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The Impact of Green Technology on global Warming

A Case Study
Aanchal Shravan Kumar Mishra Archit Sood
MBA- General MBA-General
Amity Business School Amity Business School
Amity University, Mumbai Amity University, Mumbai

Since the dawn of the first industrial revolution, humanity has been
polluting the seas, land and the air. But, since the 1990s, the
pollution has reached a dangerous level. Which can potentially
destroy our entire ecosystems. If the global temperatures keep on
rising at 2 degree celsius that would be a global catastrophe.
Potentially, displacing hundreds of millions of people from their
homes.This where green technologies like carbon capture,
lithium-ion batteries, genetically modified algae comes in to help
save the world from an absolute catastrophe.

Probable findings:-
The probable impact of different fields in green technology, carbon
capture and electrochemistry are helping to save the planet.

Keywords:- Global warming,Green technology, carbon capture,

lithium-ion batteries
Air pollution occurs when harmful or excessive quantities of
gasses such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide,
nitric oxide and methane are introduced into the earth’s
atmosphere. The main sources all relate to technologies which
have emerged since first the industrial revolution such as the
burning of fossil fuels, factories, power stations, mass agriculture
and vehicles. The consequences of air pollution too much has a
very negative impact as some very negative health impacts for
humans and animals and global warming , whereby the
increased amount of greenhouse gasses in the air trap thermal
energy in the Earth’s atmosphere and cause the global
temperature to rise.If the global temperature levels keep on rising
at a constant level of 2 degrees celsius til 2050s, that will have a
catastrophic impact on the entire planet.
● Use of carbon capture: Many companies and research
organizations are coming up with their take on how to
capture carbon that is already in the earth’s atmosphere.
Such as a Canadian company called carbon engineering,
CO2 can be captured using different methods. The main
ones are: post-combustion, pre-combustion and oxyfuel.
Post-combustion technology removes CO2 from the flue
gasses that result from burning fossil fuels. Pre-combustion
methods – carried out before burning the fossil fuel –
involve converting the fuel into a mixture of hydrogen and
CO2. Oxyfuel technology produces CO2 and steam by
burning fossil fuels with almost pure oxygen.
Post-combustion and oxyfuel equipment can be fitted to
new plants or retrofitted – in other words, added to existing
power stations that were originally built without it.
Pre-combustion methods require large modifications to
existing plans to be retrofitted, and are therefore more
suitable to new construction. Both of these techniques can
capture upto 90% of the emitted carbon in the earth’s
The single biggest disadvantage of carbon capture is the
question, “ when the carbon is captured, where do we put
the captured carbon ?” The captured carbon can’t be put
back into earth, since the y 2.1357 Gt of Carbon will create
a super massive tectonic displacement in the earth crust.

● Lithium ion batteries - Lithium is a soft, silvery-white alkali

metal. Under standard conditions, it is the least dense
metal and the least dense solid element. Like all alkali
metals, lithium is highly reactive and flammable, and must
be stored in vacuum, inert atmosphere or inert liquid such
as purified kerosene or mineral oil. Lithium ions hold a big
key in modern electro-chemistry, as it has a 100-265
Wh/kg or 250-670 Wh/L of energy density. Since the
lithium ions can be recharged and have a very long life.
Lithium ions can be the key for the future, since the energy
can be generated from green sources such as solar, wind
and geo-thermal and can be stored and used for various
Some of the disadvantages of the li-ions is safety.
Lithium-ions have a big tendency to over-heat. Some levels
of overheating can lead to thermal runaway and
combustion in the worst case.This has caused significant
problems, notably the grounding of the Boeing 787 fleet
after onboard battery fires were reported

Learning Outcome:-
Different types of green technologies and how they can help save
the planet, and their potential advantages and disadvantages.



● University of Washington. Lithium ion batteries
● Massachusetts Institute of Technology . A Case Study of the
Petra Nova Carbon Capture Project

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