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Amazon Redshift
Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. Amazon Redshift is a fully managed,
petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. You can start with just a few hundred
gigabytes of data and scale to a petabyte or more. This enables you to use your data to acquire
new insights for your business and customers.

The first step to create a data warehouse is to launch a set of nodes, called an Amazon
Redshift cluster. After you provision your cluster, you can upload your data set and then perform
data analysis queries. 

Go to amazon redshift

 Click create cluster

An Amazon Redshift data warehouse is a collection of computing resources called nodes, which
are organized into a group called a cluster. Each cluster runs an Amazon Redshift engine and
contains one or more databases.
choose the cluster name from the list to open its details. The details of the cluster are displayed,
which can include Cluster performance, Query monitoring, Databases.
In Database configuration, Admin user can be created, then finally click create cluster
Cluster had created and in Available status

Then select cluster, click action select Manage IAM Roles under the permission
Then Go to IAM Roles… Create roles

Select Redshift Service in IAM Roles

Review the Role Give name to Role and click create role

Now Go to Redshift page, In cluster Permission Select IAM role and click save changes
The changes to the attached cluster IAM roles are applied

Then Go to IAM user, Add user in that

Give name to IAM user and create password

Select policies  AmazonRedshiftQueryEditor and AmazonRedshiftReadonlyAccess

Review and Create the user
Go to Query editor in Redshift and click connect to the database

Create a new connection and give name to Database

Finally Database was connected

Enter the following in the query editor window and choose Run to create a new table.
create table shoes(
shoetype varchar (10),
color varchar(10));
Enter the following command in the query editor window, and choose Run to add rows to the
insert into shoes values
('loafers', 'brown'),
('sandals', 'black');
Run the query for new table

Finally, The Query results displays the results

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