughterhouse
tle and buffalos. e abattoir waste had been pro- and the Director of the City Public Works Depart-
cessed and disposed of through Parit Gloegoer, ment were of the view that the activities carried out
which was 100 m away from the activities of resi- were not the cause of complaints from Bumiputra
dents in the Deli River, so it was considered not to residents who had health problems. ey consid-
disturb the population. e entrails of cows and ered that the rivers flowing through the city of Me-
buffaloes that were dumped into the Deli River dan acted as the main sewers of the city, and the
amounted to approximately ¾ m3 per day. e Di- waste disposal activities were normal and reasona-
rector also assured that this waste disposal activity ble (Gemeente Medan No. 112, 1922, pp. 373). e
into the Deli River did not pollute the river too utilisation of the rivers as the city's main sewer had
much because the waste was fermented from food occurred throughout the colonial period. e rea-
and had been naturally processed, which made son was the emergence of companies that dumped
them dissolve easily to the river water (Gemeente their waste into the rivers. In addition, the river also
Medan No. 112, 1922, pp. 370-371). served as a channel or drainage of city wastes such
On 11th September 1921, the Director of the as garbage and household wastes. e river had
City Public Works Department explained the prob- slowly shied its function as the water source of the
lem of disposing household wastes (population fae- city population into a mere sewer that was polluted
ces) into the Deli River. According to him, the Deli with unhealthy water to drink, which eventually
River was a household waste disposal channel origi- made its existence to be unappreciated (Asnan,
nating from the eastern part of Medan and the 2016, p. 136).
western part of Medan. In fact, waste disposal had
occurred from the upstream of the river before en- COUNTERMEASURES: PUBLIC BATHROOM
tering the Medan City area. Disposal of household AND SEWER SYSTEM PROJECT
wastes from the eastern part of Medan had been e efforts of the Medan City Government in tack-
carried out through Parit Gloegoer since 1910. He ling urban sanitation problems were divided into
argued that the disposal of household waste was not two aspects, namely access to clean water and con-
the cause of the residents' protests because it had struction of city sewers. Clean water supply and a

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32(1), 2022

sewer system had significant roles in improving the 7582).

quality of hygiene and sanitation for urban resi- Despite having a limited budget, a serious
dents. Health and hygiene problems from poor sewerage system development plan was carried out
waste disposal cannot be solved simply by having by collaborating with the Consulting Bureau of Ar-
an adequate source of clean water, because poor chitects and Technical Engineers Roosenburg-Op
handling of household waste can increase the risk of Ten Noort-Scheffer or TABROS (Technische Advies
environmental contamination (Architecten-en Inge- -Bureau Roosenburg-Op Ten Noort-Scheffer)
nieurs- Adviesbureau T.A.B.R.O.S., 1921, pp. 2-10). (Gemeente Medan No. 21, 1920, p. 6). In addition,
Overcoming this sanitation problem required coop- the Medan City Government established the Waste
eration between the city government and the cen- Sewerage Commission (Rioleering Comissie) in
tral government of the Dutch East Indies. ese 1920. e TABROS Consulting Bureau was in-
institutions were interrelated because the health, structed to design the construction of a closed sew-
hygiene and sanitation of the population were not erage system (Van Ommen, 1934, p. 11). Draing
only the responsibility of the city government but the plan was carried out from August 1919 to 1921.
were in the public interest of the Dutch East Indies Discussions on planning and field research were
Government. is collaboration included technical carried out by various stakeholders, namely the
issues, consultations, and especially financial assis- Mayor of Medan, Representative from the Consul-
tance due to the limited financial resources of the tation Bureau TABROS, Technical Commissioner,
city to carry out the construction of maximum sew- Director of the City Public Works Department, Di-
erage (Stam, 1930, p. 125). rector of the Medan Pathology Laboratory, Chief
Since the existence of a definitive mayor in Inspector of the Civil Health Service of Northern
1918, the Medan City Government had attempted Sumatra, and a chemist from Deli-Proefstation
to address the city's sanitation problems by submit- (Architecten-en Ingenieurs- Adviesbureau TABROS,
ting a work plan and budget to the Medan City 1921, pp. 11-13).
Council. On 13th September 1919, a budget for a e design of the municipal sewerage system
public bathroom project was proposed in the considered several factors, namely the city's topog-
amount of f. 100,000,- and the budget for the con- raphy and geography, population density, land
struction of a closed sewerage system was f. prices and units, rainfall, water use, capacity and
1.785.000,-. e amount of the budget proposed by level of pollution of the Deli River as the final dis-
the mayor was greater than the city's revenue in posal channel, as well as the existing waste disposal
1919 which only amounted to f. 510.465,- (Verslag sewers. Indeed, since 1889 in the city of Medan, two
betreffende de Gemeente Medan over het Jaar 1919, large sewers had been built. ese sewers were lo-
1920, p. 13). cated along Huttenbach Road and Markt Road,
e need for a massive development financ- both flowed into the Deli River (Architecten-en
ing prompted the Medan City Government to apply Ingenieurs- Adviesbureau T.A.B.R.O.S., 1921, pp.
for a subsidy to the Dutch East Indies Government 15-16). ese two sewers drain water and house-
which had been carried out since mid-1919 hold waste from the Chinese settlements in
(Gemeente Medan No. 129, 1920, p. 21). e subsi- Kesawan and its surroundings (Notulen Gemeente
dy application was inspired by the submission mod- Medan, 1934, p. 8).
el made by the Semarang City and Bandung City Looking into the urgency of the construction,
Governments. ey asked for assistance of 50% to the city sewerage system was more intended for
the Dutch East Indies Government. Subsidies sub- European residents and residential areas close to
mitted by the City Government were estimated at f. the European area, while the public bathroom pro-
1,000,000 with the subsidy mechanism for 10 years ject was built for the natives who resided in the vil-
(Gemeente Medan No. 129, 1920, pp. 6-7). Alt- lages. Indeed, public bathroom projects in several
hough the subsidy was never given by the Dutch locations carried out by the Medan City Govern-
East Indies government, the plan to build a sewer- ment stemmed from the situation and condition of
age system was still carried out. e poor condition the Bumiputra population (Notulen Gemeente Me-
of dense settlements was a factor in continuing the dan, 1923, p. 14). e housing conditions in the city
development. A request for assistance to the Dutch centre that were dense and the poor condition in
East Indies government was also made for the pub- the suburban villages required adequate supply of
lic bathroom project but was not given due to the clean water. Houses in narrow alleys lacked clean
unfavourable state financial condition (Department water due to dirty and polluted wells. In fact, access
van Burgerlijke Openbare Werken Archive No. to water in some villages did not meet basic needs,

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32(1), 2022

while, public bathroom projects in villages that

were part of the development of public housing in-
cluded Kampung Sekip, Kampung Djati Oeloe,
Kampung Padang Loemba, and Kampung Sidodadi
(Verslag betreffende de Gemeente Medan over het
Jaar 1919-1929, 1920-1930).
e public bathroom project continued to be
built from 1921 to 1925. In 1921, it was built in
Kampung Sekip and Djati Oeloe. is facility could
not only be used by the residents of the village, but
also residents from the surrounding area (Verslag
betreffende de Gemeente Medan over het Jaar 1921,
Figure 1. Public Bathroom in Medan 1922, p. 77). In 1922, the Medan City Government
Source: Archive KIT Sumut No. 0534-023. ANRI. granted a permit for a public bathroom project in
Kampung Darat and Pandau which was completed
hence actions were required to provide such access in October 1922 (Verslag betreffende de Gemeente
(Gemeente Medan No. 67, 1924, pp. 35-36). e Medan over het Jaar 1922, 1923, p. 94). On August
condition of the villages that depended on river wa- 15, 1923, a public bathroom project was started in
ter was also a concern for the city government, es- Kampung Tempel (Verslag betreffende de Gemeente
pecially the river which was used as a dumping Medan over het Jaar 1923, 1924, p. 86). Kampung
ground for waste and sewage. In 1922, the Director Darat, Pandau and Tempel were areas on the out-
of the City Public Works Department proposed to skirts of the city, precisely in the western and east-
the Mayor of Medan to build a public bathroom in ern parts of Medan. Meanwhile, from 1924 to 1925,
the village on the outskirts of the Deli River, namely public bathrooms were built in Kampung Padang
Kampung Gloegoer. e reason was that residents Loemba and Sidodadi (Verslag betreffende de Ge-
in this village carried out bathing, washing and de- meente Medan over het Jaar 1924, 1925, p. 115). e
faecating activities in the Deli River every day, public bathroom projects in Kampung Sekip, Djati
hence the need of adequate facilities and access to Oeloe, Padang Loemba, and Sidodadi were part of
clean water (Gemeente Medan No. 112, 1922, p. the Medan City public housing development pro-
373). ject (Hogervorst, 1925).
Access to clean water with public bathroom While the public bathroom project was under
projects in suburban locations was an effort by the construction, planning for the construction of a city
city government to improve the health of the native sewer system was ongoing. In mid-May 1921, a
population. So far, residents had access to water dra paperwork and map of the construction of a
through dirty rivers and wells with a high risk of municipal sewerage system was completed by the
pollution. Meanwhile, public bathrooms that had Consulting Bureau “TABROS”. e area of Medan
been built by the city government were located near City that was included in the planning for the de-
the city centre, which made the residents living in velopment of sewerage was within the boundaries
suburban villages had difficult access to adequate of the Deli River, Mantri Road, Paleis Road, Smid
water services (Department van Burgerlijke Open- Road, the Kampung Sultan area, Oranje Nassau
bare Werken Archive No. 7582). Road, and Djati Road (Verslag betreffende de Ge-
e distribution of public bathroom con- meente Medan over het Jaar 1921, 1922, p. 87). e
struction projects was divided into the city centre areas within these boundaries were divided into
areas and the downtown suburban villages. Some of three development sections, namely Section A, Sec-
these projects were also carried out in conjunction tion B, and Section C. e length of the sewer to be
with public housing development projects. Public constructed was 41,786 m, with a drain of 15,702 m
bathroom projects located near the city centre in- in Section A, a drain length of 14,598 m in Section
cluded those on the side of main roads such as B, and an 11,486 m drain in Section C (Architecten-
Oranje Nassau Road, Paleis Road, Siak Road, Sei en Ingenieurs- Adviesbureau TABROS, 1921, pp.
Rengas Road, Resident Road, Luitenants Road, and 107-108).
in the Old Market (Oudemarkt). Public bathroom Water and household waste were made to
projects built in villages on the outskirts of the city flow naturally from the drainage network built into
included Kampung Soekaradja, Kampung Darat, the rivers within the city of Medan, including the
Kampung Pandau, and Kampung Tempel. Mean- Deli River, Baboera River, and the Kerah River. e

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32(1), 2022

to the sewer was f. 300 per house. Apart from the

sewerage tax, there was an idea of a mechanism for
borrowing money at an interest rate of 7% that
could be paid in instalments over a period of 50
years. From the calculation of the loan, it was nec-
essary to allocate an average budget from the city
treasury for the construction of this municipal sew-
erage of f. 84,000,- and a total of f. 11.000,- so that
the total required amounted to f. 95.000,- every year
(Verslag betreffende de Gemeente Medan over het
Jaar 1921, 1922, pp. 87-88).
Until the 1925 budget discussion, plans for
the construction of a city sewer system had not
shown any progress. In mid-1925, the City Council
discussed the 1926 budget. During the discussion,
the Sewerage Commission proposed the construc-
tion of a small sewerage area in the Chinese settle-
ment area. e poor hygienic conditions in this area
every year were a prioritised consideration for the
development of the city sewer system. e canal
network to be built crosses Pacht Road, Nieuwe
Figure 2. Design Construction of Medan City Sewerage Sys-
tem, 1920.
Markt, and Nienhuys Road. ese canals will be
Source: Architecten- en Ingenieurs- Adviesbureau T.A.B.R.O.S. connected to the large canal on Huttenbacht Road
(1921). Rioleeringsplan voor Medan 1921. previously existed towards the Deli River as an
emergency waste outlet (Verslag betreffende de Ge-
discharge points for household waste from Parts A meente Medan over het Jaar 1925, 1926, pp. 104-
and B were located at Parit Gloegoer towards the 105).
Deli River, which was also the disposal channel for On 17th June 1926, the Medan City Govern-
waste from the Slaughterhouse. Meanwhile, the dis- ment decided that the construction would be car-
charge point of Part C was located around the ried out immediately. Preparations were made by
bridge in Serdangweg towards Sungai Kerah. With ordering construction materials from the Nether-
the existence of this sewer points, a central lands and other European countries as well as from
wastewater treatment and purification installation local companies in the Dutch East Indies. Contrac-
must be built near the discharge point (Architecten- tors and companies were commissioned to make
en Ingenieurs- Adviesbureau T.A.B.R.O.S., 1921, p. trenches, walkways and sewer pipe construction. As
25). for the division, the trenches were made by Hol-
e estimated cost of constructing this sewer landsche Beton Maatschappij from the Netherlands;
system was quite large, namely f. 3,000,000. e sidewalks were built by Firm T. Buning from Cire-
division was that Part A was estimated to cost f. bon; and the construction of supports and sewer
830,000, Part B required a cost of f. 1,130,000, and rails by Halbergerhutte of Brebach, a German-based
Part C required a cost of f. 1,040,000. is fee was contracting company (Verslag betreffende de Ge-
intended for sewerage work, repair of digging pits, meente Medan over het Jaar 1926, 1927, p. 80).
road and gutter arrangements, road adjustments, e first excavation work was carried out on
replacement of water pipes and gas installations, 24th December 1926 but had to be postponed due to
planning, supervision and other unexpected costs bad weather and heavy rains. e laying of the first
(Architecten-en Ingenieurs- Adviesbureau TABROS, stone for the construction of a new sewer could on-
1921, pp. 112-113). ly be carried out on 13th January 1927. Aer the lay-
is design needed to be realised especially in ing of the first stone, the work went smoothly. is
terms of cost. In the Medan City Council meeting, a made the Medan City Council enthusiastic to build
plan to collect funds from sewer taxes was pro- another sewerage section (Verslag betreffende de
posed. However, this idea requires the cooperation Gemeente Medan over het Jaar 1926, 1927, pp. 80-
and compliance of the residents in paying and con- 81). Aer various discussions and debates at the
necting the pipe network to their homes. e esti- Medan City Council, it was agreed that the focus of
mated cost for connecting the house pipe network this sewerage construction was in the Chinese set-

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32(1), 2022

tlement in Kesawan (city centre) and the Indian Table 2. Sanitation Development Budget of Medan City, 1919–
settlement in Kampung Keling. It was later pro- 1930*
posed in 1927 that the construction of a sewerage Year Public Bathrooms Sewer System
channel in the Chinese settlement and around and Toilets
Kesawan which crossed Nienhuys Road, Spoor 1920 - 19.580,69
Road, Nieuwe Markt Road, Pacht Road, Tepekong 1921 1.550 4.411,07
Road, Markt Road and the Kesawan area. Develop-
1922 9.018,80 2.062,20
ments in the Indian settlement were carried out on
routes that passed through Kroesen Road, van der 1923 10.139,25 -
Plas Road, Rahder Road, Ballot Road, Park, Road 1924 6.615,21 -
and Resident Road (Verslag betreffende de Ge- 1925 2.392,9 -
meente Medan over het Jaar 1927, 1928, pp. 103, 1926 - 10.039,05
1927 - 125.297,87
Entering the year 1928, the Medan City Gov-
ernment planned to complete the construction of 1928 4.500 105.925,94
Part A of the sewerage design. e construction was 1929 - 16.466
carried out on the section that crossed by Nienhuys 1930 - 214.800
Road, Tepekong Road, Markt Road, Kerk Road,
Total 34.216,16 498.582,82
Spoor Road, Nieuwe Markt, Pach Road, Kesawan
area, Cremer Road, Bool Road, and Jan van Oosten *e amount currency is in guilders (gulden)
Road which led towards the Deli River (Verslag be- Source: compiled from Verslag betreffende de Gemeente Medan
over het Jaar 1919-1922, 1928, 1929, Medan: TYP. Varekamp &
treffende de Gemeente Medan over het Jaar 1928, Co., and Gemeente Medan, Gemeenteblad II, afl. 7, No. 75,
1929, pp. 79-80). 1931 pp. 147-148.
At a meeting on 29th April 1929, the City
Council planned to allocate funds amounting to f. centre (Algemeene Secretarie Archive No. 5381).
300,000 to build the Part B city sewer, which Since the design of the sewer system in 1920 and its
crossed the Deli River to Hakka Road. is budget implementation from 1926 to 1930, the construc-
was allocated for the years 1930 and 1931. e con- tion of this project used a larger budget compared
tractor responsible for this construction was Sema- to the public bathroom project. e following is a
rangsche Aannemings Mij. e selection of the con- table of the total budget spent for the development
tractor was based on the contractor's ability to use of sanitation in Medan City during the period 1920
less budget. In 1930, the realised development to 1930.
budget was f. 214,800. is amount was used to Based on Table 2, it can be seen that the ratio
build a 178 m long sewage disposal channel be- of the total budget for the public bathroom and toi-
tween Hakka Road and Luitenants Road (Gemeente let projects to the construction of a sewerage system
Medan No. 73, 1931, pp. 147-148). is more than 10 times. e costs were borne entirely
e construction of the city's waste disposal by the Medan City Government because until 1930
channel continued to be carried out by the Medan the application for subsidies to the central govern-
City Government. At the City Council meeting on ment had not been approved. e high cost of con-
28th January 1931, the construction of the city's sew- structing sewerage was a common problem in the
age disposal system was planned to continue in cities of the Dutch East Indies. With various budget
Kampung Keling (Indian settlement). In addition to constraints, until the early 1930s, the number of
the plan, the development plan would also continue houses connected to the municipal sewerage net-
in the Chinese settlement area, specifically at the work was 1,705 houses (Van Ommen, 1934, p. 12).
east of the railway line. e development was in- Until 1930, the project for the construction of
tended to connect the drainage channel on Wilhel- public bathrooms and toilets with the provision of
mina Road between Djati Road and Hakka Road of clean water was realised with the operation of 15
the Chinese settlement as well as Calcutta Road in public bathrooms (private bathrooms and toilets).
Kampung Keling. e meeting also decided that the ese facilities were supported by 32 water pipes or
construction time be set for a maximum of one hydrants scattered throughout the city. e cost of
year. e construction of this development channel providing this water was funded by the Medan City
system was an effort by the Medan City Govern- Government. e implementation of this policy
ment to maintain good hygiene and sanitation con- was carried out as an effort to improve the village so
ditions for the city's residents, especially in the city that the Bumiputra residents were in good hygiene

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32(1), 2022

conditions (Mackay, 1930, p. 387). carry out as a whole, hence the government took
e sewer system in Medan City was the only action by prioritising certain areas only.
development project outside Java that was funded
by the city's own budget. In fact, the construction of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
sewers in Java was also only carried out in Bandung, is article is part of a thesis in the Postgraduate
Cirebon and Semarang. e development projects Master’s Program in History, Faculty of Cultural
in Bandung and Semarang were financed by the city Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara. e lead
and central governments, while the projects in Cire- author would like to thank Prof. Dr. Budi
bon City were built by the central government as a Agustono, M.S. as the first supervisor who has pro-
whole (Notulen Gemeente Medan, 1931, p. 10). In vided the support, direction, and constructive criti-
contrast to the three cities, the financing of the sew- cism. anks also go to Dr. Fikarwin Zuska, M.
er system development using the city's own budget Ant. as the second supervisor who has provided
shows the seriousness of the Medan City Govern- critical comments on the thesis.
ment then in improving the citizen’s hygiene and
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