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Dead stars is a short story by Paz Marquez Benitez, written in 1925.

story is basically a compilation of the complicated circumstances that every man
has to go through in life. Alfredo was torn between doing what is right and what is
in his heart. Alfredo Salazar is a lawyer and the main character in the story. He is
the love of the life of Esperanza. They have been together for four years and meant
to get married in May. Their relationship in the beginning was full of enthusiasm,
full of love and happiness. But like other long term relationships, their feelings for
each other changes as time goes by. Esperanza was beautiful, elegant, reserved,
and distinctly not average type of a woman. She loves her Alfredo so much and
trusted him with her whole heart. After their four years of engagement, Alfredo
thought of finding his real wants. When Alfredo tried to do some neighboring with
his dad Don Julian, he met Julia Salas, their neighbor's sister-in-law. She was just a
visitor in town and been there for only six weeks. They found good company
between themselves and as they knew it, it became a weekly habit for Alfredo to
visit her after every Sundays mass. Julia is the average type, not so beautiful but
still it interests Alfredo so much. As they grew their new friendship, Alfredo found
new happiness and starts to fall for her.
One day, his family invited Julia's family in their coconut plantation near
their beach. It's a chance for them to have some quality time together, but this is
also the time to say goodbye. Julia is planning to leave the town and go back home.
It breaks the heart of Alfredo and made him more confused than ever. He is
thinking of choosing Julia over his fiancée Esperanza, but what people will say is
what he thinks matter most. He married Esperanza after Julia left the town, he was
not unhappy and realizes that everything have fallen back into place. After eight
years of marriage, Alfredo still can't get over Julia's memories. His thought of Julia
is hunting him, and those what-ifs dilemma. Alfredo goes for a business trip to the
town where Julia lived. While he is there, Alfredo runs across Julia. He has never
forgotten about his feelings for her, but over time, he has come to accept his
marriage to Esperanza. Alfredo finds that the feelings he had for Julia are gone. He
is content with his life, and the perceived love he had felt for Julia all those years
was like the "light of dead stars, long extinguished, yet seemingly still in their
appointed places in the heavens."

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