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Weeks 1-3 Created by Mark Beier, Personal Training Manager from Crunch, Chicago
RESISTANCE Weeks 1-3 Warm Up: Each Resistance Training Session should begin with a proper warm-up to ensure the bodys core temperature is slightly elevated, to decrease the risk of injury, and increase the benefits of resistance training. Here is a simple and effective way to warm up your body: Perform three sets of the following warm-up exercises with no rest in between sets. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Running high knees Running kick-butt Jumping lunges Resistance Program: Perform two circuits of the following strength exercises and take a one-minute rest between each exercise. Rest for three minutes in between each circuit. 1. Push-ups with oblique trunk twists 2. Single-leg bent over rear delt flys 3. Walking lunge with medicine ball trunk twists 4. Spider man crawls 5. Squat to shoulder press 6. Single-arm row in push-up position 7. Single-leg touchdowns 8. Side to side roll with jackknife 15 10 each leg 10 each leg 20 12 12 each side 10 each leg 10 jackknifes

Push-Ups with Oblique Trunk Twists Assume standard push-up position with hands placed on the floor far enough away from your sides to allow a 45 degree angle of your elbows and at your chest. Perform 20 push-ups. In between each push-up bring your right knee to your left arm, followed by yourleft knee to your right arm.

Single-Leg Bent Over Rear Delt Flys Balance on one leg and bend over at your waist at about a 45 degree angle to the floor. Keeping your abs engaged to support your lower back extend the leg that is off the ground behind you and slightly bend that knee. Using moderately weighted dumbbells extend arms out to your side until your arms form a T with your body. Perform this exercise 10 times on each leg.

Walking Lunge with Medicine Ball Trunk Twists Grab a moderately weighted medicine ball Begin the walking lunge by extending your right foot out in front of you and begin to bend both knees. The knee of the forward leg should be bent at 90 degrees and the knee of the back leg can be bent at 45 degrees. Lean forward at your waist slightly to put more emphasis on your glutes and perform a trunk twist, twisting toward the side of the forward leg. Pick the back leg up off the ground and step through and repeat with the left leg. Perform 10 times on each leg.

Spider Man Crawls To get into the starting position, first get into a push-up position. Then, bring your right knee to your right elbow and extend your left hand in front of you as far as you can reach. This will extend your left side out and contract your right side. Keep very low to the ground To perform the crawl, pick up your right hand and extend it out in front of you as far as possible, at the same time, move your left foot up to where your left knee meets your left elbow. Perform 20 repetitions.

Squat to Shoulder Press Using moderately weighted dumbbells, perform a squat with the dumbbells at your side. On the way up from your squat position, perform a bicep curl and complete the movement with a shoulder press above the head. Bring the dumbbells back down to your side and repeat the movement. Perform 12 repetitions.

Single-Arm Row in Push-Up Position Start in push-up position but spread feet wider than shoulder distance apart. Using a moderately weighted dumbbell, perform single-arm rows, trying to keep your hips flat to the floor. Keep abs engaged throughout the movement. Perform 12 repetitions each side.

Single-Leg Touchdowns Begin by standing on one leg. Using the opposite arm of the leg you are standing on, reach down and touch your foot. Bend the knee of the leg you are standing on slightly. Extend the leg that is off the ground out behind you while trying to keep hips parallel to the ground. Perform 10 times on each leg.

Side to Side Roll With Jackknife Start by lying flat on your stomach arms extended out in front of you in superman position. Roll to the right and onto your back, perform a jackknife sit-up and return to your back, roll to your left and onto your back and perform the jackknife again. Perform 10 times.

ENDURANCE Weeks 1-3 The Endurance program is designed to help you run faster and farther by increasing volume and intensitythrough alternating days of training. Depending on your level, you will run three to four times a week. Volume Training: (v) On volume training days you will simply be logging miles. These days are used to build your endurance. If youre wearing a heart rate monitor, keep your pace so that you maintain 60% of your maximum heart rate during the entire run. If you are not wearing a heart rate monitor then you can determine your level of exertion by doing a talk test. If running at the appropriate rate, you should have only a very slight difficulty holding a conversation during the entire run. Interval Training: (i) Interval training days are used to increase the speed at which you will be able to perform your volume runs as the program progresses. On these runs, start out at the same pace as your Volume run days. Throughout the distance specified below, there are a number of short bursts of speed held for one minute at a time. During these bursts you should be running at 75%-85% of your maximum heart rate. If you are not wearing a heart rate monitor, you should not be able to hold a conversation during this period. After one minute, slow down and return to your Volume Day pace. Run at your Volume Day pace for three minutes and repeat the short burst. Perform these short bursts until you reach your schedule volume listed below. Beginner: Begin at this level if you play recreational sports but do not perform any type of endurance training on a regular basis. Intermediate: Begin at this level if you have been performing cardiovascular training intermittently throughout your normal training routine. To begin at this level you should be running at least six miles a week. Advanced: Begin at this level if you have been doing cardiovascular training as part of your normal routine and are running at least 12 miles a week.
Monday Beginner Intermediate Advanced 1m (v) 2m (v) 3m (v) Tuesday rest rest rest Wednesday Thursday 1m (i) 2m (i) 3m (i) rest rest rest Friday 1.5m (v) 3m (v) 4.5 (v) Saturday rest 3m (v) 5m (v) Sunday rest rest rest

FLEXIBILITY Weeks 1-3 Perform the Flexibility routine after each of your Resistance and Endurance workouts. Perform entire circuit twice. Hold each stretch for the suggested times. 1. Abductor/outer leg 2. Hamstring stretch while sitting on a stability ball 3. Kneeling hip flexor/quadricep stretch 4. Wall calf stretch 5. Kneeling chest stretch with stability ball 6. Reaching shoulder stretch while kneeling 20 seconds each leg 20 seconds each leg 20 seconds each leg 20 seconds each leg 20 seconds each arm 20 seconds each arm

Abductor/Outer Leg Stretch Standing on both legs, cross your left foot over your right. Bend your upper-body over toward your left side and reach to the ground with both hands. You should be able to push your right hip out to your right and feel the stretch on the outside of the right leg. Repeat stretch with your left leg.

Hamstring Stretch While Sitting on a Stability Ball Sitting on a stability ball, extend both legs out in front of your body in a V formation. Straighten legs but keeping knees slightly bent. Bend at your waist and reach both hands toward your right foot. Keep your back straight and do not round your shoulders.. Repeat this stretch to your left side and also to the middle.

Kneeling Hip Flexor/Quadricep Stretch (performed on a padded mat) Kneel on a padded mat and extend your left foot out in front of you so that youre kneeling on your right knee and your right foot is extended behind you. Your left knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle and your left foot is flat on the floor. Reach your right hand toward the ceiling and push your hips slightly forward without arching your lower back. Contract your right glute to increase the stretch on the right hip flexor and right quadricep muscles. Repeat this stretch on your left side. Wall Calf Stretch Stand about one foot away from a wall. Place both hands on the wall at shoulder height and extend your right foot behind you about two feet. Bend the knee of your left leg, the one that is closest to the wall. Lean your upper body toward the wall and try to keep the right foot that is extended behind you flat on the floor. Repeat with your left leg.

Kneeling Chest Stretch with Stability Ball Kneel on a mat and place your right arm on a stability ball. Bend over at the waist so that you are facing downward toward the mat. Slightly drop your right shoulder toward the mat and move your upper body toward the left so that your right arm pulls away from the stability ball just slightly. You should feel the stretch in your right arm and right chest. Repeat this stretch on the left side.

Reaching Shoulder Stretch While Kneeling Kneel on a mat and reach hands to the floor in front of you. Lean over at your waist so that your chest is close to the mat. Reach your right arm under your left arm, leaning all the way down. Continue to gradually push your chest to the floor until you feel a stretch through the outside of your right shoulder and tricep area. Repeat this stretch on your left side.

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