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“Study of Recruitment and Selection”

SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt Ltd, Nashik





PNR :-( 2015015400434765)

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “Recruitment and
Selection” in SVAAR Process solution Pvt Ltd. written and submitted by me to the
Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon partial fulfillment of
the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration under the
guidance of Prof. Mayur Borse Sir is my original work and the conclusions drawn therein are
based on the material collected by myself.

Rahul Bapu Sapkale


“Acknowledgement is an art, one can write glib stanzas without meaning a word, and on the
other hand one can make a simple expression of gratitude”

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all of them who in some or other way helped
me to accomplish this challenging project in SVAAR Process Solutions Put Ltd, Nashik. No
amount of written expression is sufficient to show my deepest sense of gratitude to them.

I am extremely thankful and pay my gratitude to our Miss. Mugdha Zope (Executive –
Human Resource) and my faculty guide Prof... Mayur Borse Sir (KCES’s COLLEGE OF
ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT) for their valuable guidance and support on
completion of this project in its presently.

I am very thankful to Miss. Mugdha Zope for their everlasting support and guidance on the
ground of which I have acquired a new field of knowledge.

A special appreciative “Thank you” in accorded to all staff of SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt
Ltd Nashik. Or their positive support.

I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my parents and
member of my family, who has always supported me morally as well as economically.

At last, but not least gratitude goes to all of my friends who directly or indirectly helped me
to complete this project report.

Rahul Bapu Sapkale


Sr. No. TITLE Page no.







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SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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13 ANNEXTURE-1 43-45

Today, in every organization personnel planning as an activity is necessary. It is an important part of an

organization. Human Resource Planning is a vital ingredient for the success of the organization in the long
run. There are certain ways that are to be followed by every organization, which ensures that it has right
number and kind of people, at the right place and right time, so that organization can achieve its planned

The objectives of Human Resource Department are Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection,
Training and Development, Career planning, Transfer and Promotion, Risk Management, Performance
Appraisal and so on. Each objective needs special attention and proper planning and implementation.

For every organization it is important to have a right person on a right job. Recruitment and Selection plays
a vital role in this situation. Shortage of skills and the use of new technology are putting considerable
pressure on how employers go about Recruiting and Selecting staff. It is recommended to carry out a
strategic analysis of Recruitment and Selection procedure. Also training need identification is necessary
after selection process.

A formal definition states, “It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for the
employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are

The need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons/situation:

a) Vacancies due to promotions, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent disability, death

and labour turn over.
b) Creation of new vacancies due to the growth, expansion and diversification of business
activities of an enterprise. In addition, new vacancies are possible due to job specification.
Selection is basically picking an applicant from (a pool of candidates) who has the appropriate
qualification and competency to do the job.

The difference between recruitment and selection: -Recruitment is identifying and encouraging prospective
employees to apply for a job. And Selection is selecting the right candidate from the pool of applicants.


Recruitment and Selection:

Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis in sufficient numbers and with
appropriate qualification, to apply for jobs within an organization. The process of searching prospective
employees with multidimensional skills and experience that suits organization strategies in fundamental to the
growth of the organization, this demands more comprehensive strategic perspective recruitment.
Organizations require the services of large number of personnel, these personnel occupies the various
positions created to the process of organization. Each position of the organization has certain specific
contributions to achieve the organizational objectives. The recruitment process of the organizational has to be
strong enough to attract and select the potential candidates with right job specification. The recruitment
process begins with human resource planning and concludes with the selection of required number of
candidates, both HR staff and operating managers have responsibilities in the process.
Right person for the right job is the basic principle in recruitment and selection. Every organization should
give attention to the selection of its manpower, especially its managers. The operative manpower is equally
important and essential for the orderly working of an enterprise.
Every business organization/unit needs manpower for carrying different business activities smoothly and
efficiently and for this recruitment and selection of suitable candidates is essential. Human resource
management in an organization will not be possible if unsuitable persons are selected and employment in a
business unit.

Recruitment and Selection is an important operation in HRM, designed to maximize employee strength in
order to meet the employer's strategic goals and objectives. It is a process of sourcing, screening, shortlisting
and selecting the right candidates for the required vacant positions. This is a brief introductory tutorial that
explains different methods of hiring and how to make effective and efficient utilization of Recruitment and
Selection. In addition, it also explains the best recruitment practices for specific requirements.


Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for their
selection and appointment. Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining
applicants for the jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected.

A formal definition states, “It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for the
employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are
submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employee are selected”. In this, the available
vacancies are given wide publicity and suitable candidate are encouraged to submit applications so as to
have a pool of eligible candidates for scientific selection.

In recruitment, information is collected from interested candidates. For this different source such as
newspaper advertisement, employment exchanges, internal promotion, etc. are used.

In the recruitment, a pool of eligible and interested candidates is created for selection of most suitable
candidates. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees

According to EDWIN FLIPPO, “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and
stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.”

Need for recruitment

The need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons / situation:

A) Vacancies due to promotions, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent disability, death and labor

b) Creation of new vacancies due to the growth, expansion and diversification of business activities of an
enterprise. In addition, new vacancies are possible due to job specification.

Sources of Recruitment:



1) Promotion 1) Campus recruitment

2) Transfers 2) Press advertisement

3) Internal notification 3) Management consultancy

4) Deputation of personnel or
4) Retirement transfer from one enterprise to
5) Former employees 5) Walk-ins, write-ins, talk-ins
The sources of recruitment can be broadly categorized into internal and external sources-

Internal recruitment seeks applicants for positions from within the company. The various internal sources

Promotions and Transfers:

Promotion is an effective means using job posting and personnel records. Job posting requires notifying
vacant positions by posting notices, circulating publications or announcing at staff meetings and inviting
employees to apply. Personnel records help discover employees who are doing jobs below their educational
qualifications or skill levels. Promotions has many advantages like it is good public relations, builds
morale, encourages competent individuals who are ambitious, improves the probability of good selection
since information on the individual’s performance is readily available, is cheaper than going outside to
recruit, those chosen internally are familiar with

The organization thus reducing the orientation time and energy and also acts as a training device for
developing middle-level and top-level managers.

Employee referrals
Employees can develop good prospects for their families and friends by acquainting them with the
advantages of a job with the company, furnishing them with introduction and encouraging them to apply.
This is a very effective means as many qualified people can be reached at a very low cost to the company.
The other advantages are that the employees would bring only those referrals that they feel would be able to
fit in the organization based on their own experience. In this way, the organization can also fulfill social
obligations and create goodwill.

Former Employees:
These include retired employees who are willing to work on a part-time basis, individuals who left work
and are willing to come back for higher compensations. Even retrenched employees are taken up once
again. The advantage here is that the people are already known to the organization and there is no need to
find out their past performance and character.

Dependents of deceased employees:

Usually, banks follow this policy. If an employee dies, his / her spouse or son or daughter is recruited in
their place. This is usually an effective way to fulfill social obligation and create goodwill.

When management faces a problem, which can be solved only by a manager who has proceeded on long
leave, it may de decided to recall that persons after the problem is solved, his leave maybe extended.

At times, management may not find suitable candidates in place of the one who had retired, after meritorious
service. Under the circumstances, management may decide to call retired managers with new extension

External recruitment seeks applicants for positions from sources outside the company. They have
outnumbered the internal methods. The various external sources include

Professional or Trade Associations:

Many associations provide placement service to its members. It consists of compiling job seeker’s lists
and providing access to members during regional or national conventions. Also, the publications of these
associations carry classified advertisements from employers interested in recruiting their members. These
are particularly useful for attracting highly educated, experienced or skilled personnel.

It is a popular method of seeking recruits, as many recruiters prefer advertisements because of their wide
reach. Want ads describe the job benefits, identify the employer and tell those interested how to apply.
Newspaper is the most common medium but for highly specialized recruits, advertisements may be placed
in professional or business journals.
Advertisements must contain proper information like the job content, working conditions, location of
job, compensation including fringe benefits, job specifications, growth aspects, etc.

Campus Recruitments:
Colleges, universities, research laboratories, sports fields and institutes are fertile ground for recruiters,
particularly the institutes. Campus Recruitment is going global with companies like HLL, Citibank, HCL-
HP, ANZ Grind lays, L&T, Motorola and Reliance looking for global markets. Some companies recruit a
given number of candidates from these institutes every year. Campus recruitment is so much sought after
that each college; university department or institute will have a placement officer to handle recruitment

However, it is often an expensive process, even if recruiting process produces job offers and acceptances

Walk-ins, Write-ins and Talk-ins:
The most common and least expensive approach for candidates is direct applications, in which job
seekers submit unsolicited application letters or resumes. Direct applications can also provide a pool of
potential employees to meet future needs. From employees‟ viewpoint, walk-ins are preferable as they are
free from the hassles associated with other methods of recruitment. While direct applications are
particularly effective in filling entry level and unskilled vacancies, some organizations compile pools of
potential employees from direct applications for skilled positions. Write-ins are those who send written
enquiries. These jobseekers are asked to complete application forms for further processing.

Talk-ins involves the job aspirants meeting the recruiter (on an appropriated date) for detailed talks. No
application is required to be submitted to the recruiter.

They are in this profession for recruiting and selecting managerial and executive personnel. They are useful
as they have nationwide contacts and lend professionalism to the hiring process. They also keep prospective
employer and employee anonymous. However, the cost can be a deterrent factor.

Head Hunters:
They are useful in specialized and skilled candidate working in a particular company. An agent is sent to
represent the recruiting company and offer is made to the candidate. This is a useful source when both the
companies involved are in the same field, and the employee is reluctant to take the offer since he fears, that
his company is testing his loyalty.

Radio, Television and Internet:

Radio and television are used to reach certain types of job applicants such as skilled workers. Radio and
television are used but sparingly, and that too, by government departments only. However, there is nothing
inherently desperate about using radio and television. It depends upon what is said and how it is
delivered. Internet is becoming a popular option for recruitment today. There is specialized sites

Walk-ins, Write-ins and Talk-ins:

The most common and least expensive approach for candidates is direct applications, in which job
seekers submit unsolicited application letters or resumes. Direct applications can also provide a pool of
potential employees to meet future needs. From employees‟ viewpoint, walk-ins are preferable as they
are free from the hassles associated with other methods of recruitment. While direct applications are
particularly effective in filling entry level and unskilled vacancies, some organizations compile pools of

potential employees from direct applications for skilled positions. Write-ins are those who send written
enquiries. These jobseekers are asked to complete application forms for further processing.

Talk-ins involves the job aspirants meeting the recruiter (on an appropriated date) for detailed talks. No
application is required to be submitted to the recruiter.

They are in this profession for recruiting and selecting managerial and executive personnel. They are useful
as they have nationwide contacts and lend professionalism to the hiring process. They also keep
prospective employer and employee anonymous. However, the cost can be a deterrent factor.

Head Hunters:
They are useful in specialized and skilled candidate working in a particular company. An agent is sent to
represent the recruiting company and offer is made to the candidate. This is a useful source when both the
companies involved are in the same field, and the employee is reluctant to take the offer since he fears, that
his company is testing his loyalty.

Radio, Television and Internet:

Radio and television are used to reach certain types of job applicants such as skilled workers. Radio and
television are used but sparingly, and that too, by government departments only. However, there is nothing
inherently desperate about using radio and television. It depends upon what is said and how it is
delivered. Internet is becoming a popular option for recruitment today. There is specialized sites

Recruitment Process
The five steps involved in recruitment process are as follows: (I) Recruitment Planning (ii) Strategy
Development (iii) Searching (IV) Screening (v) Evaluation and Control.

1) Recruitment Planning:
The first step involved in the recruitment process is planning. Here, planning involves to draft a
comprehensive job specification for the vacant position, outlining its major and minor responsibilities; the
skills, experience and qualifications needed; grade and level of pay; starting date; whether temporary or
permanent; and mention of special conditions, if any, attached to the job to be filled”

2) Strategy Development:
Once it is known how many with what qualifications of candidates are required, the next step involved in
this regard is to devise a suitable strategy for recruiting the candidates in the organization.

The strategic considerations to be considered may include issues like whether to prepare the required
candidates themselves or hire it from outside, what type of recruitment method to be used, what
geographical area be considered for searching the candidates, which source of recruitment to be practiced,
and what sequence of activities to be followed in recruiting candidates in the organization.

3) Searching:
This step involves attracting job seekers to the organization. There are broadly two sources used to attract

4) Screening:
Though some view screening as the starting point of selection, we have considered it as an integral part of
recruitment. The reason being the selection process starts only after the applications have been screened
and shortlisted. Let it be exemplified with an example.

In the Universities, applications are invited for filling the post of Professors. Applications received in
response to invitation, i.e., advertisement are screened and shortlisted on the basis of eligibility and
suitability. Then, only the screened applicants are invited for seminar presentation and personal interview.
The selection process starts from here, i.e., seminar presentation or interview.

The techniques used for screening candidates vary depending on the source of supply and method used for
recruiting. Preliminary applications, de-selection
Tests and screening interviews are common techniques used for screening the candidates.

5) Evaluation and Control:
Given the considerable cost involved in the recruitment process, its evaluation and control are, therefore,

The costs generally incurred in a recruitment process include:

(i) Salary of recruiters

(ii) Cost of time spent for preparing job analysis, advertisement

(iii) Administrative expenses

(iv) Cost of outsourcing or overtime while vacancies remain unfilled

(v) Cost incurred in recruiting unsuitable candidates

In view of above, it is necessary for a prudent employer to try to answer certain questions like: whether the
recruitment methods are appropriate and valid? And whether the recruitment process followed in the
organization is effective at all or not? In case the answers to these questions are in negative, the appropriate
control measures need to be evolved and exercised to tide over the situation.

However, such an exercise seems to be only rarely carried out in practice by the organization’s employers.
Having discussed recruitment process, it will be now relevant to have an idea about recruitment practices in
India. The following section delineates the same.


Selection process is a decision-making process. This step consists of a number of activities. A candidate who
fails to qualify for a particular step is not eligible for appearing for the subsequent step. Employee selection
is the process of putting right men on the right job. It is a procedure of matching organizational
requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Effective selection can be done only where there is
effective matching. By selecting best candidate for the required job, the organization will get quality
performance of employees.

Moreover, organization will face less absenteeism and employee turnover problems. By selecting right
candidate for the required job, organization will also save time and money. Proper screening of candidates
takes place during selection procedure. All the potential candidates who apply for the given job are tested.

Selection is a long process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the applicants and ending with
the contract of employment.

1. Preliminary test
2. Selection test
3. Employment interview
4. Reference and background
5. Analysis
6. Selection decision
7. Physical examination
8. Job offer Employment contract



The applicants received from job seekers would be subject to scrutiny so as to eliminate unqualified
applicants. This is usually followed by a preliminary interview the purpose of which is more or less the same
as scrutiny of application, that is, eliminate of unqualified applicants. Scrutiny enables the HR specialists to
eliminate unqualified jobseekers based on the information supplied in their application forms. Preliminary
interview, on the other hand, helps reject misfits for reason, which did not appear in the application forms.


Job seekers who pass the screening and the preliminary interview are called for tests. Different types of tests
may be administered, depending on the job and the company
Generally, tests are used to determine the applicant’s ability, aptitude and personality.

The following are the type of tests taken:

1. Ability test
2. Aptitude test
3. Intelligence test
4. Interest test
5. Personality test
6. Projective test
7. General knowledge test
8. Perception test
9. Graphology test
10. Polygraph test
11. Medical test

The next step in the selection process is an interview. Interview is formal, in- depth conversation conducted
to evaluate the applicant’s acceptability. It is considered to be excellent selection device. It is face-to-face
exchange of view, ideas and opinion between the candidates and interviewers. Basically, interview is
nothing but an oral examination of candidates. Interview can be adapted to unskilled, skilled, managerial and
profession employees.

Many employers request names, addresses, and telephone numbers of references for the purpose of verifying
information and perhaps, gaining additional background information on an applicant. Although listed on the
application form, references are not usually checked until an applicant has successfully reached the fourth
stage of a sequential selection process. When the labour market is very tight, organizations sometimes hire
applicants before checking references.

After obtaining information through the preceding steps, selection decision- the most critical of all the
steps- must be made. The other stages in the selection process have been used to narrow the number of the
candidates. The final decision has to be made the pool of individuals who pas the tests, interviews and
reference checks.

The view of the line manager will be generally considered in the final selection because it is he/she who is
responsible for the performance of the new employee. The HR manager plays a crucial role in the final

After the selection decision and before the job offer is made, the candidate is required to undergo a physical
fitness test. A job offer is, often, contingent upon the candidate being declared fit after the physical
examination. The results of the medical fitness test are recorded in a statement and are preserved in the
personnel records. There are several objectives behind a physical test.

Obviously, one reason for a physical test is to detect if the individual carries any infectious disease.
Secondly, the test assists in determining whether an applicant is physically fit to perform the work. Thirdly,
the physical examination information can be used to determine if there are certain physical capabilities,
which differentiate successful and less successful employees. Finally, such an examination will protect the
employer from workers compensation claims that are not valid because the injuries or illness were present
when the employee was hired.

The next step in the selection process is job offer to those applicants who have crossed all the previous
hurdles. Job offer is made through a letter of appointed. Such a letter generally contains a date by which the
appointee must report on duty.

The appointee must be given reasonable time for reporting. Those is particularly necessary when he or she is
already in employment, in which case the appointee is required to obtain a relieving certificate from the
previous employer.

The company may also want the individual to delay the date of reporting on duty. If the new employee’s
first job upon joining the company is to go on company until perhaps a week before such training begins.


There is also a need for preparing a contract of employment. The basic information that should be included
in a written contract of employment will vary according to the level of the job, but the following checklist
sets out the typical headings:

1. Job title

2. Duties, including a parse such as “The employee will perform such duties and will be responsible to
such a person, as the company may from time to time direct”.

3. Date when continuous employment starts and the basis for calculating service.

4. Rate of pay, allowance, overtime and shift rates, method of payments.

5. Hours of work including lunch break and overtime and shift


6. Holiday arrangements:

7. Paid holidays per year.

8. Public holidays.

9. Special terms relating to rights to patent s and designs, confidential information and restraints on trade
after termination of employment.

The drawback with the contracts is that it is almost to enforce them. A determined employee is bound to
leave the organization, contract or no contract.

Contrary to popular perception, the selection process will not end with executing the employment contract.
There is another step – amore sensitive one reassuring those candidates who have not selected, not because
of any serious deficiencies in their personality, but because their profile did not match the requirement of
the organization.

They must be told that those who were selected were done purely on relative merit.
The broad test of the effectiveness of the selection process is the quality of the personnel hired. An
organization must have competent and committed personnel.

Difference between Recruitment and Selection:

1. Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective candidates and motivating them to apply for
job in the organization. Whereas, selection is a process of choosing most suitable candidates out of those,
who are interested and also qualified for job.

2. In the recruitment process, vacancies available are finalized, publicity is given to them and applications
are collected from interested candidates. In the selection process, available applications are scrutinized.
Tests, interview and medical examination are conducted in order to select most suitable candidate.

3. In recruitment the purpose is to attract maximum numbers of suitable and interested candidates through
applications. In selection process the purpose is that the best candidate out of those qualified and interested
in the appointment.

4. Recruitment is prior to selection. It creates proper base for actual selection. Selections next to
recruitment. It is out of candidates available/interest.

5. Recruitment is the positive function in which interested candidates are encouraged to submit
application. Selection is a negative function in which unsuitable candidates are eliminated and the best one
is selected.


The main objectives for undertaking this project are:

To Study about perception of employees regarding recruitment and Selection Process.

To know the recruitment process followed in SVAAR Process Solutions Put Ltd.

To know the selection process followed in SVAAR Process Solutions Put Ltd.

To review HR policies pertaining to recruitment and selection.

To identify the internal and external sources of recruitment & selection.

To know the satisfaction level of employees towards the existing Recruitment & Selection


Company Profile

SVAAR Process solution Pvt Ltd.

Introduction –

SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is ISO 9001:2015 companies who deliver best solutions at optimum
cost within Evaporation and Drying Technology. In short span of time, we have proved our ability by
spreading our wings in diffrent industrial sectors like Dairy, Sugar, Food & Beverages, Starch,
Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Distillery, Pulp and Paper, Waste water etc.

At SVAAR, we have successfully installed and commissioned several evaporation plants across India and
target to reach globally soon. Our expert team has excellently revamped and enhanced existing
evaporation and drying plants of reputed companies so as to attain increased performance level and
desired industrial standards.

What makes us unique is our expertise in working with exotic metals like Titanium etc. and consistent
efforts to exceed established quality standards in industry.

We incorporate latest technology and new design features in our proposed process plants which enable
user to run plant at minimum human interface, low utility consumption and less maintenance.

SVAAR can offer evaporation plants up to seven effects with an evaporation capacity up to 400TPH and
Spray drying plant up to 60 TPD capacities.

SVAAR Process Solutions can offer evaporator up to seven effects with an Evaporation capacity up to

We can achieve 82 % Solids concentration for liquid glucose in starch industry where as we can also
achieve up to 75% concentration of black liquor, typically a byproduct in pulp and paper Industries

Vision and Mission:

Company who delivers best solutions at optimum cost within Evaporation and Drying Technology solutions
for clients to take their business on the highest level of success. Our quality work and innovative ideas are
strongly reflected through our work. We are aware of the vital aspect of our clients therefore our target is to
provide them with effective service – Quickly, Accurately, Extreme Quality and most important

Their Services

 Dairy
 Food & Beverage
 Starch
 Sugar
 Chemical
 Waste Water
 Pharmaceuticals
 Pulp & Paper



Falling Film Evaporator are widely used in Process, Chemical, Food, Dairy and Paper Industry. This kind of
evaporator is very useful in concentrating heat sensitive material.
This type of evaporator can easily operate at very low absolute pressure which makes it most important type
of evaporator for industrial processes.
SVAAR can offer Falling Film Evaporation plant with Thermal Vapour Recompression as well as
Mechanical Vapour Compression Technology.


Spray Drying is a unit process which converts solution, suspension or paste into dried particulate form by
spraying the fluid in hot drying medium. Spray drying may proceed concurrently, counter currently, or as a
mixed- flow process. Spray Drying can be achieved in stages depending upon the product quality.

The Feed is atomized using a rotating wheel or a nozzle, and the spray of droplets immediately comes into
contact with a flow of hot drying medium, usually air. Selection of the atomizer is solely dependent on the
required final product quality and particle size.

SVAAR offers single, two and three stage Dryer. Three stage dryers are oGen used when the final product
agglomeration is required.


Flash Drying systems is in which particulate solids are dried during transport in a hot gas stream usually air or
combustion gases. The simple flash drying system includes six basic components: the gas heater, the wet
material feeder, the drying duct, the separator, exhaust fan, and a dried product collector. The wet particles
are fed into the hot gas stream sometimes with special mixing devices. The stream flows up the drying tube.
The gas velocity must be greater than the free fall velocity of the largest particle to be dried. The gas velocity
in relation to the particle velocity is high.


SVAAR offers process, mechanical design and manufacturing for process equipment’s such as storage
vessels, heat exchanger, distillation column, reactors, separator etc.

Our expert team is well versed in manufacturing of chemical process equipment’s in various grades of
stainless steel, carbon steel, duplex steel and exotic metals like titanium, hostelry, and oncology.
To reinforce our emphasis on quality, we use internal quality assurance/control system adhering to ASME or
equivalent standard and only agar stringent quality,

Recruitment and Selection in
SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Recruitment Process –
A] Internal Source
1. Present permanent employees: -The company considers the candidates from their sources for
telecom industry because,

 Availability of most suitable candidates

 The policy of the organization to motivate the present employees.

2. Employee referrals: Mostly prefer candidate from references. Organization considers present
employee for reference of candidates for various jobs. As present employees are well aware of the
qualification, attitude, experience and emotions of the friends and relatives. They are also aware of the job
requirement and organizational culture of the company. This source reduces the cost and time for

B] External Source

1. Job centers:

This is a network covering most cities acting as agent for potential employers. They are the private
employee exchange; job centers help the candidates in knowing more about the company.

2. Out placement consultants:

These are the consultants just like the employment exchange. In this job consultants can register their name
and when there is a sent for interview. Actively seeking to place and may provide training required.
Available when recruitment needed.

3. Newspaper:

Whenever there is recruitment in the company it will be advertised in the newspaper. Since only the newspaper
is the source of reaching the information to all the people.

4. Internet:

Internet is the modern mode of recruitment. If a company wants to fill a vacancy through external source
then internet is the best option to choose


Research is defined as human activity based on intellectual application in the investigation of matter. The
primary purpose for applied research is discovering, interpreting, and development of methods and systems
for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the
universe. Research can use the scientific method, but need not do so.

Scientific research relies on the application of the scientific method, a harnessing of curiosity. This research
provides scientific information and theories for the explanation of the nature and the properties of the world
around us. It makes practical applications possible. Historical research is embodied in the historical
method. Scientific research can be subdivided into different classifications according to their academic and
application disciplines.

“Research design is logical and systematic planning and directing of research.”

Research design is useful for solve the critical problem of company. Preparing a research design is an
important stage in the process of conducting research. Systematic work on the research project and
conduction of various operations methodically could be facilities by a research design.

Research design is nothing but a scheme of the work to be undertaken by a researcher at various
operations. Research design is nothing but working plan by a researcher before actually starting his
research work.

Source of Data collection:

The primary as well as the secondary sources was used for collection of data.

Primary data:

“Primary Data is the data which is collected first time by researcher”.

 Questionnaire
 Interview
 Discussion


1. Which of the sources of recruitment and selection are used in

SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd.?

Options Internal External Both Total

Responses 18 47 11 76
24 62 14 100%






It was found that about 14% of the recruitment and selection is done both by internal and external sources,
while as external sources are used more than the internal sources. Employees are hired mostly from
external sources like job portals, consultancy etc.

2. Which of the following external sources are used for recruitment in SVAAR Process
Solutions Pvt. Ltd.?

Options Advertisement Internet Campus Consultancy All of Total

drives the
Responses 32 5 2 18 19 76
Percentage 42 6 3 24 25 100%

42% Internet Campus Drives Consultancy
All of the above


3% 6%

It was found that 24% of the employees are recruited through the consultancies and 42% of the employees are
selected by the advertisement followed by internet with 6% and campus selections with 3%. Consultancy and
Internet are the major sources which provide eligible candidates for the hiring in SVAAR Process Solutions
Pvt. Ltd.

3. Which form of recruitment and selection is used in SVAAR Process Solutions
Pvt. Ltd.?

Options Centralized Decentralized Total

Responses 32 44 76

Percentage 42 58 100%




It was found that recruitment is decentralized. However, for higher positions of employment the
recruitment is centralized. Recruitment is decentralized as all the centers SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt.
Ltd. recruit their employees according to the number of vacancies available in the respective centers.

4. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process?

Options Yes No Total

58 18 76
76 24 100%





It was found that 76% of employees are satisfied with the recruitment process adopted by SVAAR Process
Solutions Pvt. Ltd. However, some of the respondents thought there should be some changes in the existing
recruitment process of the organization

5. Which of the following methods does SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt.
Ltd. uses during selection?

Options Responses Percentage

Written 5 7

Group Discussion 10 13

Personal Interview 42 55

Group Discussion & Personal

10 13

All of the above 9 12

Total 76 100%


Grp.Discussion Personal Interview Grp.Disc &P

10% 5%


It was found that 55% of selection is done by Personal Interview. However, Personal Interview is mostly
used method of selection followed by group discussion. Employees selected in SVAAR Process Solutions
Pvt. Ltd. are finally selected by a personal interview taken by the head of the center.

6. Are you satisfied with the selection process?

Yes No Total
Responses 51 25 76
Percentage 67 33




It was found that about 67 % of the employees are satisfied with the selection process. However, the
remaining is of the opinion that there should be some change in the recruitment and selection process of the

7. Do you think the process of selection followed in SVAAR
Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is in scientific way i.e. Right person
at right place?

Options Responses Percentage

Always 62 81

Some Times 12 16

Not at all 02 03

Total 76 100%



AlwaysSome timesNot at all

The 81% of employee own experience tell us about the selection process use in the organization right
person for the right job. The result sows about the employee are satisfied about the job profile in the
working scenario.

8. How do you rate Recruitment & selection practices of the SVAAR Process
Solutions Put Ltd?

Options Respondents percentage

Excellent 42 55
Good 15 20
Average 17 22
Bad 02 3
Total 76 100%






55% of the employees feel that HR department is Excellent where and 20% say that its good where as 22%
says its average and 3% employees feel it’s bad. Some employees are not happy as they have to spend a
little more time if they have to take demo training sessions.

9. Are individual goals considered at the time of selection?

Options Respondents percentage

Partially 36 47

Fully 14 19

Never 26 34

Total 76 100





The above Figure shows that the more than half employee tells their goal were consider of selection with
the only 34% of employee tells the individual goal are not consider at the time of selection and 47% of
employee tells the partially considered individual goals.

10. Is there any contract signed by employees while joining the Organization?

Options Respondents In percentage

Yes 63 83
No 13 17
Total 76 100%





Above chart shows that almost 17% employees said no and 83 % said yes, they have to sign a bond while
joining the organization. Employees have to submit one of their original certificates in the time of their
joining and they cannot leave this company before one year. If the employees agree to these conditions, then
they are moved to next round of interview


 It was found that 76% of employees are satisfied with the recruitment process adopted by SVAAR
Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd...
 The 58% recruitment and selection process are decentralized (Pune, Akola and Nagpur)
 The 34% of employee tells the individual goal is not consider at the time of selection.
 Most of the managers prefer personal interviews.

 The 83 % employees said yes, they have to sign a bond while joining the organization. Employees
have to submit one of their original certificates in the time of their joining and they cannot leave this
company before one year. If the employees agree to these conditions, then they are moved to next
round of interview
 It was found that 55% of selection is done by Personal Interview.

 55% of the employees feel that HR department is Excellent.

 The 81% of employee own experience tell us about the selection process use in the organization
right person for the right job.
42% of the employees are selected by the advertisement


Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to
apply for jobs in an organization. And Selection is selecting the right candidate at the right time in the right

Employees of SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt Ltd. are satisfied with the current/existing recruitment and
selection process. SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is recruiting their employees mainly through
consultancies. Consultancies are the mediator between the organization and the candidates as it serves the
requirements of employees as well as the organization SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd. recruits their
employees in a decentralized way (Pune, Akola, and Nagpur).
Also, SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has to consider internet sources for recruitment of employees so
that it could motivate the employees. Employees are also well aware about the various sources and methods
of recruitment and selection. SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has to implement innovative techniques in
selection process like group discussion, stress interview, etc.


 It is suggested that recruitment be made even from campuses. This will definitely help in reducing
the overall time and cost of recruitment and selection process.
 Know what you’re looking for in candidates.

 Create winning impression even on those who are not selected.

 The company can take up short-term projects with new technologies and fixed deadlines to bring
out competitiveness and cutting-edge approach by the employees. This enables the company to
recruit the brightest and the best manpower for the jobs.
 The company needs to further focus on talent auditions and job fairs.



 C.B. Gupta, (1996) Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons.

 K Ashwathapa, (1997) Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw-Hill

 Dr. C.R. Kothari, (2008) Research Methodology
 Chris Duke, (2001) Recruiting the right staff





Recruitment and selection process of SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt Ltd,

jalgaon. Name:

Designation: ----------------------------------Age: -----------------------------

Qualification: --------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Which of the sources of recruitment and selection are used in SVAAR Process
Solutions Pvt Ltd?

a. Internal
b. External
c. Both

2. Which of the following external sources are used for recruitment in SVAAR Process
Solutions Pvt Ltd?
a. Advertisement
b. Internet
c. Campus recruitment
d. All of the above

3. Which form of recruitment and selection is used in SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt Ltd?
a. Centralized
b. Decentralized

4. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process?

a. Yes
b. No

5. Which of the following methods does SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt Ltd used during

a. Written
b. Group Discussion
c. Personal Interview
d. Group Discussion and Personal Interview
e. All of the above

6. Are you satisfied with the selection process?

a. Yes
b. No

7. Do you think the process of selection followed in SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt
Ltd Is in scientific way i.e. right person at right place?
a. Always
b. Some time
c. Not at all

8. How do you rate Recruitment & selection practices of the SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Bad

9. Are individual goals considered at the time of selection?

a. Partially
b. Fully
c. Never

10.Is there any contract signed by employees while joining the Organization?
a. Yes
b. No


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