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My First Grade Classroom

I decided to put my students in the middle because I want them to be the main focus of the
classroom, and I want to have them close but also have some space in between them. I
remember that in my elementary classes there were laptops available but also at least 3
computers. For tests or very important things they can use the computers. My desk will be a
little away from them so that when they are doing activities they can ask each other for help first,
helping them interact with each other even more, then later on I can help them out with
whatever they need. Positive posters will be everywhere in the classroom and not just one
place. In their free time they can either go to the play area or read a book while sitting in bean
bags so they can be comfortable. As you can see, the play area and reading area are far from
each other so that when students decide they want to read instead of play, they won’t be too
close to the noise. The whiteboard will of course be in front of the teacher and students desk.
When not being used, it will have important dates and homework. I also feel it's really nice to
have some sort of class pet, so I added little fishes that they are going to feed everyday and
take turns, next to the plants where they can water them everyday. The plants will make the
classroom have a fresher feel. I plan on having a poster next to my desk and in the back of the
plants, where there will be a picture of every student and under their names, it will say where
they are from and what their favorite thing about their culture is.

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