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1. Administrative Order No. 281, s.

(Eto yung mga nakalagay before explanation:)
The Administrative Order No. 281, s.1996 or the Launching of the “National
Tepok Lamok and Dengue Sapok” Program states that the Philippine Constitution
provides that, “the State shall protect and promote the right to health of the people
consciousness among them”. Whereas, there is a reported increase in the incidence
of cases of dengue fever in Asia and in the country. There is need to undertake
preventive and control measures to address the increase in dengue fever cases. This
will require concerted and collaborative efforts among the various national ang local
The Administrative Order No. 281, s.1996 is related to the study of the
researchers. Because just like what the Administrative Order stated, it is also what
the study focuses, to give protection and prevention about dengue fever. The
researcher’s study focuses to protect and give solution on this kind of problem that
the country experiencing nowadays.

2. Effect of Carica Papaya Leaf Extract on platelet count in Patients of Dengue Fever
with Thrombocytpenia
The study shows that the extract from Papaya leaf extract can be used as an
alternative medicine in increasing the number of platelets in dengue patient. Which
the researcheers also focuses and objective. The researcher’s study and this study
are related to each other from their subject which is to increase the number of
platelets in the blood of the dengue patient.


(eto yung title tinamad ako)

In the this (study ba to o literature?) shows that papaya leaves extract can be
used in increasing the platelets. This is what the researcher’s study focuses and goal.
The (study ba to o literature?) shows the processes involve in making the experiment
and that is also what the researcher’s study will undergo.



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The study, Does Carica Papaya leaf extract increase the platelet count?, is related
to the researcher’s study. The increase in the number of platelets were determined.
The study are also looking for the result if Carica papaya leaf extract is effective or
not. This is also what the researcher’s study will determine whether Papaya Leaf
extract can be used as an alternative medicine for increasing the platelets of the
dengue patient or not.


(Di ko alam yung title neto pero ginawan ko pa rin)

(tanggalin mo nalang pag di kasama)
The literature is all about the benefits and some uses of the papaya fruit and
leaf. This is what the researcher’s study focuses. Because in the study the main
material that will be used is the papaya leaf. The researcher’s study use the papaya
leaf in making the extract because according to the literature papaya leaf has many
minerals and vitamins that can be used to prevent some diseases like dengue fever
where the study centers (tama ba tong centers kapag hindi tanggalin mo nalang)
and focuses.


According to the literature, it states that there are few limited works has been
done by the scientists in identifying if the papaya leaf can be use in making extract to
increase the platelets of the dengue patient. So tfrom this, the researchers were able
to conduct a study that were related to this literature. The researchers will be able to
determine if papaya leaf as an extract is effective or not.

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(ewan ko kung ano yung title)

The literature is related to the researcher’s study since it is focuses on the
benefits of Papaya leaves. The literature states the different beneficial(tama ba
spelling ko nito) effect of papaya leaf that can be used in making extract for the
peole. It also shows the advantages that papaya leaf has like it can be only found in
the backyard. This is why the researchers use papaya leaf in making the study. Papaya
leaf can be easily found everywhere, even at the bakyard.(putulin mo nalang pag
masyadong OA na yung paragraph, hahahahaha)

8. (ito yon, di ko kasi alam ung title. Sorry)

The literature is all about the dengue fever. Since the literature is all about
dengue fever, it is realted to the researcher’s study. The researcher’s study focuses
on how dengue fever woul be prevented and where did the dengue fever come from.
The researcher’s study is focusing to the prevention and in decreasing the number of
dengue patients.
(paalala: paltan mo nalang kung sa tingin mo umulit ung thought ng paragraph
ha. Pakidagdagan na din kung kinakailangan.)

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(dito yon tungkol, ewan ko ba kung kasma to pero kung hindi tanggalain mo
The (study ba o literature) is about the benefits that a papaya has not only on
the pulps but also in the leaves. But the researcher’s study only focuses on papaya
leaf in making extract. The literature stated that papaya leaf can cure many diseases
caused by mosquito which are malaria and dengue fever. It also sis that it can cure
some other illnesses. So from this, the researchers were able to use the papaya leaf
because of the benefits and advantages according to the(study ba o literature).

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