Depression Happens Over Time

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Depression happens over time, and it can be very subtle and we may not recognize that we may be

depressed. We unknowingly

12:18 PM Experiencing is depression. My therapist may also raise it because depression can also be a
little confusing. You know, we may misinterpret it as simply feeling sad or just going through a
rough time. But depression is more than just feeling kind of up for the valves or simply. It's a bad
mood about something. We all go through short-lived ups and downs, but depression is more serious
and it can change the way that we think the way we feel. Feel how we function our daily lives, such
as our ability, to work, our appetite, our energy, our motivation, our sleep, our outlook on life, and
our overall enjoyment can become really negatively impacted. And another reason that her doctor
might be, bringing it up with us, is that depression, can also be confusing because we may Envision
kind of stereotypical depressed person as someone who if you're depressed, that means you're
moping around or you're unable to get out of bed. Now that could be the case for some folks
experiencing depression. And we refer to those folks with this level of depression as severely
depressed, but we can also experience a mild or moderate depression as well at this level. The mild to
moderate levels depression. He could be a bit perplexing because we might still be able to function
on a day-to-day basis. And so we might not see ourselves being depressed.

Even though we may be Really good point there. That depression is more than just feeling sad. At
that made me think about you talk a little bit about the difference between grief and depression,
depression and grief. In fact, do share some similarities and at times it can co-exist and sometimes
grief can over period of time, trigger some of you coming to press but there are some really clear
distinctions between the two and these distinctions of whether you're raising it Wiggles are good
distinction for us to understand. With grief, which is typically around the experience of Allah,
someone's life. It's normal to experience feelings, like intense sadness or difficulty sleeping, maybe
loss of our advertising, some weight loss. We may even find our cells being triggered by this grief
when there's a reminder of the law. So we've gone through me if there's an anniversary that comes
up, or the memory or a song that triggers the loss of we went through. However, one of the
distinguishing realities of grief is that it tends to decrease over time. I'm and we can feel somewhat
better when you were around support of others when they're with us, in kind of encouraging way.
And, at some point with grief. We can usually expect there to be a return to a healthy level of
functioning. But what is distinctive about depression is that it's more persistent, more pervasive, you
know, in other words, it doesn't let up and it doesn't get better on its own and time does not heal this
summer fun to say and depression can lead to this very pessimistic outlook on life, in the sense of
guilt. Personal worthlessness and you don't feel better necessarily when you're around other people.
Like you do with grieve, or when you going through a happy time. You don't feel happy, even
though you're in it and happy times are occurring. And with depression, if left, untreated in typically
worsens, we can do life's, you know, our lives day-to-day activities, progressively more difficult and
at its worst, it can put someone at risk for suicide. That's a really important distinction. Thank you G.
And you felt. Or about your precious feet more than just Just poking around.
Can you tell us a little bit more about what your profession might look or feel? Yeah, that's what
some of the signs and symptoms are not to get stuck in lock there. But we need to kind of make it can
look like I'm kind of losing interest or the pleasure think so. You can just a pleasure. I feel down.
Happy more times than not even when good things are happening around me. Maybe I might find
myself from becoming more cheerful than I usually am. I maybe some bouts of crying or tears.
Maybe, I feel more tired. I kind of lacked US Energy, motivation and drown. Kind of slogging
through life. My sleep could be disrupted by might be sleeping nor might be sleeping less or the sleep
that I do get cause Slurp restoring looking feel anxious and irritable for men, men, go through
depression, a little bit differently. Sometimes their women men might find themselves becoming
more Angry more, beautiful, more easily. We can find one depression, our appetite changes. What
we're either eating more or eating glass. We can also have difficulty with our Attention, our
concentration or focus. Our memory may not be quite the same. We might find ourselves a slowly
withdrawing from people can also have kind of a deeper sense of I feel hopeless, helpless, and for
some folks, when it gets to be, Dark fairy. At this despair, it can lead to thoughts even. Following
through and actions on suicide. The some folks, the experiencing depression described like this kind
of a wa

So folks, experiencing depression describe life, is though they're living in this black hole life can feel
very small and they can have these feelings of the sense of impending doom or this guilt. This, I
guess is a major part of scientists symptoms, the hopelessness and helplessness and they see
themselves as worthless, and the experience life is just Being empty. Nothing is fulfilling and nothing
brings joy and depression causes someone to feel so. So very alone in their world, even though
people are around. And serious G and very different. Having a day or full day's work. It does not let
up. It's not just a temporary thing. It's not just a transient thing. People go through. It is something
that is persistent and pervasive and it begins to bleed into our lives. It's a very negatively affecting
ways just like you suggesting

For example, depression can occur because of some genetic reasons or maybe a biochemical
imbalance can occur because of psychological or environmental environmental factors. The genetic.
Predispositions of the chemical imbalance is somewhat speak for themselves. If you're well, and
these factors can be understood and successfully addressed. We also know that there are some
medical problems that medication issues that could be, you know, causative of depression, life,
hypothyroidism or heart disease. Being psychological and environmental factors. All these may
include significant losses or traumas and local, I was like, they can create a depression things like an
early loss of a parent. Let's say, oh, maybe the experience violence in there for maybe those sexual
abuse. Sadly. Well, maybe verbal abuse their lives. Maybe someone didn't have anyone. That seemed
to kind of understand that we're kind of get them the way they needed to be God, or maybe the
experience. Has happened as you tried to kind of just Master some of the basic things in their
development. They were criticized, pretty unrelenting. By you're just really - unsupportive way, or
maybe there was an absence of affection or maybe Felt So Good, felt like there. In a conditional
acceptance, I will love you. If or if you then I will and I never really felt secure in who they were
their relationships with you were growing up and we know that these experiences can leave a person
feeling less than At last, having a sense of unworthiness of Love fearful of taking needy risks in life,
and help us kind of Advance or you believing that there are even actually lovable at all. So, they
psychological and environmental factors these events, that happened can all manifest themselves in
the depression that you're suggesting. We've been talking about the science and symptoms of
depression and just the fact that it's so widespread.

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