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“Study of Employees Satisfaction”

Unique Circle Automation Private Limited.



Harshada Ramakant Shinde
PNR :-( 2020015400313557)


“Acknowledgement is an art, one can write glib stanzas without meaning a word, and on the
other hand one can make a simple expression of gratitude”

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all of them who in some or other way
helped me to accomplish this challenging project in Unique Circle Automation Private
Limited, No amount of written expression is sufficient to show my deepest sense of
gratitude to them.

I am extremely thankful and pay my gratitude to our Mr. Sushant Patil (HR Manager) and
my faculty guide Prof... Mayur Borse Sir (KCE’S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING
AND MANAGEMENT) for their valuable guidance and support on completion of this
project in its presently.

I am very thankful to Mr. Sushant Patil for their everlasting support and guidance on the
ground of which I have acquired a new field of knowledge.

A special appreciative “Thank you” in accorded to all staff of Unique Circle Automation
Private Limited. Or their positive support.

I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my parents and
member of my family, who has always supported me morally as well as economically.

At last but not least gratitude goes to all of my friends who directly or indirectly helped me
to complete this project report.

Harshada Ramakant Shinde



I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the Project Report entitled

“Study of Employees Satisfaction” in Unique Circle Automation
Private Limited. Written and submitted by me to the Kavayitri
Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of
Business Administration under the guidance of Prof. Mayur Borse Sir
is my original work and the conclusions drawn therein are based on
the material collected by myself.

Harshada Ramakant Shinde



Sr. No Particulars Page


2. Introduction 6-8

3. Objective 9- 10

4. Research Methodology 11-13

5. Literature Review 14-16

6. Company Profile 17,18

7. Data Analysis And Interpretation 19-34

8. Finding & suggestion 35-39

9. Conclusion 40-41

10. Annexure 42,43

11. Bibliography 44-47


Now, more than ever, organizations need to engage employees. Rapid market change,
disruptive technologies, and opportunities available to your key talent have forced organizations
to reexamine the connections between business performance, leadership, and employee
satisfaction. Over the past several years, many organizations have focused on reigning in key
financial indicators. By searching the global labor market for the most efficient resources,
creating process improvements, and using technology to speed up operations, companies have
improved financial performance and created competitive advantages. But downsizing,
outsourcing, and off-shoring will soon reach upper limits on their ability to improve
organizational performance. In addition, these actions are available to all competitors
Making them, at best, temporary sources of competitive advantage. So, where will the next force
for performance improvement come from? Where can organizations find sources of sustainable
(not temporary) competitive advantage? Our researches repeatedly shown that there is a direct
correlation between employee Fulfillment Satisfaction and job performance. Furthermore, our
research has clarified the greatest source of employee fulfillment. The single most important
factor in creating a sense of fulfillment I
The leadership skills of an employee’s manager. This finding has significant
Implications for the importance of the role of the manager and how effective he or she is in
creating Fulfillment Satisfaction. Employee satisfaction means different things to different
people. The
Dictionary defines satisfaction as “gratification of an appetite and pleasure.



Although committed and loyal employees are the most influential factor to becoming an
employer of choice, it's no surprise that companies and organizations face significant challenges
in developing energized and engaged workforces. However, there is plenty of research to show
that increased employee commitment and trust in leadership can positively impact the
company's bottom line. In fact, the true potential of an organization can only be realized when
the productivity level of all individuals and teams are fully aligned, committed and energized to
successfully accomplish the goals of the organization.

As a result, the goal of every company should be to improve the desire of employees to stay in
the relationship they have with the company. When companies understand and manage
employee loyalty-rather than retention specifically - they can reap benefits on both sides of the
balance sheet i.e. revenues and costs. On the revenue side of the balance sheet, loyal and
committed employees are more likely to go "above and beyond" to meet customer needs and
are highly motivated to work to the best of their ability. On the cost side, loyal employees stay
longer, resist competitive job offers, do not actively look for other employment and
recommend the company to others as a good place to work. These four behaviors positively
influence the cost side of the balance sheet.

In other words, rather than focusing only on retention (that is, trying to retain employees who
have already decided to leave), organizations should proactively recognize the benefits of
understanding, managing and improving employee satisfaction. The most successful
organizations are those that can adapt their organizational behavior to the realities of the
current work environment where success is dependent upon innovation, creativity and

Employee satisfaction is in regard to one's feeling or state of mind regarding the nature of their
work. It can be influenced by a variety of factors e.g.: quality of one's relationships with their
supervisor, quality of physical environment in which they work, degree of fulfillment in their
work etc.
Locke gives a comprehensive definition of job satisfaction as involving cognitive, effective and
evaluative reactions or attitudes and states it is "a pleasurable or positive emotional state
resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experience." Job satisfaction is a result of
employees' perception of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important.
There are three generally accepted dimensions to job satisfaction.
First, job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation, as such it cannot be seen; it can

only be inferred.

The following are the variables which contribute to Employee satisfaction:-

Overall Individual satisfaction: - Employees be should satisfy with the organization as a great
place to work.

Work Environment: - Employees have to feel satisfied with the environment within which they
work for it would result in high productivity.

Communication Method: - When administrative policies and all important announcements are
communicated to the employees, it boosts their morale. The methods chosen for communication
also play an integral role. Some of the methods that could be used are internet, monthly
newsletters, weekly meetings etc.



 To study the job satisfaction levels among the employees of C & C Constructions Ltd.

 To study the various factors affecting employee satisfaction.

 To analyze the current satisfaction level of the employees in the company.

 To study the satisfaction level of employees regarding resources provided by the manager.

 To know whether organization takes employees suggestions.

 To study about sufficient opportunities to improve employees skills.

 To study the satisfaction level of employees regarding infrastructure of the company.

 To know about supportiveness of superiors.

 To suggest measures for improvement

Research Methodology

Research Methodology

Since this has been a startup company entering into second year, it wanted to check out
levels of satisfaction before coming up with new policies to take future course of actions. I
was given the task to understand the various aspects related to Employees satisfaction in the

Unique Circle Automation Private Limited also wanted to make out an external survey in
indentifying the benefits other company offers to its Employees and compare those things
along with the benefits offered by the company.

Organization also wanted to know Employees understanding of company’s mission

And vision statement.

Company also wanted to check Employees satisfaction levels with their team leaders, with
the Management and within the team members.

 To measure Employees satisfaction on Compensation and Benefits.

 To find out the expectations of Employees from Management.

 To compare the desired satisfaction with the actual one.

 To compare the satisfaction in different levels i.e. female and male Employees,
juniors and seniors and within different teams.

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be

understood as a science of studying now research is done systematically. In that various steps,
those are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his problem along with the logic behind
them. It is important for research to know not only the research method but also know
methodology. The procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing,
explaining and predicting

Phenomenon is called methodology. Methods comprise the procedures used for generating,
collecting and evaluating data. All this means that it is necessary for the researcher to design
his methodology for his problem as the same may differ from problem to problem.

Data collection is important step in any project and success of any project will be largely depend

upon now much accurate you will be able to collect and how much time, money and effort will
be required to collect that necessary data, this is also important step.

Data collection plays an important role in research work. Without proper data available for
analysis you cannot do the research work accurately. Research Methodology has mainly two:-

 Primary source
 Secondary source

Primary Data:-The primary data are those which are collected afresh & for the first time & thus,
happen to be original in character. For carrying out this project, the researcher has used informal
discussion with the company officials.
a) Interviews
b) Questionnaire
c) Observation

Secondary Data: - The data which have already collected by someone & which have been
already passed through the statistical process is known as secondary data. For the purpose of
doing this project, the
Researcher collects the secondary data from:-
 Annuals report of the company.
 Internet
 Details from the observation as a participant.

Sample size refers to the number of items selected from universe Constitute a sample. The
sample size should be optimum as it should fulfill the objective of research.

A complete interaction and enumeration of all the employees of Specialty Unique Circle
Automation Private Limited. was not possible so a sample was chosen that consisted of 30
employees. (Covering each and every department)

Literature Review

Literature Review

Omen (2007) discusses the relationship between educational level and job satisfaction. He says
though there is a relationship it also says that there is no relationship as well. Higher educated
workers are always satisfied in comparison with the lower educated workers, the fact being
higher educated people obtain a job of better quality. He adds lower educated workers can also
have higher level of job satisfaction from the psychological benefits of a “good job”. Quality of
jobs offered to the employees differs with the educational level leading to different degree of job
satisfaction. Job characteristics have a big role as here one gets a scope to use his or her own
skills. Therefore the author suggests that organizations should focus more on job quality than
educational level

Kumari and Pandey (2011) states that public sector and private sector both are equally
important for any nation and these two are the basic requirement for any nation to prosper
and grow. Here the job satisfaction level was tested in relation to job ambivalence (the state of
having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something). Higher performance rating
was given to the supervisor when the job ambivalence faced by the employees is less and vice-
e-versa. Job satisfaction and performance has no relation when the job ambivalence increases
towards the job. Therefore, organizations should focus on bringing clarity to the employees
about their work, the process to be followed for the better understanding of the job.

Hawley (2008) Discusses on the beginning teacher’s job satisfaction level and factors influencing
their level of satisfaction. Teachers are be found to be satisfied with their job and the factors
which lead to their job satisfaction were academic proficiency ,race, socioeconomic status,
teaching license and if their mother was a teacher. Teaching license plays a getter role here as it
shows the necessary skills and knowledge required for teaching and which the teacher posses.

Ramayah (2011) evaluates within the Malaysian context whether mentoring leads to job
satisfaction. His findings reveal that career mentoring was related to all the dimensions of job
satisfaction. The dimensions of job satisfaction studied here were: job itself, co-workers,
supervisors, and promotion. Mentor plays an important role in higher level of learning always
and it directly results in positive employee outcomes. But, psychological mentoring doesn’t
have a significant relationship with the three factors of job satisfaction (co-workers, job itself
and promotion). It is also stated in the study that because psychological mentoring leads to
non-monetary satisfaction, employees at maximum time don’t value it.

Siliver thrine (2008) studied the contribution of personality variable locus of control on job
satisfaction and related outcomes such as performance and job stress. Findings reveal that
internal locus of control leads to lower level of job stress and higher level of job satisfaction and
performance. External locus of control doesn’t reduce the job stress whereas internal locus of
control leads to performance and satisfaction by reducing the job stress studies the link between
Fringe benefits and job satisfaction. Fringe benefits always don’t lead to job satisfaction. It is
always acceptable to an extent where in the employee has a feeling that he is able to satisfy his
needs. Many a times it is found that it doesn’t match the requirement of the employee leading to
dissatisfaction. Therefore, organizations have to review their system in a better way which will
provide fringe benefits as required and provide employees every opportunity to avail them,
ultimately leading to job satisfaction.

Company Profile

Company Profile

UNIQUE CIRCLE GROUP was founded / Est. in December 1995, with the main aim is to
manufacture Inspection/Checking Fixtures, Assembly Fixtures, & SPM’s for OEM
Automotive companies, Auto part manufacturers, & Tool makers. The company was
formed by Mr. Parag Shah an ex–employee of TATA Motors & Bajaj Auto Ltd., who has
experience in Pattern Making and Checking Fixtures for the past 32 years. With a strong
background in automobile sector and dreams to lead the industry In World class standards,
the company named 'UNIQUE CIRCLE' was born in the year 1995. Starting with only 2
employees, the U.C. Group now boasts a team of 114 associates and 47 Engineers and is
one the leading names in Automobile Checking/Inspection Fixtures in India and Exports to
14 Countries. Unique Circle has spread its name in state of the art on the technological
front, while manufacturing its inspection fixtures leading global business supplier/
manufacturer for Automation, SPMs.

Unique Circle Engineering Private Limited is specialist in the designing and manufacturing
of automotive inspection / checking fixtures (Sheet metal Panel / Plastic Component).

It also manufactures fixtures for all types of Head & Tail Lamps, Holding Fixtures,
Assembly Fixtures, Cooling Fixtures, Vibration Welding Fixtures, FRP Components, and
Special Purpose Machinery (SPM) for Plastic Components, Ultrasonic Welding Fixtures,
Robotics Fixture and Punching Tools for plastic components and is catering to a wide scope
of industries in the diverse range of the automotive market sector.

Established for over 26 years, Unique Circle has the technical competence and capabilities
to manage large Scale complex projects and regularly manage customers' complete
Checking/Inspection tool requirement from Concept Design, CAD/CAM Modeling to
Development and Production and after sales support. We are an ISO as well as Dun and
Bradstreet Certified Company.

To become a leading global business supplier/ manufacturer for Automotive
Checking/Inspection Fixtures, SPM’s for Present Automotive customers and
simultaneously expanding to new customer all over the World.

To provide finest / highest quality customer need solutions at a competitive price that
ultimately improves the overall customer experience in fixtures.



Q1: Since how many years have you been working in Unique Circle
Automation Private Limited?

Years No of Respondent Percentage

Less than 2 years 17 57%
3-6 Years 9 30%
More than 6 years 4 13%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2 3


30% 57%

From above chart it is seen 57% person are working less than 2 years in this industry and
30% employee are giving their opinion as they are working between three to six year and
remaining 13% are the working from more than 6 years in this industry.

Q2. How is the working environment of Unique Circle Automation Private

Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 Participative 16 53%
2 Autonomy 13 43%
3 Whimsical 1 3%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2 3



From the above table 5.2 and figure 5.2 we can observe 53% respondent give their opinion
as an environment of the industry is a participative and 43% respondent says that an
environment of the industry is autonomy and remaining 3% respondent say that there is a
whimsical environment of Unique Circle Automation Private Limited.

Q3. Are you satisfied with the working hours of your industry?

Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 Yes 22 73%
2 No 5 17%
3 Cannot say 3 10%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2 3




From above chart it is clear that the 73% employees are satisfied with the working hour of
their company and 17% are dissatisfied with the working hour pattern and remaining 10%
are not comfortable to give their opinion.

Q4.Do you get payment as per terms and condition?

Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 Yes 23 77%
2 No 7 23%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2



From above chart 77% employees are said that they are get payment by company on time
and another 23% people said that they are not getting payment on time or according to
terms and condition of company.

Q5.Are you satisfied with the salary what you offered by your industry?
Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage
1 Yes 24 80%
2 No 4 13%
3 Cannot say 2 7%
Total 30 100

Chart Title
1 2 3



From above chart we can observed that 80% respondent said that they are satisfied with
the salary which is offered by the company and 13% respondent are dissatisfied with the
salary offered by company to them and remaining 7% respondent cannot give their

Q6: Does the Industry’s environment and nature affect on your health?

Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 To some extent 21 70%
2 To large extent 9 30%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2



From above chart 70% respondent’s opinion is that the Industries environment affect of
their health in some extent and another 30% respondent’s opinion is that the
environment of industry does affect on their health in large extent.

Q7: Are you satisfied with your position in the industry?

Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 Very satisfied 9 30%
2 Dissatisfied 2 7%
3 Satisfied 11 37%
4 Very dissatisfied 8 27%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2 3 4

27% 30%


According to above figure 30% of respondents are very satisfied with their position in
industry also 37% of respondent are satisfied with the position and another 7%
respondent are dissatisfied with their position and also 27% of respondent are very
dissatisfied with their position in which they are working presently.

Q8: Are you agree with your work is according to your qualification
and skill?

Sr. no Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 Agree 20 67%
2 Disagree 10 33%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2



From above figure 5.8 we can observe 67% employee are agree with they are get a work
according to their qualification and skill and another 33% are not agree with this
opinion that they get a job with their qualification and skill.

Q9: In the industry does the employee share their experience to help
each other?

Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 Yes 22 73%
2 No 6 20%
3 Cannot say 2 7%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2 3




From above fig. Out of 30 respondents, 73% respondents are share their experience
with each other and 20% respondent does not share their idea or experience with each
other and remaining 7% select the option cannot say.

Q10: Which of the following factor which motivates you most?

Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 Salary increase 18 60%
2 Leave 2 7%
3 Motivational talk 10 33%
4 Recognition 0 0%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2 3 4




From above fig. out of 30 respondent, 60% employees are motivated through the after
increment in their salary and 7% employees are motivated with leaving while 33%
employees are motivated with the help of motivational talks and no one (0%) employee
are motivated through recognition.

Q11: How do you rate the physical working condition in the industry?

Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 Good 10 33%
2 Average 17 57%
3 Poor 3 10%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2 3




From above fig. out of 30 respondent, 33% employee rate the physical working
condition as a good another 57% employee rate the physical working condition is
average and remaining 10% employees goes with poor option.

Q12: Does the industry provide medical facility for employees in any kind of
emergency situation?

Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 Yes 23 77%
2 No 7 23%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2



From above fig we can observe that 77% employees opinion that there medical facility is
provided by company and another 23% employee’s opinion that there is no any medical
facility provided by the company.

Q13: Does the top management involve employees in the management

Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 To some extent 24 80%
2 To large extent 6 20%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2



From above fig. 80% employees says the top management involve employees in
management decision making in some extent and another 20% employees says the top
management involve employee in the management decision making in large extent.

Q14: Does the management have good relation with the workers?

Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 Yes 25 83%
2 No 5 17%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2



83% of the employees feel that the management has a good relation with workers and
only 17% of them feel that the management has not good relation with them.

Q15: Is the management helpful and sympathetic to your problems at

Sr. No Opinion No of Respondent Percentage

1 To some extent 24 80%
2 To large extent 6 20%
Total 30 100%

Chart Title
1 2



80% of the employees feel that the management is sympathetic to some extent in their
problems faced at workstation.



After the successful completion of the survey i.e. when all Employees submitted
their feedback we analyzed it in following ways

Consolidated report of all the Employees taken and difficulties faced by them
were taken into consideration. Then team wise about the perception and
problems faced in teams were analyzed. Then reports were divided according to
gender and analyzed and finally reports according to seniority were prepared
from which the consolidated report that had been enclosed shows the overall
levels of Employee Satisfaction at of Unique Circle Automation Private Limited.
After analyzing the consolidated report, I thought the below suggestions given by
me would help Unique Circle Automation Private Limited. To create an amicable &
peaceful environment where people feel proud to work.

 Out of 30 employees, there are 13 employees are more experienced who
have been working from more than 3 years in Unique Circle Automation
Private Limited. And remaining 17 employees are working less than 2

 53% employees think that the environment in which working they are
participative and 43% employees think that the environment is

 In Unique Circle Automation Private Limited. 73% employees are satisfied

or happy with the pattern of working hour of the industry.

 More than 80% employees are satisfied with the condition of salary
offered to them by company.

 Near to 77% employees are get payment as per terms and condition.

 In industry 70% employees are with the opinion that the environment of the
industry does not affect on their health and remaining 30% employees think
that environment of industry effect on their health.

 In Unique Circle Automation Private Limited. 67% employees are get job or
work according to their knowledge and skill.

 Most of 73% people are share their experience and idea to each other
with the purpose of solving the particular problem in the industry.

 83% employees are said that the management involve the employees in
their decision making process.

 Also 83% employees think that the management maintain have good
relation with the workers and 17% employees think that the management
do not maintain good relationship with them.

 Near to 87% employees are satisfied with the option of the industry is a
flexible foe them as well as their families.

 Out of 30 employees near to 20 employees are satisfied and highly

satisfied with their position in industry and remaining 10 employees are
dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their position.

 Out of 100% near to 97% employees are give their positive rate or
satisfactory rate towards industry.

The suggestions are follows

 Some of the quest in industry 70% employees is with the opinion that
the environment of the industry does not affect on their health and
remaining 30% employees think that environment of industry effect on
their health.

 In Unique Circle Automation Private Limited. 67% employees are get job or
work according to their knowledge and skill.

 Most of 73% people are share their experience and idea to each other
with the purpose of solving the particular problem in the industry.

 83% employees are said that the management involve the employees in
their decision making process.

 Also 83% employees think that the management maintain have good
relation with the workers and 17% employees think that the management
do not maintain good relationship with them.

 Near to 87% employees are satisfied with the option of the industry is a
flexible foe them as well as their families.

 Out of 30 employees near to 20 employees are satisfied and highly

satisfied with their position in industry and remaining 10 employees are
dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their position.

 Out of 100% near to 97% employees are give their positive rate or
satisfactory rate towards industry.

 ones for which negative feedback was expected were deleted , in my

view when they were planning to take an overall opinion about
employee satisfaction levels all the factors related to employee
satisfaction should be covered.

 Quick and prompt action should be taken for the areas found in Employee
feedback which need improvement.

 Recent training and development sessions were useful to employees.

Most of them felt that the training sessions should continue and this
session should focus more on their technical and soft skills.

 In spite of company providing many benefits to employees, most of

them are not happy with benefits plans of the company, I would like to
recommend Unique Circle Automation Private Limited. To go for benefits
like codex-ho passes, spouse insurance etc...

 Most of the employees felt that they should be a balance of work

between personal and professional life. This kind of stress can be
reduced by encouraging fun related activities in the office regularly.

 Employees says that there should be more space in the pantry and they
also require more chairs as employees cannot go together for lunch and
hence hampers the mutual communications. This can be overcome by
providing more chairs or by making the sitting arrangements more

 Unique Circle Automation Private Limited. Could try to encourage its

employees by taking them out for an outing or team dinner so as to boost
up the team and give them relaxation from their routine activities.

 Employees feel that their performance evaluation is not fair; this can be
abridged by making its employees clear about the policies and


The initial finding and conclusions of this research is that the company uses both the
employee satisfaction survey and the employee performance appraisal as tools to allow
the employees to voice their opinions, and also to help create a clear and concise career
plan for them. This is accomplished in two ways. After the completion of the employee
satisfaction survey there is a meeting held with the managers and employees of each
department. At these meetings the results of the survey are discussed and plans are
made to alleviate any problems found from the survey and the different ways to
capitalize on the positive aspects of the survey are discussed. After the employee
performance appraisal is completed, the manager and employee sit one on one and
create a plan for the employee for the next year. At this meeting the strengths,
weaknesses, and career objectives of that employee are discussed. Both of the tools used
also communicate to the employee their progress and managerial expectations
concerning their performance.
The research also demonstrated that employee performance is very contingent upon the
perception of the supervisor that rates the employee. If the employee perceives that the
organization, department, and manager/supervisor they work for are there to improve
their quality of life and help them reach their professional goals, then the employee has
a greater chance of realizing satisfaction and be inherently more productive. If the
employee is inclined to have a more negative outlook then they will be less likely to
reach their personal and professional goals and their quality of life will be very low.
Furthermore, without strong, positive, and productive communication from their
manager/supervisor as well as their organization, employees may have the inclination
to relate that lack of communication to signify a poor job performance; this can also
lead to dissatisfaction and lower levels of performance, this is in concert with the
findings of Hopkins, Vaden, and Vaden (1979). Another research finding was that no
matter how many amenities a property provides for an employee (health benefits,
vacation, satisfaction surveys, performance appraisals, coaching and counseling from
managers/supervisors etc.) the best guide to determine if satisfaction and performance
relate is through the employee satisfaction survey. If the human resources department
does not find employees that are highly motivated, goal oriented, and compatible with
RC Hotel Company culture and values, the employee will never be satisfied and their
performance will be low.














Jegadeesan G & Santanan Krishnan R



Name of employee: - ……………………………………………..

Department: - ……………………. Designation:-

Questionnaire based on employee’s satisfaction at Unique Circle

Automation Private Limited.

Q1: Since how many years have you been working in Unique Circle
Automation Private Limited.?

a) Less than 2 years ( )

b) 3 – 6 years ( )
c) More than 6 years ( )

Q2: How is the working environment of Unique Circle Automation Private


a) Participative ( )
b) Autonomy ( )
c) Whimsical ( )

a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Cannot say ( )

Q3: Are you satisfied with the working hours of your industry?
a) Satisfied ( ) b) Dissatisfied ( ) c) Cannot say ( )

Q4: Do you get payment as per terms and condition?

a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

Q5: Are you satisfied with the salary what you offered by your industry?

a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Cannot say ( )
Q6: Does the Industry’s environment and nature affect on your health?
a) Yes () b) No ( )
Q7: Are you satisfied with your position in the industry?
a) Very satisfied ( )
b) Dissatisfied ( )
c) Satisfied ( )
d) Very Dissatisfied ( )

Q8: Are you agree with your work is according to your qualification
and skill?
a) Agree ( ) b) Disagree ( )
Q9: In the industry does the employee share their experience to help
each other?
a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Cannot say ( )

Q10: How do you rate the physical working condition in

the industry?
a) Good ( )
b) Average ( )
c) Poor ()

Q11: Which of the following factor which motivates you most?

a) Salary increase ( )
b) Leave ( )
c) Motivational talks ( )
d) Recognition ( )

Q12: Does the industry provide medical facility for employees in any
kind of emergency situation?
a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

Q13: Does the top management involve employees in the management

a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )

Q14: Does the management have good relation with the workers?
a) To some extent ( ) b) To large extent( )

Q15: Is the management helpful and sympathetic to your problems at

a) To some extent ( ) b) To large extent ( )


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